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What did the Jews do to make Hitler want to kill them?

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Yeahhmm no replies to the truth gong?

Consider that in 1905, Neitzsche died, and around that time, Anna Rosenbaum was born. Anna of course, wrote the blueprint for the next messiah of Hitler's sort. she called it "John Galt's Adventures in the USA" or something like that. She was quite possibly the greatest Rosenbaum ever.

But when she was just a girl, and before her father ever faced the bolsheviks and lost his stuff (and her whole family starved of course), before that, there was Hitler, in 1908, going to see Frankenberger, about Shicklegruber.

Now notice that Himmler, who was promoted in 1928 and murdered his boss 5 years later (now THAT'S manager material!) was fully ready to float the corpse of the Nazi state into the next age. Himmler himself, was so convinced by those around him that he was on the right path, that he had no idea he was the stooge. Himmler himself, was left out in the cold and asked to do his duty as a good Catholic boy trained by his Jesuit uncle, he bit the pill. But he obviously got one pulled on him as well. It's kinda funny how powerful he was, and how horrible, and yet he gets hung out to dry at the end.

Well anyway, Himmler got the bag, and Adenauer, who'd sat on the sidelines (He here in top hat in 1928 just before Himmler became Reichsfuhrer-SS) and who survived it all, who got the Chancellorship of West Germany.

The West German nation of course, had to pay war reparations to the Judeans, who gained a state but who also gained an everlasting blood grievance against the German people. Well anyway, facts show that by 1948 they had a new currency, the "Deutsch Mark" and who says Germans don't build good rocketry after WW2 eh? Because that currency went gangbusters, allowing billions (six billion dollars for the property lost according to 1951 powers in Israel see: for details]

Both Himmler and Adenaur were "good Catholics" so how did they get so far apart or win/fail so differently?

Also note that in 1942-1948, despite allied bombing, the loss of the war, and post war reparations payments, the capital assets of Germany (such as equipment and buildings) was LARGER than in 1936, thanks to the arms industry. What this means is that the war was hard for Russia and Germany, but it made both nations stronger. If one considers that both Himmler and Stalin were Jesuits, then it becomes clear that neither of them lived for themselves, but to sacrifice for the Army of Ignacious. Hitler went to a Benedictine school as a kid so his was a different path which we can discuss further if anyone wants.

Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit control of the institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen):

Ludwig: What impelled you to become an oppositionist? Was it, perhaps, bad treatment by your parents?

Stalin: No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.

Ludwig: But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?

Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends. Hut their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people's souls and outraging their feelings. What good can there be in that? For instance, the spying in the hostel. At nine o'clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we find that meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked.... What good point can there be in that?


The more credible and controversial conclusion is that Stalin did graduate from the Jesuit Seminary as a proper Jesuit priest, with his first assignment being to infiltrate and manage the Georgian underground against the Russian Tsarist Government.

After avoiding capture by the Tsarist Secret Police (Okhrana), Stalin fled to Batumi where he was hidden in safety by the Rothschild's via one of their oil refineries located there. In 1902, when authorities learnt of his hiding place, the local Cossacks were ordered to capture him. However, the oil workers rallied behind Stalin with a number killed and arrested along with Stalin. Later this whole event was turned into Stalin rather than remaining in hiding, organizing a strike and arson against the oil refinery- all of which defies common sense of his circumstances.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

i'm quite interested in your replies here smallpeeps. you are inputting vast amounts of material and i must admit it will take me time to absorb just your posts. i also admit i am better with bullet points but thats my issue.
keep it coming please, however one point i get asked (in physical company) regarding hitler and the bankers is what eventually caused the fall-out between them? it's probable that the answer is already within the thread so if you would, give me some slack as i attempt to get up to speed. hitlers mindset and the machine he created has always astounded me.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:42 AM
That maniac Hitler wanted blue-eyed blonds to rule the world.

He was a misguided and evil man.

And he was not even a blue-eyed blond.

Hitler was probably the worst person to walk this earth.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by gopher mines

Something a read a long time ago and I might have remembered it a bit wrong...

The Germans were direct descendants of the Atlanteans and the Jews were a different race and their enemies...
When the last great deluge came. The drawf peeps went to live underground and they never came up again. That is why Hitler sent his best troops deep inside the earth looking for lost cities. He wanted to find the energy the drawfs uses to keep alive...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by tracer7

I agree with your post, that was the main reason for the Nazi's trying to eradicate the Jews.

It was obviously the wrong thing to have done, innocent men, woman and children slaughtered for no other reason than accident of birth is always a terrible thing to happen to any people (Palestinians, Gazans and others included..).

IMO Hitler wanted to avoid situations exactly like we are seeing in the world regarding corrupt mega banks and financial monopolies today.

He wanted the 'Greater Germanic' peoples to be leading the world and directing our planet / species wide modernisation, not leeched into stagnation and rot at the hands of the mainly Jewish owned and operated mega corporations and banks.

