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Muslims to burn US flags in protest of Koran burnings

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posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:33 PM
I am embarrassed to be part of the same species as this Terry Jones idiot and you can hardly blame the muslims for retaliation from such a blatant taunt. When will the human race grow up and realise that religion is the anchor weighing us down.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:39 PM
I don't like the idea of burning books, especially books that people hold sacred. I'm also opposed to anyone forcing someone NOT to burn a book simply because it offends someone. If only a sense of dignity and good taste could prevail here. The media made this monster though. Some oddball preacher with a congregation of fifty suddenly represents all of America now? Wow! All the problems we face in this world and this load of crap makes headlines. I think I'm going to go burn a newspaper or two.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:41 PM

So he wants to burn a Koran. I DONT CARE.

So they want to burn our flag. I DONT CARE.

There are way more important things going on in this world right now that need the focus besides this stupid crap.

If all of these religious nuts want to have a war, let em have it with each other, but keep our countries out of it.

So god/allah damned stupid.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Let them burn American flags, they are free to do so.

People can burn all the Korans, Bibles and Flags they want for all I care. Its just paper and cloth. People should just get on with their lives.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

pretty much.



And one more for good luck.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Whatever. Some redneck wants burn some pieces of paper I happen to like so I'll burn some pieces of made in china fabric he likes.


Why is this news at all? Kids in arguments do this sort of crap all the time. Ever have a sibling smash your favorite toy? The world didn't end then and it isn't going to end now.

Just print another book and buy another flag from china.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Ironic isn't it. Either we believe in Free Speech or we do not. People are in control of their reactions. Justifying a poor reaction because another persons poor reaction, only deepens the poor respect people have for each other. Like you said, then we can all go back to our jobs and make the products we wish to place our faith in. A symbol of faith is no faith at all. Be it a religious text or a national flag. To live in freedom is akin to what both Jesus and Alah have said about having no attachments to any material item. If we all lived this way we would see these objects as what they are a product made by someone for some purpose.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:20 PM
This thing has COINTELPRO written all the way across it.
Can anyone say JIM JONES and koolaid?
Sure it will make muslims revolt but maybe that's the objective despite what Patreaus says. What he says may be for show.

When they revolt and begin striking out what will this do?
Drawem offsides and out of the shadows.
It will show who the real radicals and potential terrorist radicals are and we will have a FOR SURE green target to engage.

With a name like Dove Outreach Center it is plainly obvious. The reverends name is even Terry Jones
I guess the intel agencies have some sort of dark humor about it all. Maybe they should have called it the Dove Outreach Denomination (DoD) to be extra humorous

This is not a theory or assertion. Just takes a little training and an eye for patterns/history...
Call it an educated guess. Its what your Health Care Provider does when you see him or her.
The only difference is I didn't send you or your Insurance a $500 dollar bill for spending 30 mins with ya.
Nor did I put you through a series of tests pricks and proddings or hook you up with pills to screw you up even more.

edit on 9-9-2010 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

I agree. Send a dog into the woods and flush out the ducks.

Of course the govt. HAS to come out against it.

The issue probably NEEDS to be forced. Everyone's hating on this preacher and that's ok - but he might just be one brave man.

The Cartoon Network made me mad, mad, mad.
SO it is a religion of peace as long as you don't do anything they don't like?

High time to put up or shut up.
Burning a flag is OK - but you better not TOUCH one hair on an American's head - even this preacher.

This whole thing is VERY telling to me - most Americans are so hang wringing that they'd gladly give up their freedom - especially the freedom of a fellow citizen- in the vague name of making peace with people that would DARE call freedom of religion, freedom of expression - even our elected form of government - IDOLS.

Let that book burn man. Let it burn. The longer this goes on, the more threats that come in...oh, the more I BURN.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Ok, first let me say that I think what the guy is doing is wrong. If he wants to rid the world of a book he feels is evil, he should do it quietly and behind closed doors. It is obvious that his intentions in this are not the same as those of Christ. When Paul ministered to the Greeks and to the pagans, he did not topple down their idols but instead pleaded with them using logic and compassion. He related to the people, he didn't go out of his way to offend them. Those people whom Jesus and Paul would speak against and rebuke were the hypocrites and "religious" leaders of the day.

That being said, I think the world's actions in response to this burning of the Quran and the reaction so far is already very enlightening.

Christian are killed around the globe every day by Muslim extremists, yet you dont see an outcry to stop it from the world as a whole. Churches are burned and blown up simply because they exist, yet the world does nothing to stop it.

