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VIDEO: Police Brutality: Cops Plant Drugs On Suspect & Lets Dog Attack

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posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 08:52 AM
I'm amazed that there are people who claim multiple instances where they have been harrassed, falsely pulled-over, ask to pay the cop, etc...

What are you people doing wrong?

Not syaing it doesn't happen, there are definately crooked cops out there, but, from Cali to DC, I have never been asked to pay, falsely pulled over or harrassed by the police. Yeah, I've been talked down too and told to shut the hell up by a cop, but I was pushing three digits in a Mustang and deserved a verbal arse-whoopin'.

Again, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I think most of the claims are BS. Especially from people who claim to have had many bad experiences with the police.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by December_Rain

Well that is blatant planting of evidence. The fact he looks into the camera just before reaching into his pocket and then the delighted, self satisfied tone as he "finds" the drugs is just disgusting.

I wonder if they would have done this to a white person.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 10:42 AM
Yet more evidence that the liberal systems of the world do not work, nor the cult conservative ones. Has anyone seen the video of the police who tasered a mans genitals while holding him in their police building?

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Former West Texas Drug Officer Barry Cooper has a great DVD series called "Never Get Busted Again" that you can purchase at Amazon.

The reason I post this here is that he shared several personal stories where he had witnessed cops planting drugs, training drug dogs to give false positives, and he even mentioned that a few those cops probably "lost" some of the drug money seized. It's a very interesting DVD and I found it to be very educational.

Right now in Austin, we are faced with a Chief of Police that cares little for Constitutional rights and a growing police force that is filled with former military personel. It's getting pretty frightening. Austin used to be a pretty mellow place but it seems that that phenomenon is changing.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by justinsweatt
Former West Texas Drug Officer Barry Cooper has a great DVD series called "Never Get Busted Again" that you can purchase at Amazon.

The reason I post this here is that he shared several personal stories where he had witnessed cops planting drugs, training drug dogs to give false positives, and he even mentioned that a few those cops probably "lost" some of the drug money seized. It's a very interesting DVD and I found it to be very educational.

Right now in Austin, we are faced with a Chief of Police that cares little for Constitutional rights and a growing police force that is filled with former military personel. It's getting pretty frightening. Austin used to be a pretty mellow place but it seems that that phenomenon is changing.

Yea, I heard about that DVD the cops hate Barry Cooper with a passion. He has told people the little techniques that police use to frame and intimidate people into being a suspect. It's amazing that our country has came to become a police state, but thats what happens when you vote and don't hold peoples feet to the fire.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
I will agree that the K9 bite was NOT necessary and they should be held accountable for that. As for the aggressivness of the the officers, you may wanna check the history of the suspect before making a clear judgment. Reason being, you don't play patty cackes with a man who has a criminal history of: Burglary, Drug Possession, Domestic Abuse, and Fleeing. Now for the "planting" of the drugs. Yes there was an allegation, BUT you failed MISERABLY to doing alittle research to find out that the officer in question was reaching into his pocket to make sure the camera and audio were still on. Also, (go figure), the youtube video IS NOT complete and doesn't show the confession by Carlos that he DID have weed on him. In his own words, CAUGHT ON TAPE, he says "yeah so what, you found my weed". Not to mention he pled GUILTY to the possession charge in court and admitted to the DA no one planted anything. Just another case of people having NO CLUE and ASSuming stuff, and before researching it, they go purely on emotion or biased hate to make people look MUCH worse then what they really are. Again, you wanna complain about the use of the K9, I can agree and will complain about that too, as there was no reason. As for the "planting" and believing this video with blinders on....well thats par for the course here on ATS when it comes to police anything. Edit to Add: The lawsuit is still pending for the K9 bite and rightfully so, but the officer was cleared, thanks to the suspect being honest (a week later), and is back to work.
[edit on 2/16/2010 by rcwj1975]

The allegation about "planting of drugs" is not being made by any ATS members. If you watch the video about this provided you will notice that the allegation is being made by highly qualified professional law enforcement officers protecting the human rights of their client. They point out that this video shows that the police are clearly using this "planting of evidence" in a manner which would indicate that they [police] use this method often. Obviously if you are a brainwashed moron then you might like to work in the police force. I could have worked in the police force but chosen not to because I could clearly see [1970's UK] that my morality [ChienTao] would become severely compromised by doing so. Violence to combat violence only equals more violence. It is a merry-go-round of violence making more violence. We need to find a better way to make the world more what it should be. Sadly having given the matter considerable meditation I am of the opinion that this world is a lost cause. It cannot change. I cannot change others but I can change myself and hope that my future reincarnations will be more auspicious. SHIMONO

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by downtown436

If you don't like the police, then you should be executed as well.