Even international banks, in the midst of all the misery and carnage seen around the time of WW2 were rubbing their hands together with money lust...they were financing both Hitler and the Axis AND financing the Allies at the same time, even though their 'Jewish cousins' in Germany, Poland and all over Europe were being murdered and brutalised as a result of their institutionalised and bottomless greed.

The money men never learn do they? All these 'people' care about is wealth and the power over others it affords them...nothing else. If things are allowed to continue as they are, in regards to corruption of our politicians and financial systems, i can see the groundwork being laid down gradually for similar resentments and passions that gave rise to WW2, happening again in Europe and in the US.

People will only put up with so much, pass the tipping point and then all hell breaks loose. Only this time around, the bankers and money institutions that make up the tiny minority that controls the vast majority all across the world will be the targets, and if it went along similar lines to the build up to WW2, they will finally see that their imagined monetary wealth brings only imagined power and security if the majority decided to come for them.

The terrible atrocities metered out to the majority of the Gypsies, Homosexuals, disabled and retarded, and the Jews by the Nazis were what ultimately brought about Hitler's downfall. Well...that and the disastrous Russian campaign of course. Looking beyond the monster element though, the Nazi did make some terrific advances and improvements in many technological areas that still benefit us today.

If the Hitler and the Nazis had been mostly non violent, didn't murder innocents and so on, 'The Greater Germany' would probably have become the most successful and powerful country to have ever existed, and would have been running the world as we know it..probably.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Why do people hate the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve?

Because it allowed a few people to rob America and the World of over a Quadrillion dollars.

Yes, over a Quadrillion.

What you are witnessing happen on the news right now, is them pulling their money out of countries......let them collapse....then walk back in and buy on the cheap. Repeat process.

The United States is the new Germany.

No money...people who saved money now find it's worthless. It's value has dropped. Nobody can buy homes, and if you did buy a home you'd either never pay it off, or end up losing it because there are no CAREERS anymore in America to sustain Rome economics.

People scratch their heads wondering why the Germans hated Israeli's.........well open your eyes.

They did it again. America's bankrupt.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by fakedirt
one point i get asked (in physical company) regarding hitler and the bankers is what eventually caused the fall-out between them? it's probable that the answer is already within the thread so if you would, give me some slack as i attempt to get up to speed. hitlers mindset and the machine he created has always astounded me.

Thanks fakedirt! Question is a good one, "What caused Hitler's fallout with the bankers" ...Well, the history of Rothschild (an occult family of crypto-religionists) is to fund both sides of the conflict. First off, we must understand that obviously, this is a great scam and makes lots of money and power for the persons with the capital. Using capital, to create mass death (and exponentially MORE capital from that death), is the scourge of our planet and our age. That some are allowed to fund wars like this, is a true oversight of the human race.

Now, I am not saying everyone involved, was aware of the sacrifice. But through trance state and mental triggers, Hitler and Co (the Rome/Germanic Death Cult) did manage to get a great conflagration going. So it is key to understand that both Hitler and Stalin were funded by the evil center called "the money issuing class". BUT only one of them knew, and that was Stalin (the Jesuit) that the rug would be pulled out from under Hitler (the dupe).

So what was the moment Hitler's views changed, and he decided to go suicidal and take the whole nation with him? I'd say it was when Barbarossa happened in the Spring of 1941. Germany had spent 15 years secretly building tanks, but really all this research was wasted. Every tank which accomplished their run to the French coast, was inferior to the Soviet T-34, which was designed in Winter 39-40 and which was the superior open-country gun, and the corridor to the Caucuses depended on ranged warfare. So essentially it is seen that Hitler got lured into a conflict, and at some point he realized he was being set up to be the tragic side, and that Stalin was going to win. It is folly to assume that Rothschild's "Joe Steel" didn't know what would happen. He's like a goalie expecting the eventual penalty shot, he is ready for the Eastern Pusch and knows his T-34 tank will destroy the Panzers. It is Hitler and his engineers (three primary tank builders) who had to scramble to build a tank that could go East with confidence.

Hitler in his speech of Oct 3rd 1941 says "In May I had decided" and he explains that he privately had decided in May to attack Russia, because he knew they were building up and waiting for him. He explains in that speech that he had to be quiet about it, because he knew spies were all around him and if he gave away his plan to attack, he'd jeopardize the army in the East, so he had to be all sneaky. But it's interesting to note what happened in May 1941 1: The bombing of the UK stopped, and 2: Rommel is just a few hundred miles from the mid east, yet is not refueled and not given gas. Questions would be: Why didn't Hitler go through the mid east when Rommell was right there, ready to do so? So anyway, that moment in May 1941 is when Hitler realized he would be immolating himself in an attempt to capture the cities with his nemesis' names, Lenin-grad, and Stalin-grad. Nothing else would satisfy his delusions.

