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Global warming 'undeniable,' report says

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by invetro
Pffft, they're just trying to justify "green taxes" and attempt some damage control here. It's got to be the sun, not us, but I'm not in danger of getting my scientific funding cut off if I disagree with the whole global warming farce.

Pretty serious charges.. care to back them up with some evidence?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:08 PM
Fossil fuels aren't even the leading contributor to the greenhouse effect anyways RICH. Water vapor contributes 3 times as much as fossil fuels. Guess we should drain the oceans to save the planet?

[edit on 29-7-2010 by GeechQuestInfo]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:08 PM
This is obviously damage control. More cooked data to support the politicalization of the weather.

I'll say it again: The politicalization of the weather.

Why would a certain group want to make it seem like something is broken and needs fixing? Because they have the solution! And guess what? You get to pay for it - and they profit.

Can no one see that?

By the way, the weather isn't broken.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:09 PM
I don't care if GW is real or not. There is nothing humans can do about it.
The temperature of the earth does not remain static, it has cycled between cold and warm periods long before man existed. We have no control over it. Humans will adapt as we always have.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by MermaidWatcher
And there are reports that say global warming is a myth and lie, what about it.

Yep and there are reports that a woman gave birth to puppies.. saw it on the internet. It's one thing to make a claim, it's another thing to back it up. Several independent investigations now have totally debunked the "climategate" stories, but the original finger pointers have bothered to mention those.

Don't confuse "reports" and accusations with conclusions based on fact.

So now share those reports with us please.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by metamagic

And by the way, global warming is about global temperatures increasing.. the data is not invalidated because of a argument over the theory of a causative mechanism. Are you suggesting that if temperature drives CO2 then the the temperatures are NOT increasing.. in spite of the data? That is ludicrous.

No, the argument is that, if temperature leads CO2, then it isn't man who's causing the problem, it's natural climate progression.

If that's the case, man can't do anything to stop it, nor should they, correct? The whole problem people have with global warming is that it's man interfering with natural progression, isn't it?

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:13 PM
If the sun isn't the greatest factor in global warming then in theory could we get rid of the sun and heat our planet with all of our carbon emissions?

Obviously not, the sun drives the climate. We all should have learned that in grade school.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead
I don't care if GW is real or not. There is nothing humans can do about it.
The temperature of the earth does not remain static, it has cycled between cold and warm periods long before man existed. We have no control over it. Humans will adapt as we always have.

Missed the point of being concerned, it is not a matter of whether we survive but rather of how we survive. We know from the historical record that climate change in the past as caused the downfall of major civilizations. As one example of the danger that we face is the potential loss of agricultural land due to drought because there are no more glaciers whose melt water has been the source of water in the past for those lands.

So does man survive? Yes. Does this civilization survive? Unless we do something about it, history suggests not.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by GeechQuestInfo
Fossil fuels aren't even the leading contributor to the greenhouse effect anyways RICH. Water vapor contributes 3 times as much as fossil fuels. Guess we should drain the oceans to save the planet?

[edit on 29-7-2010 by GeechQuestInfo]

Yes. Drain the oceans immediately. Wait...where could we drain them to? Maybe a huge vacuum cleaner to suck them in to space would be a better idea.

Since we're getting all fantastical, and stuff.

BTW, I have wondered about all the steam people put in the air. Ever seen a neighborhood running all their furnaces on a winter's night? Burning fossil fuels also emits water as part of the combustion process.

Global Warming means more evaporation from bodies of water.

You might be on to something here, GEECH.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Three Points
1. Shifts in climate do not prove human causation.
2. Data from major scientific institutions like NOAA and UN has proven to be tampered with again and again.
3. Radical changes like carbon 'reparations' to poor nations, increased taxation, more government intervention into our lives, and massive Geo engineering based on theory is foolish.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by EsSeeEye

Originally posted by metamagic

And by the way, global warming is about global temperatures increasing.. the data is not invalidated because of a argument over the theory of a causative mechanism. Are you suggesting that if temperature drives CO2 then the the temperatures are NOT increasing.. in spite of the data? That is ludicrous.

No, the argument is that, if temperature leads CO2, then it isn't man who's causing the problem, it's natural climate progression.

If that's the case, man can't do anything to stop it, nor should they, correct? The whole problem people have with global warming is that it's man interfering with natural progression, isn't it?

Take your head out of the sand. Global warming WHATEVER THE CAUSE has the potential to totally disrupt our civilization.. that was the historical record shows us often happens with climate change. However, we may be contributing to it.. not causing it, but contributing to it and therefore and thing we do to ameliorate the effects will be helpful to our survival.