Well if this isn't 4 giant leaps backwards for mankind I don't know what is.

Talk about setting a scary precedent.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by December_Rain

Well that is blatant planting of evidence. The fact he looks into the camera just before reaching into his pocket and then the delighted, self satisfied tone as he "finds" the drugs is just disgusting.

I wonder if they would have done this to a white person.

yes they would, but it's easier to do it to one of us since so many people think we're predisposed to that kind of activity/behavior. what galls me is, the cop knows he's got the dashcam running AND PLANTS THE DRUGS ANYWAY. I mean, did the guy have a friend in internal affairs or something? if so, it didn't help. GD, I know most cops are honest, but there are quite a few dirty ones. Whether you want to talk about that texas town that targeted black motorists, rampart in L.A., 77th precinct NYPD back in the day, or any of numerous other incidents I could mention, it's getting to be like "la cosa nostra" except it's all the boys in blue. honest cops need to band together to root out the bad cops, or things are gonna get very bad, very soon.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by romanmel
You have demeaned the intelligence of those who have posted in this thread with a view counter to your own, as being stupid or otherwise not very smart. Why?

The fact you have to ask why is pretty much the reason. The OP posted this and a MAJORITY came on here talkin crap and bashing as usual, and did NOT find out the TRUTH or the FACTS. Its sad on a site like this were the TRUTH should be the ultimate goal, not to jump in blin and look like a fool because you not only didn't research the claim, you didn't bother reading the posts of those who did that contradicts the entire thread. And when it keep getting done over and over...yeah thats NOT very smart.

Can't you just argue the case with facts? Guess not.

Again, argue the case with facts. The FACTS have been posted to prove this video is NOT what it appears...again proving what? That there is no argument because some of us are bright enough to research and find the TRUTH before opening our mouths.

You might be interested to know that on the subject of intellgence, some police departments only want lower IQ applicants. They actually have limits on high IQ's for cops and reject those of higher intellegence. See NY Times article below:

I actually do agree with you on this to an extent. You wanna know the REAL issue to this. It's not IQ, its AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. It has lowered the standards so bad that your right...they WILL hire rejects to fill the gaps were liberals decided only certain people should be hired....and not based on quality skills.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

WOW...just even though the suspect admitted to having the weed A WEEK LATER IN COURT TO THE DA, you still think it was planted? Again, fooled by a simple video and not once did you research the facts....another fine example

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 11:43 PM
I have to say that the guy had his hand up and was follow the officers orders and then there k9 allmost takes his man hood away....thats not cool in my book and takes this to a higher level....the pot well you cant realy tell...i cant see anything for my self and he did admit to haveing it.But one things for sure they should keep there k9s on a short leash.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 09:39 AM
All this over a damn plant...

Having just been stopped and searched just walking to the shops (Oh and they want Stop and Search laws -- for any time anywhere, kinda like 3pm when you're walking 3 minutes away from your own shops... ahhuh!) all it takes is one sonofabitch to plant something on ya if they a: need the quota or b: dont like you, and believe me, where I live they not only have planted stuff before, but also busted you people for x amount, then the charge is Y amount...

We're all doomed, you know this... the cops wont stop abusing power, but like everything else, if you notice it then you're paranoid. If you mention it, you're a loony. If you act against it, you're a criminal.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:36 PM
At least when there cops you know were they are

Police should be executed when they cross the line, its the only way to uphold true justice, the police officers should be held accountable to the Government and the people , after all.... they get there "special"privileges, it should be the price you pay if you want to look down at people.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by colt122
At least when there cops you know were they are

Police should be executed when they cross the line, its the only way to uphold true justice, the police officers should be held accountable to the Government and the people , after all.... they get there "special"privileges, it should be the price you pay if you want to look down at people.

Ok I am down with it, as long as we can excute EVERYONE else caught doing stupid stuff or making a mistake. You on board?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by colt122
At least when there cops you know were they are

Police should be executed when they cross the line, its the only way to uphold true justice, the police officers should be held accountable to the Government and the people , after all.... they get there "special"privileges, it should be the price you pay if you want to look down at people.

Why not just get rid of the human cops and replace them with the Robo Cop robot cops.

The only reason cops do stupid things or become corrupt is that they are human. You might as well execute anyone who does something stupid. Seriously that comment was pretty ridiculous if you think about it.

Last I checked cops were not a supreme race. They live on human emotion and thought just like the rest of us. You find stupid corrupt people in all lines of work.


posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by colt122

Here you go.

End the life of everyone who breaks every law.

No one gets a free pass for anything. At least the jails would be empty.


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