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Obama Calling "Bluff" Of Those Complaining About Debt He Created

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posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by PayMeh

...If you really want the debt to be reigned in, you will vote for these new taxes. You will be deemed hypocrites for giving me such a hard time if you do not vote and rally behind my new tax policies."

Does that sum it up about right?

Almost. You forget to mention that any dissenters will be labeled racists.

From E-ville
well yeah more taxes are totaly logical... how else do we pay that debt off, unless Obama is in with the "conspiracy" crowd and going to tell the fed reserve to F off.. and i highly doubt that.

For starters let's try a 25% reduction in the number of federal goverment workers.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 10:22 AM
Had to chime in.

First, the Headline in OP DOES NOT MATCH the Headline of the Sourced article. A tad misleading if you ask me.


G20 Leaders Agree to Cut Government Deficits in Half by 2013


I see this as a positive.

On Topic:

Like it or not the President is operating on a slow and steady course to rescue the nation from the wonton and reckless short sided spending of the prioir administration. His accomplishments far outweigh his failures at only 18 months in. ( HC reform, Stimulus, deadline to close Guantanamo Bay, deadline for Iraq troop reduction, ban torture etc.)

Sure he talks the talk but is also walking the walk. My sole criticism of this administration is the initial response to Gulf Oil Crisis but I am beginning to overcome that.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

His accomplishments far outweigh his failures at only 18 months in.

HC reform: increases deficit, decreases Medicare/Medicaid benefits, employees cannot "keep your plans and doctors;" all contrary to "promises"

Stimulus: $787billion to states and unions, 9.7% unemployment, 33% drop in home sales, Fannie and Freddie at $160billion insolvency with $1trillion foreseeable, 35% increase in foreclosures and bankruptcies, 55% failure of "modifications"

deadline to close Guantanamo Bay: long-passed and completely ignored

deadline for Iraq troop reduction: being completely botched (and the Afghanistan "deadline" evaporating as Obama's strategy fails)

Some U.S. military officers and Western analysts have also criticized what they see as a failure to think beyond the planned drawdown to 50,000 noncombat troops by the end of August. The lack of focus may leave an opening for Iraq's neighbor and the United States' rival — Iran.
Iraqi officials see U.S. as neglecting the country

If these are Obama's "accomplishments 18 months in" we are in deeper trouble than you will ever know (or ever admit).


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by tetrahedron

I am talking about that Obama. Sure he wants to pursue a statist agenda - its his deal and will do what he can to do it.

More than that, he wants to get reelected. That wil enable him to push policy for 6 more years, the last 4 of which will place him in a position where he has nothing to lose. For the next two years pure politics will trump ideology.

Tax increases will certainly be proposed, likely in the form of a VAT to fund deficit reduction. The estimated receipts of the VAT will enable him to justify additional spending while claiming to be simultaneously reducing the deficit.

The bills will contain substantial pork and types of pork that will almost ensure that the bills will get vetoed. No different than someone tagging on, say something about veterans health benefits on some bs spending bill. The spending bill gets voted down and the congressperson comes out castigating people for not supporting sick veterans.

He needs to create a boogy-man if he has any chance of getting elected. He needs to keep the left in his camp because thats all he has left (and he's losing that). He'll push massive tax increases coupled with marginal deficit reduction schemes and then rail against the republicans all the way to Novemberr 2012.

It won''t work and he'll lose the election but thats what he'll do. Its what he has to do to get elected.

The only other possibility will be that he ramrods executive orders implementing policy that will not take effect until he is out of office, similar to healthcare that he knows will be over-turned when he loses the election. He will then be able to claim that he was on the right side of the issues and a great president but the country was not able to truly understand the wisdom of his policys or the political structrure in the country prevented him from realizing his greatness.

Old wine in new bottles

[edit on 28-6-2010 by dolphinfan]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

His accomplishments far outweigh his failures at only 18 months in.

And how many private sector jobs have been created by this outrageously expensive stimulus program? It turned out to be nothing more than a slush fund to pay off his campaign donors such as SEIU.

My sole criticism of this administration is the initial response to Gulf Oil Crisis but I am beginning to overcome that.

Yeah, keep drinking the koolaid until you can't see how he screwed that up, too.

This from his VP sums up his outlook:

Vice President Joe Biden gave a stark assessment of the economy today, telling an audience of supporters, "there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession."

Buncha losers with piss-poor attitudes.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:05 PM
everytime i hear someone say we spend too much on defense it makes me wanna bang against the wall to drown OUT the shear stupidity of the comment.

