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Debunk This!!! You can't. Ha!

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posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Goethe
Good stuff.

This is just another reason is TPTB trying to take over the net...

No they are not. It's just the opposite. The net is taking you over.

The mid-level organisations are trying to keep their power, but they are not it[/it]. It's just normal organisational behaviour and consolidating your power. By 'fighting' them you accept the current hivemind been imposed as your personality and identity and thus just further the NWO-agenda. Current actors and groups are being disposed, but at the same time you accept certain dynamics and principles as normal, which are IT. Because you can use it (net etc.), you accept it uncritically.

You are in the NWO. The NWO is in your mind. You see just words and facades but not the principles behind them. You are an ant and the ant swarm buzzing around you is the NWO. More precisely; the swarm has been deviated from it's normal path of evolution and life. First you need to find your own herd instead of the multitude of artificial identities and divisions.

You need to purge your mind from limitations, taboos, values and morals and really think your existence. Taboos of your enemy are very helpful, but be careful not to become the caricatural boogieman they represent. They have no qualms in massmurdering, why then they have imposed taboos and morals on us? They guide us with words and mental images.

It's not the guys who come with guns at your face, but believes, principles and truths that you all share and have absorbed in your childhood. And not just your childhood, but your parents and their parents. You'd have to go very far back in time.

Those cyberwarriors who think they're the hottest # when they can make computers produce nice sounds and colorful images are retarded. TPTB had video conferences over net at the 60s. You can't beat them on their own playground, especially when it's not the fysical that counts but your existencial stance. It's they, who you think you are fighting against, who have created the internet and set the principles of modern technology. Just by operating the net you must channel your existence through certain principles and thus become IT. You are being eaten.

NWO is not an organization but more like a mindset or principle that's pushing through. Those various organizations and secret societies you all are aware are radiating certain principle. At the heart of it there's one genepool through which the anti-evolutional principle oozes.

If you fill your mind with artificial sense objects and mental images, then you are under the power of the NWO, Illuminati, TPTB or what ever you wan't to call it. It doesn't matter if you chose the channel yourself or even if you make your own YouTube poop. You're still nothing but a blob of nerves and flesh twisting and moaning in response to artificial stimulus and being connected to a global cybernetic hivemind. Sexual, mental or cerebral stimulus is the name of the game. It doesn't matter which one you choose.

You can't win the NWO by replacing old mental images or words with new ones. The situation is just spiraling into deeper.

Animalistic persons watch porn, sports and changing colors on TV/PC, more cerebralistic ones uphold word constructs and artificial values. Net is just a data transfer technology and tool. It in it self is no salvation. If 'you' were fooled at the time of posthorns, then you are fooled now. Don't mix absolute numbers to relative percentage. More people live in fantasy worlds now than in 1800s.

As long as you are upholding words, images, etc. you are upholding the NWO. Anti-NWO rhetoric is NWO. Obama the Messiah is one side of the coin, Obama the Joker / Hitler is another. I'll give you a hint: where does the negative imagery come from? See how stupid are all those jokers who think they invented something? Everyone who photoshops Obama's Hope, upholds the NWO's occult construct.

It's occult warfare and it's existencial.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Do not watch videos, unless they are recordings of actual happenings. Facts can be transferred in text form and in much faster manner.

Write down the facts of video and calculate the noise to signal ratio taking account of total amount of data required for it's presentation. That extra poop goes in to your mind and is processed, wasting resources and adding useless crap in to your mind. Always aim for effiency and minimal noise to signal ratio.

That noise in form of moving imagery and sound titillates your nervesystem, glues your attention to it and floods your brain with confusion preventing thinking. Same method is used in advertisement. We should break loose of it. Do you search videos you have watched for specific facts or do you go by the vague memory imprint they created? Norway Spiral, LHC. Not very convenient to use videos instead of books, isn't it? When watching videos the total sensory experience defines the strength of the memory imprint and thus it's power in your mind, instead of cognitive analysing of the facts and their plausibility. Makers of videos or music always aim for the most hooking sensory experience.

You should use this neat information transfer device to get hold of books and preferably old books. You need to have perspective and birds eye view of changing dynamics.

Don't use it (net, audiovisual technology) to titillate your nerve endings and to get your daily dosage of novel stimulus.

Originally posted by ColeYounger
If there's anybody more annoying than a white guy with dreadlocks trying to sound like a black gangsta, I haven't heard it yet. Seriously...on an 'Annoying Scale' of 1 through 10, this idiot rates a 900.
He's just rehashing stuff that's been out there for years, in a horribly annoying manner. Fingernails scraping a chalkboard would be like harp music from heaven compared to that guy.

