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Sarah Palin: Smoking Pot Is No Big Deal

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posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:39 PM
I am all for legalizing pot, but something makes me wonder what Palin's angle is.

Is it, an a previous poster stated, one of her kids got caught with pot and she is playing damage control?

Is she trying to deflect attention away from the fact she was chanting "drill baby drill" a few months ago?

Did she or her handlers find a way to be in position to head up the legal pot racket when it comes into existence?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
$20 says she caught her daughter smoking a joint, knows it's only a matter of time before the media gets ahold of it and is doing pre-emptive damage control

LOL! That sounds about right. I was also thinking that perhaps she has just realized the conditions under which she might be considered "Awesome!" Maybe she thinks all the hippies will then think she is Tina Fey and vote for her by accident or just find her so entertaining that she will win anyway. Has she recently invested in any snack food companies? There might be a long term plan in the works. Just imagine if it were legalized and spreading like wildfire and then she suddenly starts giving speeches while chomping on a bag of pork rinds? I could be swayed.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:13 PM
Yes thats right smoking pot is A ok however if legalized I would be almost as skeptical to buy it from the government as I would be to buy it from the street assuming i buy weed which i dont, I wonder if legalized it would find a clause in the Obama care plan as medicine as well and that codex thingie, oh well just a thought

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by richierich
WRONG!! Residents of Alaska may legally possess up to 2 ounces of cannabis in their homes for private use. It used to be 4 ounces but was cut back after bitching from right wing morons who thought 4 ounces was too much, for some unknown reason.

Next time you declare something illegal, do a bit of research first...just google: Alaska-marijuana-law and read it yourself.

I doesn't matter if it's legal, it's still a social taboo. Drinking a case of beer every day is legal too, but it wouldn't look good on a politician or their family eh. It's legal in here in BC too, but our premier wouldn't want their kid caught smoking it lol.

[edit on 6/18/2010 by ZombieOctopus]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
$20 says she caught her daughter smoking a joint, knows it's only a matter of time before the media gets ahold of it and is doing pre-emptive damage control

That and she was governor of Alaska, and they are one of the more easy states on the view of marijuana.

So she is coming in with a different view, a view which is typical around Alaska I assume.

One of the smarter things she has actually stated though. I'm not really a huge fan of hers...I don't hate her....just don't think she is qualified to run our country......

But maybe barry isn't either, now looking at it.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:55 PM
It seems like Sarah Palin and Ron Paul agree most of the time, at least according to that show where both of them appeared at the same time.

Is she trying to align herself with the Ron Paul crowd Is she making a real break from the big government (neo-con) right?

Speaking about smoking a joint is one thing but if Palin starts openly speaking about abolishing the Federal Reserve and IRS, I wonder what kind of emotional convulsions ATSers might go through.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Signals

don't delete anything - she's not sincere about it what so ever.

I agree with her on what she claims to believe

BUT i'll never support that evil wench. Never. Not once. Period.

Not just because of her politics, but because of her abandonment of common sense and reason....the willful, shameful, abandonment.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by CREAM

Originally posted by utahjay
I am sure I may receive a flaming for this but I agree with her. And....I am a law enforcement officer. I do not and have never smoked marijuana and never will. I simply do not care for drugs or tobacco. I don't even drink all that much just the occasional beer or glass of wine. The fact is alcohol impairs a person much more than weed and alcohol is legal. We as taxpayers waste a lot of time, money, and effort on marijuana and there really is no reason for it. Legalize it and get it over with. I am confident it will be legal during my lifetime. Please keep in mind I do not think other drugs should be legal such as coc aine, meth, etc. But marijuana, can you really make a case that it is that bad for you or society?

" I do not and have never smoked marijuana and never will. I simply do not care for drugs or tobacco. " thats funny how you know you dont care for something even though you have never tried it. Same goes for coc aine, I think it all should be legal..

Yea but some are more addicting than others....

Marijuana plant was hear in/on this earth before we were....It is natural....

Can you go to coke plants and sniff them ? has to be PROCESSED....meaning not 100% natural...

Sure you could chew on the coca leaf like the natives do....but that gives a minor buzz, about or less to what was in cocacola in it's early days....

Meth....processed, heroine ....not sure but I'm pretty sure you can just go lighting up the poppy plant and inhaling.....

But MJ is natural.....More natural or as much so as tobaco.........but it's less addicting...

