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Palin Tells 'Tea Party': It's Revolution Time

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:16 AM
The Tea Party organisation seems to have lost it's way and been hijacked by the likes of Palin.
The original idea seemed to be aimed at addressing corrupt government as a whole, not simply Democrats or Republicans, but the whole stinking bunch. This seems to have turned into a partisan issue though which makes it pretty pointless.

It's no good rallying to remove Obama when the alternative is just as corrupt and costly to the nation as the incumbents are. The whole Left versus Right issue is the same tired old divide and conquer method used every time and it's incredible that people still fall for it.

People need to realise that they are just going round in circles every time they vote in either of the main parties. The only way they can really change things is to remove the whole of the current government system and it's members.
How many times do the people need displays of the contempt that the government feels for the population and it's wishes, before they wake up and realise the ballot box just installs another bunch of talking heads, doing the bidding of big business and foreign powers.

The same is true here in the UK as it is in the US.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM
I wouldn't fall for this, it's just a republican strategy to turn people away from democrats and back to republicans for next election. If she believed in serving for the people she would have been ron pauls running mate!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by ucalien

As far as this being about "Extra-Terrestrial Disclosure" this thread is in regards to Palin.

As far as I know Palin has never spoken about "aliens".

Neither has the Tea Party movement.

Thanks for posting though.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
The tea party and the right wing in general are nothing but a bunch of whiners...neither of them offer even the slightest real solutions....just blustering and complaint...reminds me of a bunch of 3 year old's who can't get their way.

At the same time while I disagree with mainstream conservatives in general I can respect them...the do offer solutions...I tend to believe they are the wrong solutions but that is besides the least they make the effort.

I'm neither "right-wing" nor "left-wing".

I see both sides have valid stances.

But I as well see both sides have an agenda I want nothing to be involved with.

It is simple Divide and Conquer in order to rule over the people.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

big question here why is her stupid ass still getting so much attention she lost so much credibility when she wore those expensive ass clothes during the presidnecy capaign and then afterwards blamed someone else for what she was wearing umm sorry bitch you put them clothes on showing off your money!

no one stuck a gun to your head made you put them on there prolly hanging on hangars in your closet! also i didnt like her the minute i seen that commerical where she was trying to pass a law in her state to allow people to hunt down and kill wolves for the hell of it! all because she doesnt like them!

[edit on 7-2-2010 by metalholic]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

That was exactly my point in the original post.

Sarah Palin is using the word "revolution" as nothing more than a sound byte.

In other words she is a distraction causing a distraction.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:33 PM
I really love to observe people's reactions.
It really is interesting how the mere mention of the name "Sarah Palin" tends to subconsciously irk people into a frenzy.
TPTB know this and are intentionally doing this.

This latest Palin sighting is another Pavlov like litmus test by TPTB to check her current popularity status and tweaks will be made as a result.

Palin is a work in progress and is not going away any time soon, especially if people continue to salivate or fume over her.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

but she will never be able to explain away flaunting her wealth and then blaming someone else because people saw through her for what she was! she didnt take responisbility one bit! as a matter of fact the only news i've seen of her is her trying to sue and blame other people for her screw ups! THATS NEVER GOING AWAY!

and the fact that she wants wolves hunted in alaska for the mere fact that she doesnt like them thats not going away either. i dont care who they get to groom her and tweak her the damage is done!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by metalholic

Maybe so, but at least she doesn't rely 100% on a teleprompter.

Good old fashioned bullet points, something to be said about that.

The way people feel about the government in general, they may be forgiving on the points you mentioned, depending on she prioritizes her duties.

Besides, it's no longer about qualifications anyway, it's all a TPTB reality show.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
I could care less about her or her daughter's child.

That's what happens when people in government become dictatorial, because they don't care about anyone else....

Excuse me?

How exactly is my not caring about Palin or her daughter mean that I am in Government?

Or dictatorial?

I think you may have mis-read that because I am not dictatorial nor am I in office.