The titles tells everyone that it's rehash, like most of conspiracy genre. Just like the neverending barrage of self-improvement books that came after the first ones. Repeating the party line and group rhetoric.

And the description of the guy with identity problems sounds like I wouldn't stand it for a second. You'd better get your identity figured out before you go on a crusade or you just strengthen your false identity and group allegiance.

All of yours identities are result of living inside an artificial sense-environment from the day since you were born. Your brains have adapted to un-natural stimuluses. Might want to look into it before starting to fight the global organisation. You might just be an preprogrammed ant attacking the last vestiges of your true ant hill.

Your identity is your existence.

You must realize that things advance and what would have been groundbreaking and shattering for 'them' 20 years ago is not so today. Most of the conspiracy stuff has been on the net for a decade and CT-groupies keep making videos of the same material. It's a standard bag of imagery which is been circulated for years. It is very important to read old books instead of going for the latest and most immersing sensory technology.

There are several variation of fluoride. Most elements come in natural forms and human made ones. Same element part of combination found in nature might be beneficial, but in human made form toxic, as is the case of many metals.

Water or food supply is ridiculous way of administering chemicals to population, regardless of the actual molecules effectiness. No one supporting them can not claim to use scientific thinking. Problems are dosage, risk groups and free choice. Required mindset makes it a means of population control or just population controlling mindset dry humping. You don't worry about dosage when administering chemical weapons to enemy population, as long as it's above the required level.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:29 PM
Theres just a few of the thousands ...
I also once came across a official British statement about the accepted risk of cancer deaths etc etc for putting chlorine in water ......
Seems to be the tip of a VERY big iceberg.

Found this very disconcerting.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
Can anyone here link some cases of the negative effects that fluoride has caused? Not what it MIGHT do, MAY do, COULD do, etc. Give me something, like a person unknowingly dying from fluoride poisoning from their drinking water. You are the ones saying even in low concentrations it is extremely toxic, so give me an example. Should be easy to find, no?

PS: Fluoride was never used by Nazi's during WWII to keep prisoners docile, nor would it be able to even have an effect on any mental processes. Random websites claiming that they did without evidence does not count as proof.

and this one on Gestapo during wwII

[edit on 9-5-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

Laughable links, they even repeat this:

Fluorides have been used to modify behavior and mood of human beings.

It is a little known fact that fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.

I still have yet to find any evidence of this, sure gets repeated a lot though

The National Cancer Institute doesn't seem to think that it causes cancer...

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:41 PM

If you fill your mind with artificial sense objects and mental images, then you are under the power of the NWO, Illuminati, TPTB or what ever you wan't to call it. It doesn't matter if you chose the channel yourself or even if you make your own YouTube poop. You're still nothing but a blob of nerves and flesh twisting and moaning in response to artificial stimulus and being connected to a global cybernetic hivemind. Sexual, mental or cerebral stimulus is the name of the game. It doesn't matter which one you choose. Kameo

"We're nwo because we're speaking against nwo which is playing into the hands of the old world order which is the nwo, but backwards in your mind, because it's stimulus that exists only on the web, only on the net, which is the reality/fantasy that has become your new buzzing hive-like life that exemplifies the catechism of endless revolving entities caught in a flytrap like a nwo shoelace around your ankle, actually a coiled snake, ready to bite your enemy, yet your friend, which will inevitably play back into your pockets, which are filled with the nwo ENTITIES!"

Actually, some of us just use the net to communicate, keep on top of important issues, and show some concern for our fellow citizens by bringing awareness to the board. At least that's the plan. We'll see what happens!

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by kameo

Those cyberwarriors who think they're the hottest # when they can make computers produce nice sounds and colorful images are retarded. TPTB had video conferences over net at the 60s. You can't beat them on their own playground, especially when it's not the fysical that counts but your existencial stance. It's they, who you think you are fighting against, who have created the internet and set the principles of modern technology. Just by operating the net you must channel your existence through certain principles and thus become IT. You are being eaten.

Your incredibly long (and jumbled) posts one after another- do a WONDERFUL job of showing what I do not enjoy.

"An opinion gone overboard and out the window on a whim of fancy."

Like I said in my OP...the internet is FILLED with thousands of people just like you, making stuff up and talking out there bottoms, trying to sound enlightened when in actuality what you are saying is "nonsense".

You read me correctly....nonsense.

If you believed what you are sharing, you wouldn't be here feeding yourself to the computer and enjoying this little social networking site here.

