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The British Invasion of 1964 – How the London Bankers Ended American Sovereignty

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by serbsta

As I have said Serbsta the New York Times Archives they are free. Start with 1914 and take your time. They are photostats of the original newspaper and type face, in PDF format, not good for linking or copying snippettes but great for history buffs who enjoy reading.

By the way in those days, Editorials were strictly limited to the Editorials section. Reporters didn't attempt to editorialize and draw conclusions from their readers, they just reported events as they occured with a strict eye to the who, what, when, how and where of classic journalism.

The articles are well worth reading just to learn what news reporting used to be like before that became info-tainment.

By the way the thread is about the 1960's and the British Invasion. The background of America and Brittan's on again off again big brother, little brother relationship is just a paragraph of background.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
If you haven't read contemporary accounts of the war, written by the correspondents who were there at the time, as events happened, why pretend you imagine what's in them?

Newspaper accounts are one thing and are secondary sources, good for getting an idea but one must remember that they can (and likely were) distorted for various reasons, depending on the paper, it's audience etc. propoganda was rife at the time and there were factions within both sides with their own agendas, both during and after the war.

I'd rather read accounts from the people who fought the war, the kind of which that good history books are based upon. These too will include newspaper articles, posters, Government archives etc.

You cannot, unless you are terribly naive, base your opinion solely on accounts written in a newspaper based thousands of miles from what was going on. For a good, rounded view, one must look at all sources.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
By the way in those days, Editorials were strictly limited to the Editorials section. Reporters didn't attempt to editorialize and draw conclusions from their readers, they just reported events as they occured with a strict eye to the who, what, when, how and where of classic journalism.

I think you'll find that back in these days, it was far easier for the media to be used for propoganda purposes than today and they were. To believe that early 20th century journalism was just concerned with facts and nothing else is naive. Ever since the invention of the printing press, it's been used as a method to get ones views heard and to influence the opinions of others.

The way you keep harping on about the New York Times, as if it is some tome of super-accurate facts, is lowering my opinion of this topic considerably.. You are aware of the huge amount of BS pumped out by both sides during this period and most of it was happily carried in the newspapers as fact.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by serbsta

You are referring to WW1 I presume? My understanding is that the war was decidedly over in favor of Germany, and the day was saved for the zionists by the yanks. This is what made Hitler such a focus freak in restoring Germany. Naturally, that his blood enemy was Bolshevism was occluded by the 'holocaust™'. I recall seeing a post in this thread stating otherwise, that the Brits didn't need the US as they were handling it fine by themselves. It's funny, a little more time will elapse and I may see that fork in the road where the whole hippy trip never happened. Only a matter of time....

Say can I have some of your purple berries...I've been eating them...6, 7 weeks now, haven't got sick once, probably keep us both dee deee.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


As you and I and we all well know, Tavistock is only as guilty, and capable as its founders, its fathers. We need not look too hard to find that the "institute" was founded as a non profit organization, funded by none other than the Rockefellers whose interest was in "seeing if the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed during World War II could be relevant for the civilian society."

It would own the journal Human Relations. "Canadian-born psychologist and social analyst Elliott Jacques.... was the man who first identified the midlife crisis... Jaques was... a founder member of the Tavistock Institute."

That opens the door wide open, as we all know about the Rockefellers.

Of course, a group so learned and powerful as them would know that one very effective way to deep influence into the hearts and minds of men and women is through music. As much as I enjoy rock and roll, I have no naivete as to its power.

Music: The common area of performance is found in a "social phenomenon called litany," a form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations or

No mistake, no coincidence. Music is more powerful than any other art, wielding influence not known by a dozen Hollywood movies. Yet, it can be used as a tool of subversion to lost souls, blank minds, and open hearts.

Music, much like meditation, chanting and yes, even perverted prayer is often a tool used to brainwash open individuals. Hence its widely spread use by those who desire to manipulate and control others.

We need only to look to the big players on the world scene, the Catholic Church controlled by the Vatican.
From there, we can look to the Rockefeller, Vatican, CIA connection.

edit on 28-9-2010 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by starless and bible black

US troops did not start arriving until the end of 1917 and didn't see any combat until 1918 and din't win their first Battle until May of that year! In fact, the US Army had barely any combat ready troops until this time. The first American offensive didn't occur until Sept 1918!

