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U.S. plans drive to limit salt in foods

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by marg6043

did i hear you right? salt alternative? egads.

check this out:

they thought it'd be a good idea to remove all the nutrients from sugar cane and wallah: white sugar.

they thought it'd be a good idea to remove all the nutrients from salt and wallah: table salt (which was further manipulated by adding iodine to it).

they thought it'd be a good idea to remove all the nutrients from wheat grain and wallah: white flour.

now they want to just skip salt altogether and put a fake salt in ?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

The amount of normal saline infused depends largely on the needs of the patient (e.g. ongoing diarrhea or heart failure) but is typically between 1.5 and 3 litres a day for an adult.

Other concentrations of saline are frequently used for other medical purposes, such as supplying extra water to a dehydrated patient or supplying the daily water and salt needs ("maintenance" needs) of a patient who is unable to take them by mouth.

Salt is a dietary mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride that is essential for animal life, but can be toxic to many land plants.


Sodium is one of the primary electrolytes in the body. All four cationic electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) are available in unrefined salt, as are other vital minerals needed for optimal bodily function. Too much or too little salt in the diet can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, or electrolyte disturbance, which can cause neurological problems, or be fatal. Drinking too much water, with insufficient salt intake, puts a person at risk of water intoxication (hyponatremia). Salt is sometimes used as a health aid, such as in treatment of dysautonomia.

Sodium plays a key role in your body. It helps maintain normal blood pressure, supports the work of your nerves and muscles, and regulates your body's fluid balance.

When the sodium levels in your blood become too low, excess water enters your cells and causes them to swell. Swelling in your brain is especially dangerous because the brain is confined by your skull and unable to expand.


Diet. A low-sodium, high-water diet can disturb the proper balance between sodium and fluids in your blood. Excessive intake of diuretics, including beer, can have the same effect.

Like I've been saying, too little salt in your body can kill you just as much as too much salt can. The difference is too little can throw you into a coma instead of giving you a heart attack.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Oh yes, I am aware that the body requires salt. That is beside the point.

It is a lot harder to die from lack of salt than it is to die of an abundance of salt when foods contain high amounts of it.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by undo

You forgot the butter
now call "margarine", they concocted a chemical solution that gel like butter and added artificial flavor and get what we got, artificial butter !!!!!!!

One ingredient short of plastic, or that is what my mother said.

Butter only got two ingredients, cream and milk.

How bad is that, now try reading the ingredients on artificial flavored counterpart.


Ingredients; Liquid soybean oil, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, water, whey, salt, vegetable mono- and diglycerides and soy lecithin (emulsifiers), potassium sorbate and sodium benzonate (to preserve freshness), artificial flavor, phosphoric acid (acidulant), vitamin A palmitate, colored with beta carotene (source of vitamin A).

Now, I most be dumb because I am still trying to figure out how artificial margarine is better for my health than natural butter. . .

Oh, I forgot, the FDA and the government tells me so

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:19 AM
Personally I think you should eat drink and be merry,

Frick we are all gonna die.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by marg6043

egads, a need a farm, a butter churn and a couple cows. nah, be just my luck, i'd spend all that money and time and effort, dang near kill myself in the process only to have president stalin come in and take my all crops and seeds. . better to eat a little junk where they don't think you have much else, than to have lots of good stuff, and have 'em take it all away.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

FDA now reporting 150,000 lives per year could be saved, by just cutting the amount of sodium in processed foods.

I thought they wanted us all dead,

Here we have a culture that over uses prescription drugs, and street drugs, They have all the kids on Ritalin,let's worry about salt.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:24 AM
It downright sickens me that some here are so in favor of a nanny state where all decisions are made centrally not individually that I honestly hope those people get to live in their ideal utopia so they can see its not all its cracked up to be.

Today it might be salt, but what about when your TV watching is considered unhealthy, would this government step in and turn off your TV subscription (and make you pay the early termination fees) or perhaps kick in your door and simply take the device? What about exercise in this ideal world, would you be forced at gunpoint to run around the block because perhaps you were having a bad day and didn't get your federally mandated daily exercise? Or what about internet usage, would the boot lickers rejoice in having a little black box that limits them to say 15 minutes of restricted and monitored internet usage every day?

Its so good to see that some folks completely missed out on reading 1984 in school, perhaps if they had gotten to read it they wouldn't be trying to bring Orwell's nightmare into realization.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

now you're getting it!

they must need a larger condo on mars.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Not really. If you're active, have a low sodium diet, and then drink a bunch of water during or after exercising you can develop water intoxication. Not that hard to do anymore with people switching to low sodium diets when they have no medical reason to do so and going nuts with the exercise thinking that being thin automatically = being healthy.

