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Prophecy from a 3 year-old?

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:46 AM
No offence but how does a 3 year old comprehend that we live on a rotating spherical 'erf'?
Also death and dying is also incomprehensible at that age.
I have a 2 year old who can spell some words and tries to do the alphabet, she is considered very smart for her age but this is helped by her older sister who is 5 who is still trying to wrap her head around death and that we live on a ball that spins.
Things about this story don't make sense, If you said a 5 or 6 year old maybe.

[Edit to add]

Originally posted by Reign02
Let me guess that this will happen in 2012 huh? Did you watch "The Knowing" recently? maybe you made this up or maybe your kid watched this with you. sounds almost like the movie...

Of course,I already forgot all the 2012 nonsense, I haven't seen Knowing yet, I will check that out, at least some good came of this thread.

[edit on 11-5-2010 by keepithush]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:54 AM
If he really knows the future then ask him "Who is Larry".

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by keepithush

No offence but how does a 3 year old comprehend that we live on a rotating spherical 'erf'?
Also death and dying is also incomprehensible at that age.

No offense, but isn't that just the interesting aspect of this? If he was an older child then you could say he saw it in a movie or something, but being as he is so young, the fact that these words came out of his mouth is reason to be amazed, and to pay attention.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Has everyone here forgotten what it was like to be a 3-year-old? The simple psychology involved?
As long as you ask questions you are providing the ego-satisfaction he told the story to achieve in the first place.
Instead, when the subject come up try...
That's silly. I'm much bigger than you and can swim a lot better....
Bobby Whoever knows everyone so why would they rescue you and not him?
What about all the people in boats?
etc. etc.
Keep insisting his dream is silly so that he will have to work (provide more detail) to maintain the ego boost your questions are now providing

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:48 AM
I do not think this posting is a hoax and this is why.

Back in the late 70's my son asked me what acid would do to paint on a car.
I asked him why and he said because when it starts to acid rain outside will the paint come off the cars. He was only 6 years old at the time and very interested in cars and anything mechanical. I asked him what makes him think it will acid rain outside? He said in his words, I dreamed it. I told him not to worry, it was just a dream, and this will never happen and wrote it off.

Well, it still bothered me but at the time there was a lot of talk about pollution on television and pictures of smoke bellowing from factory smoke stacks so I figured this is were he got this from, what goes up must come down, but what was strange, nobody at that time ever mentioned acid rain or even the possibility of it happening.

We all know acid rain is a reality now!

A short time after my son came up to me and said Dad, you don't have to worry about not having enough money, if you need some you can just go out in the street and pick some up from the ground. Again he said he dreamed it. We had a long talk this time with me explaining that these are just dreams and all people have them. None are real.

That was the end of him ever relaying these strange things to me again. When I ask him now if he remembers saying these things to me he says no.

Lets hope his second dream never comes true!

What you might want to do is just listen. Don't pressure or ask too many questions or it will become a game to him. Try to explain information is good but if anybody tell you to do anything he has to ask your permission first. These are probably coming to him in dreams also but is too young to realize the difference yet as with my son. You have a gifted child. Knowing what I know now this is how I would have handled it back then. God Bless.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:07 AM
Does anyone else not think this is of any relevance or is it just me? My 2.5 year old niece says a lot of things that don't make sense. So does this, if he is that good ask him to dwell on the Sp500 Futures and then post it here.

150+ Flags? lol

[edit on 11-5-2010 by GreenBicMan]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by passenger

I used to be soooooo tolerant of the intollerant, now I am pretty much done...... ready to throw in the towell and give up.

don't throw in the towell... you're not alone. Ignore the ignorants, petulants all-knowing bastards.

I have saw and see all the same as you do. That's real.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by facedo

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by passenger

I used to be soooooo tolerant of the intollerant, now I am pretty much done...... ready to throw in the towell and give up.

don't throw in the towell... you're not alone. Ignore the ignorants, petulants all-knowing bastards.

I have saw and see all the same as you do. That's real.

Awe thanks. I just feel some of them are NEVER gonna "get it"... some seem to be drilling deeper and deeper into their pit of negativity, and even get some thrill from seeing how aweful they can be... I am like some numb zombie around them, and escaping for an amounts of time is like exstacy, because they are so bad.. 5 minutes away is like hawaii and disneyland for a year! lol....

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:51 PM
This is the first thread I've ever read here containing negative predictions or prophecy that actually frightened me... With every other doom and gloom related topic that has passed by my eyes, I've all but completely dismissed it as rubbish; but this one made me quite uncomfortable.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 01:20 PM
My interpretation…

“the other people will look for me” – I believe what he is saying here is during his sleep he was abducted by an alien race… perhaps the Grays. They told him what was to come to prepare him for what is to transpire. When the time is right they will be here rescuing a select few… mostly likely he has a pre-birth arrangement. This is not so far fetched as you may think… I would direct you to the work of Dolores Cannon

About your location… my guess would be the cause of the water would be the Madrid fault line just west of you… when the plates split, Lake Erie will most likely inundate the area. Another likely cause would be that during a pole shift, bodies of water like the great lakes will have a sloshing effect until they resettle in their new locations.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Robin Goodfellow

Couldn't that just discourage him from talking about anything like that in future

If it's true that we are born with pyschic abilities but that they wear off into adulthood, this way of speaking to children may be the reason. I would just stick to the logic and not call him silly.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 01:35 PM
When I was first expose to the 2012 events the friend that did so explained something called the 'sigularity', where events and technology will begin to happen at a faster rate as end times come closer, likened to a vortex in a whirlpool or a tornado. She said that it will come a time when something that took years to come up with will occur in a matter of weeks, or days. Major break throughs, as I read your post, it reminds me of such a thing.

