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Democrats Fear Violent Backlash to Illegal Healthcare Legislation

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:26 PM
"That’s not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change. Call your congressman, go out and register people to vote, go volunteer on a political campaign, make your voice heard — but let's do it the right way."

i think america has tried this and tried again and again, the government got more and more greedy and ignored more and more of the america... i think america is now taking things into its own hands, it will not be pretty for those who dont listen to the people. Government was put in place to serve the people and get paid to do the job it was put to do... now its the other way around...

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by whatukno

No one is saying that the un-insured should not be covered , least not me. The faults of the insurance companies should be theirs to shoulder not the people , Obama should have made laws making it unlawful for an insurance company to refuse coverage instead of making everyone pay for the un-insured , this is overkill , this is maximum profit through extortion , a HEALTH TAX. He should have made reforms in the insurance industry.

Where is the option to opt out of this program what if I don't want this or can't afford to pay? Lastly the majority did not want this but they still forced it on us e.i rape/violation.

Oh but wait no , Obama couldn't hurt his benefactors , not the hands that feed him , so instead of sticking it to them , he stuck it to the American taxpayer , in a deep recession to boot.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Just love my Email inbox

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A federal intelligence source reported in an interview last evening that the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have been called in to "actively investigate incidents of violence and threats" made to at least ten Democrats and one Republican lawmaker since Sunday. Their involvement was reportedly requested by top House leadership and one unnamed, high-level White House official.

According to this source, who agreed to speak to this writer under the strict condition of anonymity, "a ‘watch list' has already been created that specifically names and turns their focus on various pro-life and tea-party organizations and individuals who are considered a threat to domestic security, continuity of government operations, and to the lives of lawmakers and their families."

While published reports confirm that Capitol Police have been contacted and are addressing security concerns of lawmakers and the incidents of vandalism, the involvement of federal agencies has not been publicly disclosed, nor will it likely be on any official level.

The reason, according to this source, is that high-level discussions between top lawmakers and agency heads are "exploring the application of the Patriot Act against any right-wing individual or group that poses a danger to government operations." He added that "threat assessments and security measures for public assemblies at the Capitol, specifically focusing on conservative groups are being re-evaluated at the request of the White House and Democratic lawmakers."

Dissemination of the list is obviously limited to avoid another "MIAC" episode, referring to the release of a document leaked from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC).

According to this federal official, lawmakers and White House officials were stunned by the strong response against the health care bill, citing the protests at the Capitol. "Based on what I've heard, I don't think they were expecting the type of response seen in not only the demonstrations, but in poll numbers and by conservative talk radio and television. "They have been monitoring all aspects of this situation, not just the physical assemblies," he stated. "Watch lists are being created and updated to include anyone who appears to be organizing or acting as a gallivanting force behind the actual protestors."

The media outlets have also been reporting the allegations of racial slurs and anti-gay remarks shouted at Representatives John Lewis, Andre Carson, and Barney Frank this weekend, supposedly during the protests of members of the Tea Party. According to this source, there does not appear to be any direct evidence of such behavior beyond the allegations themselves.

On Saturday, Capitol Police reportedly reviewed at least two videos – one from a cellular telephone and another from a video camera – that supposedly captured the event.

"There was a contemporaneous review of audio and video at the site of the protest when they [Capitol Police] created a physical barrier for the lawmakers and when the comments were allegedly made. The officers were even instructed to make arrests, but could not find anything that supported the allegations rising to the level of disorderly conduct," stated this source.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by WWJFKD]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:42 PM
While I supported this bill passing and believe that it will make health insurance more affordable to 32 million plus US citizens I think forcing a mandate on people then offering a subsidy to help them pay for it is socially divisive and will force millions more people into the category of being subsidized by the government or "on welfare". Many of us would like to take pride in being middle class and self sufficient but what are the realities here? Can you afford it? If you lost your job could you?

Is the government admitting that the middle class is in fact that poor? Again, reality please. You know, I much prefer my socialism straight up where it concerns health care. A nationalize health care service or Medicare for all would put us all on equal ground and put a stop to the humiliation of being "subsidized". The middle class and working poor do not deserve this distinction and we all know we are all losing ground. Yeah, maybe you can still put food on the table but is it quality food? No. Unless you are spending quite a lot you get getting crap for nutrition and it is making you ill. Middle class status is an illusion for many and now the government is admitting it too, IMO.

So the Democrats are so nice and compassionate that they are going to subsidize you? Feel better? Heck no! I'm a registered Democrat and ashamed of this bill but it was a window of opportunity that might not have been opened again for a long time...a brutal game of chicken in Congress at the expense of the all of us really - rich, poor and in the middle. They screwed up big time on so many things by compromising with the obstinate Republicans before the whole thing even began. I have no respect for that.

I predict that the public option will re-appear within the next 3 or 4 years (or am I just crazy?) and be more accepted as it is based on competition and less likely to put so many people in the "welfare" class. Commence with the flaming, threats and nastiness...

