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Netanyahu "We will hit with immense force"

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Support Israel by all means.
Let War begin.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by ProdigalSon
Support Israel by all means.
Let War begin.

So I assume you will be going over to Israel to volunteer for a position as an infantryman?

Or are we, the US, once again supposed to put our troops in harms way for the "protection" of Israel?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by minkey53

I'm sorry you missed my point completely. EVERY country has the right to defend itself. That is true.

BUT I am saying that war brings more war. There is NO peace when countries keep attacking each other back and forth and keep justifying their aggression. Innocent people suffer in wars.

And it's not a matter of, as you say, "countries picking on Israel." From where I'm sitting, Israel is going out of its way LOOKING FOR A GOOD FIGHT.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Regensturm

Everything you said is 100% true.. I have escape plans in place.. i know where I am going with my family. They will be safe. ...

It is true ..something about war gets me excited..

The Israeli war will have a sort of gambling significance for me..
Everyone thinks that Israel can be taken out by it's neighbors.. I think (If they unleash hell and dont let politics get in the way) they will have the enemy at the point of surrender within a matter of days.

I know its a twisted take on things.. But it is true.. War excites me.

I see all of the neighboring countries attacking Israel.. Like it or not, the US will get involved..

Now I hope that china and Russia get pissed and get involved.. Again.. simply because it excites me..

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by disfugured

Trolling? Now anyone that doesn't share your point of view is a troll? That is such an ignorant statement. I admit I am excited about this ww3 stuff.. I dont know why, I know its a crappy thing.. But it has my interest peeked to extreme levels.

I could take the tree hugger roll, saying.. "cant we all just get along!! peace not war!!! hug and kiss and lets sit down and talk this out...

That is not how the world works these days. And I would be lying... it excites me..

Last but not least.. Dont be a cookie cutter wanna be.. I am not a troll.. I just have a different view than you.. Learn the difference..

My posts are not to excite people and create arguments..So learn the deffinition of a troll Corky!!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Mobius1974

Your entitled to your opinion. I just think if things escalate to a point of WW3, you won't have time enough to enjoy it. We'll all be vaporized in the blink of an eye. Someone will get jumpy and launch one off the rails so to speak.

I don't like the fact that Israel has 2 (or was it 3) nuclear class subs sitting off the coast of Iran. There isn't much to stop them from getting frisky and turning Iran into a glass parking lot. Of course that would then unleash hell upon them. China and Russia are Iran's allies and they would not stand for Israel nuking Iran. US would of course become involved but we are bogged down. Neighboring Arab nations would undoubtedly attack Israel as well as attack our forces in Iraq, which would constitute our use for tactical nuclear weapons. I read somewhere that Diego Garcia received a pretty substantial shipment of tactical nuclear "bunker busters" (TASMS?) recently.

It would be exciting, for a few minutes. Until you stop and realize how many lives are being extinguished in a flash. All for the sake of money and the benefit of a few to line their pockets. After all, thats all war is for.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

Then you do NOT know the history of Israel, the ME or the Jewish people in exile. The only "mountain" people among the Jews are the Kurdish Jews. This "mountain" people rubbish is exactly what the Arabs have been feeding you and you're stupid enough to fall for it!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

For you as an American and I as an Australian, we BOTH have alot invested in the ME because without that "investment", the Western World will come to a grinding halt and you'll need a donkey to go pick up your food supplies - thats if you can afford it because unemployment will rise to approx 90%; no one would be able to get to work!!!!!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by RizeorDie

You made a very interesting point in your post and what a brillant idea....

2 states, one for the Israelites and one for the Jews. I like it! Now all we have to do is encourage the Israelites to return home, preferably at least 7 million of them to equal the number of the Jewish population. When they do arrive, and it will come to pass, there won't be any land left to share with the Palestinians. Bon voyage to Jordan?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Hate to break it to you but people in the US already can't get jobs. Helping Israel by sending them money isn't helping us at all.

And I'm sorry but I also believe this "dependence on oil" is propaganda. There are plenty of viable technologies out there that are being suppressed for the capital gains of oil companies.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by DerekJR321]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

I don't think you are with the program.....the Israelis DID let the Lebs know via UNIFIL prior to the work the IDF needed to do.

You don't understand, if any Israeli Govt official try communicating with PM Hariri Jnr, the Lebanese PM will be assassinated just like his father was. Don't respond by the Israelis perhaps calling it in to President Obama to ring on Israel's behalf. Doubt whether Obama has time to worry about pruning trees and weeding many thousands of miles away from the USA.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

I knew it was just a matter of moments before somebody comes in and posts that crap. Yes there is alternatives to oil but guess what, to design, manufacturer and supply worldwide is approx 25-30 years away.

I don't think you have given much thought to what could happen tomorrow if oil supplies came to a halt. I have, and it aint a pretty sight.

Now in the mean time, prepare to be conscripted in to the military so you can have your golden chance to fight like a real man!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

You're not with the program either.

When the USA and Israel decide to fire on Iran's nuclear installations and military targets, I can guarantee to you 100% that China and Russia will NOT get involved.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
Syria who had a rocket land there says at least some of the rockets were fired by SOMEONE in Egypt, and that they have proof.

Who did start the Israeli Lebanon incident the other day, was that ever figured out?