The media has made Islam a peaceful religion, as they claim to be, yet when they are offended the immediate reaction by them is burning of the flag and murder threats. The world fears terrorist activity as a result of this insult, yet they fear no retaliation from Christians and other faiths as they have people killed by militant Islam every day. Hypocrisy at all?

Bibles are gathered up and burned all the time. Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, is made a mockery in television show after television show around the world, yet there is never an outcry for it to end from the Whitehouse.

The hypocrisy of this world and country is sickening. It's time people recognized that not only religious people can be hypocrites. I don't think this pastor is doing the right thing, but it is his right. The actions of those who are offended is still the responsibility of those people. This man cannot be held responsible for their actions. We each choose how to respond, and if terror results from his actions, those creating the terror are responsible.

I personally think the world will see violence like it hasnt seen in a long time, and many innocent people will suffer. What will the outcry be as a result? Will the people unite against a terrorist enemy, or will they point the fingers at the Christians who insulted people and say that it's all our fault and make us suffer as a result of the actions of a violent and murderous religion? Will we make concessions to the terrorists to appease them because they have been offended? I suppose only time will tell.

(Yes, I know not all Muslims are violent people. If you care to know my opinion on the faith as a whole, check out other posts by be. simply put, I believe that you cannot judge Muslims by what you know of Islam and you cannot judge Islam by the Muslims you know. There are good people out there who practice the Islamic faith, but those are not the people we are concerned about here.)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:41 PM
It's what they want, they gamed humanity, insanity has prevailed.
It's what they want, it was the plan because people give in to show that humanity is not worth it.
People give in so easy, this planet is like a prison. The muslims may be fanatical but they are right.
They go in the middle east and impose the will on people, tell them how to live.
The snake is the white man, the red. There is a snake in all of us. I hope the end comes soon to clear out this insanity. It's not our fault that we are gamed. I blame it on them
put the blame on them. I blame them.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by WeShallBeFree
I am embarrassed to be part of the same species as this Terry Jones idiot and you can hardly blame the muslims for retaliation from such a blatant taunt. When will the human race grow up and realise that religion is the anchor weighing us down.

Im ashame that some human think like him
but humans do have good "potentiel"

we just need to wipe out GREED from earth

i like the Coexist avatar

really clever

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Common Good

So he wants to burn a Koran. I DONT CARE.

So they want to burn our flag. I DONT CARE.

There are way more important things going on in this world right now that need the focus besides this stupid crap.

If all of these religious nuts want to have a war, let em have it with each other, but keep our countries out of it.

So god/allah damned stupid.

THIS CRAP will make things worst in the world .. dont you care about that ???

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:21 PM
To me this whole ridiculous scenario has psyop written all over it.

They want to attack Muslim countries. Lebanon, Syria, Iran to name but a few to assuage their greedy, drooling lust for power and for blood. They are chumping at the bit to do this.

The people aren't playing ball, they're not riled enough, they don't support these wars and anti-Israeli feeling is growing, perhaps even in the military too.

They need something to get the people 1) scared and outraged and angry, enough to, 2) support these wars.

In order for this to happen they need to invent a 'terrorist' attack (ie. another act of civil war by the Government against its people), and be able to blame it on Muslim extremists. It's the same strategy as 9/11.

In order to try to make their own terrorist attack on the US people credible, they need to engineer a 'flashpoint'. Extremist Muslims are known to react very strongly to things like a Koran burning.

So they have created this ridiculous scenario.

This same pastor was allegedly arrested in August for child pornography. Yet the MSM are giving this story lots of coverage. Why? The Cabal own the MSM. If this story is being given airtime, it's because they WANT this story to go out via their propaganda machine, the MSM. Therefore it serves an agenda which they have.

They've even enlisted Petraeus into their Hollywood type charade. And that's been given a fair bit of coverage in the MSM too, for similar reasons.

The evil insane have enlisted the evil services of the evil insane paster to stir up hatred, as a means of preparing the ground for the Government's next planned terrorist attack on its own people.

I pray that the Muslim people, even the extremists, will see this as the pathetic ploy that it is to try generate more hatred towards them, and blame them again for mass murders they did not comimit. I pray that they will have the wisdom to see this ridiculous travesty for what it is, and I pray they will be too wise to fall into this very obvious trap.

Books and flags don't matter. People matter, and peace matters. We must not let these psychopaths turn us into the bigots they want us to be.


posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

THIS CRAP will make things worst in the world .. dont you care about that ???