However we can go back even earlier than that, to October of 1940 when Stalin's buddy Molotov visited Hitler and the two of them argued about Finland. Russia had long hated the Finns and wanted to occupy them, whereas Hitler (according to his theosophy) felt compelled to defend the Finns and told Molotov in no uncertain terms that Finland is out of the question. Even while Molotov was still in Berlin, Hitler told his Generals to draw up plans for attacking Russia. They say he wanted to go in 1940, but the Generals talked him out of it. Questions would be: If the Germans had had decent intel, and had found out about the T-34 a year earlier in 1940, would that have given them time over the winter of 1940 to build a suitable tank for a 1941 offensive? Such questions cannot be answered, only speculated upon.

Anyway in spring 1941, months before Barbarossa began, Hitler's engineers were shocked to observe T-34's. They scrambled to get a bigger gun and tank platform. There were such absurd delays, and kinks to be worked out, that the Tiger I was given to the crews as a work in progress, and it really didn't become effective until spring the next year.

So in the winter of 1941 is when Stalin 1: brings the 40 siberian divisions in, and at that point, any tactician can see that there is no hope for the German army headed to Stalingrad and Baku. But Barbarossa basically ties back to Molotov's visit. He knew the Germans were being set up, but Hitler only figured it out at that time. That is my analysis.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
But Barbarossa basically ties back to Molotov's visit. He knew the Germans were being set up, but Hitler only figured it out at that time. That is my analysis.

This man, Molotov, is in my opinion, a far greater evil than the commonly known ones.

I found his wiki bio to be a fair picture of the man. As one observes the footage of him (as in the 'World at War' documentary of 1974 BBC) one sees an utterly demonic man. But that is seen in the faces of Stalin, Goebbles, Himmler and Molotov alike, so I think they all were playing musical chairs with Satan, essentially.

So far as I know, most people have no idea of the horrors inside the USSR, the gigantic prison camps in there, existed before Hitler really got his prison industry going. Goering shows his willingness to seriously ramp up Germany's prison camp industry, but again, exploitation of humans was an area where Germany just couldn't compete with the Soviets quickly enough. The camps in Germany, even with the help of IBM, couldn't compete with the camps of Siberia which were ruthless and basically unreachable.

There are no clean hands here, but it's essential to know the demons on both sides. It is silly to get involved in the small details, when there was obviously a team of demons building up to the great bloodletting of WW2.

Despite the great human cost,[29] the Soviet Union under Molotov's nominal premiership made great strides in the adoption and widespread implementation of agrarian and industrial technology. In a document written by Molotov he noted how cannibalism and starvation were still serious problems even in 1937 in the Soviet Union. Andrey Vyshinsky, the Procurator General, even told Molotov personally of incidents involving mothers eating their newly-born children.[30] The rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany precipitated the development of a modern armaments industry on the orders of the Soviet government.[31]

Also it is essential to not that Stalin had the far greater blood on his hands in the years leading up to 1939.

The purge of the Red Army was claimed to be supported by Nazi-forged documents (said to have been correspondence between Marshal Tukhachevsky and members of the German high command).[23] The claim is unsupported by facts, as by the time the documents were supposedly created, two people from the eight in the Tukhachevsky group were already imprisoned, and by the time the document was said to reach Stalin the purging process was already underway. However the actual evidence introduced at trial was obtained from forced confessions.[24] The purge of the army removed three of five marshals (then equivalent to six-star generals), 13 of 15 army commanders (then equivalent to four- and five-star generals), eight of nine admirals (the purge fell heavily on the Navy, who were suspected of exploiting their opportunities for foreign contacts[25]), 50 of 57 army corps commanders, 154 out of 186 division commanders, 16 of 16 army commissars, and 25 of 28 army corps commissars.[26] At first it was thought 25-50% of Red Army officers were purged, it is now known to be 3.7-7.7%. Previously, the size of the Red Army officer corp was underestimated and it was overlooked that most of those purged were merely expelled from the Party. 30% of officers purged 1937-9 were allowed back.[27]

The wider purge

Eventually almost all of the Bolsheviks who had played prominent roles during the Russian Revolution of 1917, or in Lenin's Soviet government afterwards, were executed. Out of six members of the original Politburo during the 1917 October Revolution who lived until the Great Purge, Stalin himself was the only one who remained in the Soviet Union, alive.[2] Four of the other five were executed. The fifth, Leon Trotsky, went into exile in Mexico after being expelled from the Party but was assassinated by Soviet agent Ramón Mercader in 1940.

Finally, note the words of Smedley Butler, a great US Marine who upholds truth above all. In 1935 he wrote this prophecy/analysis:

"For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out.