The posts in this thread, in general not yours specifically, show a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to sodium. No one wants to acknowledge that in moderation it is a vital part of our dietary needs, instead they'd rather just cut out all salt and tell people to add the salt themselves. (Again not just you, this thread in general.) I can't decide if people really just don't know what happens when you don't get enough sodium, or if they think coma's are preferable to heart attacks.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:31 AM
People need to get their facts straight. Sodium is not bad for you, okay? It's the amount of sodium that you put in your body. More correctly, it's the ratio of sodium to other nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. There is no need to limit sodium intake in most instances. Even when dealing with hypertension, only a small percentage of folks actually benefit from reduced sodium diets.

It's like toxicology. A toxicologist will tell you that dose is what defines a poison. You can't just cut out sodium from your diet. That's foolish. We should be looking into balancing our nutrient ratios of staple foods. Processing the foods has put these ratios out of whak. Decades ago, we fortified foods with some of these that were lost. We should rethink our processing methods, and the way we fortify foods.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by undo

Hon, the government and their pimps already own Americas food supplies, they are getting rid of natural and organic growers one at a time while infecting their seeds with mutating junk.

All in the name of profit makings and population control.

Let live on GMO foods, while vaccinating our children to death with animal DNA tampered vaccines and live for every happy in big pharma medicated La-la land with mandatory HCR.

We are truly become a very manipulated society, all for the good of profit making (I mean humanity).

[edit on 21-4-2010 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Helig

My grandfather and my father both lived to almost ninety, they both smoked up till the day they died, and neither one of them died from lung cancer, my mother died at sixty-four and she was a health nut.

They ate meat and potatoes, a real hearty diet, my grandfather died of a brain tumor that was very rare so he donated his body to science they said he had inner organs of a man half his age,

I don't think it is what we are eating but the chemicals and pollution, and additives, I am doubting tobacco kills but the filters,

who knows?

and then there are genetics.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Stormdancer777

now you're getting it!

they must need a larger condo on mars.

undoubtedly, lol

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by marg6043

wonder what the weather is like in the netherlands lol
are they really putting the organic growers out of business? that's not good.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Thanks Jenna, your post is very informative.

The Experts change there minds all the time, remember years ago coffee was bad for you, and eggs, now they changed there minds on those two,


moderation is the best way to go, but we are pretty much at the mercy of government controls now.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:41 AM
This thread is hilarious. I only have one thing to say on the matter: you get what and who you vote for. Being in favor of the HCB leads to the golden brick road of having the government in your every move, every decision, everything. I think if you voted for Obama, if you supported the HCB and you are complaining about the intrusion of the government in your personal decisions you should SHUT UP. Game over. I hate to generalize but seriously, your political hack ideals have revealed themselves and I just can't take you seriously.

Stop complaining. Eat your GMO food, pay 50 to 60% of your wages in taxes and get on your collectivist utopian cloud. You don't get to complain. You've lost the right and it goes against the hive. Stay in the hive, make your honey, don't think and just shut up.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:43 AM
It is a shame that the Whiskey Rebellion failed shortly after the founding of our nation.

That was all about taxing whiskey.

What they are talking about on this thread is taking away the right to buy food that tastes good. And there are a lot of posters that think it is a great idea.

I hate to put words in the mouth of a dead guy, so I will just say that even George Washington, the man that put down the Whiskey Rebellion, is probably spinning in his grave.

I guess that he probably died from salt poisoning, eh?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by undo

Remember the war between Monsanto and organic growers that refuse their manipulated seeds, the Monsanto fields infects the crops of the organic growers during pollination, that was made into a law sue by Monsanto against organic growers for supposedly stealing their seeds.

Is still going on.

The manipulated seeds actually yield plants that the seeds are hybrids meaning the infected plants can not produce seeds.

Millions Against Monsanto Campaign

Organic growers want Monsanto away from their sugar beets

Monsanto is spreading their mutating seeds and pollen all over the world.

Then you wonder if that is what is killing our bees as they play a major role on pollination.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Helig

Today it might be salt, but what about when your TV watching is considered unhealthy, would this government step in and turn off your TV subscription (and make you pay the early termination fees) or perhaps kick in your door and simply take the device? What about exercise in this ideal world, would you be forced at gunpoint to run around the block because perhaps you were having a bad day and didn't get your federally mandated daily exercise? Or what about internet usage, would the boot lickers rejoice in having a little black box that limits them to say 15 minutes of restricted and monitored internet usage every day?

I completely agree. The issue here for me is not a health issue, but rather the incessant intrusion of the government into every aspect of our lives. It seems as though as long as people agree with the particular governmental encroachment, they never question the legitimacy of the policy/law/mandate.

I sometimes wonder what it would take for some people to decide that the government had gone too far...

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