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'Hurt Locker' Faces 'Rising Backlash From People In Uniform'

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:58 PM
the guy isn't left to bleed out in the film didn't you hear the double tap while the camera looks else were. as far as holly wood goes i thought it was pretty good. you just need to look on YouTube to see pumped up yeeha types in Iraq and Afghanistan a bit like the main character doesn't mean the majority of troops are like that but your bound to get the odd ones. at the end of the day its a film. i don't hear the smurfs crying about the portrayal of blue folks in avatar nor the blue man group.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:59 PM
I havn't seen the film yet.

I may watch it just to see how flawed it is.

One thing about being in the military and watching military films is issues of accuracy. Most filmwriters know nothing about various SOPs, Field Manuals, or even simple things like General Orders. So the films are often riddled with nonsense.

People running around with chinstraps undone drives me crazy. People not using proper radio procedures drives me crazy. People don't hold or aim the weapons properly. Muzzle awareness goes out the window. Ranks and positions are all wrong. This is simple stuff that movies get wrong all the time.

I assume police who watch CSI probably want to pull their hair out. I know doctors who watch House because of how stupidly inaccurate it is. Its the same for soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors who watch military shows and films.

There are few very good military films out there. We Were Soldiers is probably the best in terms of accuracy, but I'm sure if I sat and nitpicked every scene I could find some errors.

[edit on 2/3/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:01 PM
This movie was 100% pro war propaganda.

This movie showcased the latest weapons that main and kill people.

This movie has been nominated at the Oscars??? (Well this is another fine example of what the Oscars really are about and who runs them...)

This movie is a neo-con wankfest. Do not waste your time on this piece of lame crap!

Also check out the credits to see the corporations involved - yep you guessed it - the very companies that have sent many soldiers to their deaths for their own profits.

Wake up and smell a realistic war movie "Full Metal Jacket" or "Apocalypse Now" can be rest assured those movies were NOT backed by the War Corporation Machine - and they are anything but pro- war as this piece of drivel cliched brainless moron based slop is.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

You cannot blame ordinary soldiers for the militaryt industrial complex. Being a soldier is a Job. Would you have would-be soldiers draw welfare???

[edit on 2-3-2010 by Tiger5]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by danielhanson420

I'll have to disagree. I'd say the majority of troops are in fact the Hoo ya America f'yeah crowd. Look at the average demographic that makes up frontline troops and NCOs. It's like a fraternity. The majority are a certain way...........that's the whole point of a fraternity. The military is the same way....especially when it comes to troops on the frontline. Do you think combat soldiers are a bunch guys out there thinking about the repercussions of US foreign policy before they pull the trigger? LMAO! how inefficent would the US military be with a mentality like that. Not saying the US military is filled with trigger happy adrenaline drunkies but if you don't think the MAJORITY of troops don't fit a certain mold of bravado you're naive. they most certainly do. It's like a football team.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

No your right the US military operates in a complete vacuum. My uncle works for Boeing designing advanced missile systems and armament systems. I guess he's just doing his job as well right?

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:10 PM
I agree. The movie sucked. I kept waiting for it to get going. And waited. And waited. It would have made for a better documentary.

He starts off to find the people who killed the boy. Then he's back home shopping. Then he's back in Iraq. No point to it. No point at all.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Most of the soldiers are not like that. The vast majority of the military is made up of support elements. The combat units make up a small amount.

Among the combat units there are a number of Team America types.

Among support, there is barely any. Your not going to find Team America among mechanics, fuelers, medics, commo, supply, etc.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
He starts off to find the people who killed the boy. Then he's back home shopping. Then he's back in Iraq. No point to it. No point at all.

The opening quote: "war is a drug"...that was the point...the main character goes through brutal, harsh times...gets home...tells wife "they are looking for bomb technicians"...then back to Iraq.

Get it now? He was addicted.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

War isn't a drug.

Adrenaline is and people do stupid and absurd things for the rush.

Its sounds like I'm going to like this film less and less.

So this guy is EOD. Does the film have him engaging in firefights?

I provided security and escorted EOD to weapons caches and they did not engage in firefights, ever. It was our job to protect them while they set up explosives and detonators.

[edit on 2/3/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
So how about HBO's generation kill? Is that unrealistic?

No idea, never watched it.....after living the life, I stick to hollywood for mere entertainment, not accuracy.

I don't know what you're trying to say exactly. You want every American to believe war is honorable and pretty? Hollywood wants to portray it for the craziiness, evil, barbarism, and half truths that it is. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Don't see why panties are in a twist over Hurt Locker except for the fact that the average American is pretty disgusted with the direction our country is headed and the support for war is dwindling as well it should. So the US military is going to do and say anything it can to discredit any opinion the mainstream has to save face and win support.

No I have no problem with Americans seeing the REALITY of WAR. I agree the WAR itself is leaving everyone wondering when will it end, or lets just leave. There is an honor in WAR, but until you have lived it, talking to someone about it is moot because those listening just can't grasp it. My argument is people basing their opinions of the war or any way, and the soldiers, off of a hollywood movie.

Bottom line is they do what they can to make it somewhat realistic, they throw in fluff/drama to hold your attention for 2 hours so you spend $$$$$$$. If you leave there thinking this must be the way it is, thats on you, but my advice is don't base your opinions or beliefs of an entire military/person off of what hollywood says.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:25 PM
so they expected the Movie to turn out like the three kings with george clooney?

havent watched the film but am tempted to know

only seen the trailer of them letting the man explode as they ran for cover.

