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Injured Alien - A Hypothetical

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:08 AM
I want to open by saying i have seen no evidence that aliens are visiting Earth. But i think this will be interesting to discuss.

Imagine for a moment that you are at home. It's a quiet night, nothing really going on and you step outside to drink in the night air. You look up, it's lovely and clear, the stars are out and you stand there, relaxed. Then, off in your peripheral vision you see movement. It's nothing major, you aren't scared, i mean it could be anything, a bird that has been disturbed, a bat, maybe the neighbors cat. Still like all humans that see movement in the dark you turn your head towards it, hoping to discover what it was.

As you look you see more movement and now there is sound, the noise of feet dragging across the floor. The thing moving towards you is larger than a cat, it's at least 4 foot tall, maybe it's a wild animal. You carry on watching, with a mind that the door is nearby and you can escape inside to safety but you are not under any threat yet. As this thing comes closer you notice it is standing up, this looks human! Now you're worried, who would be walking aruond your property at such a time?

You ask who is there and all that happens is the person keeps walking toward you. Now you're worried but you stand your ground, someone is on your property after all. You shout a warning and the person keeps coming, then as it comes closer it walks into the light. You are hit with the realisation that this is not a human being. You are confronted with an alien, like the ones you have heard about for years from those conspiracy nut jobs. It's 4 foot tall, grey, large oval eyes.......................and it's bleeding.

The thing is obviously hurt, walking towards you, staggering. One arm reaches out in a gesture we all understand, help me. It falls forward and stops moving. The night was a quiet one, but now the silence is deafening.

So ATS, what do you do? Would you look after it as best you could? Would you take photos and video? Would you call the police or keep it secret? Would you look after it but not take any photos or pictures?

[edit on 5-3-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:19 AM
The first thing I would do would be to alert any and all people around. Once I have a few people, I would ask if anybody had the capacity to stream the video live on one of those live streaming sites. After the stream was up, I would post the stream link on 4chan's /b/ board and keep the thread bumped with an automated image bumper so that way hundreds of people would see it in real-time (and we all know how 4chan never shuts up about anything slightly interesting). While this is going on, I or somebody else would man up and pick up the alien, moving it to some place that isn't on the concrete if it landed on such (blanket, grassy area, etc.). Since it's an alien, there's really not much to do to help it since its biology is probably different, but if somebody with some nursing/doctor expertise was around, they could try and figure out the alien's ailment and how serious it is, directing us to help it if we could. If we managed to get this far without some "men in black" showing up, we would call 911 (again, probably not much help) and the media.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by SonicInfinity]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:21 AM
I'd go to Blog TV, start a channel and invite all you guys round to watch it.

Apart from that, how do you look after an injured alien?

Does it even conform to the same medical procedures we know??


posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:26 AM
Interesting question..

I think I would probably carry it inside, get the first aid kit out and fix it up as best as I could. I think I would avoid using any sort of chemicals on it, just incase it has lethal effects on it.

Probably the best thing you could do is try and get it to gain consciousness and help you, help him.

If you alert the authorities, it would probably never leave Earth ever again. Probably becoming the test subject to a large number of experiments/interrogation sessions.

Since the being would probably not speak english, there would be little you could do to help it, unless it's one of those stereotypical alien's that can communicate using it's mind etc.

That's just my take on it.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:28 AM
Hmm...some things to consider

Contamination. Although it might be natural reaction to run over and try to pick it up, it would be wise to at first grab some clothing to make sure you dont directly touch the beings skin.

After that, I would think putting it indoors carefully so no elements or animals can get to it...dont know what germs it may be breathing out, so a makeshift mask is also in order (dont wanna die from some space plague).

A bowl of water nearby may be a good choice considering most lifeforms require water...but let it take it or not...its choice.

A camera would be in order of course.

With that said, I would have to consider some aspects...what am I seeing here, is it some uncataloged creature, a robotic cyberman as Greer describes, a Zeta as others state...a moon robot as Lear speaks of...and depending on what this thing is, would also determine my action....if I found it was simply a secret military robot as Greer explains, I would call up the air force and tell them to come remove their crappy robot...but if I was able to determine that it was a proper spaceman, I would perhaps hold back on calling in the authority until there was some sort of communication between the entity and myself so it would understand the potential dangers...let it decide what should be done.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

The first thing I would do ... is help the creature. Although I would not know much of its biology ... I would be able to assume that since it is bleeding it is as least similar to human beings and many animals here on Earth. I would tend to it's wound or wounds to the best of my ability with basic medical skills and avoid using any chemicals. I would also be extremely cautious of the creature for I would have no idea what it would be capable with.

