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Look What I Found At My Church

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Afewloosescrews
At the top, Catholicism is steeped in the occult. The Roman Catholic Church is as Luciferian and insidious as Freemasonry, Knights Templar, etc. Don't believe me? Listen to this ex-Catholic priest/Illuminist/Satanist's testimony:

You forgot to mention that Bill Schnobelen was also a Vampire, a Wiccan practioner and a Mormon......all at the same time as they above.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 02:19 PM
The Story of the Christ was put in the stars as was the great serpent that was created in the earth(this means earths system) as the book of jasher explains. Anyone that has researched more than watching stupid movies made by other stupid people that get a little info and try to defame Christians can see that The Creator Knew the battle was coming between his team and the rebels and put the Destroyer in the serpent so the earth would cyclically destroy itself he can stop it or let it happen. Its a safety and administration program if you will.
The fallen sons of God were gods here before the creation of Adam and were not doing their jobs so they were no longer allowed to be gods and watchers. So they forcefully came down and took us over. With that in mind knowing God would the story of his Messiah in the Stars that the gods that were there during creation would usurp this info and create religions with the stars around their own persona's to influence and control the population?

The Christians and their Christ were foretold in the bible long before moses. In the Torah. Give me a break with all the Christians ripped off the Egyptians BS. The fact is that Egyptians worshiped lesser beings than the God of Abraham. You are being duped! The rulers of this world will do all it can to destroy Christianity in the next few years and all the ill informed will go along as all the sheeple will bow down to the new world order.
Now please don;t attack me because I defend Christians. I am a Christian but I won't worship in any building that has the all the symbols in it.
Hell I won't even work in them. Symbols have great power. If you don;t believe me just wear a tshirt with a swastika on it around, inside out for a week so no one can see you have it on . See what happens that week.
One only research and look at the common theme throughout all the religions that so many use as examples to see that there is a story of creation, fallen gods, flood, messiah.
Thats from the creator and sorry to say it but the true word of god comes through the Adamic bloodline and they are his chosen people to bring forth the true words of the true creator and not some twisted version brought about by the creation.
So some have figured out that most religions contain many symbols and ideas, stories, but only the ones that come out of the story of Torah dominate the world today. Gee if the Babylonians had the truth first than why is there religions called mystery schools? Why don't these old religions dominate? Some say they do through the Illuminati. I'd say your right in mainstream but they had usurp the religions in the first place because their handlers(the fallen ones) knew they would dominate.
If you want to truly Discover the Ancient of Ages, one only needs to go to the innermost room and get on his or her knees and ask for truth from the Creator and you will not be denied. If it is in earnest and persistant.

But alas so many today believe they are gods unto themselves and will be judged with those ones that came before and thought the same when they defiled this earth, when the serpent finishes its round. So many posts I read in here are based on so much ignorance it makes me groan to read them. Gods Richest Blessings~

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 03:22 PM
i agree with you the story of christ was put in the stars...but if your christian let me ask you this, why did god come down and confuse us in the tower of babel...that in itself seperated us further from knowing what God truly is..this is what caused other religions to surface in the first place that the eygptians used to their advantage along with every other religion to come into existence...
what the eygptians did was take the true meaning of the stars and made there own religion like you said but so did christianity!
The swastika wasnt even a nazi symbol it to is a sacred spiritual symbol long before the eygptians came around...religious beliefs and the nazi agenda just confused the true meaning and gave it a bad name...even The star of david isnt only a jewish symbol it means the uniting of the sacred masculine and femine energies and a symbol of the soul reaching its full potential as seen in the the book of ezekiel which god used as vehicle to travel between spiritual dimensions called the Merkabah.
The bloodline is another misconception...the elite wanted to make the jews look like the chosen people so it would look like to other people that they think they are better causing more confusion, when really the true bloodline of the jews were dominating as the kings and queens of nations and high merchants priest! You can see this today in the royal bloodlines of the presidents and pretty much every other nations leaders.

We are the body of Christ all of us in one and soon we will come to that realization.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by BroketheWall
why did god come down and confuse us in the tower of babel...that in itself separated us further from knowing what God truly is..this is what caused other religions to surface in the first place that the Egyptians used to their advantage along with every other religion to come into existence...