War is horrible and you cant really paint it in Roses and rainbows

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:26 PM
I’ve, been in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I will agree that the EOD teams are hard corps, but they are in no way anything like what you see in that movie. That is why it is a movie and not what really goes on. If the movie would have been true to real EOD Team members you would of saw a 5 man team sitting around playing card for 75% of the time and then when they do get a call they take their time and do it right. They might spend up to 10 hrs on one IED making shore no one gets hurt. But if they of put that in the movie no one would of watched it at all. So in my conclusion let’s look at it for what it is a movie that was meant to entertain the audience, and make money, nothing more.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by usmc0369]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:42 PM
I saw the film, and it was quite a ride! However, did depict the soldiers poorly, as is mentioned in the article? Being a veteran myself, I thought the movie showed war in the truest sense possible, given the creative license allocated to fiction. "War is hell," as General Sherman referred to it in the meat-grinder known as the Civil War. In that sense, it was accurate and realistic. Moreover, for the most part, they were presented with respect and professionalism. Watching the film, I got the impression of the paranoia the characters must have felt at time. I was never in Iraq when I was in, and the closest I got to combat was an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean during Operation Enduring Freedom.

The EOD are an elite unit and I thought they were presented in that light. The Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie characters in particular. For instance, Jeremy Renner's character was the veteran who has been in other situations like the ones shown in the film and combat to him is like a walk in the park. When at home is when he is the most uncomfortable. They would rather be no where else than on the battlefield, and yes, there are individuals like that in military. When it came to his job, he did it professionally, at least as I saw it. Anthony Mackie's character was the by-the-book type. All he wanted to do was get the job done, and get the heck out of there as most do in a situation like the one shown in the film.

Now, I have read that some veterans have been overly critical of the film, but it is picture made for entertainment purposes, not a US Army training video. Therefore, as it is a work of fiction, there is a such thing as creative license. Personally, I felt the creative license by the director was used as liberally as possible. The movie flowed well, and was the most grittiest film to depict the deadly cat and mouse game US troops were dealing with during the insurgency. As a matter of fact, a buddy of mine who did 15 months over there enjoyed the film immensely. Moreover, my brother who did two tours over there during some of the most savage days of the war as a Navy Corpsman assigned to a Marine battalion, and had nothing but praise for the film. Although, he did say some sequences were not entirely accurate from a combat and operational standpoint. So, I find it kind of odd all the criticism by the veterans about this film? Here is a review by a 20 year EOD veteran, and overall he said the movie was accurate.

. . . no film is realistic in all its details, but the important things were done very well. And it showed things that people might say are inaccurate, like removing a flak jacket or bomb suit to work on a bomb, which happens, because if that bomb's going to explode and kill you, it doesn't really matter whether you're wearing the suit or not.

I thought it was one of the best films to come out depicting the Iraq War, and it wasn't over glamorized either. The British who were depicted in the film were contractors, and not SAS or British Army regulars. They may have been British Army at one time, but in the film's credits they were listed as contractors. Ralph Fiennes played the team leader, some may remember him as the monster SS Officer, Amon Goethe, from Steven Spielberg's film "Schindler's List."

Ralph Fiennes ... Contractor Team Leader

Here is the sniper dual scene involving the British Contractors and the main characters. Enjoy!

[edit on 2-3-2010 by Jakes51]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
The opening quote: "war is a drug"...that was the point...the main character goes through brutal, harsh times...gets home...tells wife "they are looking for bomb technicians"...then back to Iraq.

Get it now? He was addicted.

Oh, I never said I didn't get it. It was just bad. A poor story.

It's more like a documentary. Zero character development, no inciting action that spurs the main character to conflict resolution and transformation. No resolution in the end. No conflict. No antagonist.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

fair point

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

We have a spare, but we used up our wrench.

How do you use up a wrench?

See the guy in the red hat, he threw it at someone?

You know this is Iraq, you can shoot people here, you don't have to throw a wrench at them!

That right there was funny stuff.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

Why is there one truck alone wandering the desert in that scene?

Is that the EOD team? Where are they going to put all of their gear?

This is a real EOD truck:

Notice the big box on the back, thats where all their EOD gear goes.
Edit, the picture cropped. The whole image is here:

Real EOD has Security:

This is what they do:



I can really see I am not going to like this film.

No one called for any support. QRF, Close Air Support or even a call for fire.

[edit on 2/3/10 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Firstly I have to say that I am a former British soldier and IDF... I am a career soldier who has served from the age of 16.. Im 37 now and have been out of the military for 18 months.. However I am re-enlisting to the British Army because they are the best in the world, and like I said, I'm a career soldier...

Truth is, and you aint going to like it, that even though you guys have the best equipment, the guys operating it are too gung ho and irresponsible... You guys fire at ANYTHING... You dont even wait a second... Hence why a few of my old mates were shot by you guys... Indisciplined and believing your own superior BS... Yet you are caught out in places like Vietnam, Iraq and Afganistan because the people are also viewed as inferior... Superior firepower does not win wars... Battles yes... Wars no... There comes a time when you have to engage with the locals.. That is not blowing peoples heads off btw...
In the big op that is going on you guys are fighting hard, the brits aint... Why???... Its because we engage with the locals, talk to them before blowing their brains out...

HuRRAH is not anyone elses language.. Plus most people other than ameicans can point out on the map where they are coz america is a very small place compared to the rest of the world... Most Americans know that... Take your country back America... You guys are our only hope... Stop your names being driven into the mud by your goverment.. Coz Americans are good..

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Yissachar1

Thats stereotypical mess. We conducted numerous dialogues with the locals. I have pictures of that too.

Sure there are some gung ho personnel, but they are few.

The entire military is not like that at all.

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