The arrival os US troops was a morale boost, certainly, but by no means a game changer, the German Army had already at that point gone on the strategic defensive due to the huge losses they had suffered and retreated the the Hindenburg line..

Of course, being such a studious master of Histroy, you'd know this, wouldn't you?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by stumason

Actually the thread really starts in 1964 except for a paragraph of background regarding the on again off again relationship between America and England.

Tell you what when I do the World at War Series I will be sure to invite you and maybe you will tell us in a thread dedicated to World War I, your take on the Counter Culture Revolution and British Invasion of the 1960's?

Different members use different sources for their history and news, and conspiracy theorists are never going to agree with the text book loving skeptic crowd, so lets focus on the topic of this thread, which is not World War I.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by burntheships

When you couple Tavistock with the Council For Foreign Relations also founded and funded by Rockefeller, what you have is one influencing policy with the objective of a one world government in the form of the Council for Foreign relations and then the other, devising ways to further manipulate the people through social engineering to embrace those concepts in the form of the Tavistock Institute, with the Club of Rome coordinating it all, and you have a pretty formidible force to reckon with.

Meanwhile everything they do is aimed at dumming us down or setting us at odds with the people who accept everything the history books and news broadcasts tell them hook line and sinker.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Actually, you started the whole thing coming off the back of WW1 and your assumptions and claims for that period are erroneous. It's fine if you wish to gloss over that now, but how can anyone take anything seriously if you just dodge things you called out on?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by stumason

I don't recall where I read my account about Germany and their being shafted in WW1 (and 2). It had something to do with offending the worst offender in the world's imperialistic sensibilities~that of Britain~ when the Germans decided to build an oil pipeline, and England would have none of that. But it was not a history book nor a paper of that time. It is just as easy, and just as necessary, to lie through all printed means today as it ever was. I know I read of what I said, and it resonated as being more truthful than any tripe in a school room or book, known gathering places of vermin and their printed excrement. Even the cause of the 1st war is garbage, that of archduke Ferdinand being assassinated. It was oil.

Now why would I study history when I cannot find a single truth there which is not hounded by a thousand lies? You really believe in things like Pearl Harbor going down as it was written?

I use my mind. No power, no responsibility. In fact, I'm a POS you can look down on all you want. Anytime you have to use an entire world to shut down one small country, they must have been doing something right.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:45 AM
thought i'd throw in a few more tidbits about the phenomena--all of them being discussed somewhere on ATS. This is from memory, and, reading a ton of sources, plus some of my own insights, so please correct me of any errors.

The Aleister Crowley Connection.

"If it feels good do it" was a big motto in the hippie movement, which can be likened to "do as thy wilt, shall be the whole of the law"

Timothy Leary is purported to have been a huge Crowley Fan.

The Beatles revolutionary Album, "St Peppers has Crowley as one of the onlookers on the cover. Also, the lyrics start with, "it was 20 years ago today, St Pepper taught the band to play.", which some say is an allusion to Crowley.

The Rolling Stones did not write their first two albums. Were the Beatle's created as white magicians, while the Stones were the black, creating a hegelian dialect? Consider, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" compared to "I Can't Get no Satisfaction" America accepted the Beatles as nice and wholesome; and , the Stones rolled right in after them. After the Beatles became popular, they became hippies and started promoting other ideals.

Jimmy Page bought Crowley's old mansion on Lock Ness.

The Military Industrial Complex

Jim Morrison's dad was the admiral responsible for the Tonkin Bay incident, while Jim was helping lead the anti-war movement.

Laurel Hills California was never known as a place for musical production,like Nashville was, but out of nowhere produced Frank Zappa, the Doors, The Mama's and the Pappa's, and others.

Mamma Cass had met Jim Morrison at Annapolis as a youngster, and, her parents were also connected to the Military Industrial Complex.

The Beatles

Were the early Beatles songs written for them? They were rife with classical melodies along with a rock beat which could be transposed to orchestra. The older generations were listening to them on the ez stations. So, your parents would be telling you how crappy the Beatles were, while they too were listening to them, yet did not know it. MacCartney later tried orchestra, but never realized much acclaim in this undertaking, yet his earlier songs fit the bill.

Faux Paul?