Again they are choosing sides. France and Russia met and agreed to stand side by side. Italy and Austria hurried to make a similar agreement. Poland and Germany cast sheep's eyes at each other, forgetting for the nonce [one unique occasion], their dispute over the Polish Corridor.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

hello smallpeeps.
many many thanks for the reply. please do not underestimate the appreciation here.
i am still absorbing your input on this.

operation barbarossa was recently on the histry channel and i watched it
before this thread even started. probably the sixth or seventh time this decade, come to think of it.
a couple of weeks ago a documentary appeared discussing martin bormann. now, this character seemed like
he may have been batting for both the ruskies and the reich. not too sure about this at the moment but
it seems that this guy somehow isolated hitler from the other members as much as possible. as bormann
was i believe secretary to hitler, could he have been privy to the banking merry-go-round where hitler
left the duties in his hands? seems plausible but again early days here.

regarding the t-34 and the tiger tanks. is it the case that russia could produce more of the t-34's than
was possible with the more technical tiger-1 and really it was overwhelming numbers of a more agile and
simplistic design that hindered the push to moscow as well as the mud and weather of course!

now, regarding the winter of 41 and your analysis on hitler realising he was being set up. from this point
onwards was it a case of funding streams drying up and then bormann/hilter/himmler proceeding with the
exterminations as retaliation to the penny dropping so to speak or were the exterminations a given from the
get-go? just to clarify that last question, did the exterminations accelerate in the winter of 41?

to be frank with you smallpeeps, i have so many questions in my grey matter, i'm unsure as to which ones to
ask. again, i will re-read yours and the other members posts on here. i do value the input and the perspectives

for now thank you

regards fakedirt.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by fakedirt
a couple of weeks ago a documentary appeared discussing martin bormann.

He was appointed by Himmler. Yes, he was managing Hitler. Probably just a good Catholic boy just like Himmler. Neither Himmler nor Stalin was defrocked, good luck getting the church to open up about the Jesuits, not gonna happen.

regarding the t-34 and the tiger tanks. is it the case that russia could produce more of the t-34's than
was possible with the more technical tiger-1

The dude who designed the T-34 was just another awesome Russian who got used up by the machine. He had to fight for his ideas, and actually died the same year, via pnuemonia from test driving that tanks, to prove that he was right. Typical of most people in the hell of Stalin's Russia, he's just another dead dude. But yes, I'd say it's obvious that the siberian areas has sufficient resources and prison camps to crank out T-34s from 1941 onward. I believe I am correct that the T-34 existed in Jan 1940 and that two years after that, is the earliest battle-ready Tiger I. I think it is understood that the Tiger I had problems in the feild right up until December of 1941, months too late to help in the Eastern front.

now, regarding the winter of 41 and your analysis on hitler realising he was being set up. from this point
onwards was it a case of funding streams drying up and then bormann/hilter/himmler proceeding with the
exterminations as retaliation to the penny dropping so to speak or were the exterminations a given from the
get-go? just to clarify that last question, did the exterminations accelerate in the winter of 41?

Your question is sort of like "When did they step up the prison-worker industry?" and I'd say they had it running in the early 1930's just like Stalin did, but Stalin's prison-camp-tech was way more ruthless, way more advanced, and he basically just had better slaves and better prison industry. In the case of the Nazi's they just couldn't get the efficiency of violent brutality, because they had to hold up the party line which said they were "human".. Stalin and his buddies, had no need to retain the appearance of humanity, and were free to become sheer animals, and therefore had superior forced labor, which was tucked away in Siberia with 40 divisions of siberian troops.

Basically even with all the intel they needed, the Germans would have realized just how hopeless it was. I am suggesting it was essential that Hitler and Co be kept in the dark as to Russia's true power, just as today the US has no idea about gulags over there, and is therefore similar to the German's of Hitler's time.

to be frank with you smallpeeps, i have so many questions in my grey matter, i'm unsure as to which ones to
ask. again, i will re-read yours and the other members posts on here. i do value the input and the perspectives

The key it when Hitler's mom dies and he goes to see Frankenberger (potential "new" grandpa) about Shicklegruber (his dad). That is the key.

If you study Jacob Frank's work and the fake-crypto-religionists, then the next obvious question is "Since they like to produce "bastards" and make these their saviors (according to their ethos of evil-as-good), then did Hitler know his role?

See, after 1908, Hitler has to deal with the jewish bug which is now in his head. He potentially, is a Jew himself. This operates on men like him in a special way, in the he might have been psychologically disposed to eliminate the Jewishness inside himself by being "fully German", whatever that means to him.

It would be good to look at Tacitus' book "Germanica" because in essence, Tacitus was way ahead of his time, in understanding how Rome would collapse 500 years after him. "Germanica" is said by those who dislike nordic-barbarian-paganism to be "one of the most dangerous books in existence". See because when the barbarian rune-weilding tribes conquered Rome, they were conquering not just Rome but the hoffjuden (Romish Jews) who'd been deeply involved in the post-Jerusalem post-Bar Kochba era. So in essence, the true battle of Rome versus Germany, is runes versus talmud.