[edit on 25-3-2010 by ChrisCrikey]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

Tell you what people, this includes you and everyone else.

If the left vow to help the right bring down the Federal Reserve cartel and the right vow to set up the single payer in a states held LOCK BOX. No involvement of the Federal Government.

Would this be a good enough trade?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:57 PM
Good. I say kill em all and let God sort em out. We use to say "Kill a commie for mommy."

These sell-out fascist whores turning the government into a corporation with the power to enforce a penal code against customers wo refuse to buy their products or parents who refuse to send their children off to kill and be killed for a profit.

Bring back the guillotines. I'd love to see Pelosi's valium addled smirk sitting in the basket. Burn down the CIA. Nuke the friggin NSA.

Send all the Israelis back to their own country and let them run their own govt. No more dual citizen israelis in govenrment positions higher than dog catcher. They just caught a coyote in Tribeca section of Manhatten. pound sand with the arabs.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Heh,heh,heh...yeah, I might go for that if you could explain to me what you mean by "single payer in a states held LOCK BOX"....I do live in a marginally reddish state that is becoming more liberal every national election so how would your ideas work in states with rapidly changing demographics and political leanings?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

Meaning that if the nation put in the money, the states share of that money gets divided up evenly-as per their contribution and held by the states themselves in an absolutely controlled lock box. Where if the state attempts to use it for anything else except health care, politicians go to prison for life. Any one of them attempting to touch it for any other reason gets to meet bubba.

As for the Federal Reserve, all assets seized of all of the hidden owners behind them. 95% of all assets seized of individuals in the upper echelons, you know who I mean, people like Paulson, Bernanke, Ghollum.

What you say, tradseys?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
Is the government admitting that the middle class is in fact that poor?
[edit on 25-3-2010 by ChrisCrikey]

No, its the understanding that healthcare is...or was...becoming the service for the rich and the very poor whom qualify for medicare.

incidently, heres something of interest.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

You have some very interesting ideas but I'm troubled by the concept of health care funds being distributed to the individual states according to their contributions as we have some economically hard hit states which came upon those hard times in part by the sinister machinations of some of the people and entities you have named, that and just plain bad luck....we are the United States of America, and I believe we are all in this together. Dealzies pending...endisnighe.
, I hope you don't feel all icky for this sickening display of cooperation and civility between the two of us.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey

Hey, I have some ideas that lean a little socialist. I just feel the whole problem is the centralization of power in Washington is going to be the downfall of this country.

What happens when a country gets to a point of being unable to pay the bills?

The iron fist of oppression ALWAYS soon follows.

Just do not like being in the pathway of that damn tank, like Tienanmen Square.

What happened during the last depression? Do you think the Mega Rich suffered? No, only the poor and the middle to upper class. Watch it again, the same thing will happen again.

The same thing with the big banks and the big corps happened last time. The initial dip commenced and then the Mega Rich bought up all the assets, then the country spent like crazy, NEXT BOOM.

History repeats itself over and over. So, do you think this time they are going to help out the average citizen or do you think the government is going to install new parameters.

I am betting on the latter. Because this time, we know where all the money went. We know the Banks, the Mega Corps and the Government is all COMPLICIT in the largest fraud ever.

Tell me, who besides Madoff has been arrested? Which POS like say Paulson, Geithner, Frank or any of the other complicit government officials have been even looked at?

I watched the questions given to Geithner on Digg. Of the top 10 8 of them were scathing. Not one asked.

Yeah, we can trust our government. Maybe if we have a gun to THEIR head like the ones they hold to ours.

I enjoy watching the people getting angry, I say about frelling time.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

Respect to you. I fear your observations may be totally on the to speak, but this more recent heist you tell of didn't just happen in the last couple of years and I think you'd agree, no? Who is buying the mop up of Reagan's failed economic policies anymore? Republicans? Ha! I'm angrier than all @#$% and don't know what to do with it.

Politics is strategy, not ideology for me and it's getting pathetic I will grant you that. The only reason I register Democratic anymore is for local politics and voting in the primaries which are very, very important in my area in regards to land and water rights and usage. Good night all. Keep up the good fight.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

I like your avatar, and name. WWJFKD...........well my guess is, he would have NEVER gone to Iraq, he would have NEVER signed the Patriot Act, he would have NEVER suggested privatizing social security, and most important; he would have NEVER compromised with the Republicans on healthcare reform.

I like how most conservatives feel this is the straw that broke the camels back. You didn't mind when Bush was taking all your freedoms away with the Patriot act, you don't mind that the NSA can spy on you, you don't mind when Bush bails out Wall Street, but GOD DAMMIT! you mind when someone might get health insurance on your dime! You do realize that's been going on for years, it's called medicaid and medicare. If we would have kept the public option, A LOT more people would have healthcare, NOT ON OUR DIME!