UNIFIL did establish that the Israel army was and is cutting down trees SOUTH of the Blue line, so the Israelis were in Israeli territory and were shot at by Lebanese snipers. The full report has yet to be completed and I'm sure it will be not made very public because UNIFIL has already established were the Israelis were, so it will prove the Lebanese were guilty of what Israel said.

Two high ranking Israeli officers being shot by snipers should prove that Lebanon fired the first shots anyway. High ranking Israeli officers are not going to be out in the open after shots have been fired already.

Israeli territory extends north of the Blue line anyhow. The Blue line is what the U.N. says is the border but Israel doesn't have to recognize it because it is there territory.

Luckily the Israelis were south of it this time and 100 percent in the right but I'm sure you wont hear about it much.

Here is the source for the UNIFIL statement.

Israel is going attack, the mistake may be that they bomb something and not knowingly cause something bad to happen because of something like weaponised nuclear material being there when it shouldnt have. Not really an Israeli mistake but an Iranian one. Most of the world hates Israel so im sure it will be blamed on them.

Obama will not help Israel, He will leave them hang out to dry and force Israel to use nuclear weapons when Iran, Russia, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza with the African allies Libya, Ethiopia and Sudan try to invade them after the attack on Iran.

Israel will stop them in their tracks in the mountains around Israel and Obama will rush in to make peace so everyone will think he is all that.

Russia will lose 2/3rds of its army, Damascus will be nuked and wiped out. Most of Iran will be on fire.

This is not Armageddon, this is the Gog-Magog war that happens first. Armageddon is when all nations come against the Israel.

Israel will never again be taken by war, only by the last peace deal and that wont last long.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by DerekJR321

You're not with the program either.

When the USA and Israel decide to fire on Iran's nuclear installations and military targets, I can guarantee to you 100% that China and Russia will NOT get involved.

Oh you can guarantee that can you? Are you a psychic?

Both Russia and China have a big interest in Iran. You think they are just going to sit back and let the US and Israel attack a trade partner of theirs? Come on.. your smarter than that.

And in regards to oil alternatives. Do you honestly believe they are 20-30 years away? Are you aware of how many patents oil companies buy up every single year to suppress new technology? There are viable electric cars already. No not this Chevy Volt or Toyota Prius crap. I'm talking about the type of cars companies like Tesla Motors are making. And honestly if we MUST stick with oil, I'd be willing to bet we have enough in our own country to handle it. Its the unwillingness to step away from oil that has us as slaves. Do WE really benefit from fighting wars over oil?

We went to Iraq because they had "nooklear bombs". Oh wait. No they didn't. We went to Iraq because they "hate our freedoms". No.. thats not right. We went to Iraq because of their "WMD's"... no no.. damn... Umm.. Yellow Cake? No... Sadam helped Osama. No wait.. Osama hated Sadam. Hmm.. damn. We'll.. just put on some more American Idol and the American idiots will forget all about it.

We went to Afghanistan to find Bin Laden. But he ain't there. (He's DEAD). But we're supposed to forget about him (according to Bush). We're there to fight the TALIBAN!!! Hey.. did the Taliban fly the planes? No? Damn... ok we're there because they hate our freedoms!!! YEAH THATS IT.

You see where I'm going with this? Now were supposed to beat the drums of war because Iran "might" be making nuclear fuel rods? Right...

"Fool me once, shame on.. shame on you... Fool me twice we'll you can't get fooled again" - Dubya

[edit on 5-8-2010 by DerekJR321]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

Yes Derek because it's already a done deal. By Russia and China staying out of it, they will be handsomely rewarded.

This is NOT going to be the start of WW3 either. That will come later and in afew more years after a new peace agreement between 7 nations of the ME is broken.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by DerekJR321

Yes Derek because it's already a done deal. By Russia and China staying out of it, they will be handsomely rewarded.

This is NOT going to be the start of WW3 either. That will come later and in afew more years after a new peace agreement between 7 nations of the ME is broken.

You have any proof of this "done deal" or did a little birdy whisper it in your ear?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by DerekJR321

No, a big birdy whispered in my ear. I've known for some time of some very friendly and co-operative visits between the main players - Israel, USA, China and Russia.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Mobius1974

Nope, it's not so much your opinion.. but rather your remarks towards humanity. Anybody who enjoys and gets excited to see people getting killed over the most petty of things is disgusting. Also means you support the military complex cashing in on the land and lives of innocent people. If that doesn't define a troll, then what does? In my opinion, that defines the most ugliest of all trolls. Why would anybody want and be all excited for a global war?

[edit on 5-8-2010 by disfugured]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
And this will mark the beginning of a possible WW3 not to far..

i would like to interject my personal opinion based mostly upon synonyms found in a thesaurus.

no offense to you Ben81, no offense intended. There are many fellow ATSers who still forewarn and project when WWIII will start. and i'm a little confused as to how they think it has not already started.

it is called by more than one nation: "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR"

Global = World

so according to my understanding of words, minus the marketing geniuses that decided not to call it WWIII, opting instead to call it: Global War I...

WWIII is underway, and has been for 9 years, at least.

waiting for WWIII to start? you missed the beginning of it, already.

that is my $0.02.

but maybe i'm an outside observer,

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