But more than that, because the true question of evil is "Who sacrifices humans, and who sacrifices animals?" I am more aligned with the idea of Moses, which was to substitute animal sacrifice for human sacrifice. Moses was a truely great man in my opinion, he tried to end human sacrifice in his time, and almost succeeded.

So WW2 is basically the symptom if human sacrificers gone mad. Both groups of human sacrificers (Nazi and Stalin) were managed by the combined death cult of Rome/Germania.

To end such global wars, is to end human sacrifice. That is the simplest way to put it. The question of how men like Hitler get raised and then shell-shocked by their true genetics, well, we'd need Freud to enter the conversation.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

thanks for the input smallpeeps. this has explained a lot for me

i will certainly hunt down germanica. it's also time i think for me to have a dig and find mein kampf.
one more question if i may. when watching the martin bormann documentary, both he,hitler and the gang were on a german battlecruiser, some sort of inspection if i am not mistaken. bormann was found in the ward room with a female from the entourage in a compromising position. the witness speaking on the documentary refused to name the woman involved. could this have been eva? from the descriptions of bormann, it seems he was quite the lad. i am also still thinking he was the major liason with the banking side.

the stalin info is very interesting especially the purging of the military et al. i'll be following this area up.

regards fakedirt.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:08 AM
I can't remember where I heard this(maybe it was from a film or something), but I heard that while in prison hitler was told of a plot by the jews to take over the world.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by fakedirt
bormann was found in the ward room with a female from the entourage in a compromising position. the witness speaking on the documentary refused to name the woman involved. could this have been eva? from the descriptions of bormann, it seems he was quite the lad. i am also still thinking he was the major liason with the banking side.

Yeah, a credit to his title, "secretary". Haha. But really, to me he's just another pudge-face putting on a uniform due to being someone's favorite. As mentioned, Himmler placed him, and Himmler is one of the true belly crawling worms of history, or a great Jesuit, however you care to frame him.

There really isn't one Nazi I admire, not even Rommell though I do respect tactics and strategy, in the end, war itself is horrific and all the lovely uniforms and guns, results in blown open bodies, and starving kids, and mass graves which are horrible to exhume. War, is hell, and is a racket. It's like heroin for a certain kind of man.

I like the uniforms and the machines, they're interesting. But I am not sure I would ever wear a uniform, even for my own country, I feel uniforms tend to alter your thinking, just look at all the cops who lose their humanity due to the uniform and their pension --Cops in the US have distinctly Nazi overtones to their thoughts and ideas, that cannot be denied. And yet, when I talk to some cop in my town, I typically look past their lovely uniforms, and look them straight in the pupils of their eyes. I always want to project that uniforms mean nothing to me, except that they are on mannequins. Truly, when a human puts on a uniform, they become a mannequin for that uniform. I feel uniforms are magical and do change the wearer's whole being. But if that uniform be removed, then it's just another dude in his underwear. As I watch the WW2 footage, I chuckle to think of the Generals on all sides being stripped of their unis and having to wrestle in the mud, in their underwear. Such wars of the future, where Generals wrestle for the victory, will be much more humane wars.

Key points to note: As mentioned, Germany in 1946 has more capital inside it, and is ready to be ripped in two for 50 years. That was the whole plan, imo, from the early days of the 20th Century. There really is a pivot which exists in the 1945/46 era, where Mind Kontrol (color films and TV) gets taken from Goebbles and Co, and gets handed to the USA. The Paperclipping of German smart-dudes to the US is well known, and also the sad outcome of what happens when Russia takes over anything, is observable as well. The horrific sawing in half of Germany becomes easily seen as a hugely profitable deal. Adenaur and Israel and the US machines, are who really profitted from WW2.

One other important date to know is the Red House Report which was a meeting which happened on Aug 10th 1944. In this meeting the SS informed industrialists that the war was unwinnable and that they should begin maximizing the tech and branding of German Corporations, so as to provide a "Maqui" type of resistance. Also these companies were told to borrow as much as they could from other governments, which they did. So the era of 1945-1995 is a very key time to understand why we have a peacful world today, yet even more lies. The rise of MK happened in the USA. Even today, when Jesse Ventura brings the cameras to the outside of the US gulag (concentration camps), Americans seem reluctant to wonder who is inside them. Do we really care what goes on at Gitmo or inside our camps? Well, as an American, I would not be surprised if tomorrow, I and other Americans are paraded by starving wrecked humans. I do not expect this government to tell the truth any more than Stalin or Hitler did. The 20th Century is the century of lies, and it is built on conspiracy from Rome and deeply evil powers clustered there. Even if you do read Antelman and the other books I mentioned, the mental anguish of the present will only increase. So therefore, it is easy to see why people choose to remain asleep.

the stalin info is very interesting especially the purging of the military et al. i'll be following this area up.

