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Why is BP getting nearly all the blame?

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posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 05:47 AM

They BRIBED MMS personnel: a crime.

They filed false documentation in their application: a crime.

They egregiously violated safety protocols: a crime.

BP's decisions killed 11 workers: negligent homicide.

They have consistently lied about the scale of the leak, delaying proper response to the point of irretrievable damage to the Gulf: a crime against humanity.

Besides that, I can't think of why anyone would blame them for anything.

Your OP is an insult to everybody on the planet: the management of BP deserves either the death penalty or life neck-deep in the Gulf, cleaning the mess they've created.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 05:55 AM
williams said 70,000 pressure
the basic math of a 21 inch pipe at that pressure would account for the revised estimate of the amount of flow
5000 gal a day they said
until the ship was sucking up 5,ooo gal a day and it was 5% of the total

JAY WIEDNER IS SPEAKING on another radio show
Slumbrege (SP)asked for a chopper from BP to get them off the rig when they saw what the pressure was so high
bp refused
they got a PRIVATE chopper out there
he says if you live within 50 miles of the coast you might think about taking a vacation
the source for this just had his web site suspended as he speaks

SO LINDSAY WILLIAMS mention of OCCULT appears to be what i said earlier A LIABILITY COVER UP

what does that say about the people who later died?
how much do they care about ANY people

that rig will soon wear out then the ONLY thing that will stop it is a NUKE
the oil flow will increase in size from the scouring
the water will flow down after the pressure equalizes
the water will be super heated
she will blow
the tsunami will blow the crap miles in land and that land will be poisoned for ages
a month or less for the well head pipe
DR wickstrom
a scientist said 18 months to soread through all the oceans
most people won't hear this
lindsey williams just said it was OCCULT knowledge that led them to sell off prior to the blow out
he gets his info from an OIL EXEC.



of course the others are to blame
the financial sell off
and the derivitve trade of just before the rig went down
and not regulating the safty
who paid for thier campagns

there is lots of blame to go around

they knew from the flow and the scouring factor that this was going to blow
this is NOT their first rig and pipe
the russians have done this on land and had to use a nuke ti shut it done when it bluw
this is under a mile of sea water at 9 lb a gal(i think)
that adds to the pressure like sqeezing a zit (they say)

they have invested heavilly in green watch what happens when they start up the CARBON CREDITS trading it/ll be a chicago exchange I bet
MOB which is why OBANA was installed

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Wiedner says the buzz in washington is an EXTINCTION level event
bp has been ahead of us taking out every political safe guard the public has

so i am giong to politely say

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by apacheman

They BRIBED MMS personnel: a crime.

They filed false documentation in their application: a crime.

They egregiously violated safety protocols: a crime.

BP's decisions killed 11 workers: negligent homicide.

They have consistently lied about the scale of the leak, delaying proper response to the point of irretrievable damage to the Gulf: a crime against humanity.

Besides that, I can't think of why anyone would blame them for anything.

Your OP is an insult to everybody on the planet: the management of BP deserves either the death penalty or life neck-deep in the Gulf, cleaning the mess they've created.

YES all true but why are not MMS officials who took those bribes in jail??

corrupt government

The buck starts with MMS and ends with BP

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by jeffrybinladen

I agree the MMS people should be in jail, too.

But BP iniated the bribery and is more culpable. they certainly aren't the only guilty parties, but they bear the lion's share of the blame. It is BP's corrupt and unethical practices that started this mess.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:07 AM
Why is BP getting nearly all the blame?

Uh, because they are to blame?

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:10 AM
If those Bribes had never been taken this disaster may have been averted also wait for my MMS expose it is a mind blow. The fact is that MMS is Satan's son here on earth.....

For MMS to even still exist after everything only exemplifies the power they wield. You must strike MMS down and send to hell.

OR on earth JAIL


posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Danbones

Your basing your response on someone most of the planet doesn't take seriously. You believing in what he says doesn't make it true.

Personally I think Jay Wiedner is just another dude trying to part you from your cash. I know the sites down (he hasn't paid the bill - that what it implies) but look at googles cached version. The last half of the site looks like a book & video store. Buy this buy that lol.

Take me seriously then give me your money. Yeah right....

[edit on 11/6/2010 by who-me?]

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by jeffrybinladen

You seem like a corporate apologist.

