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Tea Party Protesters yell racial slurs at congressman

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posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:38 PM
both sides have their faults... but seems to me the tea party people of whom i support .. are constitution reading, arm bearing, America loving people who want to keep their American rights and not give them up. Take a look and really see what rights you have left and what you are going to be giving up to the govt if this bill passes tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Torgo

Agree 100% with your views. I am sick just SICK of hearing the same ole lip serves from both sides! All I want to hear is how we are going to fix the economy and how we are going to put AMERICANS back to work.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by ashnomadonte
reply to post by Torgo

Agree 100% with your views. I am sick just SICK of hearing the same ole lip serves from both sides! All I want to hear is how we are going to fix the economy and how we are going to put AMERICANS back to work.

Hear Hear!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/20/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Torgo

Do you even realize why Obama was elected?

Obama was elected because people KNEW he was a Socialist. It was all over the place in the campaign...but yet he still had the majority of votes.

Fox News basically advertised he was a Socialist with the "spread the wealth" comment and tons of other things. I posted countless threads showing that Obama was a socialist far before he was President.

People voted him in because they wanted help. Promise after promise that the American people have been told for the last 30 years have all been broken. The last 8 were disastrous.

If Obama had the balls he would start raising tariffs...he was...after all...a strong advocate against he said....but has yet to deliver except for a tariff on tires to China.

Geezus people, why do you think Americans voted in FDR? They voted for help. They didn't vote for more war or bank bailouts, wall street bailouts, and a NASTY recession.

People are getting restless as it is getting tougher to make ends meet for most us.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by David9176

I agree that people voted in Obama because they wanted help. But i disagree that they felt he could help because he is a socialist. I think that they, well we voted him in because he represented himself, as did the majority of media, as a savior, which he is not. But many people were taken in by his charm. He infatuated America. McCain probably wouldn't have been much better than Obama though.

I dont want socialism. I'm a libertarian. I think that the government is only good for protection and upkeep. Keep the bad guys out and out streets clean and get out of our lives. Being a congressman or a senator should not be a full time job, nor should they be paid as much as they are getting paid.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Zedd31415

indeed, we need to impose limits on terms for congressmen. that would be a start don't you think?

what ever Happened to BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE? they need to be reminded of who they work for. I say vote them all out and restart!

[edit on 20-3-2010 by ashnomadonte]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Now is anyone really surprised that this people are so upset that they are no thinking in a rational manor? Consider, this current congress has done the following: Slandered, ignored, bullied, broken laws that would get most of us put behind bars. They have abused, lied, cheated and deliberately chosen to mismanage the country at large. The voice of the people are not being listened to, and most states fail to have a recall vote to call back those in congress. We have seen where those in congress dare to set themselves apart from the very people they swore to govern wisely. Out of all of the Tea Party Protests, this is the only one that I heard of getting nasty, with name calling. And the government dares to act all shocked? If you were in the halls of legislature, would you keep your phone off of the hook, or choose to ignore the voting public, if they dare to disagree with you, or are outright showen that they are corrupt as all get out? Neither party is getting the point or the message, as both of them created this mess. With people being out of work, we look to the government to help create a solution, for which all we see is mismanagement of the very money that we pay them.
I think this is the start and if the members of congress are not careful, this could be a smoldering embers that they are going to throw gas on.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 10:56 PM
I don't know how this double post occurred, I didn't notice anything unusual when I first posted this. Please delete this, mods.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Torgo]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Torgo
reply to post by Chance321

Do you really think that the "conservatives" are any more invulnerable to the prospects of payoffs than the the liberals? Let's face it, both sides are relying too heavily on the payoffs from corporations to keep the interests of their fellow man in mind. The founding fathers provided us with ways to keep these scumbags out of office, yet we're too blinded by superficial party lines to really care. Palin/Beck in '12!

I think that most of the career politicians in Washington right now don't think of us as "fellow men" and women.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Zedd31415

Obama ran on raising taxes for people making over 250k a year...and tax cut for 95 percent of all Americans.

Well the tax cut in the stimulus package...which was nearly 1/3 of the ENTIRE cost....did NOTHING....and it was put in their by Republicans to have a bi-partisan approach and Obama went with it.

Yet Republicans keep screaming about the stimulus package when they themselves owned 1/3 of that debt because the tax cuts weren't offset by a cut in spending.

Nor will "most" Republicans criticize the Health insurance industry when they are knowingly dealing with the Obama administration!!!

We all know it.....they should be screaming about the Insurance companies...but they won't...they've been defending them for the last year.

The whole thing stinks man.

Btw...I didn't vote for either.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Torgo

Palin/Beck in '12!

I hope that's the last time I see that in my life.

Now that is scary. Tweedledee and Tweedledum

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:06 PM
I'm a professed socialist and I will be the first to come right out and say that no, I do not believe these bigots who shot their mouths off today are indicative of the entire Tea Party Movement, not by a long shot.