OIC because cowering in fear of ever present homicidal Muslim retaliation over simple acts made by individuals is better.

If these were Bibles no one would care, it's because it's the Koran and they arent burning bibles they are burning American flags just like they do everyday on TV.

Wheres there outrage when there fellow brothers murder them with explosives. America isnt the great Satan it's just proof that there life of submission to people who don't really care about there beliefs is. Let's see the Ayatollah burn and American flag, then even Obama will have to land a MOAB in IRAN.

edit on 9-9-2010 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2010 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:37 PM
Now why don't the Muslims and the Christians get together and burn copies of the 9/11 Commission's report...Or... UN flags? (no I'm not knocking the unity of nations but the heartless organization called The U.N.) ... Makes more sense to me... But there are always fundamentalists from which ever side you choose that believe that their word is right and all others are "heathens, heretics, blasphemers"... etc, etc, etc. I suppose there never will be a solution to religious furor or bigotry... But that's my opinion...

S&F for the find OP!

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by Common Good

So he wants to burn a Koran. I DONT CARE.

So they want to burn our flag. I DONT CARE.

There are way more important things going on in this world right now that need the focus besides this stupid crap.

If all of these religious nuts want to have a war, let em have it with each other, but keep our countries out of it.

So god/allah damned stupid.

THIS CRAP will make things worst in the world .. dont you care about that ???


I think its the people who subscibe to the Us Vs Them mentality are the ones who make things worse in the world.

You cant be a hypocrite by saying that its ok for some to burn a flag, but its not ok for others to burn a koran.
It makes NO SENSE.

You want to know what makes things bad in this world? Its not the people who can care less about these idiots, its the people who preach on these idiots(on both sides).

I dont care if he wants to burn a koran because thats his right to do so.
I dont care if they burn a US flag because thats their right to do so.
I dont care if people want to get behind these morons, because thats their right.

I do care though that they are trying to drag the rest of the world into their religous BS.

Like I stated earlier, there are bigger and badder issues that actually have a REAL IMPACT on our countries than this stupid BS.

I will repeat this again. BOTH SIDES are morons.

This is like watching the 2008 presidential debate. Both sides are just talking out of their asses trying to make people believe that each one of them are right and the other is wrong, and that if you choose the other, then the rest of humanity is doomed.

Nothing but fear mongering BS.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Muslims to burn US flags in protest of Koran burnings

Radical Muslim groups around the world plan to burn American flags in protest of Florida Pastor Terry Jones intention to burn copies of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks on New York's World Trade Center towers, Sky News reported on Thursday.

Anjem Choudary has called for the burning of the US flag outside American embassies around the world in response to what Pastor Jones is planning in Florida. Choudary claimed to have support from leaders of Islamist group
(visit the link for the full news article)

That is actually quite funny. Besides beheading people they have been burning the American flag for years.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
This thing has COINTELPRO written all the way across it.
Can anyone say JIM JONES and koolaid?
Sure it will make muslims revolt but maybe that's the objective despite what Patreaus says. What he says may be for show.

When they revolt and begin striking out what will this do?
Drawem offsides and out of the shadows.
It will show who the real radicals and potential terrorist radicals are and we will have a FOR SURE green target to engage.

With a name like Dove Outreach Center it is plainly obvious. The reverends name is even Terry Jones
I guess the intel agencies have some sort of dark humor about it all. Maybe they should have called it the Dove Outreach Denomination (DoD) to be extra humorous
I was going to post the same thing but you beat me to it - why is this getting so much media coverage unless it was done by design. I don't think this idiot jones has enough grey matter to have come up with this all on his own and if the establishment wanted to stop it they could have arrested the fool for inciting a riot - isn't that a crime in the states??

edit on 9-9-2010 by jerryk42 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2010 by jerryk42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:10 PM
Well no worries. He called it off. Cancel the Jihad.

posted on Sep, 9 2010 @ 04:15 PM
I don't agree with burning the koran, but I don't agree with burning the flag either. The thing that crosses my mind is..."Big deal half of the world burns the American flag daily already". Do they think we will care? I think by this point we have all been desensitized to seeing the good ol red white and blue go up in flames. You would almost think it's some form of a third world fuel source. Don't buy oil or coal just buy American flag's they burn cleaner!!... I have come to the conclusion there is no even ground here. Anyone can bash America and American's with almost no consequence. But the southpark episode for example was just harmless fun... Look what happned there. I think we should just start taking offence to everything the world does to us, just like everyone takes offence to anything America does.

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