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posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 01:30 AM
All i have to say is read the avatar

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:57 AM
nice read, it was like reading all the ATS content in just one eBook

at the end, always draconians/reptilians are the bad guys, pleiadans the good, angels are ETs and TPTB are conspirating against us~

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Personally, I welcome the end with open arms. Whether it be Nibiru destroying the planet, the Sun blowing up, aliens invading and blowing everything up, aliens helping us transcend, passing through the galactic plane in 2012 and evolving automatically, Ron Paul being elected President, the planet going crazy, God's divine judgment in one form or another, etc., it has to end. Living with this stagnation is getting harder and harder with each passing day, and I'm sick of all of us being the frog slowly cooked in boiling water.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:43 AM

This is sooooo............i dont know,
Really, if this was BS then its the most interesting bull**** ive ever heard.
Everything mentioned relates to most that i have read and the relativity to today is quite scary.
I cant say for one that this is a hoax,
To be honest this is and seems to be very credible indeed.

I would urge everyone to do further research and digging regarding this because this could be genuine.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:45 AM
You know it's weird I'm starting to read this ebook, and I'm reading about the mind control stuff and I realize that the movie "Conspiracy Theory" is on next to me on the TV and they are talking about mind control at exactly the same time (MK Ultra) as I'm reading about it... talk about coincidental!

S&F, thank you OP for sharing.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:49 AM
This is a very interesting read, I have just got to page 3 and felt compelled to say that my 'gut feeling' is saying that this is legit, the real deal.

There are various things that I have read in the first 2 chapters that you would only know about them by experiencing them. I haven't read it all because I have decided that this information needs to be personally processed when I am relaxed and have more time.

The world we are living in is nothing but an illusion, based around lies and deceit. If only the whole world could wake up before its too late!!

Excellent thread one of the best I have read for a while.

[edit on 28-4-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:59 AM
I have read the full ebook and all i can say is that its the most interesting thing i have read yet here on ATS

If this turns out to be a hoax i will be very very suprised.
My personal belief is that its legit and ties in with everything, and i mean everything.
S&F for the op
I look forward to further information and links added to this bty the ATS community.

As for the debunkers....say what you want but this is way off the scale.

The amount of links that i could add that run along side this is way too many to add

[edit on 28-4-2010 by jazz10]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:04 AM
james casbolt?

already thoroughly debunked by ATS member reallyweally . . .

from a 2007 thread on this cat:

His Supposed 'Dulce Base photos' are a real joke

One of the pics says
"Possible underground area with strange language on the wall "
and "Possible escalator from shuttle terminal"

On the wall of one of those is a sign saying 'Tensta' If you key 'Tensta' into Google then follow it through to Wikipedia all will be revealed.
Its the Tensta underground subway in STOCKHOLM as are many if not all of his so called Dulce base pictures.
The man is a totall fool.

Even more!
The photo he has marked as "Possible escalator to tube shuttle. Possible level 13 at Dulce." Is actually the Rådhuset subway station, Stockholm

This is the real classic that brings James Casbolts claims crasjing down
On of of his picture he states:
"Possible tube shuttle. Evidence points to this being the slower shuttle that connects the bases around America. The deeper mag-lev shuttle is much faster and travels at 3000 MPH. This shuttle travels globally and travels along tunnels that run under the oceans. An NSA contact who I call X3 told me the global shuttle is called 'Terradrive'. This man worked at the Piine Gap underground facility in Australia, which is a major control centre for the New World Order dictatorship and the covert ET invasion and takeover of this planet."

Yet the picture he show is of the Vagn 2000, the newest train type in Stockholm, shown here

In fact if you look around the Wikipedia site of Stockholm's subway, you will find practically all of Mr Casbolts alleged Dulce Pictures come from the Stockholm subway, which has more than 40 'Subterranean' subway stations
Does this man have ANY credibility left at allif he wondt even bother checking where his supposed 'Alien'pictures come from?

[edit on 6/6/07 by realyweely]

link to the prior ATS thread:

about 2/3 of the way down page 2.

the guy is pure sham. pure sham.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:04 AM
Edit: Never mind.

[edit on 28/4/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:08 AM
I got down to the part where it was talking about the fake Armaggedon (sp?) and noticed all 4 horsemen they described are the ones mentioned in the Bible. Then they described it in detail and I saw the part where it says along the lines of: "false ET attack perpetrated by the government" and now I just feel like saying to all those who believe in aliens the "I told you so" speech seems fitting. Following that was the Poland incident and that just happened. If this was written two years ago then this has to be the most credible information I've read regarding current events... ever!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:09 AM
It's odd this was written in 2008 supposedly and this guy mentions the name "Mr. Whitmore" which only sticks out to me because that name is used in the show "Lost" - and in this ebook the guy claims Mr. Whitmore is one of the heads of the mind control program... if you've watched the show "Lost" you'll understand why I find it odd the names are the same.

