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Today will mark the end of America

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Ah such Drama! We need music for this one.

Excuse my snide nature but, I find it rather unlikely that this is the final nail in the coffin of the Republic. Perhaps the OP has yet to realize that not everyone share his vision for this country and that's ok. They are not evil people, they are not crazy people, they are just people. For my part, I do not support this bill because it's a bailout for big pharma. If it passes the country will still be here tomorrow though.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:06 PM
Whats so bad about the health care bill? I really don't get it. It's about time we abolished the whole pre-existing conditions scam. The only fault I see is that it is not UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE like Canada and France have. Maybe its a step in the right direction though.

I think we need universal health care so everyone can see a doctor without worry and without all the bureaucracy
we need direct democracy where everyone votes, fire all the representatives. Representative Democracy has proven itself an utter failure.
We need to make hospitals and prisons NOT FOR PROFIT
some things should be government run.
The corporations need to be more democratically run and less tyrannical dictator themed.
We need to kick the crap out of the banks and wall street. They should be in prison. They should be on the chopping block. Death to the rich!!!

If revolution gets us to that, I'm all about it.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Nice post! People will not rise up and fight back until the pain gets bad enough for a critical mass. It's hard to predict but with 500,000 a month still getting laid off and people loosing their homes it may not be very far off. Frankly I am suprised things have managed to stay together this long.

We need to be prepared for the collapse. I recommend a solution to start on now check out this thread:

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:12 PM
I think everyone should calm down and relax. The day America actually does fall is when you lose your privilege to say anything that you desire on the internet. Once that is lost, know that you are in extreme danger.

Now from a quote, from a proud American.

"Watching this country finally get a healthcare system (even if its a mild #ty one) as late as 2010 is like watching an adult man finally graduate from the 5th grade. It's a great achievement for him, and hilarious to me."

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:26 PM
We have a sort of compulsory Health care system in the UK, and we pay for it with a National Insurance scheme which is compulsory for those who work, free to those who do not.

However, we have a third class health care system.

Everyone is covered, but the waits to see a doctor can be weeks, unless it is an emergency.

WE have an astronomical death rate, worse than Albania I believe, for cancer treatment.

So, if you want to go the way of the UK, then step this way.

The benefit is that everyone is 'covered' but covered by what?

Too many of our doctors do not even speak the same language as us and people die regularly from this, but no one is ever sued or prosecuted.

It's the risk you take when you opt for this 'cover everyone system'.

Now, I know, I've had my life saved in the past by this system.

BUT, it is now in dire straits, filthy hospitals, nurses and doctors who don't speak english, incompetent practice but some good, of course. Our maternity care is in melt down with mums thrown out of hospital with baby after only 6 hours!

I wouldn't like to not have any cover at all, but I doubt there is much point to what we do have.

You take pot luck here, and if you draw a short die!

Good Luck America....whatever you have to do!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Look, even if America DOES fall, I strongly believe that it will rise again. Not unless every copy of our Constitution is destroyed and every inkling of what it stood for is erased from our memories.

When this country was founded, there hadn't been a society quite like it in roughly 2000 years, as far as I know. A secular, constitutional republic baby!

I don't care that some of the founding fathers were slave owners. That was a policy enacted two centuries prior, and actively enforced by the British Crown. Upon achieving independence, the following Founding Fathers released all their slaves - Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, Ceasar Rodney, William Livingston, George Washington, George Wythe, John Randolph. (this is an incomplete list, just an example)

And I don't care much about the the Freemason conspiracy, Hellfire Club, or any other partially-understood connection. It doesn't matter, because that piece of hemp paper called the Constitution is truly inspiring. When we as a nation experience true hardship, like during WWII, it becomes even more relevant - no matter what tactics our enemies use, we shall conduct ourselves with the utmost discipline. It is a national philosophy.

They can kill the people, but they can not kill an ideology.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:35 PM
I have yet to hear anyone give me a cogent explanation as to how, a country that is 12 trillion+ dollars in debt can afford this Obamacare program? How is this possible?

