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Gulf Oil Spill-Reptilian Terra Forming Project?

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posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I have a theory concerning the gulf oil spill. This may account for what would appear to be foot dragging on the part of BP, the White House, and other agencies normally responsible for curtailing and dealing with such disasters. I propose that the gulf oil spill which is releasing ~40,000 barrels of raw crude oil, ~100 MILLION cubic feet of Methane a day, and now perhaps benzene as well. Is this the beginning of the end game of the Reptilians? Let me just say that I'm not so sure that I believe there are Reptilians here on planet Earth or if there are anything such as Reptilians in existence. In all my years of investigating the world of paranormal activities, extra terrestial beings, and the world of conspiracies there seems to be a fairly large consensus by different investigators that Reptilians are indeed here. I've read that they are everywhere, that they shape shift into the form of human beings. That they are masquerading as Presidents of nations, Royal Families, Billionaire investors and business men and the prominent Banking families such as the Rothschilds.
Is the Gulf Oil spill a terra forming project undertaken by the Reptilians to transform the Earth as we know it into a more comfortable world for them to rule and live in? The release of such a large amount of methane, a naturally occuring greenhouse gas is a giant red flag! Here's what the EPA has to say about methane:
Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas that remains in the atmosphere for approximately 9-15 years. Methane is over 20 times more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year period and is emitted from a variety of natural and human-influenced sources. Human-influenced sources include landfills, natural gas and petroleum systems, agricultural activities, coal mining, stationary and mobile combustion, wastewater treatment, and certain industrial process. Methane is also a primary constituent of natural gas and an important energy source. As a result, efforts to prevent or utilize methane emissions can provide significant energy, economic and environmental benefits.
OK so methane is 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2(carbon dioxide). Is this a plan to start warming the Earth up to a much more suitable temperature for these cold blooded Reptilians? With the oil continuing to flow at a rate of ~40,000 barrels a day if a few strong hurricanes blew into the gulf the oil will be transferred well inland. Creating a serious hazard and danger for a large portion of the southern states, midwestern states and the atlantic seaboard states. This may be allowed to happen so that a national state of emergency is declared and the populace will be herded into "safe zones" perhaps FEMA camps. Once they have large groups of the population in easily controlled areas such as this the people will be disarmed due to being in a federally protected zone. This would allow the Reptillian leaders to have unfettered access to do pretty much what they will. Perhaps round up the populace to make room for the rest of the Reptilian hordes that are coming to take over our planet.
Any thoughts?

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Reptiles love meth and crude oil. I would not be supprised of the found a Reptilian civilization in all that crude oil. It is pretty much fact that reptilians live underground with the oil. When will people wake up and see that there are reptilians among us everywhere.
I went to the store the other day and there were at least 10 of them in there all in the meat section. Sometimes i wonder if im the only one who can see them because everyone else is a hive mind sheep person. My doctor says he can see them too. I think it is time we fight back against our reptilian guards WHO IS WITH ME!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by zaiger

down with the reptillian's and their 'crude' agenda (pun intended).

on the other hand, if there was a cool reptillian out there, perhaps into jazz or something, i'd love to jam with him/her/it.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:24 PM
After we're all rounded up and in FEMA camps they won't have to visit the grocery store and congregate in the meat aisles. They can come directly to the camp/cattle yard and pick their meat out and have us processed to order!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by azrael36

No way im going to end up in a fema camp. Im digging a hole while i still can.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by zaiger

notice to Reptilians!
I WILL sell out. e mail me for details!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM
Is the Gulf Oil spill a terra forming project undertaken by the Reptilians to transform the Earth as we know it into a more comfortable world for them to rule and live in?

If one believes that Reptilians are here living on Earth masquerading as bankers...with families than they've been here long enough to be able to stand our atmosphere.
Still a interesting thought. I haven't heard the idea terra-forming in a while. Nice to think about the concept again.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM
PS i don't really think the reptillian's are alone on this. i'm sure a more conspiratal mind can put the pieces together, but 'twould seem multiple factions would benefit from *snipping* up our precious earth.

military industrial for one.

i know there was as thread recently expounding that idea.

in any case, it is a tragedy and whatever is behind it, may such hellacious ignorance give way to a deep healing... for the earth. for the flora. the fauna. and the souls affected by this latest blight.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:45 PM
Hrmmm. Interesting you bring this up.. I had some thought forms on this myself.. Coupled with the chemtrails being used for similar purposes. Somewhere in the recent past I heard (i dont remember where) that when you see a rise in world volcanic activity and crude oil bursting from the ground this would be a sign that the reptillians are "blowing the seals" or "blowing out the underground bases" - somthing to that effect. Now I know a lot of folks here on ATS don't take too much stock in all this insanity.. however if you do take a minutiae then I suppose it's thought provoking to say the least.

