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Dem Senator Feinstein a Palm Reader before Palin

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by centurion1211
sort of makes you irrelevant here as well.

I find it enlightening that you're unable to discuss the matter in a civil way, and resort to dismissive insults directed at those who disagree, rather than the reasons for the disagreement.

On the contrary, I've discussed evey point raised - when the author has a point. But I have dismissed those who never did have a point, or ran out after a single post.

For real insults, check what the libs post on a regular basis. You might even check your own mirror.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:48 AM

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
On the contrary, I've discussed evey point raised

I disagree.

In this thread you've been asked to explain why we should not chastise Palin for her visible demonstration of idiocy. Instead of responding with your rationale on the matter, you dismiss the point as irrelevant. Such is a clear example of behavior that designates one to be a political hack.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:56 AM
It seems to me the difference is where it was used. A speech for the TEA Party National Convention vs. a political debate. One, you could have notes tattooed to your eyelids if you really wanted and the other was supposed to use no notes at all.

But any reason to bash Palin is good enough, right? How soon people forget the supposed wireless headset that Bush "used".

All is fair, when it is the other side, right?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by centurion1211
On the contrary, I've discussed evey point raised

I disagree.

In this thread you've been asked to explain why we should not chastise Palin for her visible demonstration of idiocy. Instead of responding with your rationale on the matter, you dismiss the point as irrelevant. Such is a clear example of behavior that designates one to be a political hack.

No. In this thread I've asked why if you bash Plain, why should you not also bash Feinstein. Neither you or anyone else has come up with a fair answer to that, when what Feinstein did is considered actually cheating.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Neither you or anyone else has come up with a fair answer to that

Perhaps you missed my posts in this thread that clearly demonstrates evenly distributed contempt for politicians of all flavors.

Now can you substantiate your defense of a personal with aspirations for national office who continues (as she has in this issue) to showcase her lower-than-average intelligence?

Your position in the opening post appears to indicate if we are to criticize Palin, we must also criticize Feinstein (and others). Those responding here seem to agree with the position, but you appear to be using it as a defense of Palin, not a condemnation. Perhaps, now that the question is answered, you might explain?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by

But again, you seem to only be saying it on this thread - which makes your motives for doing so quite suspect. A palinophobe in "I hate all politicians" clothing, as it were.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
But again, you seem to only be saying it on this thread

Indeed. I feel no overwhelming need to express myself repeatedly in several similar threads. How does that factor into whether or not a valid question is worthy of a response from you?

An interesting side note to this event. Palin has imposed audio and video recording black-out rules to her next two speech appearances scheduled in Florida. Reducing the risk for additional national embarrassment I would suppose.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by

But still you cannot show other threads besides this one where you "clearly demonstrates evenly distributed contempt for politicians of all flavors".

So far, it is only on a thread that points out that a leading democrat is actually guilty of of worse than Palin has been accused of.

That quite clearly shows your bias, and not your "evenly distributed contempt".

With that, I'm calling your continued posts of this nature a deflection attempt to move the spotlight off of Feinstein - the issue of this thread.

As much as you seem to want it to be, this thread is NOT about you.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
As much as you seem to want it to be, this thread is NOT about you.

It would seem that, in your efforts of apparent political hackery, you've reverted to the tried-and-true tactic of focusing on the other person, and not the issue.

I have no desire to focus any discussion of any type on me. My questions have been clearly stated to you, the author of this thread, on subject matter relevant to same.

This has been a fine example of the horrid pollution of vitriolic partisan jerking-of-knees that prevents issues from being examined.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

The truth? What have I posted on this thread (or any thread) that is not the truth?

Well...let me see...five minutes ago on the other thread where you claimed Michelle Obama called her children "fat"

..When in fact she simply recounted a story from her pediatrician who warned her that her children could become obese unless she monitored their diet.

But that is just the last 5 minutes. I am sure the rest of your postings are a beacon of accuracy

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:11 PM
1. What did it say on Feinstein's hand? Couldn't it have been a phone number? A note to remind her to call someone? How do you know that smudge on her palm had anything to do with the debate?

2. Was she demeaning someone who also uses notes? If not, then case closed. You know the reason people were upset about Palin was NOT because she wrote on her hand, but because of the hypocrisy as she was putting Obama down for using a teleprompter in the same speech.

Nice try, though.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:11 PM
I think any politician that scribbles notes on their hand is an idiot. I hope she was called on it if indeed it's against Cali.Gov. debate rules. ( so far only have the fox commentator claiming that). Anyone know the debate law in Cali?

