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I am one of the "parasites" on unemployment benefit who is draining your income

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posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by contraband
It drives me nuts to see these conservative Tea Party groups talk about the unemployed like they're just lazy bums who don't want to work. Watching to much Glen Beck has them brainwashed. I guarantee they wouldn't opt out of their own medicare, social security, or government benefits.

I know this is off subject, but it angers me that alot of these conservatives have no problem using their government benefits (medicare/Medicaid), but protest loudly when the government wants to expand those benefits to others. Hypocrites.

Last year while I was out I drove past a Tea Party booth and pulled in to check it out. The man running the booth and I had a pleasant conversation for a while, until he found out I received food stamps. Suddenly he was going on about welfare recipients and how he hated them, practically foaming at the mouth. I left. I haven't been supportive of the Tea Party movement since.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

How dare you need food to live. Obviously your food stamps allow you to eat extravagant feasts of fois gras and lobster, washed down with the finest of vintage wines. And no doubt you snicker at the poor fools paying for food.
I'm joking... *but* there are, unfortunately, those who would make the same statement with a straight face.
It's hard not to be angered by them, but I've come to the realization that it's fear. Fear that they may have to see unemployment benefits or food stamps to support themselves and their families. Having to be on the dole for most people is very hard on their pride, even if it's just a (hopefully) temporary situation. People who haven't had to turn to government assistance don't realize that.
I believe what you experienced is no different than when people react to homeless people with 'well, they obviously did something wrong to end up there' or 'they should just get a job'. It's comforting to convince yourself that if you 'play the game' you will be rewarded, and it's frightening to face the fact that you could end up on the street even if you do everything right.
I hope things are fine for you, and for the rest of the people on this thread. At least there is some comfort in the solidarity of talking to and getting support from/being supportive of others going through what a lot of us are.

for those who have full time jobs right now: Don't forget that the people who aren't so lucky (and really, a lot of our lives boil down to luck) are no less than you. Also, if you have a job, don't let your employer use the current economic crisis as an excuse/threat for treating you like crap (increasing your workload without additional monetary compensation for example).

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

I am a big Tea Party supporter, and a big anti-social program guy, but I still take my WIC coupons and I have used foodstamps in the past.

There are many problems with the system. WIC is not income based. Anybody with kids can get it. Foodstamps are income based, and at one point about 2 years ago, I had a hard choice to make. I could take a $2800 per year pay raise, but it would cost me $7200 per year in food stamps that I would lose. I chose to take the raise and move on in my career despite the financial quandary. It was a bad economic decision, but a good career and moral decision.

Why would a $2800 raise disqualify me from $7200 in foodstamps?

Anyhow, many people abuse the systems. In my opinion there are a lot more abusers than there are legitimate cases.

In teh case of unemployment, I believe 26 weeks is a good, overly fair amount of charity for somebody to go find more work. It helps the unfortunate, but it doesn't create a career all to itself. Foodstamps, Cash Assistanc, and Child Support are a career for too many people! Now with this 99 week extension, Unemployment has joined that group of programs to be abused.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 06:05 PM
The favorite argument of the trickle down supply siders is that without Government assistance, private companies would simply donate plenty to the needy, out of the goodness of their hearts.

Unions aren't needed, because Corporations will automatically treat all employees like Gold.

OSHA and the EPA aren't necessary, because Big Biz would never cut corners on workplace safety or the environment.

And even Public education should be done away with,in favor of Corporate "pay to learn" establishments.

Utopian views, I know.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I hope you don't seriously believe that the majority of people on whatever form of social assistance are taking advantage. They really are the minority. I've known (briefly) people who ARE scamming the system, but when they smuggly explain how they game the system.. well, honestly it sounds like more work and stress than looking for or doing an actual job.