I know I'm just putting 2+2 together and being very general but just thought I'd add this... I felt compelled too for some reason.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by Pocky

This here is front and center of what this is all about: Shadow goverment treaties with ETs, ET wars, Mind Control projects, false flags, FEMA camps, human enslavement NWO.

Are there FEMA camps in other countries besides the U.S. even though FEMA is a U.S. government entity?

Also, can the NSA shutdown the entire world's internet service even though it is a U.S. government entity as well?

No to question number 1
No to question number 2

A if they do that in the US it will be only in the US and US hosted sites alone. But it would cause such havoc among the population that they would loose control of the country in a pretty short period. Not to mention the damage that it would make to the US economy. So in my humble opinion all of the OP points are just pure non-sense.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by thomas_

Where is your proof that supports your answers please provide links

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:24 AM
"The NSA" could not shut down the internet. Even if they had a court order to force every ISP to power down, one could still just use an overseas dialup. They could then shut down all the phone lines. Oops, you can still use an acoustic modem with a satellite phone. When the NSA shuts down all of the communications satellites too, one could still use packet radio over shortwave. Then when the NSA jams all RF, we can just have carrier pigeons carry thumbdrives back and forth. If they poison the pigeons, then we just send smoke signals. The flow of information cannot be stopped.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:29 AM
lmao NSA shutting down the internet? if you took 5 seconds to think of the outcome of such actions you'd know that'l never happen.

for starters...NSA cant touch my internet here in the UK so wotever happens im safe.

i dont know what its like over in the US but when an ISP here in england has a problem and our internet goes down for even 1 hour...they get 10's of thousands of calls flooding in requesting it be sorted immediately.

id imagine if anyone took away your internet in the states it wouldnt be taken lying down by the public and whoever shuts it down would be forced pretty dam quick to get it back up again. nobody would get away with that kind of thing in this sure its the same in the US

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Personally, I welcome the end with open arms. Whether it be Nibiru destroying the planet, the Sun blowing up, aliens invading and blowing everything up, aliens helping us transcend, passing through the galactic plane in 2012 and evolving automatically, Ron Paul being elected President, the planet going crazy, God's divine judgment in one form or another, etc., it has to end. Living with this stagnation is getting harder and harder with each passing day, and I'm sick of all of us being the frog slowly cooked in boiling water.

So just because your life is obviously trite and meaningless what gives you the right to decide that everyone elses' life is also meaningless and has no value? If you want to be emo then by all means hide in your basement and cut "I wanna die" into your arm, but don't wish death upon us all just because you feel like your own life does not matter

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:37 AM
I just cut a piece out of this masterpiece of a book
it is strong stuff, here Here he stops a blackout or starts it,
He compares himself to jesus and the Druids,
he can revive a dead squirrel, yes he can of course also cure cancer
and that in only 16 lines of text
Who can not believe this


posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by jazz10

Support what exactly t my friend?

The US doesn't own the internet and isn't the only country with satellite up there, nor the single country with hosts, cable and wireless infrastructures and internet access in the world. Nor the only one capable of reaching space.

Prove that they can indeed shutdown the internet instead if you have any proof. Enlighten me please.

But if it's regarding the FEMA camps on other countries than I must say that you're absolutely crazy. Do you really think that Americans would be the only ones capable or intelligent enough to notice those popping up? Please...

Besides the US military presence is minimum to none in certain countries. And even in those which US military is indeed present they aren't the major dominant players in most of the cases.

But please if you have pictures of FEMA camps in other parts of the world like China, Australia, Japan, South Africa, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Denmark, India, Italy, Chile, Argentine, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Brazil, Iran, Colombia, Greece, Brazil, etc I would be glad to see them.

I say, "it's nonsense" once again.

But believe in what you want, you're entitled to it.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by peterfromdk
I just cut a piece out of this masterpiece of a book
it is strong stuff, here Here he stops a blackout or starts it,
He compares himself to jesus and the Druids,
he can revive a dead squirrel, yes he can of course also cure cancer
and that in only 16 lines of text
Who can not believe this



Classic. Does this guy has his own church already?

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Blazer

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Personally, I welcome the end with open arms. Whether it be Nibiru destroying the planet, the Sun blowing up, aliens invading and blowing everything up, aliens helping us transcend, passing through the galactic plane in 2012 and evolving automatically, Ron Paul being elected President, the planet going crazy, God's divine judgment in one form or another, etc., it has to end. Living with this stagnation is getting harder and harder with each passing day, and I'm sick of all of us being the frog slowly cooked in boiling water.

So just because your life is obviously trite and meaningless what gives you the right to decide that everyone elses' life is also meaningless and has no value? If you want to be emo then by all means hide in your basement and cut "I wanna die" into your arm, but don't wish death upon us all just because you feel like your own life does not matter

Exactly. Besides all of those doom embracing people with the "I'm ready" motto will crap in their pants as anyone else if such thing really happens.

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