I do believe this is the WORST thing to happen -- EVER to our world in recorded history. And I do believe that this could elevate - if it is not already - to an extinction level event. This I realized from day 1. The Walpurges - most important occult ritual date of April 20 when this occured.

"No man, it was just an accident.. don't worry -- we'll fix it.." No man, things are dying. Things are changing.. Now it's also a good excuse to promote the green movement and carbon tax crap full throttle. Later we might need to implement a quasi-military stance as we relocate folks out of the dead zones...

"No man, everythings fine, you are over reacting."
"Something wonderful is about to happen". -- Ok, I'm ready. But I have a question for anyone in the gulf area.. can you smell it in the air?

Have a nice day. RDDS

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Reading this article made me think of a post I wanted to make but could not really put it into context.

What if they really are trying to warm up the planet with this disaster cause they want to melt the miles of ice that cover antartica for reasons unknown but what if the
issing link is under there. Example. More pyramids,Atlantis, proof of a much older civilization. I know you have things like neushwabenland and lake Vostok. But what if there is a bigger picture.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by packinupngoin

the bankers like the weight of
DRACONIAN measures
makes em smile

I guess thats all we need to know to validate the thread

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:57 PM
we will never be able to breed enough hamsters or chinchillas to satisfy thier cravings!!!!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by I.C. Weiner

Yoo hoo!
Reptilians! Get on the ball!'i'm not kidding!
All I require is Asian girls, money and Tapioca pudding!
Such a deal!
Still waiting!

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by zaiger

notice to Reptilians!
I WILL sell out. e mail me for details!

Ok Zaiger had me in the verge but your post just did it and I nearly died laughing. I believe the reptilian hypothethis but I also enjoy a good laugh too (ahh the tears lol)

"I will sell out" = spurt coffee

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:24 PM
I was jesting somewhat about the reptilian agenda. But with the collapse of "global warming" perhaps they went ahead and induced an accident to actually make "global warming" a reality.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by I.C. Weiner

Nor will WE ever get fool of their internal negative sweet energies they possess they are some of the sweetest of the UNIVERSE the more evil the sweeter to the taste. Why are they hidding I meen its not like they have a genetic they????????

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:29 PM
WOW! Just wow!

Really people?


*Shakes his head in disbelief*

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by mythos
reply to post by zaiger

on the other hand, if there was a cool reptillian out there, perhaps into jazz or something, i'd love to jam with him/her/it.

Me to they cannot all be evil some are turning to the light RIGHT NOW and dont even know they have been intercepted by the BRIGHTEST YET AS THEY SLEEP LOL they will awaken to the reality of who is the ruller of this lil universe and fall in with the rest who have been intercepted........WHat beter way to destroy your enemy then to become your enemy WE.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by azrael36

Word is:
the gov is going to use this to restart the carbon tax thing
which we thought had been gored to death.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by JackCash
WOW! Just wow!

Really people?


*Shakes his head in disbelief*

howdy pal;

seems you be disgruntled by our earnest (though somewhat cagey) exploration of the ol' reptilian causing epic disaster hypothesis.

and seeing as how this web-site is call "Above Top Secret" and dedicated to the exploration of all things fringe, it seems a wee bit brutish of you to poo-poo our exchange of info... no matter how farcical it may seem.

if this notion (reptilians terraforming) was perchance inserted into a more scientific thread, then perhaps your critique would be moderately justified.

but the title of this OP says it all. it's like going to a costume party, then complaining that eveyone is wearing masks.

PS... the more i think of it, the more it seems obvious that YOU are the reptilian seeking to spread disinfo about this very topic.

ahhh.... i love me some ATS in the afteroon.

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