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Quit Bashing the Human Race!

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:19 AM
This is a post dedicated to all of those people out there who bash the Human Race, thinking we are a waste of space, a cancer on Earth.

Well im sticking up for my fellow species!

Man is a fortunate species. The marvelous (and still largely mysterious) complexity of the human brain has gifted him with speech, language, and the power of creative, abstract thought. Over thousands of years our intelligence has given us tools and technology, art and science, society and civilization.

I love seeing community spirit when in times of need, or example it has been really snowy and cold in the UK this winter, it's heart warming to see people who don't know each see someone struggling in the snow and without the driver asking we all head over to give a push, the way a couple bought groceries for an old lady every week and walked to her house in the freezing cold and deliverd them to her.

There are many other things which make us special, the way people jump into a river to save someone without any regard to there own safety, the way a fireman would walk into a blazing inferno when his commanders have told him to give up.

So please ATS we see every so often something humans have done terribly, but don't focus on this, there are many amazing everyday stories which happen everyday, just because the news doesnt report them doesnt mean there not happening.

Love your fellow species as much as i do

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Lets be perfectly clear - I never bash the human race, only the cold blooded, compassionless reptilians masquerading as human.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

There are many other things which make us special, the way people jump into a river to save someone without any regard to there own safety, the way a fireman would walk into a blazing inferno when his commanders have told him to give up.

The good deeds done by Humans (whose DNA is actually Half Virus) is overshadowed by human virus like behaviour.

A virus (in Latin, virus means toxin or poison) is a small infectious agent that can only replicate inside the cells of another organism.

Similarly, Humans replicate inside Eco-system which further add to the poisoning of everything around us. Agreed, there are many Humans who try to stop the destruction i.e, poisoning of environment but the ill-effects of Human species overwhelm this good effect by approx. 10,000 times. What do Human's do when faced with life threatening virus, they try to eradicate it. Similarly, either Human's or Environment should find ways to eradicate the Human species.

The list of extinct & threatened organisms includes not only animals but also birds as well as various plants and trees runs in thousands.

I know I will get a lot of flak for saying this because it's human nature of self-defense mechanism. But if you think logically, if you step aside from your emotional bonding of attachment and selfishness, would you save 1 rotten apple at the cost of whole basket of apples? No you will not hesitate to remove 1 bad apple to save the whole basket of apples. The basket here is the environment/ eco-system. Other apples are different species of plants and animals.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by December_Rain]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I agree I like the way that we have evolved and seek to get away from our animal instincts. We have also sought to protect other specis on a grand scale.

I have received acts of random kindness from strangers.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:55 AM
Humans are no more amazing than any other animal on the planet. We may be able to do more, but that doesnt overshadow the negative things we have done. Until we actually pull together and get our heads out of our asses as a collective, we are not amazing. Until humans stop killing each other over racism, money/greed, religion, etc we are nothing more than a pile of garbage in the alleyway of the universe.

Humans are just animals, no more no less. Get over it lol.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:17 PM
We are sentient creatures that kill and hurt - KNOWINGLY.

Animals do it, but they don't know any better.

Sorry, I totally disagree with the OP.

I mean, yeah - of course we have our moments, but we are all selfish and you know it. Very few people would die for another human - especially for a stranger.

So yeah, what DOES make us so awesome? I'm listening.

And just for the record - I personally don't think it's our fault that we are the way we are. It's all about the DNA.

If you want to prove me wrong, how about donating most of your money to needy others until you literally only have enough to live. If we all put others first, this post right here wouldn't exist.

We are selfish creatures, and it's not our fault. And it's not just humans. It's ALL living things.

We are SMART ANIMALS. That's it.

[edit on 2/21/2010 by impaired]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:28 PM
I like the human capacity for discovery and curiosity.

I have wondered for a long time. If we have been about for thousands of years when did the light bulb moment happen, what caused it to happen?
as we have progressed more in the last 250 years then history tells us we progressed in the thousands of years before the industrial revelolution.

