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Informal UFO/ET disclosure now !!

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posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit


Did you actually review the information about all this?

It's just junk ufology.

I don't understand why people support this stuff.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:42 AM
What the heck is a "Hyperdimensional" UFO?

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
What the heck is a "Hyperdimensional" UFO?

A load of BS.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Hey , Im not saying I support his claims, or find anything solid in the junkheap. What I am saying is that to bash the claims because the man has rank and therefore quantified experience is insane. He could talk all the bull in the universe and I would still think that bashing his rank pins would be a bad move!

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 06:04 AM
The thing about this whole UFO/ET subject that gets me, is that some people find this or that hard to believe within the realm of Ufology. I mean, from someone looking in from the outside, the entire subject sounds hoaxy and ignorant. Im not saying that I do, in fact, I do believe a lot of it - However, I dont think that you can say that this is BS and then turn around and believe that the craft that crashed in Roswell was of ET origin.

I dont think that there is any black and white here. I think that you either believe, or do not believe.

Yeah, there is a lot of misinformation and misdirection out there on this subject, but those are pretty easy to spot at times and plus, they end up being called out after a certain time frame anyhow.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by kyle43




UFO's over the White in 2002 and over the Kremlin in 2009. May well be fake, but if not, is there a connection?

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Hey , Im not saying I support his claims, or find anything solid in the junkheap. What I am saying is that to bash the claims because the man has rank and therefore quantified experience is insane. He could talk all the bull in the universe and I would still think that bashing his rank pins would be a bad move!


Well, I think I sort of maybe perhaps get your point.....

But what's it matter anyway when the material is just total trash?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by McGinty


Are you saying those 3 hoaxes were related?

If so, I think you'll find they weren't.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Well normaly speaking I would agree with you , but I think its important to only bash a bad data set for the things that are really wrong with it . Its about habit forming I guess. Since military persons are a rich source of UFO history , I think its important not to let bashing trends form around them in too serious a way, and because this individual story is so bogus, I believe its VERY important to make the point that the info is not bad because the gent who provided it is a military man, but because this PARTICULAR military man, is full of brown stuff.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Very droll

Of course if these are hoax/misidentifications, then there's no connection.

I'm saying that if they are not fake, then what inferences could be drawn from one, or maybe two species contacting the superpowers in such a direct, visible way.

You've obviously made your mind up that these are fake, and i dare say you're right. But if in the scandalously unlikely event that you happen to be wrong, then it seems a correlation worth pointing out.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
A former officer of the U.S. Capitol Police has leaked reports of UFO and hyperdimensional extraterrestrial spacecraft flyovers over the U.S. Capitol

Jesus Christ!!! HYPERDIMENSIONAL ET SPACECRAFT? And how on mother Earth does he know that these 'UFOs' are hyperdimensional? Ah, he must've interacted with them aliens in some way who told him the secrets of inter-galactic travel using those worm holes for interdimensional/hyperdimensional travel. I must be stupid not to have known! Duh!

Sorry. Carry on!!

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:56 AM
I don't want disclosure. I don't want aliens coming to Earth. Life as we know it would cease to be. I'm a creature of habit and don't like change. They need to stay on their own darn planet, and leave us alone.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 10:16 AM
Why is it every time someone that is in a position that deems credibilty everyone want to say BS or Hoax with no proof to show. A police officer is trained to notice things better than the average joe. He probably went to someone that would be more inclined to listen before casting it aside. If you remember that even airline pilots don't tell about what they see because they get ridiculed from his peers. If this was some joe blow off the street I would be more cautious about this story. I would like to say that this is an interesting story that needs to be researched a little more before the BS and hoax are thrown out there. I do mean do not sit behind the computer and say things are this and that until you have proof to show differently. I would like to say to the OP nice job and keep doing what you do. So I say until it is proven to be a hoax that this story is plausible.
So if this is not on the up and up don't flame the man without proof.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 12:20 PM
We should be more concerned about what is happening right now in 2010, not 2012. If there is going to be full disclosure regarding E.T's, right now would be good, then perhaps the government can then openly ask the aliens for help with these damned oil gushers. We now know of 3 blowouts on the ocean floor, two of which B.P. was hoping would not get out to the public. How many more leaks do we not yet know about? There's a good chance we now won't survive to see 2012, therefore I think now would be a good time for all who believe in E.T. visitation to Earth, to turn to the skies and project your thoughts to them and ask for the help our planet and all life on it, needs to survive. Another possibility is that the N.W.O. gang will use this present ecological disaster by creating a false flag operation regarding full disclosure.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:24 PM
They said the guy (Mr. Allen) once worked for the CIA and that the video was made by Walt Disney. abilize-society

The interview with the Stanley guy reveals he as a book. I often find that these guys tend to ONCE have worked as such and such then get some document or file from a source they cannot name.