Case in point, my mother........she is in end stage liver failure due to a car accident that damaged it. She is now unable to work and on disability. So she get's medicaid. STATE/TAX PAYER funded healthcare. Her medical bills last year came to over 400 thousand dollars. The state paid the whole thing, free and clear. YOU PAID HER BILL free and clear. Now if there was a public option available, that didn't exclude her because of her "pre-existing" condition, that she could afford on her measly disability check, she would go for it, thus saving FISCAL CONSERVATIVES, tons of their hard earned money from being taken in taxes, that paid for my mother.

Get a reality check people, pick your battles, this one is not THE ONE........the one will be when they take our guns, for now, let's simmer down on the violence rhetoric and show them at the polls what we think.

For the record, I am a rabid liberal who DOES NOT support the healthcare bill, and I will be letting them know come election time.

And for the record, this bill will cost the same amount, or possibly less at the end of ten years as the Iraq war has cost so far. Talk about perspective!

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by zarp3333

You do realize that since the Supreme court made it legal for corporations to contribute a limitless amount of money to a campaign, the only people getting elected from now on will be those that the corporations support. Why don't you take a look at who voted for that..................hint, hint, it wasn't the dems.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

In response-

I and many of us railed against Bush. I don't follow the Dem/Repub paradigm.

Where are you now that the Dems are NOT railing against the wars?

As for this costing as much as the wars, your point?

Glad you sell your children and your grandchildren and their grandchildren into bondage.

Whatever happened to honor and commitment to giving your future generation a better life than you have it?

Yep, give em what they want. Scream into both ears, Defense! Repubs vote. Health Care! Dems vote.

While the Federal Reserve, Mega Corps and the Politicians strip the last of the value from this country.

[edit on 3/26/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

In response-

I and many of us railed against Bush. I don't follow the Dem/Repub paradigm.

Where are you now that the Dems are NOT railing against the wars?

As for this costing as much as the wars, your point?

Glad you sell your children and your grandchildren and their grandchildren into bondage.

Whatever happened to honor and commitment to giving your future generation a better life than you have it?

Yep, give em what they want. Scream into both ears, Defense! Repubs vote. Health Care! Dems vote.

While the Federal Reserve, Mega Corps and the Politicians strip the last of the value from this country.

Bush already did that with the bailout of wall street, but thanks for the attempt at a guilt trip

[edit on 3/26/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

See, right there. You blamed BUSH.

Tell me there cowgirl, by the way I grew up on a farm, do you think that Obama may have VOTED for this?

I am not trying to give you a guilt trip. I want you to open your eyes.

Do you think that JUST maybe, you have been played the fool?

I used to be on the Repub side of that paradigm up until researching Reagan about 6 years ago. Sorry, Reagan Bush 1 and 2 Carter, Clinton, Obama, Ford are all in it for the Corps, Banks and the Politicians.

You NEED to open your eyes and see the truth. This is not about either party anymore. It is about the country.

[edit on 3/26/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:02 AM
The constitution was put in place by the people to put restrictions on what the government can do. The people knew the government was of the people, but not the people.

There's a clear difference between government and the people, and an antagonistic relationship between the people and the government. The government governs the people, regulates the people, controls the people, rules the people. The government ignores the constitution, most recently the 10th amendment.

The government has well organized troops that are trained to subdue the people. What do the people have, email, voicemail, faxes, protests? Congress ignores the people, and ridicules the statements made by the people. Congress is laughing at your lack of power.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

"Hey did you know that some communists in the democratic party took a crap on George Washington's head and had the nerve to wipe with that "piece of paper" the constitution?"

"You gonna sit there and take that, huh? They think you 're a pussy! Whacha gonna do about it huh?"

There is no shortage of rabble rousers and demagogues here on ATS, and in the media. Armchair revolutionaries with their thinly veiled threats dressed up as patriotism. Careful these brave talkers are looking for someone to do the dirty work. Glenn Beck should be arrested for incitement.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:28 AM

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1993 defines estate and requires each state to seek adjustment or recovery of amounts correctly paid by the state for certain people with Medicaid. The state must, at a minimum, seek recovery for services provided to a person of any age in a nursing facility, intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, or other medical institution. The State may at its option recover amounts up to the total amount spent on the individual's behalf for medical assistance for other services under the state's plan. For individuals age 55 or older, States are required to seek recovery of payments from the individual's estate for nursing facility services, home and community-based services, and related hospital and prescription drug services. States have the option of recovering payments for all other Medicaid services provided to these individuals.

This is so wrong. Obama will force everyone who can't afford to spend 100- 200 a month in insurance premiums into medicaid/medicare. They then have the ability to take your property, regardless if you have a will leaving it to your children.Pay attention to this sentence:

For individuals age 55 or older, States are required to seek recovery of payments from the individual's estate for nursing facility services, home and community-based services, and related hospital and prescription drug services.

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