"Band on the Run" was probably the closest thing the new Paul did in a similar fashion to their old stuff. But, look at the direction "Live and Let Die" took on. We moved from "All You need is Love" to "Live and Let Die" What a contradiction. On one hand later MacCartney was always looking for a hit, "Silly Love Songs",whereas; later, Lennon seemed out to make a sincere point with his lyrics.

"Mind Games", "Give Peace a Chance", "Working Class Hero", "Watchin the Wheels Turn Around==I just had to let it go"

Ironically, one of Lennon's lyrics is, "Hatred and jealousy, are gonna be the death of me, i guess i knew it right from the start." Chilling prophesy.

Big Pharma

You must also consider the introduction of the pill to consider these times in context. Free Love was the motto. Now, women had control over pregnancy for the first time in our evolution giving woman's liberation a whole new outlook and freedom unknown to previous generations. Also, superdrugs were coming to the market; and, the populace had great faith in them. hmm. one to go to sleep, one to keep you awake, another to make you happy, etc.

The overall effect of the hippie movement was a new voluntary military, an ecology movement which de-industrialized America, the introduction of draconian drug laws, and the breakdown of marriage as an institution.

So, maybe it all played into the agenda after all through hegelian means.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:14 AM
Bah... The British have ever been so proud after thier padding was changed... to them, if it wasn't because of them, they would not have created the World you live in. I suppose that rings true of inventions like the Automobile, the Airplane, and Nuclear Weapons...

The world became a better place because of these British inventions. To hell with the Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, and Harrold Ford!

WHAT?! The New York Times Reported that Americans Invented those things? Preposterous! Claims the British... We all know that the New York Times is owned by the Zionists - it's all propaganda!

I truly wish, that America hadn't openly involved itself with WW2, and left the English to understand that it was American Dollars that were kicking its butt back to the stone age via the WarBerg Brother's connection... and in the end, it would be American Dollars that would pull Britain's charred behind out of the fire and dusted Her Majesty's Royal tarten off.

We're not going to go into details about those American Corporations like General Electric and Bayer Pharmasuedicals who initially were collaborators in support of the Axis agenda, now will we? We're not even going to go there about Howard Hughes Industries, and the V rocket technologies that delivered the explosive punch London had never seen before lol... Who said Operation Paperclip began AFTER the war? All that was was an Extraction Operation of American Assets put in place long before America openly declared itself Allied - Of course, the fact that our Asian partner wasn't too happy about our support of Europe and not of them too played a pivotal role in American involvement...

America didn't approve of Ethnic Cleansing, and the role America's Asian counterpart played in setting up brothels containing kidnapped and enslaved women along the entire Asian front, known as the Giesha Girls...

So things drastically changed that fateful morning in December of 1944. Our support of the European Axis Machine never stopped however, and ultimately the promise to create the Zionist Homeland, originally a German Plan, was fulfilled, once again, on behalf of Britain... who made the promise in the first place.

All thanks to the American Dollar, wittingly or unwittingly, that was stolen or supplied, via the WarBerg Connection.

I appologize if this take your thread back to account for this era Proto, I just get irritated at times when the British forget who it was that was a key to alot of what went down, whether good or bad, to the resolution of that war. Perhaps the British were well aware of these things, and that is the reasons for the British Invasion of 1964 - to put America back into perspective of who it is She is subject to.

On track with your OP... One aspect about that era that never fails to chap my hide is France, and thier miserably failed attempt to maintain thier Imperial Grip over Vietnam... They come to America BEGGING for support, and America supplies it. Once American assets arrive and get set in place, what happens? The French pull out of Vietnam, and then recall 161 Million Dollars in Loans against America.


I will never understand what transpired there... Probably because if I did I'd get angrier...

Anyway, Get over it Britain... and America might do the same. lol.

oh - I read that interview of Lennon by Playboy, Thank you so much for posting it. One of Lennon's initial statements in the piece reveals alot pertaining to why He was killed:

"You get the big prize when you get cancer and you have been drawing circles and triangles for ten years. I had become a craftsman and I could have continued being a craftsman. I respect craftsmen, but I am not interested in becoming one."

Guess he shoulda just played ball... probably would still be alive today if he did...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

Guess he shoulda just played ball... probably would still be alive today if he did...

Actually truth be known there is 'alive' and then there is on 'programmed auto pilot'. I see this all the time, people who can't actually think for themselves, can't see any picture unless you draw it all out for them, forget about the big picture, they are too pressed for time for the small ones!

