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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Actually where is your proof that Rome is an Etruscan creation. It is just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Rome is.

It is that simple. Show me an Etruscan Elite that influences the world please, or a Babylonian or an Egyptian one.

The politics of the thread aside, Rome itself claims Trojan roots not Etruscan ones.

So having said that, if you choose not to believe Rome's roots are Trojan since Rome itself states they are, then you are in fact stating, that Rome can not be trusted in the retelling of it's own history.

Which in fact is a huge part of the conspiracy and the argument.

That Rome can not be trusted to give us the truth in regards to history, and Rome has written itself much of what we know of history, and influenced how it is viewed through the Church and Christianity.

So this is where the anal retentive break down in their thinking process in then if you your self feel Rome is not telling the truth regarding it's creations and origins, then what can we safely assume to be the truth?

How I arrived at it was looking at motive and opportunity through every twist and pivotal event throughout history, like any detective would in solving a crime.

I have even stated that is what I have done time and time again just to have others purposefully misconstrue my words to try to make them reflect things I have not said.

Yes a core group of agenda driven and politically motivated posters have clung to the thread to try to shape the argument they couldn't when the thread was topical. While yes another unrelated politically motivated group bided their time for months to wait for a time when the thread ceased becoming topical, current and of general interest to launch an attack on it.

For political reasons which in fact does show in their posts which make no attempt to touch on the topic, put forth a theory or provide any tangible information with tie-ins to the thread.

The truth is though if I chose, which I do not, I could do the very same thing, and organize and coordinate with others to make my arguments seem more valid than they do on the appearance of stars alone.

How can I prove this? Quite easily any post that is anti the original piece or anti the original poster is now widely starred, yet in reality, each is in fact promoting a very different stance and take of their own. So what in fact is anyone agreeing to in this process?

Nothing. What type of cohesive theory are they putting forward...none.

It's just a barbarian horde taking over the city, as we have seen happen in Rome before, yet the Power Structure of Rome didn't cease to exist, nor did Rome itself.

It just let the horde take over the city. Which did not change the Roman Elites power or the Romanization of the world.

Yet all roads do not lead to Tuscany, and I don't truly believe anyone but you believes that the Etruscans are the real power behind the founding of Rome or the Roman Empire today.

You can't prove that Rome was an invention of the Etruscans, and if it was why would the Etruscans themselves not lay claim to it?

Most of these emotionally driven arguments become absurd after a while in absence of real proof for them.

Where is an Etruscan Power Structure, where is an Etruscan Banking System, where is there a dominant Etruscan concept of God and religion? Where is there a Club of Tuscany trying to take over the world.

It remains what it remains for months, a simple contention between posters, who are now resorting to childish power plays to make their arguments which are as varied as the make up of Rome itself all seem valid ones.

So in absence of some kind of real information I and about a minimum of 240 other posters rejected these contentions a long time ago, when the thread was topical and fresh, and had some resemblence to a conspiracy thread, instead of a petty gripe fest and a power play.

The truth is you have no theory of your own, and it's all just a diversion for diversions sake, and you can't tie the Etruscans in through the modern day.

You can't even prove that they founded Rome, except by asking where is their proof that Rome had Trojan roots.

So it's all just smoke and mirrors, divide and conquer which is what Rome is very good at, mainly driven by ego and emotion, which Rome is very good at getting people to use, instead of their intellect.

I find it all rather funny, yet sad, but yes, please do enjoy your few moments under the Tuscan Sun.


edit on 20/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Isaacland

For the record, serbsta is not harming or derailing the thread. He might have different views to yours, but no need to mock comments in other threads or accusing him of derailing this one.

The influence of Egyptian gods in Rome, especially during the reign of Emperor Claudius, is another segment that is missing from this thread.

To understand the contemporary Rome, you cannot ignore antiquity.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by Isaacland

For the record, serbsta is not harming or derailing the thread. He might have different views to yours, but no need to mock comments in other threads or accusing him of derailing this one.

The influence of Egyptian gods in Rome, especially during the reign of Emperor Claudius, is another segment that is missing from this thread.

To understand the contemporary Rome, you cannot ignore antiquity.

As discussed in great detail in the thread, the ancients’ concept of a pantheon of Gods did not ascribe to any one of them the all powerful importance or power of the monotheistic concept of God practiced by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

This creates a real temptation on some people’s part to ascribe to these various God’s greater importance than they likely ever held within the religious and political framework of Rome.

Rome allowed conquered and absorbed peoples to incorporate their deities into its ever growing pantheon.