Sorry chum, but I do NOT subscribe to lunacy.

I also do not side with rambling madmen who go on about nothing as if they are onto something incredible.

Sorry...Given a chance to choose between ChangeDaChannel and your brand of "made-up fantasy", I would take ChangeDaChannel anyday.

Now time you take so long to scribble-type your thoughts...please spend some of that time "constructing a point that someone can follow".

Like I have said nothing, in two pages of silly-talk, with no proof, evidence or reasoning but your own "imagination".

Go doom-say all you like.

Just know I laugh at doom-sayers who are all hopped up on "baseless crazy talk"

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

So the only cases of fluoride poisoning were very young children who are eating hundreds of fluoride tablets? That's a poor example, you can die from too much of anything, and again, this is why fluoride is given in appropriate concentrations.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

WTF??? Is that cigarette smoke I'm seeing drifting up as he's chirping about flouride???

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Hedera Helix

Yes, yes yes...he smokes.

I know.

Yes, it seems nuts to moan about one poison and then put another in your mouth.

But do not forget he chooses to smoke...he doesn't choose fluoride.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:05 PM
thought I'd add those that AREN'T government owned as all of the government run institutes all have the same statement "Flouride isn't linked to cancer", and if you took the time to check independently owned companies it obviously is. Even Scientists that try to release the information to the public are discredited.
You have a choice........I started filtering every drop of water I drink and using a non- flouride toothpaste, also turned vegetarian and buy organic when ever possible and wash my veges with filtered water.
Or you just carry on the way you are and cross your fingers and hope 20 years from now they don't come forward and.......hands in the air,"Yes we got it wrong flouride and chlorine did cause cancer and we are sorry for your uncle joe or anty pat dieing all those years ago"........too late....
I know I was convinced when I moved from a hard water non-clorifide water supply to my present Soft water chlorified water smells like bleach when you run the tap....would you crack open a bottle of bleach and take a slug?
Take a step back and smell the supply you'd be surprised.... better still filter it for 1 month a challenge, thats all then smell the difference between clean filtered and your running bleach supply from your tap

[edit on 9-5-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:19 PM
I was advised to change my search by a unamed party TUMOR
A way of hiding the real evidence in plain sight everyones searches for Cancer and not Tumor
S&F OP but still haven't got the flag part of posting down pat yet sorry.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by DreamerOracle]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I am completely confused? I thought you were one of the biggest debunkers on this site? , now your showing us videos that show us facts from some of the very same originated conspiracies that hold precedence on ATS? why the sudden change of heart?

I was so confused I had to check your threads and posts to see if you were indeed Mr Mask. 10/10 for the thread worthy of a very rare flag. Theres been alot of crap on ATS recently, its refreshing to see a change.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
reply to post by Mr Mask

I am completely confused? I thought you were one of the biggest debunkers on this site? ,

This concerns me to a degree...

When someone calls people things like "a skeptic" or a "debunker" as if there is this one breed of "jerk" who just poops on all evidence just to be the "pooper"- it bothers me.

Yes, I agree that there are some one-dimensional people out there. But no one title or term can truly sum up all my parts or truly who/what I am.

If you are familiar with my "debunking" (as you call it), then you are surly seeing it in threads where there is a healthy level of "stupidity" or "misinformation".

Seeing me tell one person that he is not the Pope from Space, is a far cry from presenting factual information.

I didn't join this site to tell people there are no conspiracies.

I subscribe to many actually.

now your showing us videos that show us facts from some of the very same originated conspiracies that hold precedence on ATS? is my personal opinion that these clips are fine tools for "snapping people out of denial".

I also agree with what is presented in these clips.

why the sudden change of heart?

No change.

Notice I am not "debunking these clips".

Reasons being, I do not find them to be "laced with lies and hoaxing", unlike all those threads you see me "being the Mr Mask you are more familiar with".

I was so confused I had to check your threads and posts to see if you were indeed Mr Mask.

This is not entirely your fault at all.

I've said it many times in other threads-

"I normally do not publicly involve myself with the more serious issues when on ATS. I usually keep those places off limits to my silliness and allow them to go unhindered by my posting while I read them. I do this for a few calculated reasons..."

10/10 for the thread worthy of a very rare flag.

Thank you.

One reason I go out of my way to make most of you hate me is this-

When you star or flag, read or listen to anything I write/make/say or do, I am guaranteed that you are not doing so out of "stupid obligation to some cyber friendship"

I rather have someone who can't stand me "agree with what I have to say". It proves to me that the information is what resonated with you, not some silly "buddy system" between us.