Do you run your personal finances this way? Write checks with no money in your account?

There needs to be a revolution alright. A cleansing of all of Washington D.C. And, IMO, trials for dereliction of duty and treason, for the willful destruction of America.

One can only hope.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Darkrunner

I have yet to hear how a nation that is 12+Trillion dollars in debt can go support a war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have yet to hear how we are able to pump billions of dollars in to Israel everyday. I have yet to hear how we fun the ridiculous military industrial complex. I have yet to hear how we literally fund the world drug trade.


posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:41 PM
I have been a citizen of America for more than 15 years. I've grown to like it, it's people, it's freedom, and it's beauty as a nation. That was, until times changed and I learned more about what was going on. After I read articles, and did research on how America really runs and who is really in power, it felt as though my last 20-22 years were living as a jaded immigrant.

On April 30, 1975 my country fell to communism when America decided to turn tail and run in the middle of a war it didn't want to finish. On that day my parents decided that they would rather not live in that country because it was taken over by a mad government. They knew they would be oppressed and every aspect of their lives would be controlled. It seems that with all that is happening, my new home is being changed in the same direction, not with war, but with a few greedy men who want big changes to happen in a disguise of good will, when in the end, it will just give them more power.

I don't know what this health care bill entails, hell, no one does, it's 2000+ pages long. It doesn't take 2000+ pages to say "This is for the good of the people". Two thousand plus pages is what you find on: Bank policies, military contracts, tax laws ect. I am greatful that this nation took my father and I in during our flee from our own torn down country. I will not turn my back on America even if it turned it's back on my country.

As for the country dying to this bill, I truly don't know. I just know that somehow, this can't be good. Not for the average person. I guess it's because how many pages the bill is, and how badly they want to push it through. There has to be a hidden agenda, the US government wouldn't be what it is without hidden agendas. I'm not going to jump to any FINAL conclusions yet, I'm going to watch to see how this falls through.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:41 PM
you know...

I just thought of something rather unique, and if it's true,

WOW ...

Bear with me on this one folks - as this might seem unfounded or even downright wrong in many people's eyes...

I Had a DREAM....

My mind just lapsed into a microsecond scenario where it envisioned a sincere Obama entering the office for the first time as the newly appointed President and BAM - the first few weeks he finds his hands tied.

So he dummies up for the next few months, however still on fire inside to bring to the American People a CHANGE they can attribute to him for thousands of years to come...

During the time he dummies up, he allows CONGRESS to vote on and pass the Patriot Act extention. Allows the MILITARY COMPLEX to continue it's rape of the middle east under the ploy of War on Terrorism, Allows the SENATE to propose house bills that would make king George proud (such as the lifting of Presidential term limits...).

And then OBAMA devises his plan... and throws out a monkey wrench in the form of letting all the assets under TARP go to shore up the crooked AUTO INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and then FREDDIEMAC and FANNIEMAE, subsiquently in turn then to failed banks - UNACCOUNTED FOR - knowing full well what they and their auto industry cohorts would do
with it... and relying upon the Media to do their part and report it to those expecting "CHANGE".

Then he finds his loophole, as he's told the next group to be paid would be the insurance industry. Obama meets with the top democratic leadership and prepares a plan with them to tout this insurance bill above and beyond all other issues, to get it enacted and passed.

I suspect that he stepped aside with both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and sincerely shared his confidence with them. That explains why afterward the two changed the tune of their band and started almost racketteering to get the house on board this legislation, bribing some folks, threatening others in the shower (lol... Raum Emmanuel, whodathunkit...) to get American Politics to the position that is exists in now...

BANKRUPT, DISTRESSED, IN FEAR, AND READY FOR ACTION. This is not to mention disgusted, disappointed, and outright angry at Obama's evident betrayal of their trust in his promises...


Today, it appears that the health care fassad will pass in the house. America has vowed action in the form of reaction to their action.

Wouldn't ya know it?

The American People are doing EXACTLY what Obama expected of them... to the point to where right now there are thousands of protesters in Washington D.C., spitting on congressmen, and being outright hateful towards them. When the vote is publicly assured - watch them swing into action!