THE ONLY reason you can sit there and trash talk watch your porn play your video games and download illegal songs..........


as long as there are borders
as long as you have something and someone doesnt


the pace of rest of the world technology has been increasing and increasing ever faster.

its just like you buy a pc today its a piece of crap tomorrow- technology evolution is that fast and faster.

so what do you tell the family of the servicemen or women " yeah your son or daughter wouldnt have died or we could have won that war only if the politicians and the left wing fringe wanted to save the planet and a buck instead." at least i got free healthcare and i get paid for not working..

nah like it or not dems/libs need people like us we are the only reason they can spend on entitlements and pull the trash they do.

and im calling out obama over 2 trillion in the first 2 years over a 13 trillion debt and 45 trillion in medicare and medicade-YEAH CALL HIM OUT

[edit on 6-7-2010 by neo96]

[edit on 6-7-2010 by neo96]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:25 PM
OK, we are only in June/July of this year. Mid-term elections are not here yet, and there should be a big shake-up.

What is he talking about for next year? Maybe my tin-foil hat is loose, because this statement sounds much more ominous than higher debts/higher taxes. We already have that, it couldn't get much worse.

His approval rating is already in the cellar. It is worse than Bushes at this point, and that is after a hearty election victory where that Bush was hated from the start.

His support, even in his own party is waning, and he still uses the stick much more than the carrot, even in his own party.

SO......with all of that said......during a campaign season.......what the hell is he doing making THREATS about next year? Why even bring it up?

What does he know about next year? How much worse are things going to get? I think that little statement is the most ominous thing I have heard in 18 months with him as president!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Is this recent?

Obama telling us it is going to get worse? Well that sucks. Whose bluff is he calling?

I hope we can all remember that their plan is to put Republican or Democrat in office in 2012. It truly doesn't matter, they are the same.

We need some Constitutionalists who understand they shouldn't talk about their Christian god all the darn time. Stick to the Constitution, leave Jesus out of it, and we're all set to vote for you. And no, I'm not anti-Christian and especially not anti-Jesus, but it is a turn off when I do believe this country should strongly support freedom of religion. It alienates other voters.

Get out the two party system, they are gonna try to get us back in line for 2012. Don't do it. Vote for the non-politicians that aren't making over $500,000 a year. Basically turn on the MSM and vote against everyone you see there.

The real Tea Party, not the Republican Tea Party, might be our best choice.

PS Ron Paul 2012!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by neo96

everytime i hear someone say we spend too much on defense it makes me wanna bang against the wall to drown OUT the shear stupidity of the comment. THE ONLY reason you can sit there and trash talk watch your porn play your video games and download illegal songs.......... IS BECAUSE OF THE US MILITARY IE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT.

That would be fine if we had a purely defensive military.

However, we do not have a purely defensive military. Our military is overtly offensive, with offensive capabilities that have no peer in the world today.

The money savings of a DEFENSIVE military would probably pay for healthcare, unemployment, and Medicare/Social Security.

So do we want to pay for more OFFENSIVE capabilities in a world where no one can challenge us, and keep putting our heads in the sand , ignoring the nations debt?

Or shall we stand down from our Offensive stance and become more defensive oriented, and accept the fact that we can't afford to wage wars overseas?

We are spending all of money babysitting the rest of the world, and going broke because of it.

I for one vote to keep the money over here, and out of Lockheed's coffers.

Secure our borders, invest in higher education and research and development. Keep the troops home unless we or one of our Allies are DIRECTLY attacked.

People will cry 'this is an isolationist policy', and to this I reply we simply can't afford any other policy right now.

We should have ZERO deficit spending. Like the Republicans and Teabaggers cry, only approve things that can we can pay for.

Stop building up the military with deficit spending. If we don't have the money, you can't have 11 carriers and 11 amphibious assault ships. We will have to make due with 5 each, and still have more than double what any other country has.

The time for the Peace Dividend is now. We should be reaping the rewards of peace, but we continue to squander it on war.

Lets see if the Repubs and the Teabaggers will stick to their mantra of 'NO DEFICIT SPENDING'.

I agree with it, but lets see if they do. Or if its as Obama points out, political rhetoric.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:33 PM
"The money savings of a DEFENSIVE military would probably pay for healthcare, unemployment, and Medicare/Social Security. "


someone blows up a school ,a building you will have no deterrence and no capability to do anything about it.
someone sinks a ship,boards it takes hostages what do you say? oh shJt sucks to be them! ?
drug cartels escalate violence on the border to unprecidented levels what do you say same thing?