In fact, I very much enjoy making people dislike limits the number of people I need to worry about offending.

Theres been alot of crap on ATS recently, its refreshing to see a change.


I can not promise you that my content will continue to be as "good" as this thread in any future.

Like I have said many times before-

I make a lot of fluff...I have my reasons.

But make no mistake, I am not "oblivious" nor am I here "just to have fun".

In fact, the "fun part" is only to pass the time between "serious research" within my life.

I dunno if any of that made sense...but I really did try to make it do so.

Thanks for posting here, and thanks for the flag-n-star. They mean more when they come from people who tend to turns their noses up at the stuff I post.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 06:07 PM
ChangeDaChannel sent me this message after telling him about all your wonderful comments (both good and bad). I think what he writes here is very moving and it earned him more respect in my eyes.

Sweeet! Thanks brother for sharing the information. The Debunk This series has been a work in progress and although it catches a lot of flack from the choir, its a good reference point and always has links. The thing I always find interesting is how people would rather spend time trying to figure me out instead of clicking the links...heehee. Im a hippy, wigger, hill billy, bum, biker, lizard alien, government shill that lives in a shed, my parents basement, the ghetto etc etc. The real deal is I have been all around the world from Iraq to all through Europe. I've been a soldier and activist. I have 2 grandchildren. Most of the Debunk This videos were made back in the mountains off the grid in California (accept the last one) where I was working on alternative energy with some friends. I worked the project for a year and am now on the east coast spending a year with my family before heading back out in to the world. I have been influenced by many cultures which Im sure ads to my Lynchburg accent. Anyhoot just wanted to give you a little background on myself. All the negative comments are always good. They ad pieces to the puzzle of whats going on in peoples heads. Exposing whats really going on with humanity. Anyhoot thanks again for the kind words and sharing. Peace be spilt!

Good man...can't help but be won over.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

I can attest to the beneficial effects of flouride in the water. I grew up in Colorado and raised my children there until they were 8 and thirteen (1975) when we moved to Oregon. On our first visit to the dentist in Portland, the dentist was looking in my daughter's mouth and said "You must have just moved here from Colorado, right?" I said yes and he replied "It's obvious! Your children have perfect teeth. No Cavities!" He went on to say that he was mystified as to Oregonian's fear about flouride.

After a couple of years in Oregon, they both started getting cavities. That was before flouride was put in toothpaste and mouthwash.

As for me, now, I just take my teeth out and "efferdent 'em"!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry

Originally posted by Dallas1611

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

You will learn very little in life except for how to be a Jehovah's Witness if you only listen to clean-cut, well-dressed, well-spoken people.

hehe..that was priceless
I usually just read and laugh to myself about all the childish posts people leave, such as GorehoundLarry. But your comment here, deserved a comment of its own
I laughed a good minute or 2....and such a true statement as well, good job.

Childish? You're the one with the Bible quote in your sig...But we'll leave it that.

Lets not derail this thread any longer with flames, thanks buddy.

As for the other posts, very valid points. It seems this very bored youtuber sat around for days recording himself rambling about...absolute nonsense.

tyranny22 and gorehound are expressing very typical sentiments of someone confronted with information they themselves do not believe to be true.

gorehound says he speaks nonsense, and tyranny wonders what 'we' are to debunk.

either you are both idiots or you are intentionally not grasping what the man is saying in order to berate him only a few moments later.

'what are we supposed to debunk'???? really? how about almost every second that is spent talking about the current issue in the video????

'utter nonsense'?? really? should he speak slower or enunciate his words more clearly? spell it out for you perhaps? what the man is saying you can not refute, therefore you skip right to calling it jibberish

iu think i answered my own question... you both are idiots, though i fully expect at least gorehound to come back with bravado, informing me of how wrong i am....


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi
reply to post by DreamerOracle

Laughable links, they even repeat this:

Fluorides have been used to modify behavior and mood of human beings.

It is a little known fact that fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.

I still have yet to find any evidence of this, sure gets repeated a lot though

The National Cancer Institute doesn't seem to think that it causes cancer...

in louisville KY, flouride is added to the drinking water, its a fact.

regardless of its benefits or detractions, it is considered medicating the people without their consent.

you cant refute that.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by kameo

yur long and well thought out explination of your ridiculous idea is... just that.

'the NWO' is a vague and misunderstood concept.

ATTAINING THE NWO is where things either get hairy or pretty.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by demongoat

medication without consent.

had you considered how much water people drink in their life? ( or are supposed to)

probably not.

i dont know how flouride is absorbed into the human body but im sure it is different than water.

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