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The Australian Fish Fall & Charles Fort's Reply

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 05:39 AM
I saw a similar event years ago. While driving along the highway I saw thousands of cornstalks going up into the sky and none where falling to the ground, they just kept going up and up and up in a whirlwind. Days later they fell from the sky about 30 miles to the east of that location and people couldn't understand where they came from.

I suspect the scientific reason that the fish didn't die was because they came down the same way they were picked up. They basically floated upward in an updraft just like the cornstalks and then floated down most of the way to the Earth in a lesser updraft that enabled them from being killed when they landed.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:05 AM

Ohhhh, maaan.... So, you actually believe in unknown physical laws?

And this is based on WHAT Science? Please link me to the scientific forum that expounds upon such matters, because I'm not aware of its existence.

I think that such assertion is more like urban ignorance than anything else.


Love the avatar. Love the intellectualism. Don't care too much for the under the cuff genies you throw out at people's second guessing ideologies on a topic you started that deals with unfounded and outlandish proposals that explain unusual documented phenomena.

Did you start this thread to spite people so you can make rash comments towards them, or are you genuinely interested in collective summation?

I suggest allowing folks their idioms whilst continuing to seed their minds towards higher cognizant arenas.

Originally posted by Doc Velocity While it is known that the Earth has two moons — oh, yes, you didn't know that? — it's unlikely that particles of the second moon are raining down on Earth. — Doc Velocity

Here is the explanation of Earth's Two Moons

In conjecture Doc, this particular forum may be your domain, as it's involved with mythical ideologies...


posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by srsen

Originally posted by audas
The fish are of the same type and age because they are being sucked up from the surface of the water where schooling fish tend to congregate - this also explains why they are the same type and age as schools tend to be of the same age and are always the same type.

Pretty darn simple really - why are you all so eager to be led astray ??

But how could something as chaotic as a water spout produce such uniformed results (sucking up only one type of fish from a single school)?

Fish generally only ever school in the same breed and same age.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity

Originally posted by audas
Come on people please - the fish are not going to die from falling from that altitude - they have an incredibly different nuero system to humans - secondly they would not be up in the air that long - they are literally being hurled through the sky - thats it - not held their indefinitely. Fish also survive out of water for a LONG TIME - they breath air, however will drown due to excessive amounts of oxygen - anyone who has ever fished can tell you this.

The fish are of the same type and age because they are being sucked up from the surface of the water where schooling fish tend to congregate - this also explains why they are the same type and age as schools tend to be of the same age and are always the same type.

Pretty darn simple really - why are you all so eager to be led astray ??

Ohhhh, maaan.... So, you actually believe that large, multicellular living organisms can be vacuumed off the face of the earth, held in suspension high above the Earth's surface for 2 days, and then fall back to the hard surface from a mile in altitude and survive?

And this is based on WHAT Science? Please link me to the scientific forum that expounds upon such matters, because I'm not aware of its existence.

I think that such assertion is more like urban ignorance than anything else.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/1/2010 by Doc Velocity]

Come on mate - its fine for a laugh - are you seriously trying to push this line ??

A simple google search will turn up hundreds of SCIENTIFIC explanations - here is something from 10 years ago -

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Well any NT members on ATS?
It being a recent event we are given a wonderful opportunity to prove or disprove their theory.
check the wind directions speeds etc on that day at various heights in the atmosphere ,then chart on a map in lines from the locale the possible directions of arrival and look for geographical indicators such as fish farms etc.
If there are any strikes, ring the closest papers and tell a journo what you are trying to do, and ask him all relevant questions re weather, possible waterspouts, anything unusual locally that day etc.
Also going on foot and asking in the town itself where they landed as many pertinent questions as possible.
I'd do it but I'm at the other end of the continent

And while I am a believer in and experiencer of of a multiverse,
If fish, frogs and rocks drop in from time to time, then wouldn't we also see things like sand piles,machinery,corn cobs or any other number of falling things?
Still, love the mystery of this sort of thing...the things that keep living life in this world interesting.
Another of my favourite mysteries is the way they find gold chains in lumps of coal at mines, and live frogs in solid rock, a solid iron nail in the middle of a sandstone cliff millions of years old, there are so many anomalies in our world!