HEY but be glad least you got free healthcare,helicopters, PAYING PEOPLE NOT work.....

you wanna save money in medicare and medicade

Stop PAYING PEOPLE who already have a source of income- ie 401s andpenisons.
STOP PAYING GOVERNMENT EMPOLYEES who get both social and their pensions.
STOP PAYING PEOPLE WHO NEVER worked a day in their lives and receive it.

the only people who need social security are disabled.


the major reason social security is screwed is because your congressmen have stolen the money.

that post YOU sir serious pissed me off with that nonsense.

dont bother with me agian im done for the nite.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by neo96]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:47 PM
reply to [url=]post by dolphinfan[/

Excellent analysis, right on the mark..........

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Totally agree......yes, there is much more damage that can be done under the guise of "saving" us. Watch closely folks, the disinformation machine is even greater than we saw in the Bush administration. All incumbents out in NOV, get on the phone to your congressmen (lower case intentional)!!

1. Administration restricts First amendment rights in gulf disaster
2. TSA restricts employees from accessing internet sites with "controversial opinions".......
3. DHS takes over BP/ USG oil disaster website

When you see these things, open your eyes and research everything......

We are in deep kimchi!!!!!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by neo96

You could have 20 aircraft carriers, and someone could still blow up a school.

You only need one for payback. This wont stop it form happening. The military is not designed to stop terrorism, it is made to wage war and take land.

You fight terrorism primarily with LAW ENFORCEMENT and counter-terrorist i.e., CIA, NSA.

Sending in the military is overkill. And probably makes more people want to bomb our schools.

The bottom line is, WE CAN'T AFFORD IT!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:24 PM
"You fight terrorism primarily with LAW ENFORCEMENT and counter-terrorist i.e., CIA, NSA. "

its EXACTLY that kind of bullshjt thinking that led to 9-11.

you will never get it NEVER! so im moving on.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 10:20 PM
Before he calls anyone's "bluff" he should probably realize that nothing beats a royal flush. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what is needed in this country... a mass flushing of the Obama's, McCains, Pelosis, Specters, Rieds, and friends right down the same crapper they are so diligently trying to flush the nation down.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Screw Him! I probably won't have a job or unemployment benefits by that time he speaks. I have already written off Social Security benefits. When I have no further options then its time to get personally creative.
Maybe I'll denounce my citizenship and sneak back in and get illegal immigrant benefits!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321

President Obama on controlling the debt: "Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics. I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I'm calling their bluff. We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics."


What do you think of this? More taxes coming our way? Is this the heralding of a preplanned double dip recession for next year?

This came out during the G20 summit where they also discussed no nation having any advantage over another for economic recovery. Scary times ahead.

Higher taxes? PErhaps, but i think the 'bluff' he is referring to is some major cutting of public expenditures.

I for one would love to see him call the Right's bluff and say, 'okay, you say spending is too high, tell us what programs to cut..."

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by justadood
I for one would love to see him call the Right's bluff and say, 'okay, you say spending is too high, tell us what programs to cut..."

#1. Obamacare
#2. Return whatever remains of the unstimulating Obama "Stimulus" bill back to the pool to pay down the debt that little piece of worthless pork added to the books.
#3. Enforce the damn PAYGO law he pushed for and then finagled to ensure he'd never need to obey it.
#4. No more tax payer paid state dinners, golf trips, or play footsies campaigning excursions for tenuously DNC held seats. That oaf should have to finance his own extraciricular acticities just like the average American does.
#5. Stop wasting federal tax dollars trying to fight against the states exercising their 10th amendment right. This AZ suit is about as blatent a misappropriation of tax dollars as I have ever seen.
#6. No more bailouts for Europe. Leave them alone, if they make it, great... if not, ce la vie. Not our concern.
#7. Withdraw entirely from Afghanistan. No point in continuing to fight a war our leadership has clearly not tried to win. Chronic wasting disease has hit the military spending budget, which means they obviously have too much money and need some drawback measures.
#8. Tell Obama that daddy's credit card is not a toy, take it away from him, send him to his room until 2012 when he's to be moving out, getting a job, and finding his own place anyway.

8 simple steps to reduce the deficit and at least get us back to the top of the quicksand in the deep hole, rather than the barely keeping our nose above the quicksand we currently are experiencing.

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