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Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

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posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:42 AM

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

The 2010 Bilderberg agenda has been revealed by veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker and it paints a picture of crisis for the globalists, who are furious at the increased exposure their gatherings have received in recent years, as well as being dismayed at their failure to rescue both the euro and the failing carbon tax agenda, but more alarmingly according to Tucker, the majority of Bilderberg members are now in favor of military air strikes on Iran.

American Free Press muckraker Tucker has proven routinely accurate with the information he obtains from sources inside Bilderberg, which mak
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:42 AM
This is MAJOR news. If you do not know what the bilderberg group is you had better learn. They meat every year in June to shape and plan global policy.
If you do not know who Jim Tucker look him up he is the forward expert on the bilderberg group and has been covering them for well over 20 years (I believe it is something around 30 years)
This is vital news and MUST be spread as soon as possible.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 08:57 AM
If air strikes in Iran happen we'll know how powerful the group is.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
If air strikes in Iran happen we'll know how powerful the group is.

Poor middle east!

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:19 AM
Sorry it comes from prisonplanet, which means as far as I am concerned it is an AJ cointel strategy. He cries wolf all day and nothing really happens, he will either end up the boy who gets eat, or the boy that goes to work for the wolf. Also his cronies share the same fates eventually by being associated with him, bad press for the whole lot.

Not that I doubt our countries continued path towards Iran, the whole middle eastern conflict has headed to Iran, thats why we have been surrounding them on three sides. I just doubt that any man in the presence of such power would ever speak a word of their plans, much less go back for seconds... thirds... fourths... and twentieths. I have had enough of the worlds super powers when I worked with the DoD to know you pick your time and place to release anything, and if you do and you don't end their entire operation with it... your dead.

Iran the current task of the NWO? I surely doubt it, too many other more interesting things going on for them to focus on than a bombing of Iran, we will probably do that ourselves or someone else eventually. IT might seem strange but their goal IS to keep us out of WW3, but to keep us right on the verge for the next 100 years to ensure our minds are depleted of any energy we might have once had as a species.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:45 AM
Iran is critical in the geopolitical chess game that is currently being played out by the various power blocs in the world. Aminadinijad (spelling?) just yesterday put out his own call for the establishment of a new world order:

However, this call was on the eve of an important summit meeting of the "eastern" power block, including Russian, China, Turkey, and Iran.

So it appears that the western power bloc (US, England, EU) and the eastern power bloc both want their own versions of an NWO, where they would be the ones in control after the dust settles. The Bilderbergers represent the western bloc, and to settle who wins ultimate control another world war may be in the offing, with Russian, China, Iran, and Turkey on one side, and the Nato nations (sans Turkey) on the other.

Israel is the wildcard--the fuse on the powderkeg, which can be ignited at any time to suit the need. Remember that the Balfour Letter was written to Lord Rothschild, and Baron Rothschild is viewed as the "father of the settlement" in Israel. In fact, the Knisset was built by the Rothschilds. Hence, Israel can be viewed as a Rothschild agent, or an agent of the western bloc, which could be used to pull the plug on the existing world order (bringing about a general economic collapse and world war), at the behest of the western bloc, when it is deemed expedient to do so.

The shift of Turkey from the western to the eastern power bloc is an extremely important development. I suspect that before too long Turkey will either resign or be kicked out of Nato, to solidify the polarization between the eastern and western blocs, and set up the conditions for a new world war.

The Middle and Near East will be the "prize" in this war. The reason is simple. When the fiat currencies collapse, the only thing that will be worth anything of substance, will be oil. Who ever controls the oil (the Middle and Near East) will control the NWO. Both power blocs want to win that prize, and will likely duke it out to see who wins.

This is a long term geopolitical/economic battle which has serious short-term implications. The power blocs are looking at a general shift in world power over the course of the next century, and the stakes are very high.

Of course, it is inherently possible that both blocs are being manipulated by the hidden puppet masters (the central banking establishment), who in the event of a global war will come out to be the ultimate winners, becasue they will fund both sides in the build up, waging, and reconstruction of the war.

As Quigely (Clinton's mentor) points out in Tragedy and Hope, the ultimate goal is a global feudalistic system run by the central banks, headquarted at the International Bank of Settlements in Switzerland, which is the central bank of the central banks. If this is the case, then sure, let the nations of the world exhaust themselves in another global war, which will only consolidate the power of the central banks over the entire global system.

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Angiras]

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Angiras]

[edit on 8-6-2010 by Angiras]

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 09:54 AM
I'm sure they want the euro to collapse just like they want the entire financial system to collapse. How else are they going to get their one world currency? and new financial system? Funny how the bilderburg group has these top secret meetings yet every time their plans seem to find their way onto the internet. Can't they keep quiet for 5 minutes?

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

Not all participants at these meetings are "on board" ideologically. Many of the participants are new members, who are being introduced to the program, and some of them take offense at the agenda, and then feel obligated by conscience to get the word out. Its a risk that the group must take to bring in new members.

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 01:45 PM
If keeping the euro alive was their objective they really suck ass (but only time wil tell).

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMonkeys
I'm sure they want the euro to collapse just like they want the entire financial system to collapse. How else are they going to get their one world currency? and new financial system? Funny how the bilderburg group has these top secret meetings yet every time their plans seem to find their way onto the internet. Can't they keep quiet for 5 minutes?

Nope....they all love that they are " in the know" and think it makes them better or more important...

Little do most of them know that they are just much bigger , wealthier pawns.....

there is only 1 king and queen....the central banks........and the rest are pawns ....and they have to trick those pawns into thinking they are something more important so they feel as if they are part of the plan and will benefit from it because they have benefited in the short-term recently......

Just like in 2012 the movie ( which imo was alright but mega cheesy ) the Russian guy who thinks he is takin care of is of no more importance to anyone, once SHTF and all his cars and jewels can't help him out of this mess....

He realizes this too late.....

Eventually somebody in the know will speak out against TPTB once they know that "their card has been pulled" , they will realize that that are being used , just like they were using us, and will become angry and want to help us out........

This is all theory but based off of what I've seen in the media and on this site over a couple years......

See how they are fighting amongst themselves already with this NWO power struggle and the oil crap in the middle east....

They are all self serving ......and so none of them really have thier own backs, but they just all lie to eachother......

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Aziroth
Sorry it comes from prisonplanet, which means as far as I am concerned it is an AJ cointel strategy..

I understand your sentiment. Some of what Alex says is real Bravo Sierra, but some is real info. The example of his friend obtaining the info from the Bofoonbergers has been real. The info he obtained from Rev Lindsey Williams (from 2 years ago) about the stock market crash and plummeting gas prices were real. In fact, he had Rev Williams on back in January (I think) and again, he said that there would be a collapse of the American economy, collapse of the dollar, gas up to $4.00 a gallon (or more) and a Bufoonberger / American war with Iran by the end of the year.
Come to think of it, I can't recall any Bravo Sierra, can you?

posted on Jun, 8 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

Revelations, 7 trumpets perhaps? 3rd?

Sort of ties in?


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