I also have some issue with your view that 26 weeks is sufficient to find a new job. It is not, and I believe someone further back in this thread provided a link that showed the average amount of time to find new employment at 37.5 weeks. It's not easy, as the longer your gap in employment, the less employable you become to an interviewer. I've been in that situation. Now, I've made ends meet for over a year by doing freelance work and odd jobs. Didn't matter to my interviewer. It wasn't an 'offically recognized job'. I've also been told by counsellors at the local employment center to try and hide the fact that I haven't been 'officially' employed for as long as I have. It's not just me, it's a corporate attitude, the whole idea that jobs are easier to find when you already have one. But why should a person be punished for having the ingenuity and to use a grandpa-word, 'gumption' to find a way to survive?
Finally, it's not as easy as 'just take whatever job you can get'. Say you are a single parent with young children. You NEED a certain minimum income to support your family. You can't just take a 20 h/w job at McDonalds. Or you do. Then you take another 30 h/w minimum wage job... and now you need to pay for childcare, which costs more than your income from one of those jobs. Which puts you back at square one. So you take a third part time minimum wage job. Now you have latchkey kids, and are working 60-80 hours a week, which prevents you from finding a job that pays a respectable salary. Not to mention the health problems that come with that much work and that little sleep.
I'm not saying there aren't people that can make ridiculous schedules like that work, and Rang bless them. And I'm not saying there aren't people that luck into jobs when they need them (for example, last year I got temporary full-time employment literally on the day my unemployment ran out)... But that doesn't hold true for everyone.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:06 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with those posters here that say ANYONE who left a job voluntarily for no reason other than they don't want to work shouldn't be allowed welfare. In British Columbia, Canada, where I live, if you leave a job voluntarily, you don't qualify for any type of government assistance, unless there was some sort of physical harassment (proven and documented preferably with a police report and only after a thorough investigation of the claim by the welfare people). Even then, you only get the bare minimum. They do make exceptions, but it's very rare.

In England, the Conservative/Lib Dem alliance government is undertaking a full review of ANYONE on disability, with the idea that only those who truly deserve it should get it.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

In England, the Conservative/Lib Dem alliance government is undertaking a full review of ANYONE on disability, with the idea that only those who truly deserve it should get it.

Being a disability/ welfare reviewer would be a cool job.

Think about it. Total job security, there.

Nice "denied" rubber stamp.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by FuzzyDunlop

I also have some issue with your view that 26 weeks is sufficient to find a new job. It is not, and I believe someone further back in this thread provided a link that showed the average amount of time to find new employment at 37.5 weeks.

37.5 weeks? I wonder what the stats are when you separate those that partake of unemployment benefits from those that do not? I have a sneaking suspicion that those on unemployment take much longer to find work than those that do not partake.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that after unemployment benefits run out, the time to find a job gets significantly shorter!!

I also work for the State in a field intimately connected with Public Assistance, and I can guarantee from personal experience that the number of people taking advantage of the system outnumber those that are legitimately in need of help.

posted on Jul, 29 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa

"Last year while I was out I drove past a Tea Party booth and pulled in to check it out. The man running the booth and I had a pleasant conversation for a while, until he found out I received food stamps. Suddenly he was going on about welfare recipients and how he hated them, practically foaming at the mouth. I left. I haven't been supportive of the Tea Party movement since."

Hang in there Jessicamsa. Ever since I saw how they treated that dude with parkinsons I have stopped being even a little curious about those clowns. I promise you they will need help one day soon just like you and me and that little 'get a job' song and dance will change.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Then call it a difference between the Canadian and American system. I know for a fact up here it's much harder to game the system. Unemployment, as an above poster mentioned isn't given to people who choose to leave their jobs - as it should be.
As for welfare, in Canada, or at least Ontario, a person has to show they have nothing of value that can be sold, starting with their car. I don't think this is unreasonable, cars aren't needed in large cities, and in most small cities the area is geographically small enough that they're also not needed.

You could be right about it taking less time for someone without benefits to find work, but I would assume at that point you would take any job no matter how overworked/underpaid it left you. If you pay into unemployment (and, again in Canada we have a percentage of our paychecks automatically deducted to go towards UI), while collecting you have every right to take your time and focus on looking for jobs in your field or at a comparable income before settling for what you can get.

And settling for what you can get is bad for the economy as a whole. If you have people who should be in, and have experience in, managerial positions taking entry level positions, then they are taking possible employment from people who are only qualified for entry level work.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by kenton1234
Hang in there Jessicamsa. Ever since I saw how they treated that dude with parkinsons I have stopped being even a little curious about those clowns. I promise you they will need help one day soon just like you and me and that little 'get a job' song and dance will change.

Yeah, I kind of stopped supporting them after that incident last year.

What did they do to the guy with parkinsons??

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:45 PM
I left school at 15 years of age on a Friday. Started working in a woodyard on the Monday. 3 years later I enlisted in the Royal Navy. When I left the Royal Navy I walked into a job - it was hard work but the money was real good.
After 7 years had passed I suffered a bad accident, spent nine months in hospital and have never been able to work since.
I receive a Government benefit and have to pay rent, gas, electric etc. Which leaves me with enough for food and to pay my ISP bill.
But I`m so lucky to be alive, I take each day as a bonus from the big man in the sky.
I do feel sorry for you, and I wish you all the luck in your future life.
May you find what you are looking for.............

