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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Elieser

Ok...But if you don have enough money left after your bills, to pay for sickcare...something are very wrong in the system of america...and thats is what i am reaching after here...

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by infolurker

If GEORGE BUSH and the Republicans were pushing this plan 3 years ago... would YOU STILL SUPPORT IT?

Yes i would...and i would have said...finally the man doing something to help the ordinary american...

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by OddTimeSignature

Stop hating on people, from what I've seen of the Democrats recently they what us to be socialist. So really both parties have no room to speak, members on both sides are wrong, its just a matter of opinion on which is the lesser of two evils. As for me I voted for Stephen Colbert, he was a presidential candidate in South Carolina.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:26 PM
In my mind, you're a fool if you think either the "Democrats" OR the "Republicans" are actually keeping the American people's best interests in mind.

Most of you are playing into their illusion that they have created to keep us all divided and arguing among ourselves. We need to drop all the petty differences and join together as AMERICANS, and only as AMERICANS. Then we can move forward and try to do what is best for the people of this country, not political parties and corporations.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
In my mind, you're a fool if you think either the "Democrats" OR the "Republicans" are actually keeping the American people's best interests in mind.

Most of you are playing into their illusion that they have created to keep us all divided and arguing among ourselves. We need to drop all the petty differences and join together as AMERICANS, and only as AMERICANS. Then we can move forward and try to do what is best for the people of this country, not political parties and corporations.

YES...This is what Im trying to say
But i am in progressive mode, so your words sounds better...

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by infolurker

Lasik Eye Surgery is a great example of this. When Doctors, Hospitals, and Imaging Centers post prices and advertise, prices go down. It is a fact and would easily work. Problem is with Insurance that pays 80%, 90%, ALL etc.

Actually, I've checked into it on 2 different policies that I've had for my wife. it pays nothing because it's considered a lifestyle enhancing procedure and not required. Maybe you could share one of your other several plans?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Just wondering, has anyone that is so radically against this bill ever had to have a major operation or disease with no insurance? I'm no deadbeat, I've always worked, the area where I'm at offers lots of low-wage jobs with no benefits. I've been on both ends of the spectrum and I can tell you this with certainty...Insurance makes a DRAMATIC impact on what type of care you recieve and where you get it. As soon as you pull out that insurance card you become a "Mr." so and so then. If you dont have insurance, good luck getting a regular appointment anywhere. Maybe a big reason why emergency room visits have skyrocketed over the years no?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by OddTimeSignature

Every working American gets money taken out of their pay check to pay for Medicaid and Medicare for the poor and elderly. If you want, you can buy insurance and at a lower rate if you make little money in some states.
If you want better care, you pay more money. Some people that don't get sick much, just pay when they need to see the doctor, like going to a store and buying something. If you get in an accident and don't have insurance, then you have to pay from your own money. If you don't have the money to pay then you will have to make payments.

Now, they are making you pay, if you don't pay they are going to fine you, if you don't pay them, they can take your money or put you in jail.

They could have just increased the money that they take out from our pay check for Medicaid and make it work better and cover the people that needed to be covered, it was that simple.

The way that I see it is that they wanted more power over the people and control everything, like they have been doing lately. I also see that it doesn't matter who is in power, democrats or republicans, they always want more power for the government and less freedom for the people.
This is not how it was supposed to be. This is not why the people came to this country. They came here because it was the land of the free and you had freedom. We have to give freedom to other countries that don't have freedom but they are taking the freedom away from us.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier78
reply to post by infolurker

Lasik Eye Surgery is a great example of this. When Doctors, Hospitals, and Imaging Centers post prices and advertise, prices go down. It is a fact and would easily work. Problem is with Insurance that pays 80%, 90%, ALL etc.

Actually, I've checked into it on 2 different policies that I've had for my wife. it pays nothing because it's considered a lifestyle enhancing procedure and not required. Maybe you could share one of your other several plans?

Yeah, now you are getting the idea... You are responsible to pay for it... so there is competition and prices go down..... with your current insurance plan, do you comparison shop? You really couldn't if you wanted to, it is very difficult to get pricing.