Just observe what the Russian half of Germany became. Sheer hell. It is humorous to me that Russia still even exists, their whole Stasi era structure is Satanic junk, and all nations of this time in 2011 are garbage, all nations of Earth are run by criminals today.

Notice how our lovely Ms. Clinton says there is "Just too much money" in the drug trade, for anything to be done? That to me, is like a slap being given to all Americans. Hillary, --and she would know, knows that the drug trade makes "too much" money. What does that mean? "Too much"? Does she mean the drug trade makes, enough money to feed people? To house them? Really now, I am glad to have contributed to this thread, because we live in 1939 in many ways, right now.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

ha! you've given me enough pointers here to last into at least next year. without doubt i don't glorify any of the individuals or the machine itself. it was a fantastic build up and an equal fall down whilst still paying mind to all the potential undercurrents and simmerings up to present day. with recent researchers claiming hitler ended his days in s.america, it just keeps resonating with me that the influences are invisible but present although just out of reach.
i clued myself up on paperclip several years ago courtsey of this site as well as some books borrowed. the high jump operation i read as much as possible however, the jury is still out on the fantastic claims on that one. mk ultra/search, got clued up on that via Journey into Madness. i cannot think of the authors name at the moment, it's currently in a friends hands.
i'll reiterate, it's going to take me some time to take this info onboard and i assure you, it is not in vain,your efforts here are appreciated.
cheers fakedirt

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by gopher mines

Hi Gopher -

Complicated Subject - has a lot to do with Germany's Being Bilked for Billions by international Banksters after WWI (the terms against Germany in 1918-1919 were nearly economically lethal in fact) and many down and out Germans after 1919 their shock and awe...that many TurkoUkraninan Ashkenazim in Germany and Austria seemed to be a LOT better off than the average starving post-war German...

So a lot of hard up German people (like a starving Hitler, living in a doss-haus) acfter 1919 really started to wonder WHO exactly gained via Massive War Profit from Germany losing WW1...or as he and his cronies said, the German Press (who had a large Jewish contingent, as in the US) actually 'Lost the War for Germany' by deliberately stroying the Morale of soldiers and least this is is what was believed -- then it became a matter of 'fact' for 'pure Aryan Germans' (following the deeply held entrenched tenets of fringe racial study groups e.g the Thule Society and the Helena Blavatsky crowd) that the TurkoUkrainian Ashkenazim had not assimilated and were 'racially separate' - which was actually un-true - the German Turko-Ukrainian Asheknazi 'Jew' was actually one of the most assimilated with thee goyim of all the Jews in Europe...curiously !!

Then there was Dolfy's pet project of trying to wipe out the entire Bauer Billionaire Banking Family (later re-named the Rothschild family in the early 19th century) whom he and his cronies believed profited not only from WW1 and Crimea and certain key Wars of the 19th century including the latest Napoleonic wars - i.e. by the Rothschild conglomerates in London, Frankfurt and Paris 'financing both sides' - then - (through several key press contacts and telegraph like messaging systemsrun through the banking cartels ) manipulating the London stock exchange (c. June 1815) by broadcasting false rumours about a Napoleonic Victory which caused the markets to crash (read: able for millionaires to buy stocks cheap) before recovering - but also because he (and his like minded ilk) regarded 'Jews' (who had the charming habit for centuries of calling themselves THE Chosen People !!) as a rival group to what he called The Master Race...i.e. what he and his followers believed were the truly Chosen People of the earth, i.e. the Aryan race, whatever that is..

Long story short - Hitler and his cronies believed that there was not enough room on this tiny planet for TWO chosen groups of Master Races...or whatever racial/ethnic etc. group wants to call themselves better than others !!!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by fakedirt
your efforts here are appreciated.

No problem, at least you have the courage to ask questions.

I mentioned bringin Freud into it, well, one of the key moments is in 1887 when the Amarna Letters are found. There really is no way to estimate their value, being able to see 3000 years into the international correspondence of the time of Moses, exactly, is quite amazing. Nobody appreciates them for really what they are, but suffice to say that things got ramped up real quick once their contents had time to be analyzed.

At that time, those in the know understood what Pharaoh was about to appear from history. This man, Akhenaten, had been hidden, damned to erasure except in legend. Well, he was about to reappear. And in 1922, when his kid Tutankhamen was found, nobody really mentioned the father, because every Jesuit knew where they had gotten their black sun. Same thing with the Hebrew tribe. Both of these groups of priests, have been covering their guilt toward this great King, for 3000 years.

It was the German Asian antiquities folks who then continued the Amarna digs, finding Nefertiti's bust around 1907 or 1911, but anyway, WW1 in 1914 stopped those digs. Coincidence that the Germans were stopped from finding more? Well anyway, in 1922, Tut was found by Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon, and the picture became clearer. Suddenly humanity was about to come face to face with the origins of Moses himself.