The Roman elite used this politically as a way to show it had not only conquered the people but their gods which now favored Rome.

Yet each God only had limited appeal with really just Jupiter and Apollo being all powerful or of universal importance.

Each section of the social economic strata as did each profession have Gods that were specifically tailored to limited aspects that fit their lifestyle, social status and profession.

This multitude of Gods was not viewed in all powerful terms, and people should avoid the temptation of thinking they were revered one and all in the same way that Christians, Jews and Muslims revere one all powerful God.

Most of the foreign Gods were brought into Rome by conquered people who were either slaves or merchants.

They had limited appeal, primarily to those people importing them, and their professions and lifestyle, and likely no appeal or influence to the Roman Political Elite.

We don’t really have a snap shot of typical Roman Religious life because none of us lived back then in those times, yet it is safe to say it was radically different than our own monotheistic concept of God.

The thing about religious arguments is they can’t be won, solely for the reason the Gods involved never actually themselves take part in the argument. Just people do.

So while it’s all fascinating, it is an argument that no one can win in absence of the Gods or God weighing in on it.

Meanwhile while we look to the past trying to dissect it, to focus in on unwinnable arguments, the Roman Elite continues to plan out our future.

It really is that simple.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well you would think so, but the influence of Egyptian gods in Roman society was quite fashionable. And, for one god and a goddess, it has direct relation to the current Catholic Church. One imported god, that was heavily worshiped in the Roman emperor was Isis - mother of Horus.
The Vatican museum has a statue of Isis - who strikes a hauntingly modern depiction of the Virgin Mary. Her son, Horus, lives a bizarre life - which is identical to Jesus Christ. The Cult of Isis did leave Egypt and arrived in Rome.


Roman depiction of Isis

Many archeologists and researchers have written extensive books, even documentaries, into the comparisons of Horus and Jesus. This, according to some, is the origin of Mary and Jesus. Some go further by stating the Holy Trinity of the Christian doctrine is Egyptian.

Rome use to idolize and see themselves as the successor of Troy. But, all this stopped after the first dynasty, and the Egyptian gods became worshiped - and paved the way to Roman Christianity. There is no doubt that Rome thinks it is a direct descendant of a forgotten civilization - but which one?

edit on 20-9-2010 by infinite because: spelling

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by infinite

Rome was and continues to be a place of fashionable trends. Some of them bordering on the decadent and provocative, even sex appeal, yet one element, very critical element remain missing.

That is the Gods themselves, I have yet to run into one at Starbucks, the Beach, or at a trendy restaurant, or any where.

When you realize that the Gods themselves don’t weigh into the equation, because they either do not exist, or absolutely have no interest in interaction with humans, then in reality all they become is a tool for political manipulation.

To manipulate the superstitious and frightened masses, you may love the monotheistic concept of God with all your heart, but at the base of that too, remains fear, fear of damnation, fear of hellfire and brimstone, fear of being struck down by a bolt of lighting.

So superstition really is all about fear, and fears are all about wild speculation as most fears never come true. They are simply imagined.

So while an artist might choose to depict a statue simply as a expression of beauty, and a woman might choose to wear a trendy hairstyle simply as an expression of beauty, are the superstitious reading more into that based on fear.

Look it means they really…

Not necessarily, and once again in the absence of the Gods themselves becoming interactive with humans, what we really have then are just political cults, using a religious figure head, a God for the purpose of validating and justifying a political position, by giving it some divine weight.

I personally don’t believe there was one elite in the world, that imagines God(s) are involved or helping them carry out their plans. I do believe they are all though using notions of God to manipulate the masses along political lines to extol at times, to fear at times, but primarily just to manipulate superstitious based emotions for political ends.

Once again it’s all fascinating but an endless argument that can not be won, no matter how right someone imagines themselves to be, simply because the God(s) themselves do not actually weigh in as the only possible deciding factor that could settle such an argument.

How the elites do in fact drive the world forward is keeping us all looking to the past, while they plan out future events manipulated along the lines of our romanticizing the past, and superstitions and fears.

It’s a distraction that in my humble opinion has empowered that handful of determined people looking forward and planning forward, to keep the people running round and round in circles, arguing and speculating about the past and superstition.

This is how the Gods really come into play, people wanting to believe in them and argue over them, with no way for anyone to win the argument. It’s called divide and conquer and this is what Rome does.

People even many of my critics, in fact all of my critics have asked me, well, how do we change this, where is there hope, and it really is simple.