In fact most people lead such dull, staid and uneventful lives, it becomes nearly impossible for them to imagine, let alone to imagine the virtues in living life 'out there' in the avant-garde like a Lennon does.

Sure there are plenty of brave people when you put a gun in their hand and back them up with a uniform and a few helicopter gunships and a platoon of people trained to think just like they do.

Not to many people have the courage to face the unknown crowds and horde front and center like a true artist does.

So it's always unnerving to the powers that be, when anyone rises from humble roots, even with their help, to a position of such celebrity and fame, and still amazingly through it all, retains that bit of honesty and self truth, that they try so hard through things like Tavistock and media manipulation to stamp out of us.

It's a dog eat dog world. Amazingly humans do so with much greater frequency than the dogs.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
As far as JFK goes, the overall agenda and event was quite obvious. There is no conspiracy. Once you look at the facts, its common sense what happened.

Why would you smile and wink at President Johnson when JFK's blood still hasnt dried on his wife's clothes as she weeps.

Jack Ruby's testimony

edit on 28-9-2010 by AzoriaCorp because: add and edit

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You know I was never a Beatles fan at all because they came out 10 years before I was born.

Even after I grew into my teenage years I never got into them even after hearing their songs.

I thought they were cheesy, hokey, and all around nonsense songs, plus they were British.

Between the "British Invasion" and Lennon's assassination at the hands of Mark David Chapman, and the circles I travel in, all I ever heard was that the Beatles were an MK-ULTRA experiment, hearing they were either Russian spies, British spies, or C.I.A. controlled to destabilize Kissinger and Nixon's sidestepping the Military Industrial Complex in China.


I think Mark David Chapman was MK-ULTRA.

I think Yoko Ono was a Russian control agent or more aptly named "handler".

Knowing the MK-ULTRA program like I do and destesting such black projects I see Chapman had all the indicators.

Let us also not forget the usage of politically correct names.

African-American, Native-American, German-American.

With the advent of the politically correct crowd, in the guise of desegregating, less racist sounding words, every other country, through this, is put ahead of America, lending with it a loss of America through a less dominant citizenry through politically correct.

Then again, I've never called an African-American anything other than a black man or human being.

Without any other connotation than his skin pigmentation was different while his blood was red and grey brain matter.

And speaking in the modern day of an end of American sovereignty let us not forget the iPod and iPhone.

The less dominant i a non-capitalized I speaking for yourself may be linked to a psychological operation as well.

The Tavistock Institute like any facility dealing with psychology patients or group behavior learns behavior modification.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a British charity concerned with group behaviour and organisational behaviour.

It was launched in 1946, when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic.

Of course, during WWII, the British as well as the American's learned about behavior modification.

Divide and Conquer : Political Ideology of the Power Elite, Selling The Peace, War Is The Motive

Odd is it not the very things our countries used to stand against our countries are now committing in our name?

Take a look into the thread above and pay careful attention.

You will want to watch the videos from this post specifically as they will help this thread blossom :

Pschodrama, Crowd Psychology, and Manipulation : Are You Being Directed And To What End?

Let us also not forget the movement towards the World Bank through the United Nations and Corporate America.

What better way to undermine a country than through exploiting its own fears by indoctrination.

This is why those Illegal Immigrants are referred to as Illegal Aliens to exploit the xeonophobia of America.

Through that and the fears of WWII, of invasions being imminent on American soil during WWII, and actual events.

The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United States and Great Britain During World War II


It has been a constant psychological operation running since 1945 at the end of WWII.

Corporations like Destron Fearing have been manipulating us through our fears.

Absurdly people fall for this ruse each and every time without thought.

Quote from : Destron Fearing Website

Destron Fearing is a global leader in innovative animal identification.

With presence in over 40 countries worldwide we seek to provide real world ID solutions to match the ever increasing complexity and opportunities related to animal identification.

Since 1945 we have provided innovative products addressing the needs of livestock producers, companion animal owners, horse owners, wildlife managers and government agencies.

Destron Fearing provides a full complement of radio frequency identification products and software solutions to automate the collection of critical livestock production and carcass information.

Individual and herd information can then be easily transferred between all parties involved in the production and retail of meat products.

Information sharing allows the food industry to meet the discriminating demands of the market place.