Now, the important point is that during the excavations of tut's tomb, Carter and Carnavon DID catalog "several papyri". Yet, none were ever seen. Isn't that interesting? The most important tomb ever, and not one single papyri has been shown? Then check Andrew Collins' book where he explains that when Howard Carter's Tut dig was halted, and his commission in danger, he threatened to reveal "The true and scandalous origins of the Hebrews!" ...So after that threat, his dig was given back to him. Therefore the missing papyrii from Tut's time, the time of Moses and the exodus, are key to the whole story. We will someday see them, one hopes. Truth is better than lies.

So anyway then, in 1936, Freud as his final work, published his "Was Moses an Egyptian?" series of articles in Der Shpeigel. He suggested that since circumcision was an Egyptian sexual ritual, it would be absurd for anyone but a Pharaoh (or the student of a Pharaoh, as he explained) to insist that the males get circumsicsed. Well basically Freud was saying that Moses was one of Akhenaten's Lieutenants, but I believe Osman's argument which is that Akhenaten was Moses himself. Regardless, the shenanigans began big time when Freud said this, because it caused the runes-vs-talmud crowd to be forced to "rise up" and claim the throne of the King, Akehnaten, potentially (probably) Moses. So the time was ripe, since the time machine of the Amarna Letters and Tut's tomb (and its stolen messages) happened at that time.

It is claimed that Hitler had a huge crush on Nefertiti's bust and wanted to build a temple all to her bust alone. I have not found the source of this quote but it's on the webs. anyway it would imply that Hitler saw himself as a sort of super-Moses, in the sabbatean tradition. I know it sounds strange, but also for example, Himmler was known to always carry the Bagavad Gita with him, and Hitler's Aryan biographer Devi Whatshername, compared Hitler to Akhenaten, so this struggle for the throne was understood at the time. It is said that the rabbis begged Freud not to publish his work. Yes, I believe it was the real last straw that required the Jesuits and their court-Jews (German-Rome) to fight the Orthodox Church and their court-Jews (Bolsheviks). As I said, it was an inter-tribal war done globally.

In the George Lucas Stephen Speilberg movie "Raider's of the Lost Ark", you'll note that they are searching for the Ark of the Covenant at "Tanis" where the Pharaoh "Shishak has hidden the Ark. Well, first of all, it is Egyptians who built arks, not Hebrews. Hebrews really do not exist nor does their language in the record, until this time of Akhenaten. And notice when Indy brings out the ark, who is right there on the wall of where the ark is stored? Why it's Akhenaten and the rays of the "Aten". No way would Shishak put the heretic Pharaoh in his complex, that's silly. among all the other Egyptian nonsensical props, they get Akhenaten right, and he is literally ON the building where the ark is kept, in the movie. It is not possible that they accidentally put him there. Also note that when Indy goes in, there is an obvious shot of the Aten itself, RA, as it sets, and almost appears to be dropping into the place where the Ark is, from the angle of the camera. This scene is carefully constructed within this amazing movie, to explain some of what I am describing here. Basically the spark that lit this bonfire, was the struggle for the Aten.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by gopher mines

Yes, it is confusing.

Hitler wanted blue-eyed blonds.

So the Jews had to go.

The gypsies had to go.

The homosexuals had to go because - the man was insane.

So why did he get such power? He brainwashed people. How? I wish I knew.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

hello smallpeeps

i had no idea of the freud connection. this is an eyeopener.

1887 armana papers, again, i've had the blinkers on.

the carter/carnarvon threat to disclose the papyri and the truth
about the hebrews.
now this is intriguing. a number of books i have read over the
years have implied that moses was egyptian/egyptian high priest/
egyptian alchemist. it would seem the 40 years in the desert (exodus)
might not have been what current history teaches.

Jesuits and their court-Jews (German-Rome) to fight the Orthodox
Church and their court-Jews (Bolsheviks). this i'm going to search out fully also.

i was thinking about all of the prior thread last night. a
download fest is in order methinks on saturday when i have a few hours spare. already downloaded
carters diary for a start. anything unavailable the intention is to purchase the books.

we have the raiders dvd so i'll be taking a look at that also.

thank you for the further information smallpeeps, my excercise in catch-up is under way.

regards fakedirt

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by fakedirt
i had no idea of the freud connection. this is an eyeopener.

Yes, his book "Moses and Monotheism" is available in any used book store. And when you consider that it 1: Was his farewell text, and 2: Tut had just been found, and it's like the rays of RA are shining in, so the two sides which were provoked by Freud are the two polar opposites. But his challenge, basically threw down the "Hebrew" brand or threw it up for grabs, by opwnly equating what people already surmised, that Egypt and Hebraism are like father and son, but whatever papyrii were in Tut's tomb, are the key to the whole puzzle. Also, Freud was a Austrian Jew if I am not mistaken, as was Hitler.