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:15 AM

Since when do tornados exhibit surgical precision pertaining to items that are vacuumed aloft?

Again, nobody said it did, this is pure speculation. The report was poor and without much detail and only 1 image of some fish in a bucket.

As all this pertains to the OP, HOW does a LIVING CREATURE (a fish), minding it's own business in a billabong in northern Australia, manage to get surreptitiously vacuumed up through this poorly-understood fiery physical phenomenon known as a tornado, get held in aquatic suspended animation for 2 days up in the clouds, and then be ejected from the sky, like a meteor, and arrive ALIVE back at ground level?

Again you speculate and embroider, you write your own 'facts'.
First off, the report itself said no tiornados were reported. note that the area is relatively remote.
Therefor we cant speculate on how strong it was, or was not, let alone if it was 'firey' as you so dramatically embellish it.
Further more, its more speculation that fish were

held in aquatic suspended animation for 2 days up in the clouds, and then be ejected from the sky, like a meteor,
and arrive ALIVE back at ground level?

C'mon, thats laughable, you sound like Barnum the circus guy.

Fact: It happened on two consecutive days. This does not mean fish were held in the sky etc etc, infact honesty and common sense ,
a knowledge of gravity should tell you otherwise.
Does it not seem much more likely that another spout developed over the same area or a nearby waterhole AGAIN the following day?

Your wording and intent to convey the mysterious is obvious and embarressing.
For the third time, you have ignored my suggested explanations and not responded,or acknowledged the possibility that the explanation is indeed boring and prosaic.
instead embellishing your ideas further each post you make!

You are a showman to be sure! You could convince folk to pay to see a rare two headed rabbit, born with only one head!

Not to piss in your shoe, mate, but common explanations are a dime-a-dozen, easily picked up and pitched away, right

and does not occure to you that statistically, there may be good reason for that. I say bunkum way out theorys are a dime a dozen too mate, especially on this board.

I think your avatar is self explanitory.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:02 AM
Seems that usually it is only one type whether it's frogs, seeds, fish, etc.. I was think of that after I read about the white fish. What I also find odd about the aquatic life is that it's not falling in water. If it was some kind of natural repopulating process you'd think nature would hit the target. Other than that, I'm sure the people are just glad it wasn't raining elephants! :-> Which I've never hear of before. No large animals. Good points.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Would that not indicate there is a tear in time?
Which means..theorectically that a T-rex could suddenly appear or a Spinosaur or even a nest of raptors maybe an entire forest in the middle of a lake.

Interesting though..but shouldn't the fish be examined properly before saying they could be from 6 million years ago?

Still it is a very interesting theory with some scary consequences if there is a rip in time.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by captiva

I like this theory but that indicates yet again that the time machine was turned on in our time for it to work in the future.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Sounds like that's the 2nd stage of tests with live animals, 1st stage being molecules.
We could soon have Human's appearing from nowhere

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:03 AM

"Thank God it didn't rain crocodiles."
So true, so true.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 09:04 AM
I think this is explainable by having to look in the very past...We had an extra planet in our system and it collided with something and was completely wiped was a water planet so the content of it is now the asteroid field.On occasions the organisms that once lived there are pouring down from our skies.I am by any means no scientist and cant say if this idea is even scientifically plausible but its an intriguing thought.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Well, I'm with you, Doc. No way does the tornado theory make sense. Sure, on the surface it sounds like a common sense solution....but when you look deper, no way.

So, ever since I saw this story about the falling fish, I've actually been trying to think of an explanation myself...and I can only hypothesize that this phenomenon is due to something that is not scientifically explainable.

