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Australia Prepares For War With China !

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posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:09 AM
lol.. *facepalm*

why would China bother invading us?

..are they having a sand shortage in China?
..maybe they've developed a taste for feral camel?
..maybe they're angry coz Special Kev got sacked.. he does speak Chinese after all ( I liked special K
What they don't already own here we sell them dirt cheap anyways. It would cost them more to invade than it costs them to purchase as is.

MSM Retards.

China would starve just trying to boots on the ground invade us outright


Slow news week...

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:58 AM
Slow news day alright.

It's a shame 60 minuets has sunk to todaytonight/ACA standards, but it's what happens when everyone is sick too death of hearing about the hung parliament.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 10:59 AM
I think some of you are missing the point of RIMPAC. Its is indeed a military excercise. It is not however one based on an invasion Australia. It is primarily used to allow allied nations to quickly join a large naval coalition. Thats why you see not only Asian but, European and South American nations involved as well. You do not see China involved often as defending Taiwan from Chinese invasion has always been a scenrio envisioned along with a North Korean attacks on the South or Japan. So techincally I suppose the claim could be made that Asutralia is planning for war with China. However unlikely that might be.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:15 PM
China uses proxy nations for a military war and they won't even try touching Australia with all its allies standing behind it. The best way to earn from a war is to use an economic war like what the other posters has said before. Blood is an expense but reselling goods is an investment.

Personally, this stunt (a big one at that) that China's pulling is even more threatening than a military action. Why? Well... It's a lot like that frog and the simmering to boiling water experiment. We don't know what hit us even though they're already hitting us.

It's only business and nothing personal - like war minus the excessively bad press.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Uhhhhhhh.... What a completely moronic crap
China has big deal with Natural Disasters & to fight versus whoever, they cannot... ya-da-da SuperPower

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
Australia going to war?

That's almost as comedic as Canada going to war. I doubt this is true or anything will result in a war.

Funny thing is that canada has gone to war many times.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Will China even be able to locate them now that Australia is out of place on the map as many posters believe?

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by kiwitina948

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by kiwitina948

You are an idiot who obviously hasn't read the OP's post..

They called hoax in the opening post...

ATS rules state we "must" use the original headline when linking to a news article...

An apology to the OP would be good...

Reply: I apologise for not realising that false headlines have to be quoted as title threads. And no, I'm not a nut-job. I read the title and thought what BS sensationalism.

Thank you both .
Mandatory second line .

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by 13th Zodiac

Well it WOULD fix the economy .. just imagine all those unemployed people being drafted, and then we'd need our own factories to make supplies to the troops.. hmm .. not a bad idea, they came to the same conclusion after 1930's ya know..

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by LeBombDiggity
I think one of Her Majesty's submarines ... Vengeance, Victorious, Vigilant or Vanguard ... might give the Chinese government some food for thought. Each has sufficient firepower via their Trident nuclear missiles to destroy most major Chinese cities.

See ? Having a Queen as Head of State has its advantages !

China has been a nuclear state for almost 5 decades - their navy - including subs - would obliterate the UK's subs.

The Chinese also possess the only known effective long range missile capable of taking out Aircraft carriers.

Please stop inferring that China is some backwater who only emerged ten years ago - they were in the space race with the Russians and Americans - this stereotype of China as backward is so utterly ridiculous.

The Chinese can and do pose a significant challenge to US global naval hegemony right now.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by CynicalM

It would depend on how they attacked.

China may have the numbers but their navy isn't much chop.

A mass troop invasion may work but they would have to take out Australia's (read USA's) Echelon bases, these bases watch over the entire Asia pacific region and any large troop or naval movements would be closely watched.

Perhaps it would be better to do some research rather than positing ridiculous assumptions. China's navy is exceedingly powerful. Their technology far exceeds your position.

Secondly their anti aircraft carrier technology is on par - maybe ahead of the Russians who are the acknowledged world leader in missile tech.

Please try and post with a better understanding of the actuality of the situation rather than stereotypes and presumptions especially if you are going to be so adamant.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
Australia going to war?

That's almost as comedic as Canada going to war. I doubt this is true or anything will result in a war.

Oh how ignorant the stupid young are today.

What a pathetic post.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

Actually another poster mentioned troops in container ships...

As silly as that sounds it is quite feasable when you consider the number of Chinese ships that enter Australian ports on a daily basis...

These ships are not usually checked before docking...
A well planned scenario could see 10's of thousands of troops and light vehicles in our cities before we knew what was happening..

BTW, I still think it's easier to BUY our country than invade it.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Well if china attaced Australia, the whole world would jump in to fight beside them, really Australia coined the phrase "Shrimps on the Barbie!"

What could be better than that? Plus they do have some of the best looking people...

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Aristophrenia

Originally posted by LeBombDiggity
I think one of Her Majesty's submarines ... Vengeance, Victorious, Vigilant or Vanguard ... might give the Chinese government some food for thought. Each has sufficient firepower via their Trident nuclear missiles to destroy most major Chinese cities.

See ? Having a Queen as Head of State has its advantages !

China has been a nuclear state for almost 5 decades - their navy - including subs - would obliterate the UK's subs.

The Chinese also possess the only known effective long range missile capable of taking out Aircraft carriers.

Please stop inferring that China is some backwater who only emerged ten years ago - they were in the space race with the Russians and Americans - this stereotype of China as backward is so utterly ridiculous.

The Chinese can and do pose a significant challenge to US global naval hegemony right now.