This idea that if global warming is natural we should do nothing in response to lessen the effect on us is... moronic.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:18 PM
"As one example of the danger that we face is the potential loss of agricultural land due to drought because there are no more glaciers whose melt water has been the source of water in the past for those lands"

If you look at the graph from the article that you sourced you can see the places on the planet that contain the glaciers (north and south poles) are actually colder than normal.

Sorry I couldn't clip and post that picture of the graph, I'm not very mac savvy.

Here's the link again if you would like to see it:

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:18 PM
I wonder if global warming can only be gauged in the summer? It seems there is no talk of global warming during winter months... lol

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:19 PM
Everything is fantastical when you talk about global warming, on both sides.

Bottom line, the climate is fine.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by stephinrazin
Three Points
1. Shifts in climate do not prove human causation.
2. Data from major scientific institutions like NOAA and UN has proven to be tampered with again and again.
3. Radical changes like carbon 'reparations' to poor nations, increased taxation, more government intervention into our lives, and massive Geo engineering based on theory is foolish.

1. It correlates very highly which is highly suggestive of a it being a causative factor. It is not claimed to be the inly factor.
2. Wrong, claims have been made and sensationalized in the media but when investigated found to be baseless.
3, This has nothing to do with the discussion at hand and seems to pure political propagandizing,

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:22 PM
Well, the UK scientists whose evidence provided the backbone for the global warming theory were proven to have doctored their data...
so, I'm not convinced about this. Timing is very convenient. I wonder if this new batch of 300 have also been 'persuaded' to 'prefer' the global warming theory.

There is are so many lies and so much disinfo flying around about every topic under the sun (pardon the pub!), must of which is spewed by the Government, I am not ready to believe this latest round of possible propaganda.

It's not about a conspiracy theory for me, the UK guys were caught red handed, it's about acknowledging the reality of the situation we are in - most of the information from TPTB and MSM are lies and/or distorted, manipulated facts.

So, 300 scientists have now said there is global warming. There must be at least 300 who disagree. That tells me it's a THEORY that there is global warming, it isn't FACT. Their theory might be inaccurage, it might be a deliberate manipulation of data to in favour of the Government's desire for global warming to be real (big bucks in it for them, and yet another excuse to fleece even more from the people).

I'm done with them all and their lies and sick, evil games.

I will continue to simplify my life materially, because I love mother earth and I hate seeing her pillaged - not because I believe a single word which comes out of the mouth of those psychos on the payroll of the NaZionists.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
This is obviously damage control. More cooked data to support the politicalization of the weather.

I'll say it again: The politicalization of the weather.

Why would a certain group want to make it seem like something is broken and needs fixing? Because they have the solution! And guess what? You get to pay for it - and they profit.

Can no one see that?

By the way, the weather isn't broken.

Again, easy to throw out an accusation.. your proof? Otherwise this is just a troll.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by metamagic

Yea, the planet is warming. This is true. But that's because the sun. xpires=1280449810&Signature=hVOOXLjM3tFMwKVYAn5PwxJOMg0%3D

You'll take careful note that there are highly polluted areas cooling and very low polluted areas heating up. And because the Earth was tilting towards the Sun in these months, the heating is mainly northern hemisphere. I don't know what's up with Europe and Russia. I guess God loves them or something.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by metamagic

You may think it's all worth it and that we need to spend in order to save the planet. But unfortunately most so-called green taxes do not help the environment at all. The evidence shows that increasing taxation on petrol and air travel doesn't alter our behaviour - but it does raise more money for a cash-strapped Treasury.

Lindzen also suggests four other scientists "apparently" lost their funding or positions after questioning the scientific underpinnings of global warming.

I understand the last article is from wikipedia, but I do remember the original article mentioned, which is now a dead link.

[edit on 29/7/2010 by invetro]

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:30 PM
How many people have already died from global warming fear mongering? The ethanol subsidies, and investments in other plant derived fuels has driven food prices higher over the last years. We continue to discuss possible catastrophes while we ignore the real one we have caused. It is difficult to calculate the number of people who have died from hunger, or died from disease due to malnutrition because of the global warming theory. I know you will say that the cost of some lives now is small compared to the POSSIBLE cost later. What if it turns out the danger is far less than we all thought? Oops. Ten million Africans starved to death. This fear mongering is based on little data, and mainly on political proclamations. Environmentalism and global warming are two different issues, and to treat them as one is a mistake. I am against pollution, over foresting, over fishing, and a host of other issues. That said I am not going to support using force of government to make changes in every aspect of life based on a flimsy theory even if that means other environmental issues are ignored.

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