If all medical centers HAD to post pricing and you knew EXACTLY how much your insurance would pay for procedure X then you would shop around to get procedure X at the lowest cost to quality ratio. (Unlike today in which one imaging center charges 10K and another $2,500 for the same MRI)

Thus, medical centers & imaging centers compete for your business by doing what??? Competitive pricing.... Thus driving prices down. No more hidden prices that "insurance" just picks up at whatever % and raise your rates the next year to make up the difference.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:53 PM
I remember when Obama was running, he said people would not longer loose their house due to medical bills. Well I have not heard hide nor hair about it since he got elected.

Truth is, now you HAVE to buy this insurance. Our insurance is 300 a month with a $ 5,000 deductible.

There are MANY people who will not qualify for free. In fact, those that qualify for free care are already getting it.

So now you WILL have people loosing their home, because many can barley pay the mortgage now, many who make to much for free care, but do not have enough for insurance. ( I have a neighbor who is pregnant, can not get free care because they make $15 dollars to much, She is not seeing an OB because they want $800 for her ultrasound out of her pocket, and she can not even afford the rogam shot she needs!)

So you now have people making a choice between loosing their home, or paying for health care. WE almost lost ours last year. We never even thought about dropping health care with my health issues.

Now, my neighbor lives in a small cheap apartment. She works when it is available. She can not even get full time hours out here . If she now has to pay for health care, she wont have her rent.

Now the kicker, is we have to pay for this for 4 years but not be able to touch it. So I now have to pay my current insurance, PLUS the new tax.
Oh, and the bill mentions no more health spending accounts. We rely on that
because every little bit helps. We put money in that every week, so we can
at least get my care tax free. Now that is gone.

This bill should have been about regulating insurance companies.
All it did was give government a monopoly on health care, and put them in
bed with the companies. Why do you think the companies are for this!

There is NO free health care. Like I said, people that will get it free can get it free now. Regulation on them would keep our cost down.

Now it will go up. Look at auto insurance. It was supposed to keep the prices down. NO, they went up. If you get in an accident your rates go higher. So if I get cancer will my rates go higher?

This is just insane. They are kicking us in the teeth, when we are already down.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by saul4paul
I respect my government, after all we have the best government the world has ever seen!

They have given us a massive national debt that is unpayable, plus forced taxation........yea, their the best alright.

We need to learn to trust our leaders. After all, we the people elected them!

Read my statement above. If you owned a business, and needed to be away from that business for a few years, would you trust this government to run it for you? How many agencies are they running at this time that is broke? How many aren`t broke? If they are so trustworthy, why do they have to borrow money everyday to keep this country from going under? As for us electing them.......that is the saddest part. We need to look outside the parties for someone to put in office. With the old parties, it`s just the same old same old.

Let's learn to love the needy and help the poor at every turn!

I do give to charities each year, if I have the extra money to give. So giving to charity is not enough now, right? We need the government taking it away from us so they can be the ones giving it away? What if these people just don`t have it to give, then what? When the taxes go up from this, I`m done with all charities, because I won`t have it to give.

With the mob, it`s called protection money, even if you have a gun to protect your store. With our government, it`s called health care reform, even if you have insurance.

[edit on 26-3-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by infolurker

You're making sound like they would all drop prices if we comparison shopped. But this is not like buying a car or some other consumable item. These are procedures that you have to have to get better and they know this. If anything they would get together and raise their prices(kinda like what they have been doing for years) because they know that you have to have these treatments/procedures.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

Is your avatar what I think it is? If so, awesome.

I live outside the States and I get free healthcare. I am disabled and presently unable to work. I hope that will not be a permanent situation however. I don't fully understand the healthcare reform battle in the US, but what surprises me is the people who think their taxes will be going to people who are too lazy to work. What about the people who truly cannot afford to buy insurance? Do they not deserve healthcare?

One problem I can see though, and another poster touched on it, is the danger (certainty) of companies jacking their prices up. If the government is writing blank checks, what incentive do the providers have to lower their prices?

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