I think you may be confused. Outside of 7 SSN the PLAN is for all intents and purposes a costal defence force. Its nuclear sub development has been much slower for two reasons. One mondern China has no experience at being a naval power and two the cultural revolution put them so far behind the curve that when the other powers were putting out nuclear powered subs in the 50s they were unable to so until the 80's. At this point not only is Chinas navy unable to project power beyond its own coast they do not seem to have the interest in spending the money to delevop a blue water navy. It would be impossible to challenge the US at this point (the USN had the same tonnage as the next 13 largest navies combined) so the PLANs goal is defending the coast being able to project power in its territorial waters. Even its SSBN capability is limited to the region. Not that China has any interest in a war at sea that would nothing but stangle its economy.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by MrSpad]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by antar

Well if china attaced Australia, the whole world would jump in to fight beside them, really Australia coined the phrase "Shrimps on the Barbie!"

Actually the one time Australia asked for help to protect our mainland we were told there wasn't any troops to spare...

But you are probably right...

BTW, most here call them Prawns, Shrimps are the little suckers

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Actually - The Asian basin is the most important shipping region on earth - hard to understand that yes America is big, yes Europe is big but Asia smashes them both - combined as far as global trade is concerned. Scary - but true. China is patrolling and challenging dominance in this area and certainly is engaging in blue water operations - again - please read..

Secondly China - as did Russia - have not opted for the enourmous expense of Carriers - instead like the Russians - have developed anti-carrier missiles. In short - challenging carriers supremecacy and rendering them obsolete - with a tiny fraction of the cost through penetrating missiles such as the Russians Sun Burner during the cold war and Chinas new tech.

Also they have a VERY SIMILAR sized Navy.

Here is some more info - including their Nuclear Powered Subs :-

General info :

Finally China will be deploying their carriers as of next year - while the US does not have the same missile capacity as China in anti-carrier offensive strikes as the US has projected force rather than combated it.

So again - please stop assuming China has no real Navy and can not project force - they absolutely can.

I would be very surprised if they have not already armed Iran with anti-carrier tech. There is a strong suspicion that Iran also has acquired sun buner tech for their high mobility, high speed attack boats.

To sum up - CHINA is defending and patrolling THEIR SHIPPING routes right through to the middle east - and IS NOT ONLY A COASTAL DEFENCE FORCE - so it is you who is not confused - but as I have repeatedly pointed out - Just posting based on assumptions and stereotypes rather than any real understanding of the truth or basic research of the most simple GOOGLE kind.

Have a nice day.

[edit on 5-9-2010 by Aristophrenia]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:09 PM
Forget about China waging war on us Aussies (pronounced Ozzies) for a little while at least.

Sure we have vast mineral wealth, oil for many hundreds of years, massive Uranium deposits, etc, but as yet the world is not in dire enough straights to worry about us being attacked for these things by China.

It's been known here by Analysts since the early 1960's that our nearest northern neighbour has eyes on our lands, and with their massive population and super-strong military they do have the capability of attacking us and outlasting us... especially true since we trained their SAS in our country for most of the past 20+ years.

My dad, an ex-RAAF lifer, disagrees with this scenario based on an idea that our Northern neighbour does not have the capability to last crossing the arid Centre of the country. But he was not aware of their military purchases of late and the sheer numbers involved that outweigh our ability to protect our shores for more than a few weeks at best without assistance.

When I joined the RAAF as a 17 year old we were informed that we had enough weapons and ammunition to fight for three days!! Sure that was the mid 70's but we have not spent so much on our military since then as our northern neighbour has... they have the latest Sukoi's (spelling?) compared to our rather pathetic 2nd hand FA18 Super Hornets and low numbers of F16's.. along with our almost useless of Collins Class Subs that are nothing but troubles upon troubles so far.. basically, we do not have the capability of defending ourselves against an off-shore agressor.

We are Toast in the future unless the volcanoes all erupt and take the neighbour out ahead of time!!

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:17 PM
I have no doubt that at some point well and truely in to the future we will go to war with Asia - China or Indonesia or both is anyone's guess but we won't see it in our generation however I can't see how an invasion in to Australia would be successful if one of these two nations even tried.

I don't think the 60 Minutes story is far fetched but rather way ahead of their time.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:25 PM
I don't understand this fear of chinas military.

yes they have a big army.

yes their equipment is decent.

but they cant invade any country that doesn't have a direct land route to china. so australia is safe. what are the chinese going to do. try and land cargo planes on major airport runways and unload troops? uh. thats not going to happen cause troop transports are sitting ducks both on the ground and in the air for a many types of aaa weapons. Sail into port. geeze even our older 688 class ssn subs would have NO problem sinking just about every one of their transport ships. the aussie army and marines are no joke and can easily fight face to face with the limited number of chinese troops that actually do manage to set foot on aussies soil.

china invading other countries that are not attached to land thats attached to mainland china is nearly impossible. it's not WW2 any more you simply cant land on the shores of a major country that has a modern military. there are weapon systems to stop that sort of stuff. if it were ww2 right now in 2010 the us wouldn't even be able to pull off the normandy landing. all troops would have been drowned at sea before they got anywhere close enough to shore to even try and disembark their transports.

Chinas navy is so so and even though they try to play with the big boys (us) in the taiwan strait. the bottom line is their subs aren't good enough yet. we will be like ninjas taking out their navy left and right.

chinas only hope to wage war against australia or any other major nation for that matter lies in their airforce. which is so so with a few decent aircraft. they are still way behind in their aircraft. they have "stealth" fighters but they aren't really 5th gen like the US. their airforce would get smacked down. they'ed be able to do damage but not enough. the only problem if china attacks another nation would be that retalitory strikes to chinas mainland using the US air powers would be futile too. not because any of their weapon systems would pose a un assailable obsticle to the US but that with a country that huge blowing up a few million people would be like a bloody nose to them. not really but you get my point.

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