There may even be a rather violent reaction to this - starting today.

But eventually calm will be restored, and a group of "CHANGE ARTISTS" will have rounded up those members of both the house and congress who's record reflects past and present collaboration with unconstitutional legislation, and placed them under arrest for treason.

That's when the witch hunt begins...

What if... this vote was Obama's private false flag operation against the PTB?...

Then I woke up from that DREAM, tomato sauce all over me...

Anyone got a towel?....


posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
I have yet to hear anyone give me a cogent explanation as to how, a country that is 12 trillion+ dollars in debt can afford this Obamacare program?

I'd like to know how long this country can afford to live on this current broken healthcare system? Last year alone 60% of bankruptcies accounted strong to the cost of Healthcare.

How long? Shall we just continue to keep our heads in the sand and leave the system as is?

Do you run your personal finances this way? Write checks with no money in your account?

People have done many things just to get healthcare. Some people find themselves uninsured due to some silly pre-existing condition, unable to go to the doctor and wait to the last minute to head off to the ER, costing this nation $1000's, costing the individual nearly a years wage.

There needs to be a revolution alright.

For what? The Corporations? Right.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
reply to post by Darkrunner

I have yet to hear how a nation that is 12+Trillion dollars in debt can go support a war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have yet to hear how we are able to pump billions of dollars in to Israel everyday. I have yet to hear how we fun the ridiculous military industrial complex. I have yet to hear how we literally fund the world drug trade.


This is my point. The government knows we are trillions in debt. We hear about the deficit daily on the news. And yet, instead of cutting spending across the board until the country is fiscally solvent again, we continue to run it into the ground.

And yes, cutting spending means getting Israel off of America's teat.

People just don't seem to care how that this Obamacare debacle will bury America fuurther in debt, just as long as they get theirs. Nice.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
I have yet to hear anyone give me a cogent explanation as to how, a country that is 12 trillion+ dollars in debt can afford this Obamacare program? How is this possible?

Being in debt doesn't mean you don't have any income.

Technically, right now, I am in debt. I got a new truck 2 years ago that I am still paying for. Do I have enough money in my account to pay for the entire truck? Nope.... I make payments. something so obvious could not be seen is hard for me to understand.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

The Tea Partiers are in their immature infant stage of protest/revolt.

If you want a mature, intelligent, and truly government/corporate resisting force that knows what it's doing and has a long and battered history, look to the far left. And yeah, you'd probably hate to do that, but that's only because you've been duped to believe that the far left is some mystical communist plot. News flash buddy, the plot is to rally the Tea Partiers to fight their own best interests. The whole Teabagging movement was NOT GRASSROOTS; it and many other groups involved with it were started by RICH CORPORATE ELITES who typically lobby our government and control it. This is nothing new for the right-wing, but what scares me now is lazy/mindless right-wingers are taking to the streets thinking they're justified when most of their issues are poorly understood and plain wrong. They need to do a LOT of learning and they need to take some wisdom from the left. Ultimately both the left and right of the populace are probably more similar in their concerns than different, so unless tea-partiers want to hang themselves, they ought to be very careful what they do and the ideologies they rally behind. From what I've seen and learned, there is a lot of corporate infiltration of that movement, a lot of racism as well, a lot of disinformation about health-care, the environment, about taxes and guns. Did you know that taxes under Obama have actually GREATLY DECREASED for most Americans? Glenn Beck is the perfect example of a lying propagandist who creates specters to whip people up into a fearful, paranoid fervor that can then be easily re-directed (especially with such a young/uninformed movement) to do evil, and trust me it already is. Just because people in the Tea Party movement have legitimate concerns and believe themselves on the side of what's right, doesn't mean they're still not working for the devil.