Does this make me a Parasite?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Waitingsolong

Does this make me a Parasite?

No way!!!

And when I do get a job I will be happy knowing that some of my tax will be helping those in a similar position to you!!!

You sound like a top bloke who has worked hard but had some misfortune... I not only think that people should want to help people in your situation... but i feel that they should also feel privileged to help.

You have my respect and best wishes


posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Muckster

I have read all the postings on this subject and while they deal mostly with the US and UK, things are not much different in Germany. My partner was recently unemployed for 6.5 years. During that time we worked together in his sending out more than 2,000 applications for available jobs. A few rejects came back but mostly his applications were just ignored. Nice attitude from prospective employers, yes? Gives one a great incentive to work hard to make the stockholders richer (when one gets a job). Most jobs these days seem to pay the employees just enough to prevent them from being independent and ensuring they will return the next day in order to survive. BTW, my partner has a degree in physics from Cal-Tech (he wanted to experience living in the US and discovered he could do that temporarily as a student). He began his college days at the University of Munich before taking student residency in Orange County, California. His attitude toward "benefits" is that the law allows them and no one should be embarrassed to take such benefits. No one should feel parasitic when taking benefits. Of, course there are those who take advantage of the system but that exists at all levels including government bureaucrats. I was unemployed here in Germany for three years and can only confirm what my partner says about going to the unemployment office. One must go there to have one's situation reviewed. The bureaucrats treat the unemployed like lepers. They get paid to help but seldom do anything meaningful. My partner was at a local office to get one part of the "benefits" and told the woman there we were in the process of selling the townhouse and moving to the boonies where the cost of living is cheaper. She told him about a company that "is always looking for good people." He went there and was hired, on-the-spot. He is a bit of a "star" there because of his computer knowledge and his experience with Microsoft products. His salary is decent and the working environment is nice for him I think this falls into the "right time and right place category. When we decided to move to the boonies, we were living on my partners "benefits" and my income and were at wits end at the time. I don't think my posting will necessarily help anyone but I just wanted to say that the situation is about the same everywhere. I know that doesn't provide a job, but maybe one can just take a stab in the dark and land a job. BUT!!!! DO NOT make yourself into a parasite regarding taking "benefits." The "benefits" are there by law and as a citizen who must observe those laws....... well you get the message. My best wishes for all of you in this terrible situation of not having a job that makes it possible to pay one's bill A sad situation for hard working and tax paying citizens. Best to you all -- Munichguy

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by __rich__

Originally posted by babybunnies

In England, the Conservative/Lib Dem alliance government is undertaking a full review of ANYONE on disability, with the idea that only those who truly deserve it should get it.

Being a disability/ welfare reviewer would be a cool job.

Think about it. Total job security, there.

Nice "denied" rubber stamp.

I'm on disability in the UK, it aint much, but I know mine is going to be cut, even though I have a terminal illness, to look at me you would think I was a healthy individual capable of working. The problem is I cant really commit to any employer, that I will still be here in 6 months let alone a year. Also do I really want to spend my final years working some #ty job, till the day I drop dead. I wont even have the luxury of retirement to look forward to.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by __rich__
The favorite argument of the trickle down supply siders is that without Government assistance, private companies would simply donate plenty to the needy, out of the goodness of their hearts.

Unions aren't needed, because Corporations will automatically treat all employees like Gold.

OSHA and the EPA aren't necessary, because Big Biz would never cut corners on workplace safety or the environment.

And even Public education should be done away with,in favor of Corporate "pay to learn" establishments.

Utopian views, I know.

all one has to do is take a close look through history to the time before these programs were set up to know......

they would not!!!

many, many women marched and rallied, had eggs thrown at them ect.....trying to obtain equal rights, wages, the vote, ect. for women, and slaves.

men and women were met with violence as they worked to improve the labor conditions.

the gov't wouldn't have made the laws, set up the agencies if the people weren't so unhappy about the way things were that they stood up and yelled, and yelled, and marched and marched. and if the companies were making sure the poor were being taking care of...(heck many of those poor were working for them, and they couldn't even provide a decent wage....some things never change), those people wouldn't have been so unhappy that it prompted them to march, to risk humiliation and bodily harm!
and if anyone wants to know how these corporations would be acting without the EPA all they have to do is look as Nigeria, China, India and well, watch as all these companies flock to move their production to these countries that have no environmental laws set up yet...
but...shhhh!! that's right the companies are moving out of the states because of the high taxes, that's right...not because we won't let them poison us all with their toxic waste....oh, no!!!