See you mis understand. God said "let us go down and see what they re doing". Sounds other dimensional doesn't it? OK so God did what you read because the fallen ones had set up a tower/ device to get back to heaven. Thats what God means there will be nothing they cant achieve. He judged the sons of God and their nephilim children. Part of that is that they may never see heaven again. It wasn't a bunch of ancient idiots/animal brains making a tower to reach heaven in a low area and not a mountain as would be sensible. No it was the fallen sons and the nephlilim leading many peoples to make said technology.
The truth is that God spread the different gods around the world so they couldn't, at least till the end times, be able to reach the technology to get back to heaven. So they made religions around the world based on gods coming down and set themselves up as gods. What most people don't understand is that God is merciful to the ignorant but truly hates Satan and the fallen sons and their offspring and most of the judgment is really talking about those ones and the Illuminati that are the current day priests to the hidden ones. Those of us that seek with our hearts and find the truth of creation and the struggle we are caught up in have no excuse.
On a side note it seems all the great temples and pyramid structures or towers if you will were around about the same time. I believe they were built as an entire group design to work together to what? communicate thru the earth using sound? They seem to be great alters to the fallen sons and their giant children in order to feed the ravenous whores. The flood was to exterminate the nephlilim not so much mankind. There were devouring mankind and even each other at the time of Noah. It would appear that at the time of the tower incident that god also took away the old knowledge and it has takin thousands of years for them to get it back.
Make no mistake the so called black ops space command the US has is in place to fight the return of the true king of this solar system. Also to get tech to get out of the pit and low places so they can fight the second of three great battles.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:53 AM
I love these posts when it's so "down to earth". Excellent to see your own pictures. This makes me wanna go out there and start taking pictures of all the mysterious ruins and symbols arround my country. i want more

As for the all seeing eye i have no idea. It's literally overexposed nowdays in every type of media thinkable. In pictures, videos, paintings, blueprints, toys, etc etc. The intresting thing would be the actual age of the window, what purpose did this symbol comonly have thous days and who made it!

Keep up the good work! Cheers

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:27 PM
The All Seeing Eye is a reference to the sons of God that fell and ruled the world and still do. They were called the Watchers in the book of Enoch. They were called this because their jobs were to watch(as eyes of the creator), guide, and protect Mankind. Many ancient glyphs, carvings, writings describe them as looking like an eye in the sky. The ones that at the top of the Freemasonry worship(ultimately) the watchers.
The Watchers are the base of all ancient gods accept where their leader came down as certain entities. The Watchers who fell enslaved mankind and you are still enslaved by them. Thats why the all seeing eye is at the top of the pyramid. Because at the top is Lucifer represented by the 200 fallen sons. Then you have the spirits left here by the death of the watchers children the Nephlilim. Then you move down the steps of power to the bottom where most the blue boys in here are. For understanding read- The book of Enoch, Michael s Heiser's work on the devine council or even subscribe and read his work on the new book"the myth that was"
These are just a couple of sources out of hundreds.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:35 PM
The triangle and the eye are in many religions. The triangle is the mind, body and spirit. The eye is that of a higher being that watches.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Its the All Seeing Eye of the Illuminati.Just look at the back of the dollar bill.The Illuminati also controls religions.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Barkster

well the flood was to destroy the nephilim and it says they would be bcak in the end days..."Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
you see after the flood they were gone for a short while until they showed up with satan in heaven in the book of job! so they didnt need the technology.
As for the tower of babel goes they were talking about people being united and this is how it was meant to be all of us united to reach our true spiritual nature...why would are true god want to influence wars... and you can see how much disrubtion this causes on earth today...and you want to mention gnostc text even jesus in the gnostc scriptures thought the creator of this world to be evil and good...he was aware of dualities this dimension persist of...