Yes, there will always be racist homophobic jerks in the world, but it's still not at all a good thing and when they hurl these remarks in the venue they did, it is newsworthy. The concern I always have is when these kind of bigots act in some way upon their hate. Their speech, vile as it was, is still protected by the United States Constitution, however in much the same way that someone writing pro-Al-Queda blogs, it still raises some red flags.

I do not for one second believe that all conservatives in the United States hold these backwards and hateful views. I've know many conservatives that are amazingly good people, and the term conservative in my mind carries no judgment as to a person's moral character. Being a conservative is a part of a worldview not one in and of itself.

The story troubles me but does not surprise me one bit. Political movements on either side tend to bring the nutters out of the woodwork. It makes me concerned though that the United States may be heading for a period like the 1990s when the crazy bigots acted violently upon their feelings with things like bombings.

The people in DC today that said such racist and homophobic remarks should have, in my opinion, no consequences from the government itself, their speech is protected. Instead we in the general public sphere get to voice our speech and condemn or exclude them.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by David9176

Its FUBAR for sure. And blame can't be placed on any one party, president, or ideology. Obama is just as much to blame for the state of the economy as Bush is. And Bush is very much to blame. Along with most congressmen and women (i just realized i have been referring to congressmen and senators as if the two were different, *bonk* myself on the head there). But to crawl in bed with the devil (just an expression, i dont think Obama is the devil or the antichrist or whatever) is not the way to go. We hold strong until november, vote every last dirty rep and senator out of office, and start rebuilding next january.

The insurance companies are to blame, but taking them out of the pictures isnt the way to go. A single payer option, although not in the works right now, it will be in the future if this HCB gets passed, would eliminate competition. We will be stuck with whatever the government feels we deserve. I think that we will find much better options if we take an honest look at tort reform and start relieving some of the restrictions placed on insurance companies that make prices go sky high.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Chance321

Come on....we know there are people out there who aren't planted that would do this.

Every time I've seen something like this...everyone believes it's a if there aren't crazy SOB's out there already.

ALl of conservative radio was telling folks to go to Washington today...and Republicans were as well.

You don't think it's possible for some racists and homophobes to show up?

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by ashnomadonte

AMEN! If we hope to change anything in this country, then we need to go after both sides of this bipartisan monopoly! The majority of people don't think in terms of black and white.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Zedd31415

We hold strong until november, vote every last dirty rep and senator out of office, and start rebuilding next january.

It will be hard to put a "legit" candidate in their place as now corporations can flood the networks attacking or promoting a Congressmen....not to mention corporations run our networks in the first place. Some people just don't seem to get it.

It's just crazy...Fox News is the worst.

Robert Murdoch doesn't want HIS taxes raised, he doesn't want Social Programs, yet he promotes the continued war effort that is bankrupting the country.

The ENTIRE media is completely ignoring the cost of this war and how it is affecting our economy.

THis is why I like Ron Paul...and Dennis Kucinich...and the FEW others like them that realize we have to end this or it will break the country.

We need to bring the troops home and raise tariffs.

My two cents.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Torgo

Indeed Tear down the house set it on fire and lets rebuild. I mean by voting both sides out send a real message that we will not be sold out any longer. Congress needs to know that they work for us we should strip them of all there special crap that they get like there pensions. And fancy medical insurance and take them back to there roots they should have to struggle like the ordinary man. there wages should be 36K a year to start. And we need to kick all lobbyists out of Washington to. I use the word man in a broad since to include women as well.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:26 PM
I remenber seeing a video a while ago of a Tea Party march, I believe it may have been the first "big one" in Washington, eith all the controversy over the actual size of the march.

Anyway, the video panned over to a group of skinheads who were on the outskirts of the actual demonstration, going nose to nose with a group of African Americans, who were the protesting the march.
I forget the name of the organization the African Americans were representing.

Anyway, point is, these demonstrations/protests draw all kinds.

The fact that this occurred at a Tea Party gathering does not necessarily mean it was Tea Partiers.

[edit on 20-3-2010 by Oaktree]

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Term limits would definitely be a start. But who proposes and votes on most legislation? O thats right, the congress. I think the only way we're going to get term limits and cuts in congressional salaries is by petition.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:00 AM
"Since we all know the main stream media may have the notion to portray us all as racists and nutjobs, lets try to make certain we stay above aboard and focus on the politics only folks."

Advice that any fourth grader could have given any tea-party demonstrators. Certainly, those in the movement are well aware that the 'r-word' is in fact the new 'n-word' and would attempt to discourage such derogative emotional responses from anyone affiliated with the movement. This is a bit over the top, IMO. Not to saying it couldn't have happened, of course it could have, but it is at least as equally valid this was either a planted propagandist or an outside the party extremist. For all the racist stereotypes any of us may know, attending an actual political rally isn't really their style. Most racists are "KKK" on the bathroom stall guys.

Let's remember that nothing discredits a movement quicker than implied racism...and demonizing the opposition is an age old tactic.

My opinions as a black man in the south.

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