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Kids Directing Planes and the FAA

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:21 PM
Starting with my alarm clock going off to a talk station and ending with the late news, I have been barraged by stories of the air traffic controller who apparently let his child say a few phrases to an airplane or three.

The only thing I keep wondering is what else is going on that we're supposed to miss?

Why is this news?

We all understand the need for absolute safety and security in the air. From the audio, it was apparent that the child was coached in exactly what to say. The response from the planes was appropriate, even jovial. Yes, it was a stupid lapse in judgment but there was no potential for harm.

What other story aren't we supposed to be paying attention to?

The FAA suspended the controller and his supervisor.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:31 PM
A little bit off but... Remember a year or two ago they had the really bad fires in California right? I was watching the news on out of habit and there across the bottom of the screen it said the had just passed the Home Grown Terrorism Act and that was all I had seen about it for a long time. But its not like they would put anything really important in the news anyway.


posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 10:42 PM

reply to post by leftystrat

Why is this news?

I find myself asking that same question more often than not. Most recently, the whole Tiger Woods debauchery. Seriously? WGaF!!

There are a few Production Managers that I'd like to shake vigorously.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Even in Australia this is on the news! I couldn't give two #s if a fully trained and professional air-traffic controller let his child say a few words to a pilot, especially when the child was told what to say and when the pilot knew what was going on.

How is this news and why do I have to hear about it on the other side of the world?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:24 AM
I've also been hearing about this one all day. One talking head on the tv said something to the effect of "you wouldn't let your kid perform brain surgrey if you were a doctor." I think that that's taking it a bit far. The kid knew what to say, and I am assuming his dad was right behind him the whole time. However I do think that it was a misjudgement on the part of the father, this is being totally blown out of preportion. He should have had a quiet talking to by his boss, not been on every news network around the world constantly all day.

This may be a distraction, there have been more and more of these kinds of stories lately coming from the MSM. I always get suspicious when a seemingly insignificant story comes out of nowhere and dominates the airwaves for days on end (Tiger, ballon boy, etc).

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:31 AM
The really shocking thing would be if we knew how many children were actually flying planes at any one time.

I know I flew a beechcraft all the way across arizona when I was 9.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 01:04 AM
Sounds like an over reaction to me.. someone brought their kid in, and the kid repeated the commands his father gave him into the mic. OooOoo people were reaaallllly in danger..
Pilots didn't even care, some thought it was funny.. it's not like the kid was making numbers up and throwing them out there to see who would take off.

This society sucks..

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