The truth is that God spread the different gods around the world so they couldn't,

well god failed didnt he by causing the confusion it was gonna happen either way when he confused are language. i dont think this is the true god i look at the bible as a man made dualistic book!
All these great monuments you speak of was to draw in sacred energies at certain times...energies that god created for us to know about but the elite misuses the knowledge! its not good or evil knowledge its just how you use it.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by earthdude

best answer ive heard so far it has to do with spirituality more than anything because thats were it is derived from. the only true religion to know our true selves!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by danhow

no look at my post on page 5

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by BroketheWall

All I can say is you need to spend more time studying the Bible, gnostics, ancient history, etc and less time listening to New Agers. God bless

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Barkster

ive studied all religions and search for the truth of why the whole world is being deceived from reaching our truth...ive read the bible 3 times...listen to chuck missler and perry stone every week...studied the gnostic text and the kaballah,torah, physics... u know where this all lead me to...
that we are all one connected in ways that would blow your mind...thats the one truth everything else is confusion made up for control and seperation because if we were united there would be nothing we couldnt do but first we have to be united with the right knowledge and thats spiritual knowledge the elite keep away so they can keep controlling! the bloodlines know the knowledge of the universe and our spirit thats why they know its weaknesses and its strengths!they have a big ass ego because we give it to them...everytime they see wars going on they laugh as if they were watching a interesting chess game! tell me to study lmao thats all i do...

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by BroketheWall

How Jehovah Kept the Clones Confused)

This Awareness indicates that essentially, the first part of the book of Genesis, approximately 13 verses refer to the Universal Creator. This Awareness indicates that this book of Genesis as compiled from various writings, from various sources, from different priests, and compiled for the Old Testament by the Rabbi or Hebrew priests for their purposes in teaching and in keeping their own laws.

This Awareness indicates that much of the information in the Old Testament came from various schools of both the Middle East and also from India and Egypt, with various legends and stories rewritten and retranslated from earlier writings or from other cultural and religious teachings or other sources, and rewritten specifically for the Hebrew teachings and their use. This Awareness indicates that some of these Old Testament stories and writings were based on the history of the Hebrew people and some deal with the entity who called himself Jehovah.

This Awareness wishes to again explain that when being described as a being who appeared to Moses or to others, this entity reported in the Old Testament as Jehovah was, in fact, a commander of what may in modern terms be called an UFO or spaceship. This Awareness indicates that these commanders having occasion to check on the operation of their clones or the results of their genetic experiments did, in fact, and on occasion, intervene in their behalf during battles and conflicts with other people on the Earth.

This Awareness indicates these stories make up some of the Old Testament reports of Jehovah. This Awareness indicates that the actual names of these entities was not Jehovah, was not Lord, --- Lord was merely a title. This Awareness indicates that these were what in modern terms would be called the commander or captain of the spaceship. This Awareness indicates that on occasion, these Lords or the commandeer of the spaceship, would exit from the ship and walk with earth people, and on other occasions, the entity would remain in the ship and provide certain air cover or conduct some military or impressive maneuver with the ship and such descriptions would be recorded and would be referred to as the "Lord, creating or acting as a pillar of fire or a terrific wind" or some other form of force and power. This Awareness indicates that these descriptions of the Lord are often given in terms of the ship and its actions rather than of the pilot, captain or commander of the ship; but on occasions, the entity would be described in human terms as "walking with Moses".

This Awareness indicates that these Ten Commandments were essentially to be the law of the tribe for their social needs to keep the tribe in order, to give them some sense of identity, and to allow a social structure which would be suitable for their survival so that the rules of the society could be enforced by each of the members of society being made aware of what the rules were. This Awareness indicates, however, that Jehovah or the commander, in order to make sure that these entities did not become too self-righteous and believe themselves capable of pleasing totally the commander, these entities were given conflicting rules whereby they could not possibly follow one rule without breaking another.

This Awareness suggests that entities read the Ten Commandments, then read on for several chapters, and you will notice that whereas you are informed that the Lord commanded that: "thou shalt not kill", within a few verses later, the Lord is also explaining that if a man does not behave in a certain manner, he shall be killed and other actions shall be taken against his property, and in some cases, against his family. This Awareness indicates that the Lord also, at some point, asked that the first born son be sacrificed, and, at other points, assisted these entities in slaying their enemies.

This Awareness indicates that there were other conflicting rules throughout the approximately one hundred various laws which were given to the Hebrews through the various commandments and these, in many cases, conflicted with the Ten Commandments. This Awareness indicates that this action of creating conflicting laws was particularly designed to make sure that none of the followers would be able to follow the laws and that all would feel guilty and at odds with their Lord.