STOP LOOKING TO THE PAST, put your superstitions aside, believe in yourself and the power of your own destiny through mastering yourself and believing in yourself and take a proactive role in making the world a better place.

Rather than do that though, the vast majority prefer to instead entertain themselves with petty intrigues, drama and spectacle and ego based confrontation, to bolster their sense of self, because they all do feel disenfranchised and powerless to one extent or another, and can’t move forward and change that, because they are rooted in the past and constantly looking towards it.

These are arguments that can’t be won in absence of the Gods themselves clarifying their importance and position.

It really is very simple.

I contend its fear of the future and the need to take responsibility fully for one’s own life, world and destiny that causes people to do this.

Honestly 70 pages ago, I had hoped this thread would have turned into a keep your eye on the ball thread what are they doing today, to help people better respond to our rapidly changing world.

Instead we are not only mired in the ancient past, but the past of what’s taken place in the thread.

I hope the love affair of ego will be worth it when we get a little further into the future and the worst parts of this conspiracy start unfolding.

Is the only time we don’t look to the past going to be when present events become so horrible we can no longer afford that fanciful diversion?

Are people so obsessed with the past because they no longer have real hope and dreams for the future?

Because if you don’t have hopes and dreams for the future and you aren’t trying to make them come true, well then, yes you have abdicated your world to those that are.

Trust me there are those that are planning out all of our futures.


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:30 PM
Also, Egypt was a province of the Roman empire. And, it seems, had great importance than just religion.

Pyraminds in Italy

The question that needs asking, and answering, what DID Rome whilst it was in Egypt. Many structures and temples were destroyed, but the Giza Pyramid complex was left untouched. And, with pyramids in Italy, the Roman authorities were trying to emulate something.

ProtoplasmicTraveler, we talked (in another thread) about Atlantis and an advance civilization. Does Rome think it's the successor?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You are missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle if you refuse to acknowledge significant parts of history. Rome THINKS its a continuation, deep in the heart of this conspiracy is a knowledge that you and I cannot even begin to comprehend.

This is beyond global banking and finance. It's just the tip of the iceberg.

How can you even began to understand it, if you dismiss the religions influence and even civilizations that help shape Rome? I'm sorry my friend, but it's absurd. 90% of the construction, expansion and the current sphere of influence is being ignored or repressed in this thread. For someone as articulate and intelligent as you, I cannot fathom the logic behind it all. All I've seen in the last five pages is members of ATS get verbally attacked for posting information, which is not offtopic (I'm an FSME in the NWO, I deal with off the topic remarks all the time), or trying to disrupt your hard work. No one is doing such thing. We are trying to understand the nature of the beast.

If you don't understand the enemy, how can you tell what it will do next?

There is a reason for the center of power staying in Rome.

But alas, if you wish not to learn the hidden reasons behind Rome, then I will respect your decision and play no further part in this thread.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by infinite

When you realize that the Gods themselves don’t weigh into the equation, because they either do not exist, or absolutely have no interest in interaction with humans, then in reality all they become is a tool for political manipulation.

Not necessarily, and once again in the absence of the Gods themselves becoming interactive with humans, what we really have then are just political cults, using a religious figure head, a God for the purpose of validating and justifying a political position, by giving it some divine weight.

Oh but the "gods" do and have of late weighed in and have lent their weight.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by SLAYER69

Except that Josephus is a historian and not an Emperor.

So are we really just going to pretend that substituting how I said Rome has controlled our history through a Historian such as Josephus is really an answer to Masqua's question?

Uh, you do know that Josephus was originally a Jewish commander in one of the Jewish revolts against Rome that changed sides and decided to become a "historian" after he was captured, right?

source - since you like wiki ...

Josephus, who introduced himself in Greek as "Iosepos (Ιώσηπος), son of Matthias, an ethnic Jew, a priest from Jerusalem",[5] fought the Romans in the First Jewish-Roman War of 66–73 as a Jewish military leader in Galilee. Prior to this, however, he was sent as a young man in his early twenties for negotiations with Emperor Nero for the release of several Jewish priests. He later returned to Jerusalem and was drafted as a commander of the Galilean forces.[6] After the Jewish garrison of Yodfat fell under siege, the Romans invaded, killing thousands; the survivors committed suicide.