So, because I did not call her daughter a whore who could not keep her legs together, nor that I did call Sarah Palin a mother without a clue and my stating I could care less that I was attacking her with that comment?

There are plenty of other people who might call her daughter a whore, I will not.

There are plenty of people calling Palin far worse names and, I will not.

I stated I did not care because I really do not care, meaning I see Palin as nothing more than a sound byte.

Do not mis-quote me for your agenda, because my stating I did not care, was just that.

I do not care about Palin, she is nothing to me, just as Obama is nothing to me.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
If you look at what happens around the world it is the same thing, many if not most people don't care about anyone else but themselves or MAYBE their closest relatives and that's it....

No, I could not give a damn about a politician who is bloated as far as politics go.

However, I actually give a damn about the people, the citizens.

Palin could give a rat's hairy behind about the citizens other than to use as stepping stones.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
And let's be honest most people, even most members don't care about anyone else but themselves, their families, and their own agendas, right?...

People have lost their moral compasses. Not everyone, but most people have.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family more than anyone else, but I care about other people, and if I can, I help them.

I have never lost my moral compass.

Mine does not allow me to use an ignorant populace.

My moral compass does not let me sit quiet when Government abuses the citizens.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Even if you can't help other people just CARING about what happens to them, even if they don't believe in your political affiliations, would make this world a much better place.

I disagree.

If Sarah Palin's daughter got pregnant out of wedlock I do not care.

That is simple in that I do not care for Palin nor her daughter.

I said that originally about not caring because I do not see it as a part of the equation.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
But people have been taught, and we live in a society where people only care about them, and their closest relatives and to hell with everyone else.

Yes, the Hell with Sarah Palin, she does not care about anyone but her and her family.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Now, if those people were murderous bastards I could understand you not liking them. But what did Palin, and her daughter ever done to you?

What did she do to me?


Nothing but represent a lie to the American populace.

You obviously do not know me because I equate everyone in Washington D.C. with murderous bastards.

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
It might be a figure of speech to you, but it does tell about yourself when you talk like that about someone else you don't even know.

I know Sarah Palin just as well as I want to, from a distance so the corruption does not fill my nostrils with the stench of Washington D.C. as usual, like everyone else.

Not a single politician who is in power or ever has been in power has done a damn thing they have ever promised to do because of them accepting lobbyist's money, special interest groups money, or having their own agenda when going into politics and using the sanctimonious lie that they actually give a damn about the populace.

I see corruption just as easily as I spot a liar because I've studied Government all of my life, and I see and hear the duplicitousness, the double-standard, the double-speak.

Saran Palin is nothing if not duplicitous, just like every other bastard in power.

The difference is she's not currently in power because of her cutesy idea of "Going Rogue".

She's nothing more than a pretty Barbie sound byte.

If she was real about politics or if she had a brain she might actually be dangerous.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I am all for revolution...


If she is the one leading the pack, I will stay as far away from this movement as possible.

I was getting excited about the Tea Party movement, I actually thought it would ammount to something, but I was terribly wrong.

I wonder if the GOP will be silly enough to run her for POTUS next time around and give the Super Majority back to the Dems the following year once she fails miserably?


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 04:37 PM
Once again to put this into perspective for you people. More people attend Neo-Nazi rallies than attended this recent Tea Party convention. That's how powerful and real this all is. This tea party movement has as much pull and political influence as the Neo-Nazis. Funny how the supporters of both have a lot of similarities.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by CuriousSkeptic

Yes, but the difference is that Caribou Barbie garners the attention of the MSM... Thus spreading her 'influence' to a much larger group of morons... And in this country, there is not shortage of morons... We will not be rationing moronic thinking anytime soon...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Just a point to consider, but does anyone think that the Tea Party is being purposefully torpedoed?

You get a bunch of Americans together that start agreeing that things in Washington need a serious change and you are bound to ruffle a few feathers on some pretentious peacocks.