This Awareness indicates that these entities, while referred to by the Hebrews as Jehovah (and this being the common name given to these Lords), this Awareness indicates that these being the essential creators of the Semites, the Semites having being created by the Lord of Mars or lords of Mars, placed originally in Atlantis then again at later times watched over in the area presently known as the Middle East by the returning commanders of the spaceships. This Awareness indicates these entities being referred to as "Jehovah" -- that being the English translation of the Hebrew name JHVH which, in fact, was never spoken in Hebrew.

This Awareness indicates that this JHVH being spelled yod-he-vau-heh of the Hebrews referring, in fact, to the fire, earth, air and water principles or radiance, stability, vibration and magnetism principles which are the four universal qualities that create matter. This name JHVH or yod-he-vau-heh which has been translated into English as Jehovah was not, in fact, the name of these entities or lords which were guiding the Hebrews. This yod-he-vau-heh as the name meaning "the creating principles of the universe"' --- this as a code for the building block of universal creative forces.

This Awareness indicates that the yod-he-vau-heh was assigned by the Hebrews to their lord in the belief that the, (the lords), were the universal deity. This Awareness indicates that essentially, there was great confusion without the realization of any error in these misnamings. This Awareness indicates this as also having been used by this tribe of space beings even prior to their relationship with the Hebrews, but the act of calling themselves yod-he-vau-heh does not necessarily mean that these beings are in fact the universal creator, but rather this may be likened unto a tribe which named itself after the universal creator, and the tribe yod-he-vau-heh or Jehovah being a reflection name from the universal creator or creative principle.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by danhow

i understand what you are saying and have came across some of the things you are saying before...and the yod-he0vau-he i heard was the actual secret mason word of hiramm abiff...all you said made perfect sense to me but i didnt understand why you kept saying this awareness...what did you mean by that and why did you respond to me??

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by Afewloosescrews
At the top, Catholicism is steeped in the occult. The Roman Catholic Church is as Luciferian and insidious as Freemasonry, Knights Templar, etc. Don't believe me? Listen to this ex-Catholic priest/Illuminist/Satanist's testimony:

You forgot to mention that Bill Schnobelen was also a Vampire, a Wiccan practioner and a Mormon......all at the same time as they above.

I mentioned what was specifically pertinent to understand the connection between the Catholic church and the all seeing eye.

Have you ever listened to his testimony? What exactly is so hard to believe about his story? He was an avid practicing occultist who dabbled in many different areas of the occult (which is essentially what all the aforementioned religions/practices are).

I'm sure his story hits a little too close to home for you, and clearly it makes you uncomfortable that he's sharing some of your beloved secrets. That being said, next time you want to attempt to slander someone, you should consider presenting something that might be considered incriminating evidence.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 05:29 AM
anyone else notice the people in the pic, it's like you got religious leaders and king and queen, royalty, and then you have this little serf or whatever, darker, kneeling, and well, the beams from the eye, they seem to only land on the maybe it's trying to tell us that as far as the religious and political leaders are concerned, God isn't interested in what they are doing, or they are blocked from their view....

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

wow i did not notice that...the symbology looks much like that at the denver airport and then you see a lady with a new born near some mountains...also the star spiral looking thing sorta reminds you of a stargate or the norway spiral type thing??!
Thanks for pointing that out...have to star you for that one good find...everyone was to busy discussing the all seeing eye it distracted us from the rest of the pic!

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 06:31 AM
at first i didnt realize the symbology behind the picture but now since you pointed it out it sort of reminded me of a theory i had about the elite and there plans for the coming years....just a thoery so tell me what you think about it
also notice the hands are black meaning they're sucking the light or life out of the guy and i think the woman and the baby symbolize a new birth of some kind and notice the baby right underneath the star/spiral...eriely similar to the denver airport scene!

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by BroketheWall

my first impression was that the guy kneeling was the sacrificial lamb, or sorts....
would be interested in what the other window had on it....there's only a partial picture posted, but another beam seems to be extending down, wondering if that one landed on another serf?

I just find it interesting, the only one that the picture seems to indicate that the all seeing eye is seeing, is the serf!!

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