The thing about Palin's hand notes is first; it's RECENT and therefore topical and second; she was making fun of Obama for using a teleprompter in her speech while she had notes written on her hand. Can you not see the blatant hypocrisy there??? That is why the story gained traction and attention, not just for the notes's the HYPOCRISY.

What I find more pathetic though, is that Fox felt the need to spend the time and energy to sift through 20 years worth of archival footage to find a "AHHA, they did it too!" moment.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Wow....same thought posted at the same minute


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Great minds and all that.

I have found that it WAS crib notes on Feinstein's hand. So, she did cheat at the debate. She lost the election.


Still the problem with Palin was her hypocrisy. MANY people in the Palin thread said as much, but Centurian just ignores that part. I guess that part is irrelevant.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by

Thread title: Dem Senator Feinstein a Palm Reader before Palin

Purpose of thread: To show the double standard of many here that will descend like hyenas on Palin for writing on her hand, while standing mute when a democrat gets shown to be doing the same thing.

Deny ignorance AND hypocrisy.

Summation of posts regarding you: I have shown that you have been disingenuous by claiming to dislike all politicians equally, while the record here on ATS only shows your bias. You are now repeating yourself, which again is a deflection attempt. Unless you have something new to add to this thread, examples of taking a democrat to task for example, I will thank you for your efforts and move on to other serious posters.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

I have found that it WAS crib notes on Feinstein's hand. So, she did cheat at the debate. She lost the election.

So, thanks for the research verifying my original premise and showing that Palin and Feinstein DO share something in common - hand notes and losing the subsequent elections.

I hope all future candidates can learn something from their hard lessons - that the teleprompter is the ONLY way to go.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Still the problem with Palin was her hypocrisy. MANY people in the Palin thread said as much, but Centurian just ignores that part. I guess that part is irrelevant.

Oh, and P.S.

Please recall the number of times that I've stated here on ATS that I don't support Palin for president, or any other elected office. Not even sure she's been all that great as a political commentator. What she does well (somehow) is energize people, same thing obama was good at. Sadly, that hasn't translated into results right now for either of them, or the U.S. as a whole.

And it's Centurion, BTW ...

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Purpose of thread: To show the double standard of many here that will descend like hyenas on Palin for writing on her hand, while standing mute when a democrat gets shown to be doing the same thing.

So, your purpose in making a thread is to call out other ATS members... Interesting.

It doesn't appear that you have been successful. Your attempted jabs and attacks at are meaningless, since not only did he NOT "descend like a hyena" on Palin, he didn't even post in the other Palin thread at all. He didn't criticize her for writing on her hand. At all.

Deny ignorance AND hypocrisy.


I have shown that you have been disingenuous by claiming to dislike all politicians equally, while the record here on ATS only shows your bias.

Fail. You have shown no such thing. In fact, regarding Palin and Feinstein, he said:

Originally posted by
Both illustrate a lack of ethics and intelligence

In fact, I think you might be looking in a mirror when you make such proclamations of double standards and hypocrisy... For I have seen you "descend like a hyena" many times when a Democrat was the subject. MANY times. And everyone here knows that. You rail against the "character assassination" going on against Palin, but if it's a 'lib' (your word) being assassinated, you pick up arms immediately and defend the Republican to the death. You can't deny that. It's all over the board. I can gather quite embarrassing examples if you like. The board is replete with examples.

I can also show abundant examples of you calling people names, even mangling their usernames and then chastising people for doing the same thing... I'm sorry, sir. You have NO ROOM to call out other members for being hypocrites or complain about double standards. To do so is the epitome of projection.

Originally posted by centurion1211
And it's Centurion, BTW ...

A common mistake. It was not intentional.

posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by centurion1211
Purpose of thread: To show the double standard of many here that will descend like hyenas on Palin for writing on her hand, while standing mute when a democrat gets shown to be doing the same thing.

So, your purpose in making a thread is to call out other ATS members... Interesting.

Showing a double standard in action is not "calling out" anyone. You either understand the concept or you don't.

And BTW, the purpose of all the Palin hit threads is?

It doesn't appear that you have been successful. Your attempted jabs and attacks at are meaningless, since not only did he NOT "descend like a hyena" on Palin, he didn't even post in the other Palin thread at all. He didn't criticize her for writing on her hand. At all.

That's right, so why WAS he here? After proclaiming his "neutrality", just a little research proved that he had only posted on this thread. Not much of a track record - at all. I doubt even you would have ever made such a claim. And I don't even think I had in mind with the hyena reference since he was only posting on this thread. But the other people relentlessly posting about Palin certainly know who you are

Last, did you send back to wherever you all found him, or was it me?

[edit on 2/17/2010 by centurion1211]

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