Palin's call for revolution would be a perfect fork to stuck in the Tea Party Movement to prove it is done. People will back away from an outrageous call to action from a person that the MSM can malign with zero effort.

Notice also that she called for the Tea Party to remain leaderless. Now I don't know other people's ability to be patient but being part of a group that does nothing is a bit of a waste of time. Lack of leadership and direction pretty much means a do nothing group.

As for the National Convention, I can give a bit of slack on how it went and the low numbers. It was their first and even I am not to ashamed to admit that my first kiss 20-some years ago was nowhere near as good as I could give now. It takes a bit of practice to get things right.

In time, if the group does not self-implode, they are sure to become a breeding ground of corrupt policies and ideologies as the current two parties are. Who knows, maybe they will have their very own President that ignores the people's needs in order to keep his face-time on the TV and keep the money handlers happy.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

You have a good point, but I would say that the movement was more right leaning from it's inception anyway. There was not so much as a peep out of these people when the Bush Administration was spending tax dollars like they hit the lotto, but the second a Dem hit the Oval Office...

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

The spark was that after a resounding no to Bailouts, Bush did the TARP. Obama's hope and change....first thing he did was the Stimulus Act of 2009 signed in Denver with 14 pens. Now granted that Bush would have had a Hello Kitty pen in there, but that was the final straw and cause the creation of the Tea Party.

Since then, well there have been some changes as the conservative mouthpieces figured the rising tide would lift their ships too.

Personally I feel that there does need to be some serious change to business as usual but the hard part will be for an honest person to come along that can not only get the job done but be electable. Sure, I could do it. And I could make Congress get in line PDQ, but I see no chance in hell of me taking the office from the Obamas, Huckabees, and Fred Thompsons that would defuse the vote and say the message with better eloquence. Let alone the access to the cash it would take to run a full campaign.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
An honest question;
Why wasn't barack hussein obama asked to speak?

Don't you think Obama is speaking enough as it is already?

I know I do.

Personally, Obama is doing way too much talking and not enough acting.

Wait, I take that back, he's acting, but not enough action.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
The media loves her and she is easy to write a story on - her policies and positions are never any deeper than a sound bite but where are her fans? ATS tends to be strongly independent and leans right politically and not one single person here has yet to defend her?

Whom or what does this fabricated celebrity known as Sarah Palin benefit? I just don't understand the phenomenon...other than that a lot of men think she's hot.

I think you missed one poster attacking my stance on Palin above your post.

Palin is not deeper than a puddle when it comes to politics.

I am a registered Independent, I do not support Democrat's, Republican's, nor the "Tea Party".

I still see the "Tea Party" is going to be absorbed because they know nothing about watching for Agent Provocateurs, nor about letting those like Palin on the inside.

Anyone who was or is connected to Washington D.C. needs to be kept out, period.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:12 PM
You know Sarah Palin is an inside job waiting to happen spartan. I wouldn't give any minute of my time to politicians anymore. the power lays on the people, and not someone on the tube.

What i see her role as is she is to keep the sheeple happy, keep them busy with weapons of mass distraction.

Look what the media did for Obama, in 2006-2008. they basically lobbied for him, and now fox is lobbying for Palin.

the Media made Obama look like a savior... (i remember a few threads on ATS that covered that) and now look at him. he has turned his back on almost all his promises, and is basically continuing the bush admin policies.

Makes you think, who is working for who?

[edit on 2/7/2010 by ugie1028]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 06:14 PM
You know guy's that our elections are not based on experience. This last one should prove that. They are based on charisma and good looks. Palin has both. As far as how many showed up to the convention, does not really matter, it was broadcast on all the big three and C-Span. To an audience of millions. I think she will run in 2012, and if things don't start looking "Hope-y Change-y" very soon. I think she will win. Who else is in the non Democrat spotlight? NO ONE! As much as some might like Ron Paul, I don't see him getting any fresh steam.

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