[edit on 3-8-2010 by dawnstar]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar

Originally posted by __rich__
The favorite argument of the trickle down supply siders is that without Government assistance, private companies would simply donate plenty to the needy, out of the goodness of their hearts.

Unions aren't needed, because Corporations will automatically treat all employees like Gold.

OSHA and the EPA aren't necessary, because Big Biz would never cut corners on workplace safety or the environment.

And even Public education should be done away with,in favor of Corporate "pay to learn" establishments.

Utopian views, I know.

all one has to do is take a close look through history to the time before these programs were set up to know......

they would not!!!

many, many women marched and rallied, had eggs thrown at them ect.....trying to obtain equal rights, wages, the vote, ect. for women, and slaves.

men and women were met with violence as they worked to improve the labor conditions.

the gov't wouldn't have made the laws, set up the agencies if the people weren't so unhappy about the way things were that they stood up and yelled, and yelled, and marched and marched. and if the companies were making sure the poor were being taking care of...(heck many of those poor were working for them, and they couldn't even provide a decent wage....some things never change), those people wouldn't have been so unhappy that it prompted them to march, to risk humiliation and bodily harm!
and if anyone wants to know how these corporations would be acting without the EPA all they have to do is look as Nigeria, China, India and well, watch as all these companies flock to move their production to these countries that have no environmental laws set up yet...
but...shhhh!! that's right the companies are moving out of the states because of the high taxes, that's right...not because we won't let them poison us all with their toxic waste....oh, no!!!

[edit on 3-8-2010 by dawnstar]

Hear, hear.

It's a shame that so many want to take us back to the "bad old days" when kids were forced to work, consumer safety was a pipe dream, and capital (power) was super-centralized.

This sums it all up:

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:15 AM
I personally do know what you are going through. I have been there. In fact it took me five years to recoup and reinvent myself. However the truth is you are a parasite. A parasite only feeds while the host provides for it. In your case the US Gov't is feeding you and for many people the Feds are a very good host. The problem arises when the host dries up. In most cases the parasite withers away also. IN this world right now it is important to do whatever it taqkes to keep from becoming a parasite. If that means working for minimum wage then so be it. I started a job making min wage and today I am a manager. It took 4 years. My family and I were committed to not withering away and the work ethic that had made me sucessful in the past once again it paid off. So do not give up and do not give in

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I hear you mate, I worked most of my life and became crippled with Arthritis, and my daughter was diagnosed with autism and needs a lot of support. I see all the drunks and drug addicts and lazy people draining our benefits system, which affects those that genuinely need it the most, we also had & are still having a major influx of immigrants coming into the country, & they are getting free cars, a roof over their heads & full benefits etc...which I can back up with evidence if necessary, & I am far from racist, my son is half Ghanaian. Yet I am outraged that the people who genuinely need it have to fight so hard and are ridiculed and flung into the same category as those that milk the system dry. As I am limited to the jobs I can take now because I have lost the majority of use of my hands I am currently taking a course to get my level 4 diploma's in hypnotherapy & neuro linguistic programming as my mind is still sharp and I don't need to write or lift etc I can simply use my keyboard till my fingers give up then turn on the speech recognition, but with therapy jobs, it is mainly your mind that does the hard work!
I am hoping that afterwards I will find enough work to get off the disability benefits as my pride has somewhat become tainted knowing that this was my only resort for a while.
I hope I find work, our government is not doing enough to ensure new jobs are made, and the situation is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. They need to be attacking the benefit losers rather than the genuinely needy who would jump on any job, just to have a job if it is a job they are physically capable of doing.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 06:19 AM
To all those who have supported my on this thread...

[size=20]THANK YOU

To those who doubted my intentions...

[size=20]Ive Got A Job!!!

Yep... just got off the phone with my Boss hehe

I’ve been offered a 6 month contract with the possibility of an extension...

Its far far less than what i was on before and financially i will struggle... But it’s a job... it’s a start... it’s a way back in and, as a big bonus, it’s something that i am interested in!!!

So... once again... thank you!!

All of your kind words kept my spirit up during difficult times.

I start next week! Woo Hooo!!

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