When you fight universal health care, you fight one of the ONLY good things a government can do for its people. And you never look behind you at who's holding your leash, you're working FOR the elites if you'd rather health-care remain a top-down, privatized, and upper-class-friendly system. Now granted, I TOTALLY agree with the discontent over politics as usual, the stale two-party system and all the strippings of freedom. I agree that a lot of legislation ends up f*ing us over in support for special interests, these are ALL HUGE THINGS that the left has been fighting for decades as well. This is a time to be rational and strong, not dumb and reckless. Nobody's coming for your damn guns, that will never happen in this country and you know that. We are the most heavily armed populace on the planet and we're very protective of the right to bear arms, which is something I personally support.

I just ask you to be sane and mindful when you spout off things like "this is the end of America!" over something as miniscule (especially in comparison to so many other fascist usurpations in our history) as this extremely compromised, watered-down and industry friendly health bill.

It's time to unite as the populace and DEMAND FOR ONCE OF OUR GOVERNMENT that they give US and ONLY US the best deal with our tax dollars. We must INTELLIGENTLY look to other countries who have adopted universal health-care (which is every other first-world nation except us) and pick out the BEST parts of each that fit BEST with our country. We can do this and vigilantly AVOID a nanny state. Universal health care is GOOD, nanny-states are BAD. We can have universal health-care without oppression or industry giveaways. Look at the Scandanavian countries with universal health-care!! They're some of the most FREE, prosperous, healthy, and satisfied people with their lives and guess what! Universal health-care is a HUGE part of that.

Think of that... the government actually giving us a great deal for once? It can happen, we must collectively demand it without any strings attached and ignore the partisan bull# that seeks to divide us. After this whole storm passes and corporate interests have used you up to destroy a decent social program, they'll dump you and share a toast to continued de-regulation and endless profits from a sick country. Mark my words.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE

Originally posted by Darkrunner
I have yet to hear anyone give me a cogent explanation as to how, a country that is 12 trillion+ dollars in debt can afford this Obamacare program? How is this possible?

Being in debt doesn't mean you don't have any income.

Technically, right now, I am in debt. I got a new truck 2 years ago that I am still paying for. Do I have enough money in my account to pay for the entire truck? Nope.... I make payments. something so obvious could not be seen is hard for me to understand.

How deep in debt do you think we can go before we get called on it, as China is thinking about doing? What's hard to understand?

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Darkrunner]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

you are such a drama queen. america isn't a living thing, it's a spirit, soul, idea. you can't bury that with all the pages of legislation in the world.

change the thread title and your tone. i hate doom gloom chumps who just sound bitter and resigned to fates all the time. vigilance doesn't mean a revolution anytime something moves.

chin up, this is only just starting.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:56 PM
It's interesting to say the least, that some people are beginning to wake up and smell the burning coffee. But you said millions of average people are willing to give up their worldly possessions in exchange for their liberties and freedom? This is not true, the government has worked very hard to provide people basic needs so that they need not revolt. As long as people have a roof over their heads and a meal on their plates they will not revolt, simple as that. the USG is corrupt as they come, but yet nobody realizes this due to their consistent meddling and manipulation. Nobody has seen through this veil of secrecy and corruption and I somewhat doubt anybody will until the government starts making sacrifices.

People won't revolt until Social Security or some other gigantic institution people rely on goes down the drain. Once this (eventually) happens you will begin to see riots and small revolts, but they will quickly be quelled by our military forces. Once this happens martial law will start being declared and the "union" of states will be broken up as to be simpler for the military to manage. This is already been planned for since the start of the Cold War.

Unfortunately by then it will be far too late, if change is not made now by words instead of swords then I fear the sword is all we'll get.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Lkelly1965
reply to post by whaaa

The bible also say's "Give a man a fish...he will eat a meal, teach a man to fish and he will eat a lifetime" I think there are other ways to help the down trodden then give them everything they want!

That's not from the Bible! You just lost all credibility. You're a funny man....

[edit on 21-3-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Darkrunner

Complain about our harmful foreign expenses before our helpful domestic spending.

Thats my point.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
reply to post by Darkrunner

Complain about our harmful foreign expenses before our helpful domestic spending.

Thats my point.

Neither are legitimate until we pay what we owe. Once we have a surplus again, then we can start talking about health care reform.

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