People will always be people some will kill,rob and destory others will be the thinkers, the inventors and the good people that live a decent life.

To tar the human race with one they are all bad brush comes no where close to revealving the complexity of our species.

Although I do tend to agree that our destructive nature does seem to be the thing we are best at. Just look at how many ways we have invented to kill or destroy.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by jpmail]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:43 PM
I do have to say one thing, however, that is in stark contrast to my previous post:

We do pull together in times of hardship.

Like when the quake struck Haiti, I must admit - I was scintillated that they got so many donations from all over the world. THAT literally warmed my heart.

But why the hell does it TAKE a disaster for us to pull together???

Can you say "Complacency"?

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:51 PM
I suggest you read Elliot Aronson's "The Social Animal" --the animal he is speaking of being many times are people in distress in the midst of a crowd and people keep on walking by? Seriously helping others is an anomaly---que bono, who benefits? And even if people DO help others, they just seem to insist upon telling everyone about it---being good for goodness sake, that would be nice---but we don't live in a Utopia OP

[edit on 21-2-2010 by mkultraangel]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

This is posted in my profile and I think it may fit in here.

However the evolutionary ball got rolling it has a beginning. Science bears it out -Source. And when it comes to this unraveler of life, there are no rivals. No matter how it happened, you gotta admire the style, impossible variety and span of creation. If it was caused by an accident we should give thanks to accidents. But we are losing it. Soon Earth will be all brick and a permanent fog with angry humans struggling to ease everyday pain and hunger...Or we could help each other & respect the planet. When one goes down we are all brought down by their suffering. It is the domino effect and not how it should end. We are better than that.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Thanks for this thread. Compassion should be possible for ourselves as a species as well as for other species.

There is definitely darkness in the world, but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, since the darkness makes the light all the more precious and necessary.

If we do not like things, we can only start from our own sphere of influence, and do the things we criticize others for not doing. Less blame (negative and discouraging), more action (positive and encouraging).

And then, "do not talk about it." This is a very humble approach, but not appropriate in all cases. Sometimes it is necessary to recall a good deed, for teaching purposes, or to add to the story, or to explain something great that came from the deed, and how it really matters to do good deeds. People can get burned out, and need encouragement, so it's only rational to encourage one another with stories of good deeds. Maybe someone else's, or your own. If it is not a bragging situation, then it's really not anyone's business but the doer of the deed himself.

Let's not complain about apathy, then bash someone for telling a different story. Let's applaud the presence of people who do good. Otherwise, it's just a no-win situation.

Surely we can agree on that?

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Copperflower]

[edit on 21-2-2010 by Copperflower]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Some members of the human race are long overdue a good bashing...and then some! Still, I agree with the gets me down the level of negativism that some members spread around the boards. The vast majority of people I know and have ever known were good's only reasonable to apply that proportion to the population of the world in general.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Another argument about science vs. emotion (or really I am not sure what you would classify this, maybe sort of a "Nationalism" except it's not pride for a country, but rather humankind?). I think the argument ONLY works if you look at how human beings are hardwired and we have the instinct of self-preservation...we are not hardwired to help others---but I think this is what makes this post interesting, because maybe it was possible that humans in a hunter/gatherer society possibly were wired to help their tribe for self-preservation purposes still--but at least there was a reason for helpfulness--I think we have evolved away from needing to help others----of course this can be a thread about how many sightings there have been of people helping people....? maybe I am missing the point

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I can agree with you on some of the matter, But the overwhelming shadows hanging over the human race are hard to ignore. Look at what we're knowingly capable of doing. Hiroshima, 9/11, torture and so many other vile acts that make us human. In the end were all just animals that have used our vast knowledge to invent new ways to destroy. I sincerely hope that there is enough humanity left in the world to turn our ways around.

Buy hey, thats just my opinion in the end.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Your right.

The little things to matter.