Imagine what law enforcement could do with an expanded budget......except it won't cost anybody anything...except maybe a nationwide tax on weed....for 21 and up...if you buy it...

Don't tax the non smokers....that would not be fair...

This could a will work because people want it to work...

A lot of the politicians ideas never work because there are like 20 people that want them to work because of money...

When people actually want something, it will happen.....the pace may be slow but it will happen.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 07:21 PM

I am a medical marijuana patient and have many friends who are also. I have seen patients stop using meds like xanax, klonopin, vicodin, oxycotin, and many others.

One old man I know who had terminal cancer has taken cannabis oil for 3 months and his doctors are blown away with his current condition. He is happy, he eats again, he walks, sleeps at night, doesnt puke every 15 minutes, and his cancer is in remission. He grew the marijuana in his backyard and has been able to help himself in a way the DR's and big Pharma couldnt.

If he lived in a non medical marijuana state he would have been sentanced to death by harmfu,l useless, and expensive cancer drugs.

There are many other like him. Me for example, I have stopped my BP meds, my ulcer meds, my anti-anxiety meds (6mgs a day of klonopin a day), my zoloft, and ambien CR. with insurance I would spend $250 a I smoke 0.5 grams at night before bed and all I pay for is the nutrients to grow the meds, my friend does it for me with his plants. Now I spend $30-$50 a month. I was going broke before, oh and I dont need the monthly Dr. visits at $175 a visit.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

Marijuana is NOT addicting just letting you know

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by wutone

Speaking about smoking a joint is one thing but if Palin starts openly speaking about abolishing the Federal Reserve and IRS, I wonder what kind of emotional convulsions ATSers might go through.

If Sarah Palin starts talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve, then we will, (for certain beyond a doubt) know that this is just a ploy to make her more likable.

Sarah Palin probably doesnt even know what the Federal Reserve is, much less have an opinion regarding whether or not we should abolish it.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Marijuana IS NOT addicting

You can't become addicted to marijuana anyone who says otherwise has NEVER smoked it.

Marijuana was made illegal through deception. Harry Aslinger lied in every hearing he attended on the matter claiming the AMA backed him(which it didn't the AMA was for keeping it legal) He claimed and I quote "It has a violent affect on the degenerate races." The man was a racist referring to the influx of Mexicans entering the country in 1937 working the fields.

Let's not forget the fact marijuana kills less people per year than peanut butter. It takes 1500 pounds of marijuana to be smoked within 1 hour to overdose. Marijuana is healthier than alcohol or cigarettes.

Let's not even begin talking about hemp. hell the first few drafts of the US constitution was on hemp paper.

[edit on 18-6-2010 by Gakus]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 08:37 PM
This is funny.

Basically the same rhetoric Obama used to get the younger vote last election. I will eat every hat in the city of Tampa if this actually came to fruition under her watch.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 08:46 PM
The people that script what Palin says are far from being stupid.
This Pot remark is just a very clever distraction from the "drill baby drill"
which could sink her candidacy like a rock when the extent of this BP disaster is found out.

Even being remotely associated with any oil company will be political suicide for many years to come. The GOP is toast!
It's way to late for Palin and she is only in it for the money anyway.

[edit on 18-6-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by amazed

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus

[edit on 18-6-2010 by Logarock]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:18 PM
So? Who cares what another person smokes.

Personalty im tired of morality being criminalized.

Its all about money and they never solve the problem with a fine or prison sentence.

What the hell do you think would happen to the drug war if you legalized the illicit drug trade?

The cartels die overnight and the violence associated as well.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy
For those of you who are starting to have "Pro-Palin" feelings, remember - popularity, voice and visibility in politics do NOT happen by accident!

Palin, with her "wholesome" image, has been carefully put in place to win over the hearts of "liberals" and "decent-minded" folks everywhere.

Or...maybe the time is just right for an honest Republican.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:47 AM
If marijuana is "bad"...then why did God (if "it" exists) create it to grow upon this Earth in abundance...are you telling me God made a mistake...are we declaring one of Gods creations an evil abomination? Just think about that...

P.S. I don't believe in "God"...

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:53 AM
heh my uncle loves this women. but he hates potheads. lol i think shes trying to get the millions who want to legalize weed to vote for her. Then she'll become president and change her mind. and have some intelligent lawyers answer for her action.

posted on Jun, 19 2010 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by CHA0S

yes he created it, but maybe its just a temptaion he created, because in religion its all about choice. to be Good or sin, without sin there would be no reason to have god.

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