Now, that might surprise you, because I am a "scientist". I have both a BS and a doctorate degree in a scientific field. But in fact, most scientists I know are pretty open minded. To not be open minded makes you NON-scientific, to be honest. It's usually the "skeptics" hiding behind scientific labels that gives science a bad name as a cold, unfeeling and closed-minded group as a whole. Most scientists I know are open-minded enough to accept non-scientific theories.

Ok, so now that I've made my scientific-non-scientific disclaimer, here are my theories:

1. Someone (or some group) was hungry and prayed for food. Their prayers got answer.
2. Someone (or some group) was practicing manifesting...and it worked.
3. The same non-human entitites who are trying to communicate with us with crop circles and are getting frustrated that we aren't listening, and so now instead of bending plants, they're bending water and creating this phenomenon.
4. It's a bonafide miracle of God.

So far, that's all I've got. But, please know that most scientists are not so closed minded that we cannot see that not everything is explainable by science. After all, science starts with observation....and if we truly observe the falling fish phenomenon, and truly observe water spouts and tornados, we'll see that the two phenomenon are not really rellated. No water spout or tornado has actually ever been OBSERVED picking up fish and dumping them live on the ground....alive....over hundreds of miles. No way.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Except that the small fry are apparently never recovered in these sky falls. They seemingly never return to earth, they're still up there swirling about in the clouds.

Which is, of course, preposterous.


Not really. Fry are often so tiny that they are hard to see! if seeds and spiders can be carried for huge distances on winds then it is not impossible for all manner of water born organisms to do so.

Also fish of same size and species do school together, if some isolated wind storm hit one portion of a lake and scooped up a bunch of Bluegill I would not be suprised at all.

I will admit that non flying life forms falling out of the sky is certainly an oddity, I'm not sure its a grand mystery.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by audas
A simple google search will turn up hundreds of SCIENTIFIC explanations - here is something from 10 years ago

Didn't I already address this? That bit of sludge means nothing, mate.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:24 AM
did anybody eat or otherwise handle the fish? i wonder if the contents of the fish's stomachs could tell us anything, maybe even the water they came from.

are those fish from that region? are they from any other region?

this is like one of those puzzles on that show fringe. if they are from a different timezone, then shouldnt it have effected something here? im wondering if any schools of fish might have disapeared ( i.e. the school's ancestors?)

if they are from a different timezone does this mean in the future we live at a higher altitude?

the more theories are presented the more questions pop up. i personally dont buy the whole vacuum idea. i wonder how long they were "out of water" for, or if theres even a way to tell.

i also wonder if something were from a different time period would certain tests like carbon dating even work?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by treemanx
Now that just dosent make any more sense than the first explanation, does it?

That is the point of Fortean speculation. Fort proposed alternative explanations that made as much sense as the extreme coincidence needed for a "conventional" explanation.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

You sure could have helped out on this thread, about the very same event:
It's raining fish, no really

I and others brought up Fortean phenomena but were pretty much overruled by the ridiculers. I try to do a thorough search before starting a new thread.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:04 AM
The waterspout theory has always seemed the most likely explanation of this phenomena to me, BUT...

Consider the number of sightings of UFO's hovering above lakes, lagoons etc, and even (seemingly) taking on water. Think about the numbers of USO's that have been sighted.

Is it possible that as a result of 'taking up' water into their craft, UFO-nauts may then have to 'filter out' fish, frogs or whatever, and dump the ballast overboard?

Maybe it could even be that they have a taste for fish, but the 'rejects' are too small for the pot?

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 11:07 AM
You have heard of flying fish haven't you? There you have your explanation.

Or perhaps the world and everything going on is actually a giant experiment to determine how our species reacts to what seemingly has no explanation. So the lab tester (maybe an alien, god, or whatever) had them fall slowly (maybe by temporarily modifying the laws of gravity) so it could be witnessed and see how we deal with witnessing what we would think is not possible.

I think you should have a contest for the most plausible explanation and the most ridiculous one.

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