According to Josephus, however, in circumstances that are somewhat unclear, Josephus found himself trapped in a cave with forty of his companions. The Romans asked him to surrender once they discovered where he was, but his companions refused to allow this. He therefore suggested a method of collective suicide: they drew lots and killed each other, one by one, counting to every third person. The sole survivor of this process was Josephus (this method as a mathematical problem is referred to as the Josephus problem, or Roman Roulette[7]). Josephus and one of his soldiers then surrendered to the Roman forces invading Galilee in July 67 and became prisoners. The Roman forces were led by Flavius Vespasian and his son Titus, both subsequently Roman emperors. In 69, Josephus was released,[8] and according to Josephus's own account, he appears to have played a role as a negotiator with the defenders during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70.

What a plan! Let's all kill ourselves instead of being captured by those beastly Romans. You all go first ..

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by infinite

This is in response to Logarock and Infinite.

First I learned a long time ago you can’t save the world or people from themselves. Having said that I will state this:

Who defines God in absence of God is you.

The elites know this.

Why religious arguments can not be won, is because each person defines God to a slightly unique version. Each person believes they are correct, and each person believes the other person is incorrect.

Your own definition of God becomes the elite’s most powerful weapon against you.

This is the first and primary reason the elites do not need a God(s) on their side.

They just need you to hope that God is on your side, and for you to further God as they politically put it to you.

Now having said that, I will say this:

With six hundred thousand codes and laws on the books, that control almost every aspect of the human existence, having placed almost all vital resources in a few corporate hands, having placed the distribution of those in a few corporate hands, having technology that monitors us and connects us to a control grid 24/7/365, and a technologically advanced security and military apparatus what do you really imagine the Elites need a God to help them to do.

They already control every aspect of the average person’s existence through these mechanisms, and have already created a complete dependency on them.

Every military that ever fought a battle takes the notion of God along with it into that battle, yet one side always looses despite that without God ever showing up on the battle field.

Self defined concepts of God simply create a state where people become their own worst enemy.

Much of the umbrage in this thread has been caused by people rejecting the notion that they are their own worst enemy.

Religious arguments can not be won without the God(s) themselves weighing in to declare a victor.

Because they never do it is really just humans fighting humans over the definition of God, and assuming he victor got it right.

Yes it’s great that people have decided this thread would be great to talk about concepts of God. If we could afford that luxury, the elites don’t need a God at this stage; they have so stacked the playing field in their favor.

No god has ever stopped their relentless march to do that, and it’s doubtful one is going to show up in the end.

So yes we can vacillate all day long, all year long, all century long, right up until the point they have total and complete control arguing concepts, self defined concepts of God and trying to get others to adopt them, but it really isn’t going to accomplish anything but our own doom.

Yes this highly offends some people, and thankfully I am not looking to win a popularity contest, or politically correct award of the year. I never have, and never will.

Anyone who imagines they are going to define God and get everyone posting to this thread to adopt the same concept is deluding themselves.

You are also derailing the thread, because who is controlling and running the world is humans, with the aide of human technology and human systems.

So powerful at this point, if there was a God(s) they would be hard pressed to stop them.

Everyday the elites do add more laws, more technology, and more control.

How long do you want to keep defining God when the only way God factors in is us defining it to our own disadvantage?

It really is not a religious thread, it’s a conspiracy thread about Rome, and their plans to take over the world, and if any one believes we ought to wait to try to stop it until we all agree with what God is, well…

Please let’s get real.

The technology, systems and laws being used against us to rob us of freedom and quality of life are real.

They really exist, they really are being employed, and they are going to keep on doing it, and they don’t need God(s) to help them.

Never have and never will.

They need God(s) to keep you distracted and arguing amongst ourselves trying to define it, until they can put the last bar in the prison and control grid in place.

Then yes you will see who their concept of God really is, themselves.

I am not missing a huge piece of the puzzle, there is no puzzle. Just the one you make in your own mind.

edit on 20/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by infinite

This is how the Gods really come into play, people wanting to believe in them and argue over them, with no way for anyone to win the argument. It’s called divide and conquer and this is what Rome does.

I know, and if you didn't silence the thread - I would've gone on to explain that. I never said once God or gods were influencing these people. To justify its current position in the world, Rome uses reference to past cultures (i.e the importation of gods), again, if you gave me the chance to explain it. Symbolism is a key part of the conspiracy, including right up to the present day.

It's why humanity has allowed Rome to dictate affairs for thousands of years.

In future, do not assume my trail of thought. Due to this little period of friendly fire, members have missed out of some potential significant information I was going to post.

Are people so obsessed with the past because they no longer have real hope and dreams for the future?