1887 armana papers, again, i've had the blinkers on.

Well, they were small, utterly fragile little pieces of clay, very small, with akkadian writing. But these are a series of correspondence between Amenhotep III (Akhenaten's dad) and the rulers of the region commonly called "The british protectorate". Haha. Well anyway, I know maybe 2% of what there is to know about them, scholars who have studied them know how important they are. Let meput it like this: Akhenaten's dad, basically used princesses as the way to keep peace. So him and other kings, would trade lovely daughters. This man, Amenhotep III seems to be the biblical Solomon, in my estimation. Also I do believe the Amarna Letters contain one where some King is asking for a statue of a goddess back from the Pharaoh "Who had borrowed it to cure his illness" or something like that. Spot-on for Solomon, lover of females and who "went bad worshipping the females of other gods..." etc. This also sets the stage for his son, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) who can actually be seen in this light, as the greater Jesus. Yes I am saying that the truth is that Moses is the original Jesus figure, the good son who takes the father's work, and does his best with it, and gets crucified. I think I'm right about this relationship, akhenaten is very much like the Jesus figure imo.

the carter/carnarvon threat to disclose the papyri and the truth
about the hebrews.
now this is intriguing. a number of books i have read over the
years have implied that moses was egyptian/egyptian high priest/
egyptian alchemist. it would seem the 40 years in the desert (exodus)
might not have been what current history teaches.

For my part, I am disinclined to believe that Moses or Solomon were demon conjurers or whatnot. I feel that this "What made Hitler" thread does a lot to dispel those myths, at least somewhat. What did Himmler and Hitler conjure? Only the demon in themselves. However in Moses case, if he was Akhenaten, his "scandalous" element would be the see-through-clad princesses who were his daughters, and perhaps the intermarriage or the truth of incest and sexual shenanigans would rock people's core or whatever. In any case, the book by Mr. Collins discusses the particulars of the threat made by Carter, and who it was that claimed to have overheard the shouting. Some dude heard it, so it is a second hand report, however what is clear is that the dig got interrupted, and then picked right back up again, so some level got pulled. But a threat has to have teeth I guess. BTW Carter is no saint. The blue lotus Tut head everyone has seen was actually found in his personal belongings and so what's being suggested here is verified by the facts: He swiped a couple things and went into the tomb early.

Jesuits and their court-Jews (German-Rome) to fight the Orthodox
Church and their court-Jews (Bolsheviks). this i'm going to search out fully also.

Just my summation, but it does explain the boxers, the promoters, and the venue. And the winner, is my country the good old US, so we owe a great debt to the dead from these wars, we must resolve these modern puzzles of history. Let us ignore those who would distract us from our truth searches, says I.

we have the raiders dvd so i'll be taking a look at that also.

Sweet, these are my favorite movies I could go on about them. The sequence is when Indy is digging into the 'well of souls' where the Ark is, we see the sun setting. Well Lucas being a master filmmaker, shows us that brilliant shot where the sun is setting all red, and Indy is standing there in profile as the sun is right there. If you listen to the lyrics of the digger's song, it contains the name "Yah weh" the guy sings the YHWH name. I know I am not giving Lucas too much credit here, the man is a visionary. Then, when they bust out, there's Akhenaten himself right on the wall. I mean DERP, Lucas knows that the Nazi biographers compared Hitler to Akhenaten so it's hilarious if one assumes he's informed on these things. And we see that the the great King Akhenaten, favors Indy over Hitler, he would not have let the ark go to Rome, no way.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

hi smallpeeps

moses and monotheism is now on the shopping list with germanica. the papyri, well,
if it throws light on the origins and goes against the party line so to speak, i
guess there is more chance of commercial time travel at the moment than acquiring
a translation of them. i wonder who is in possession of them?

'Amenhotep III seems to be the biblical Solomon.' again an interesting estimation.
i understand the connections you are presenting here and again i seriously need
to brush up on my history. it's a good thing the missus has a pile of books
on the subject.

'I am disinclined to believe that Moses or Solomon were demon conjurers or whatnot.'
i hope i am not implying this. this comment of mine came from a number of out the box
writers over the years,however, my take on history here is derived from biblical
studies as well as visiting the areas and talking to a number of people. again
further reading on my part is required.

'we owe a great debt to the dead from these wars, we must resolve these modern
puzzles of history. Let us ignore those who would distract us from our truth searches, says I.'
i agree completely. the veil of obfuscation should be set aside in memory of the dead as well
as for the future.

we are watching the indy film this weekend and i must admit i am feeling like a kid just thinking
about it! i do remember the setting sun scene with indy's silhouette. i cannot remember akhenaten
though. 'Nazi biographers compared Hitler to Akhenaten', well, i guess this was quite a powerful
ego-stroke for hitler if he was aware of the comparison.

thank-you for the further input smallpeeps.
regards fakedirt

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