However, the larger picture is dark. We as individuals are virtually harmless and loving folk.

However when we get together in societies, countries, continents etc.. We tend to become more like animals that civilized human beings.

I am completely disgusted by our society in general. Humans are lazy, easy to manipulate and hard headed when it comes to change.

If they want respect from me, they will need to stop taking spankings from " Big Brother" and take control of their world.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

As you see people (though we are equipped) are unable to raise much higher than the level of animals.
After many years of light speed technology coupled with no progress ethically or integrally we are what we are. Hating each other and aggressive incarceration has not worked to rehabilitate us or make us better, saner, kinder over all.

The definition of sanity I think is to live, work and play well.
Maybe the news is making us look really ugly because one by one we ARE better than that. Maybe it is group think making us act like a mob instead of people. Others will say we are just bad through and through.

Some say it is the lack of Christian values or religion. Religion itself has been a horrible divider but there is a secret nestled within all religions that even the native American Indians know and it is a kind of cosmic justice. What goes around comes around.

I think it is evident that we need to do what we haven't tried.
Christ said to do it. Christians are not know for this...Buddhist practice it.
The Amish do it. Among many other traits, habits and ways of life that would serve us all well the Amish understand the pointlessness of hostility anger and revenge - they forgive and go on.

They obey a sort of cosmic request NOT to repay violence with violence but by some superhuman feat love even their enemies and turn the other cheek.

When we do something good FOR NO EXPECTED REWARD (like your dog will do for you) except that it is altruistic to your fellow man...

...a forgiveness that you did not need nor could even be expected to do and

unexpectedly good things fortunate things begin to happen to you. Even though we don't always catch it there is such a thing as karma.
There is the "all seeing eye" mentioned in recent post. Just like the legends and myths say. We all get the heebie jeebies from time to time.

We are not supposed to worry and fret about each other...only love.

We tend to focus on the part about getting rid of this one or that one or this in the person or that in the person, just love them anyway and see what happens...give Karma a chance to work.

Sorry if you've seen this an another post of mine already but I think it is the best 17 seconds I have seen in such a long time. Hard to believe it is real...and yet karma can do this.

Love your enemy, regardless of your beliefs, keep them to yourself.
The big things will take care of themselves. We all experience karma - I say roll with it. Let it be your way of life. It is what some of you call random coincidence, what some call fate or destiny, and it is what others call God.


posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I like the way you have seemed to find peace....however it is my belief (well more of a creedo) that when there is an existence of a minority, the minority has an obligation to let themselves be known for the sake of others that may be bullied into silence...we aren't doing kids any favors by letting them stand by and deal with ethnocentrism or the idea that MY way is the ONLY way--kids should at least be able to say things like "well, that's just like your opinion dude" whatever

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 04:44 PM
I too grow tired of these avatar syndrome people. Humans are here and were doing what we can given the circumstances. If you hate your species so bad then why not take the first step and commit suicide? You'd be doing the rest of us a favor, really.

Or if you're afraid to do that then go live in the wild for awhile, You can still do that. Live in harmony with the creatures you so love. Remember to keep the smell of your food covered or the bears will eat you.

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by mkultraangel and Raverous

mkultraangel of course you are right there.

Raverous - It IS Ravenous you were trying to spell when you came up with your avatar name isn't it?
It isn't very nice especially when the topic is as innocuous as this one hurting no one and in fact trying to "lift" the people out of the heartless rogue syndrome that seems to be gripping the nation -it isn't very nice to suggest people commit suicide.
There is no need for that kind of vitriol in this discussion. Quit proving everyone's argument - humans suck.
Live well, play well.
If you can't play well - you are not considered mentally sound.
Just thought you should know.

[edit on 21-2-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Humans need a good bashing. The filthy rotten peasant human race needs a wake up call. We are a virus on Earth and need to be exterminated. We were a shameful accident and it's our fault the dinosaurs are dead.

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