Don't assume my desires. You and I have arrived on the same page, in relation to Rome, but we've both come at it from different starting points.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Troy represented the Gods, the bloodlines of the pre-flood world, the technologies and spirituality saved from those days. The belief that divine universal forces, that could be called upon and evoked through prayers and offerings, with distinct personalities and powers, could aide and benefit humankind directly, if they were respected and appeased and obeyed.

THIS is the most important aspect of this thread. That paragraph. ProtoplasmicTraveler, remember your epic thread in the New World Order section? We spoke about Troy. Also, remember we started to discuss the pre-flood world and Egypt. And, to all in this thread, see the above posts of mine about Egypt and Rome - especially about pyramid construction in Italy.

Let me grab the other thread and bring some of posts over here. Trust me, there is a theory to my madness. It will literally explain everything and tie this thread together.


This has direct link to Nazi Germany too and explains why Hitler wanted ties to Rome.

edit on 20-9-2010 by infinite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by infinite

If it would only be that he have different views it will be ok but go back and read his posts, i smell something...maybe i am used to other conspiracy site, which are more severe on off topic standards but i think at the end, higher standards makes more quality threads. I guess every sites are different.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by infinite

This is how the Gods really come into play, people wanting to believe in them and argue over them, with no way for anyone to win the argument. It’s called divide and conquer and this is what Rome does.

I know, and if you didn't silence the thread - I would've gone on to explain that. I never said once God or gods were influencing these people. To justify its current position in the world, Rome uses reference to past cultures (i.e the importation of gods), again, if you gave me the chance to explain it. Symbolism is a key part of the conspiracy, including right up to the present day.

It's why humanity has allowed Rome to dictate affairs for thousands of years.

In future, do not assume my trail of thought. Due to this little period of friendly fire, members have missed out of some potential significant information I was going to post.

Are people so obsessed with the past because they no longer have real hope and dreams for the future?

Don't assume my desires. You and I have arrived on the same page, in relation to Rome, but we've both come at it from different starting points.

I truly am not trying to silence the thread. I am keenly focused on keeping it on topic.

So since we are in basic agreement on how Rome uses the God's and I am sure you want to illustrate something more to display that, let me just say, please share, your own take.

I appologize if it seems I am rushing to assumptions.


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Troy represented the Gods, the bloodlines of the pre-flood world, the technologies and spirituality saved from those days. The belief that divine universal forces, that could be called upon and evoked through prayers and offerings, with distinct personalities and powers, could aide and benefit humankind directly, if they were respected and appeased and obeyed.

THIS is the most important aspect of this thread. That paragraph. ProtoplasmicTraveler, remember your epic thread in the New World Order section? We spoke about Troy. Also, remember we started to discuss the pre-flood world and Egypt. And, to all in this thread, see the above posts of mine about Egypt and Rome - especially about pyramid construction in Italy.

Let me grab the other thread and bring some of posts over here. Trust me, there is a theory to my madness. It will literally explain everything and tie this thread together.


This has direct link to Nazi Germany too and explains why Hitler wanted ties to Rome.

edit on 20-9-2010 by infinite because: (no reason given)

It actually wasn't my thread, but another posters, who bowed out of it early on.

The thread was on a Jesse Ventura Show about the reference he made to the Council of Twelve, which I then interjected was the Council of Eight.

This is where you and I and a few other members became better acquainted and started discussing my theories on Rome, and the bulk of the requests were put forward to lay them all out in one place.

There is a lot of significant information in that thread, and you and I and a number of others, brought quite a bit of research into it, much of which then was incorporated into this thread and much, much more.

I think that thread would still be going on today, had I not published this one, and I kept an active involvement in it.

You have been a great aide in helping me with these theories, and I sure don't want to appear to be ungrateful or dismissive of that.

So please continue to share, and let's see what you see and where you see it all leading to and going.


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

No need to apologise.

We've spoke at great lengths in the past about Troy and it's like to the pre-flood civilization. Especially technology. This lead on to a discussion about the construction of ancient Egypt, including our own theory of pre-flood survivors helping to building the nation. Later, Rome and the legend of the Trojan prince.

Now, Rome invaded and turned Egypt into a province. But unlike most invasions, majority of the structures were not leveled. Why? What did Rome discover? Possible information of pre-flood survivors helping to establish the new world - confirming the Rome founding myth. It would explain why Rome started to import Egyptian culture and construct pyramids.