I would keep this a secret ... at least for the time being. I would not tell a soul except my immediate family out of necessity.

If the creature survived I would continue to keep the secret and hopefully try to communicate with it and perhaps even learn from it.

If the creature died ... there would be no reason to keep it a secret anymore ... so I would take pictures and video and put it up on the internet. Eventually I would most likely contact the authorities also (if they didn't find me first ...). Think of what humanity could gain from the study of such a creature ... plus proof of an ET would be outstanding.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Nurv47]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:41 AM
I would teach it to play beasketball then sell him to the harlem globe trotters. Or i would use him to hoax a bunch of alien videos, kind of ironic. Using a real alien to make fake alien videos...
Yeah i would charge the GFL and those Ashtar command people 10,000 bucks a minute for my Mr.Gray friend to read their crap.
When we had enough money i would get his ship repaired then just to be nice i would get his UFO on pimp my ride. Then me and Mr.Alien would split ways and the money. Unless he wanted to crash with me longer that would be cool. We would probably wear starwars pajamas and build forts all night.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:47 AM

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Lasheic
I would rape it. Brutally. And I'd record the act with a night vision camera like the Paris Hilton tapes.

Why? For the sheer absurdity of the notion.

Yeah unless you have anything interesting or helpful to add then why bother? A hypothetical situation is often presented simply for entertainment, but the point of this thread is to see how people would react, i suppose you could say it's about human nature itself and how we treat anything that is different to ourselves.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:54 AM
I'd assist him and hope he could communicate, because it might be rather difficult to assess what kind of treatment he needs. The best thing would be to telepathically stand out under the stars and request he be picked up by his people, because I would never hand him over the renegade annunaki's running this planet, unless he was one and requested this.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Lasheic

And this is exactly why humanity will never make contact with an extraterrestrial race from another galaxy.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Many people on earth have already been contacted by them, and those who seek to make to contact, hopefully knowing enough to seek only the positives, will most likely discover we aren't alone.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
reply to post by Lasheic

And this is exactly why humanity will never make contact with an extraterrestrial race from another galaxy.

well crap...but thats fine, screw those other galaxies...all we need is for our own milky way galaxy to let us in the club.

then we can conquor the other galaxies...muahaha...we will see who contacts who!

btw, lighten up...humanity contacted by ETs is not contingent on whether or not Lasheic will rape an alien..and frankly, if a advanced race decided not to make contact with us because of a few, then I dont wanna talk to the snobs.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:51 AM
A few points:

1. It's a joke.

2. None of us know how we'd react in that situation. We know how we'd LIKE to think we'd act... but that's it. This topic is self-promoting fru-fru. That's fine and dandy by me, but you can't expect me to take it seriously.

3. We're not the ones who started it, remember. I got two words for ya, alright. Anal Probes. Yeah. What goes around, comes around.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:06 AM
Try to stop the bleeding. Try to make it comfortable. Find out if i can converse with it in any meaningful way to help with those ends. Take pictures, trying to explain the importance of such action, once I am sure it will survive. Set up my webcam if i can.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:18 AM
I think my main concern would be whether or not the entity's body chemistry has any microbes that could be harmful to human beings. I'm recalling a story I'd must have heard on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland about a South American farmer who had assisted an injured alien entity and contracted a mysterious illness that killed him not too soon after his encounter.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:18 AM
Force your girlfriend to have sex with it. It could be the only chance to create an alien-human hybrid. Plus, who (alien or not) would not want to die while being humped to death

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by Blazer

what if the alien's a chick? Then you just have really weird lesbian rape happening.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:30 AM
I would tie the thing up, put it on a cold metal table, shine blinding white lights in it's eyes, and shove metal objects in it's ass. Seriously, that's the way they treat us so it's only fair we show them the same kindness.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by TurnXTop]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by TurnXTop
I would tie the thing up, put it on a cold metal table, shine blinding white lights in it's eyes, and shove metal objects in it's ass. Seriously, that's the way they treat us so it's only fair we show them the same kindness.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by TurnXTop]

I think what's dangerous about your statement is that you are thinking of a general, blanket accusation that all grays do this. Some of them prefer to study humanity in more subtle, peaceful ways. Who knows, that strange, quiet person you see walking down the street might just be a gray cloaked in a human body.

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