It seems to me there is a pattern. You get old and your career is almost over, and maybe the UFO thing hits these guys like a religion. Oh, time to write a book on these encounters or sitings and tell everything now that I won't lose my job.

Maybe it's part of their job to spread lies. Who really could prove it? These videos that I've seen, of all of them ever, I have never seen a single one that wasn't super blurry or too dark. Anyone in Hollywood could put together these clips and they pass off as "the best shot we could get."

Then call in someone who believes because he/she wants to believe and actually does, and they'll hash out some story. By the way, one interview I heard the other day had at least two plot elements from a sci-fi book (Hitch hiker's Guide to the Galaxy) about the dolphins and about a whale being on a space ship (transported to another dimension.

It seems like we could very well ALL be had by listening to these stories and looking at these videos and pictures. They really show nothing of proof that makes you say "THIS settles it."

And, if the aliens are working with the government guys, well they don't seem like "my kinda people." But, of course they have reasons for that, like "we're not ready" or, who knows...maybe we haven't been good enough this year.

I don't mind reviewing these things, but I feel like it's leading me nowhere other than to wonder and speculate. And, maybe the big deal is that there is no big deal, and I'm wasting my time. Area 51 could just really be a government base for super secret work. Then they get rumors to spread about aliens doing it because if the truth happens to be that they are the ones doing it, we'd really be screwed, huh? Or maybe UFOs don't exist at all and that entire base is used for something else and the entire UFO / ET joke is on us and serves as a distraction.

I tell you what, though, it's easy...if any UFOs want anything to do with us, they can whiz around and hover close to land during the day time. The government can always cover that up somehow anyway like they do so many other things.

It could all just be another form of entertainment I'm afraid to keep us out of the way. How stupid would we be then? That would be very disappointing.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by McGinty
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Very droll

Of course if these are hoax/misidentifications, then there's no connection.
I'm saying that if they are not fake, then what inferences could be drawn from one, or maybe two species contacting the superpowers in such a direct, visible way.
You've obviously made your mind up that these are fake, and i dare say you're right. But if in the scandalously unlikely event that you happen to be wrong, then it seems a correlation worth pointing out.


I can confirm the 3 pictures you posted are hoaxes.

Nothwithstanding that, I think I misinterpreted your post or expressed myself poorly or both!

I thought you might have been suggesting the "3 hoaxes" might be some sort of related "disinfo" campaign, which is always possible I guess, albeit unlikely in this instance.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
I would like to say to the OP nice job and keep doing what you do. So I say until it is proven to be a hoax that this story is plausible.
So if this is not on the up and up don't flame the man without proof.


If you have a look at my previous posts in this thread, you'll be able to "join the dots" & see this is a hoax.

For I mentioned & as per the poster above, the Wasington DC UFO video on ths site is a well known CGI creation.

That is not to mention the long exposure pictures of fireworks, aircraft, etc...

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Between my gammer and your gas-mask i'm suprised we can communicate at all

May i ask what the moscow object turned out to be in the end. i read theories that it was a balloon, but must've missed the proof.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by McGinty
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Between my gammer and your gas-mask i'm suprised we can communicate at all

May i ask what the moscow object turned out to be in the end. i read theories that it was a balloon, but must've missed the proof.


You're a funny guy!


The pyriamids are CGI.....if I get a few mins free I'll see if I can find a thread with the info confirming that.

The "blue" video in that website I linked to is a Disney Channel recreation of the original "orange" video of the Washington UFO video.....that's also been discussed at length on here.

All the rest is long exposures of planes, helicopters & fireworks plus some lens reflections thrown in for good measure.

This stuff can drive you nuts!!

These b____y hoaxers should be shot!!

Cheers mate
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 05:42 AM
Yeah this has already been posted.


From this thread:

What a load of rubbish!

Here's the images he captured:

And here's what he most likely took a photo of:

A long exposure shot of a plane or helicopter...

Mr. Allen believes that his photographs, which are forensic in quality...

I laughed heartily!

This should be in the hoax forum IMHO

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