And after that, Rome conquered Britain. An island, according to myth, was founded by Brutus of Troy. It seems, Rome started to go searching for anything associated to the pre-flood. And in modern times, so did the Nazi's. We cannot forget the close ties with Rome, especially the Vatican. Also, how did Nazi Germany acquire all that advance technology, some even more sophisticated than us today.

Not forgetting, the Nazi's believed in Atlantis and a Master race (the pre-flood human?)

Do all roads lead to Rome because, not only did Rome acquire them, but it is the heir (not of Troy) but to the pre-flood world? There is no question, the Vatican holds all secrets - some say the Romans moved the Halls of Records to Rome (what is now the Vatican library)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Before the flood, the world was one community and society.

So, there is Rome's master plan. It's thousands of years trying to accumulating all the information to rebuild the global structures that once existed on this planet.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by infinite

Yes I see where you are now going with it all. There is no denying I agree with all this too. Since as you know I have posted extensively on it.

Yet is ATS ready to handle to the whole truth, what has really been hidden from them.

The truth of the world's fpre flood past, the desire to attain that culture all over again at any and all cost by assimiliating all the primitive people that descended from the survivors spread out in pockets around the world that lost touch and knowledge of that technology and those systems?

Some arguably are.

Yet even Slayer who I respect on some non-political levels the author of the two most significant Atlantis threads on ATS seems reluctant to see the connection that Rome plays in all that moving forward, in Rome's drive towards a one world government.

This is why I have tried to present the conspiracy in a snap shot that would let people take that first step towards focusing in on the frame of reference that runs our modern world, which is destinctly Roman and Judean/Christian in it's perspective and a 2500 year picture of the world, that influences the realm of understanding most people have of the world.

I think I have accomplished as much as I can in exposing ATS to that snapshot, so if you want to take as active a role moving forward in this thread as you did in that previous thread, and help keep it focused then on including the rest of the picture, I will go along with that and pitch in.

My fear remains, and it is my fear, that taking people to far to fast just makes them want to run for the safety of what they feel and are certain they do know.

That what makes sense to people in the opening piece because they can look at it through that frame they have already been given allows them to see what is taking place.

Incorporating much, much more takes it into the realm of total fantasy and theory.

As you know, I don't in fact feel it is total fantasy, or even close but that there is a lot of evidence to support it, evidence being withheld by Rome. Evidence that Rome has long scoured the earth for, even while methodically working through a number of distanced and apparently detached organizations and nations, to bring about the New Atlantis and the one world Government.

Since the thread did cease to become relevant about 2 months ago after most people viewed it and commented, I suppose it would be an appropriate time to expand it toward the whole truth????

Tell me it will be ok though?

Tell me this baby is ready to walk!

My fear remains the most critical portion what's happening right now, will be obscured if we really delve into the whole picture.

Rome has kept the whole picture from us, for the same reason I have kept it from the thread. People aren't ready to handle it, it would render invalid their entire belief system and what they have been taught to believe, about our past, concepts of God and government and nation.

I am not at all optimistic even ATS is ready for this yet.

But what the heck I am a gambling man!

Let's tell them the whole story then shall we?

edit on 20/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

People dismiss it, but fail to realize their own religious books speak of the pre-flood world. The "angels" and "thrones of fire" are merely the pre-flood survivors. "God" tells man to build monolithic structures, with accurate measurements, but people fell to acknowledge technology was used to do it. The truth is for them to see, but the reject it and delegate it for priests to downgrade. Alas, the truth remains hidden.

ATS members, viewing this thread, need to be told the whole story ProtoplasmicTraveler

In the words of Marc Antony,

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

People dismiss it, but fail to realize their own religious books speak of the pre-flood world. The "angels" and "thrones of fire" are merely the pre-flood survivors. "God" tells man to build monolithic structures, with accurate measurements, but people fell to acknowledge technology was used to do it. The truth is for them to see, but the reject it and delegate it for priests to downgrade. Alas, the truth remains hidden.

ATS members, viewing this thread, need to be told the whole story ProtoplasmicTraveler

In the words of Marc Antony,

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears

Can we at least have a little chuckle first at what a great job I did at convincing others that Proto knows nothing about these things and is closed minded to considering them?

Ok lets not. Let's talk about the mysterious black sattelite oribiting the planet from pole to pole that was up there when we first began launching into space.

Let's talk about Earth's highly advanced past, and the level of society and technology it had attained before the flood.

Let's talk about how Troy was founded by a large group of survivors and their descendants, and move on backwards and hope we can go back far enough to come all the way around to the present in doing so.

Where would you like to begin my daring friend?

edit on 20/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

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