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Senator Robert Byrd Dies at 92

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 06:20 AM
Story here.

Robert Byrd died after more than 50 years as a Democratic senator of West Virginia.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 06:45 AM
The old Klu Klux Klansman finally passed away.


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by links234

I am sure somewhere the KKK is burning a cross in this despicable old man’s Honor.. Sounds like the Devil may have fun 2 nite. Or maybe God... Either way he was in Congress way to long.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:32 AM
I wonder if they'll bury him in full wizard dress.

I remmber when William Buckley died the forums were loaded with "good riddance to a bigot" posts. I added to the mix "when Byrd dies I expect some consistency from you folks" and it was solidly ignored.

So, let's see the consistency. Or will it just be more left/right mine is better than yours crap.

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by links234

When you hear of one man holding an office in government for long as some of this old dinosaurs have, make you wonder what is wrong with politics in this nation when positions in office for 50 years is nothing but one person dictatorship.


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:41 AM
Nothing more to add to this, but to flip the finger to the old scumbag upon his departure. The old coward bailed out just when things were heating up for liberals. Adios, Bob. You should have done us a favor and died 40 years ago.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 07:59 AM
The main question now is who will rapidly fill Byrd's now empty and well worn seat? They needed Byrd's vote in the upcoming Wall Street Reform debacle. Perhaps, Byrd will still cast his vote via seance.

Reformed KKK member? Very doubtful. Reformed only for politics sake. Those of his generation stick to their proverbial guns on all issues. Just spend a little time chatting with anyone over 80 years old in a nursing home. My wife's 94 year old grandmother still holds on to her core values in old age because that's all she can remember. 70 year old memories and ideals will live on in these minds...

Glad to see him finally step down. Term limits anyone?? Our nation does not need political lifers on The Hill any longer.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:13 AM
Just a real shame that a Grand Wizard of the KKK had to spend all that time in Washington, DC as a senior(citizen) Senator for the political party which stands for the poor black folks!

No, it is a real shame that the voters kept returning him there year after year until he finally died of old age. There is no intelligence test to pass to get to vote, his political career is proof that there should be one.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:18 AM

good riddance you old evil racist bastard,
burn in hell.

Byrd joined the Ku Klux Klan when he was 24 in 1942. His local chapter unanimously elected him the top officer of their unit.
According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."
Byrd held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops.

In 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

Actually this makes you wonder if this former dinosaurs really got elected by the people all this years or he was appointed ever year by the private interest the bought his sorry old arse many decades before.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Thank god this stain on west virginia is wiped clean, now if only we can stop the incest and hillbillies maybe we can be taken seriously!!

BIH Byrd you wont be missed

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Verd_Vhett
Thank god this stain on west virginia is wiped clean, now if only we can stop the incest and hillbillies maybe we can be taken seriously!!

BIH Byrd you wont be missed
Don't worry, some of us took you seriously! I grew up near Berkeley Springs, WV in Fulton County, PA.

Face it, though, if you get rid of the hillbillies. it just won't be "Wild, Wonderful West Virginia"!!!!

Dittos on the BIH!!

[edit on 28-6-2010 by butcherguy]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:16 AM
I'll say the same thing I said when Ronald Reagan died. When Richard Nixon died. Gerald Ford. Ted Kennedy. ...and many others.

Hope that their families find peace, and solace in whatever fashion they can.

I'll leave the castigating/rhapsodizing for another time down the road. May I suggest that to the rest of you, as well?

Or not. Whatever rocks your boat.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by seagull

Ted Kennedy. ...and many others.

Hope that their families find peace, and solace in whatever fashion they can.

Yes the Byrd family will get over it.

I'm glad that someone brought up that worthless sack of excrement Ted Kennedy!

After America recovers from hosting these treasonous, evil, inhuman, scum bags...

Hallmark Greetings can create a new holiday...

ie. Honoring your favorite DEAD scumbag politician!

July 5th would be a great day for that!

Lest we EVER forget (that TYPE, the actions) of treasonous scumbag politicians that define them as such.

[edit on 6·28·10 by DrMattMaddix]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:36 AM
The Major is saddened over the untimely death of Senator Byrd. The Major prefers a living example of the racist and bigoted members of the Democratic Party vice a dead one. Nothing is better than a live whipping boy to remind the recruits who and what the Democrats are. Not that there aren't plenty of other race baiting shills and hypocrites amongst the liberal plague that pervades this once great country. The Major can only take solace in the fact that when they pulled that sheet over the expired Robert Byrd, that it was just like going home, sans the eye holes.

Give the Major's regard to that murdering piece of crap Ted Kennedy when you get to Hell Robert Byrd.


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:39 AM
Let's not forget that Byrd solely filibustered against the Civil Rights Act for 14 hours and then voted against it. He was a die hard segregationist who ultimately modified his extrinsic views to ensure his political longevity. I stress the concept of extrinsic views.

The man was a legend in his own mind and you can't drive or walk around anywhere in his home state without seeing his name plastered on a building or a project. Perhaps they will change the name of West Virginia to Byrdville in his honor.

He was not known as the "king of pork" for nothing.

"They call me 'The Pork King,' they don't know how much I enjoy it." - Sen. Robert Byrd

After he secured $97 million in fiscal 1999, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W. Va.) became the first person in CAGW's Congressional Pig Book history (since 1991) to help obtain more than $1 billion in pork for his state. In honor of this fiscal incontinence, we dedicate this page to Senator Byrd.

Sen. Byrd has set a new standard for taxpayer-funded narcissism by convincing the West Virginia Legislature to erect a statue of himself in the state Capitol. The statue's completion violates state law prohibiting statues of government officials until they have been dead for half a century.

Sen. Byrd sometimes claims that he is in favor of fiscal restraint. However, the senator currently has more than 30 public works named after him - seriously undermining his pleas for budget responsibility.

Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd's hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center

Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center

Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran's hospital in Huntington

Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County

Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award

Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University

Byrd claimed to be the savior of WV but there are still many areas of WV that Byrd and time have simply forgotten. I have visited some of these towns personally. I suppose he had nothing to gain from these folks. Certainly, no campaign contributions of course.

I wish peace on his family because they are left to deal with his legacy.

Karma anyone??

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:46 AM
He was still alive

Congress needs a forced retirement age, not to mention strict term limits.These old geezers do nothing but breed corruption. Experience in Congress is not a positive or something we desire. The myth that experience or being an attorney is so vital is just that..a big fat lie. Congress was intended for the newbies, for the average citizen...both to keep our country fresh, representative of the people, and free from exactly the sort of corruption and bias this man epitomized.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
He was still alive

Congress needs a forced retirement age, not to mention strict term limits.These old geezers do nothing but breed corruption. Experience in Congress is not a positive or something we desire. The myth that experience or being an attorney is so vital is just that..a big fat lie. Congress was intended for the newbies, for the average citizen...both to keep our country fresh, representative of the people, and free from exactly the sort of corruption and bias this man epitomized.

Maybe not the retirement age...

...but I'll go along with the term limits. Oh, yes, indeed...

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 06:11 PM
Ahhhh, West Virginia....where the men are men and the sheep are skeered!

In all honesty....Old Bob was a great example of why we should have term limits on members of either house on The Hill; along with Pelosi, Reid, Rangle, Dodd, Kennedy, Frank....etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:13 PM
Yea, that is one bigot that won't be missed.

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