But this should be the death knell for the idea that corporations can police themselves if government just "got out of their way": BP paid MMS to get out of their way, and now look what we face.

Regulation and oversight are very necessary: MMS should be overhauled and the personnel replaced with people who will clamp down on mining and drilling companies, refusing to approve any new apllications without first making EXTREMELY sure every single item is proven, that ALL safety regulations are explicitly followed, and severely punishing every single transgression, jailing corporate executives who even think about trying to skirt the laws. BP's execs committed negligent homicide and should be executed for it, plain and simple.

Until a few hundred corporate types are in jail, the corrupt corporate culture will never change.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by apacheman

Firstly I never said in my OP that BP were not to blame nor did I imply they should be exonerated in any way. I questioned as to why Halliburton, Transocean and the MMS don't have a much larger portion of the blame as well, they should be held equally culpable.
Take a look at all the rhetoric going around the internet and in the mass media. It is all extremely anti-BP and getting steadily worse.

BP takes the brunt of humanities wrath where as the American personnel aboard, Americas MMS, Halliburton and Transocean sit back in relative silence and behind the scenes, without them drilling would never have happened yet they still hardly get a mention.
I already cited an article where the above mentioned companies are indemnified of any liability they pass the buck to BP.
BP have been set to take the fall and they most likely will.

The are not entirely to blame.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by apacheman
reply to post by jeffrybinladen

You seem like a corporate apologist.

huh????*&* I want everyone in jail but mainly MMS in the first handcuffs because they started it.

MMS leasing, also whores with coc aine and blackmail money all the way up to Tony Hayward.......everyone must go

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by FearfulButInterested
reply to post by who-me?

Yes, sir!
CNN video
Print Source if you prefer to read
Another source quoting the same OSHAA report

EDIT: the source for all of these are the same, it's is from the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) report.

[edit on 11-6-2010 by FearfulButInterested]

Who-Me? Did you get a chance to review these links I noticed you had yet to reply to them. I would like to know what you think about this report. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:53 PM
MMS is satan wake up america

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by jeffrybinladen

I don't think any American disagrees with you on that point.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by who-me?

hello,had i seen this thread ealier,the information i posted in the Gulf evac plan "swift fox" would have been better in this thread,can anyone verify what i was told as i see a few people saying there up to there necks in information being directly involved in this disaster one way or another...

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by FearfulButInterested
Who-Me? Did you get a chance to review these links I noticed you had yet to reply to them. I would like to know what you think about this report. Thanks.

Yes I did and it shows that there are some serious problems within BP. I don't dispute that. However there are also a lot of assumptions made and some serious jumping to conclusions based on-shore refinery data.

The other issue which is often omitted with statistics generally is the sheer size of BP when compare to the other companies. Were not really comparing apples to apples as it were.

My primary point is not that BP shouldn't be blamed, its that the likes of the US MMS, Halliburton and Transocean should share a far greater responsibility than what is currently being shown to the general public by the MSM.

[edit on 11/6/2010 by who-me?]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:39 AM
ok i have waited long enough for a reply to my post 2/3 before this 1,i will now assume you have either not seen the info or are not willing to comment further.
Accorrding to my friend,this info is common knowladge amongst oil industry workers!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by dunc4

Why would the US government want to evacuate the Gulf because of an oil slick. Methinks a bit of hysterical Chinese-whispering going on! We need to see through this amateur geology and comment which offers no evidence.

To topic... BP is the target because they are big, rich and unambiguous. It helps that the company is British, as Obama keeps purposefully pointing out by saying “British Petroleum” instead of BP. By focussing ire on one company he ensures the other US companies and government agencies who have involvement and are complicit in the whole affair are airbrushed out.

For Obama and American Oil, the best outcome is that BP is hobbled and commercially harmed and US oil companies profit at BPs expense. It helps too that US agencies are kept out of the limelight and that Obama is personally is seen as some sort of “defender of the environment”, like he cares.

It is a terrible shame that the Obama’s only input in this whole affair has been negative and he has sought to interfere and bully a major company. It is a pity that Obama and the US authorities have not taken the same attitude to the banks!


posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 02:33 PM
agreed,on everything you state,which is why i was fairly sure that the info i posted in the gulf coast evac thread page 3, should have been hear,tc friend

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by paraphi

american investors own 39 percent of BP
your plan would kind of be like shooting off a testicle

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