40 countries seeking "real world solutions sounds ominous to me.

All of your information, ProtoplasmicTraveler, sure ties to 1963 and 1964, but it as well ties to 1945.

Since the end of WWII the Government has been up to no good and practicing their psychological operations.

It is troubling knowing that not only are things done against our enemies but against our very own people.

edit on 9/28/10 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth To The Post.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:46 AM
Thanks for the awesome thread Proto...S&Fs!
In 1967, I was eight living in SoCal were Beach music started and flourished just prior to the invasion you so abley explained. I'm wondering "extra push" Tavistock imployed to take Beach music on?
Was it money to radio stations...payolla?
It quite clear this was needed...
Off to work...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:59 AM
Essentially, the theme of this thread appears to be:

"America is in the s***, let's blame the Alien, let's blame the British and not the people in Washington who we are too disgusted to say are American born and bred who have betrayed us."

1776 was a long time ago, it's time some anglophobes got over it. The British did.

For the record, in 1945, Britain was bankrupt after WW2, and people in the UK suffered shortages because American bankers called in their loans. The US elite profited from WW2, and called in their loans.

It was the complete opposite of what this thread claims.

The UK only finished paying off their debts to the US a few years ago.

Again for the record, a Christmas truce in WW1 only occured once, and never happened again as the allies could not bear to have any Christmas truce with an opponent who had gassed them the following year after that Christmas truce.

As for The Beatles being part of a British invasion to subvert America.


Very dissapointing thread. If all else fails, blame the foreigner, it seems.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:04 AM
America never stopped being under British Rule.............our "break from the English King (Now Bank of England) was all an illusion.......smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.




August 17, 1996

An Expose'

An introduction by the "Informer"

This is the latest from a man who visits me quite often. He and another man researched my theory that we have never been free from the British Crown. This disc shows the results. I have states that we will never win in their courts. This shows conclusively why. We have the hard copy of the treaties that are the footnotes. This predates Schroder's material, my research of the 1861 stats by Lincoln that put us under the War Powers confiscation acts, and John Nelson's material. All our material supports that the real Principal, the King of England, still rules this country through the bankers and why we own no property in allodium. This is why it is so important to start OUR courts of God's natural (common) Law and break away from all the crap they have handed us. This is one reason Virginia had a law to hang all lawyers but was somehow, by someone, (the King) set aside to let them operate again. Some good people put in the original 13th amendment so that without the lawyers the King could not continue his strangle hold on us. James shows how that was quashed by the King. I am happy that James' research of six months bears out my theory, that most people would not listen to me, that we are still citizen/subjects under the kings of England. My article called "Reality" published in the American Bulletin and the article of mine on the "Atocha case," wherein Florida in 1981 used it's sovereignty under the British crown to try to take away the gold from the wreck found in Florida waters supports this premise. James makes mention of the Law dictionaries being England's Law Dict. you will not is lists the reign of all the Kings of England. It never mentions the reign of the Presidents of this country. Ever wonder Why? Get this out to as many people as you can.

The Informer.

The United States is still a British Colony; Part 1

The United States is still a British Colony; Part 2

The United State is still a British Colony; Part 3

3. Forgotten Amendment

4. Civil War and The Conquest that followed

5. A Military Flag

6. Conclusion

7. Footnote 1: First Charter of Virginia

8. Footnote 2: The Paris Peace Treaty (Peace Treaty of 1783)

9. Footnote 3: Articles of Capitulation

10. Footnote 4:

11.Footnote 5: The Jay Treaty

12. Footnote 6: 1814 Treaty of Ghent 1814

13. Footnote 7: Washington's Vision: Anthony Sherman

14. Footnote 8

submitted by: [email protected]


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:14 PM
The JFK assassination is no longer a "conspiracy theory."

It's now a conspiracy fact:

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
The JFK assassination is no longer a "conspiracy theory."

It's now a conspiracy fact:

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

You know hunt's story is a fascinating one, but at what point does a professional liar and an actor become credible?

Is his so called death bed confession really a confession, since the person he names; Lyndon B Johnson is long in the grave himself? Or is it just a way to throw people off the trail, the loyal lap dog to the end.

I am relatively sure that it was a fellow Texan by way of Maine that gave the order, but his name wasn't Johnson.

Interesting article though, including Kevin Costner being a cheapskate!

Thanks for posting.

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