It is written that from the mouths of babes come forth wisdom.

I do believe that events are out of our hands now, its in a free fall.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by unworldly
This is the first thread I've ever read here containing negative predictions or prophecy that actually frightened me... With every other doom and gloom related topic that has passed by my eyes, I've all but completely dismissed it as rubbish; but this one made me quite uncomfortable.

there is one thing Missing, if this prediction is Real: the Timing of it!

Since there is no time in heaven, 100 years could pass before the big one.

but he DID mention relatives by name did he not?

this is not good.

each of us has to someday make our Pact with Mr Death, before we die. die by asteriod or by heart attack, etc.....but die by something.

here in the senior home where i live, the ambulance comes for someone about once per week, everyone knows that this ambulance will come for them, some day!


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 02:16 PM
There has a been a caller to C2C called "Carl in Oklahoma" who has been trying to get his theory of the planet out, by calling in and explaining it.

What is interesting is his theory involves the sudden and dramatic reduction of the gravity well of the "erf" (not sure I buy his rationale about the core and the its link to the moon though), which sound alot like a magnetic field collaspe also. Anway, all the experts respond the same way, that if the gravity decreases, the air and water columns expand, causing the earth to spin faster and areas of the ground to flash freeze.

Basically, Carl's description mirrors Passenger's son's dream.
You might start by contacting Carl and exploring his theory in more depth.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 02:35 PM
hes just a lil kid, i used to say absurd things at all ages, we just want attention and to stun one another. this did remind me of the knowing with Nicolas cage(movie). but i do believe its highly unlikely, and why the hell would any alien race want to save ours? sorry back on topic, maybe some kid told him because that kid is into doomsday or his parents are, and he subconsciously picked who he wanted to survive. just a guess, maybe crack coc aine?

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 02:43 PM
You should be very careful with the cartoons you let him watch!! He is only 3.

He is telling you something very common in cartoons ans SF films! All this violence is in cartoons. The earth turning very fast or reverse (like in superman), everybody dying, this is just cartoons!!!

Always look cartoons with him, listen to his friends telling about cartoons and stories, you will understand very soon were it comes from.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 03:01 PM
I´ve been reading this thread with great intrest. Thank you for posting.
My son is 2,5 years old and for some times now he has been telling us similar things after waking up. He can be upset, checking places at home wondering things like; the water didn´t come to our terrace, our garage didn´t fall down, "it" didn´t fall down through our roof... and many other things like that. Once again, thanks for telling. The reason I started reading ATS in the first place, was a terrible dream I had over a year ago (jan 2009, I wrote about it here in ATS but it was sencored(?). After having a history of dreaming about things coming true, that dream made me start digging. I had absolutely no idea of any doom and gloom profecies about things to come... and now my little son speaks like he watched the same dream.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 03:07 PM
Well, as far as a child knowing certain things like how the earth spins, and so on, well, it could be surmised that whomever "filled him in" on the future events somehow imparted this to him so he understood. Perhaps even pictures.. who knows.

However, it does seem very odd and um.. Knowing-like (the horrible movie with Nicholas Cage). Let's see.. small kid gets visited by alien/angels trying to help them escape the doomed planet. Everyone but the children and doomed to die. Reading the orginal post made that movie pop right into my head.

Considering the amount of utter bunk, rubbish and lies this board gets on a daily basis, best I could say is.. I would take this with a huuuge grain of salt. No other way to try and swallow the story.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Whether this post is true or not (and I'm leaning towards the "true" side), it's freaky...and that I enjoy. I have a 3-year old nephew and he's never come close to saying anything as interesting (or as comprehensive) as this, so I could see where hearing it would be a bit shocking.

The question I have is, does the 3-year old remember it? A few days after speaking this, can he still recite it with the same sort of gumption he originally did? Because then I'd start to worry. If it's been forgotten, then maybe it isn't so prophetic.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:19 PM
You may have a prophet on your hands.... but I'd caution you NOT to give this sort of story too much attention. Pay attention to other NON-doom related dreams he might talk about.

The thing you have to worry about is that adults kind of set the "reward system" for kids, and if you get all excited about a poopie joke, or prognostications of "everyone will die" the kid is going to give you more of whatever gets the most attention.

If you treat it neutrally, then you MIGHT get some interesting stuff. My son has told us strange things about his grandfather who died 3 months before he was born. But we don't prompt him for the data.

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