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Woman evicted and house condemned for using solar power

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posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:25 PM
More and more people are going to be in this ladies shoes before it's over with. The electric companies are raising rates all the time. This is all taxation by the federal government though a 3rd party. They are using the electric company as proxies. This may all lead to a LOrd of the Flies moment where local officials find themselves on the steps of city hall begging not to be disemboweled by huge crowds.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by ViperFoxBat]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:25 PM
Yes, the corporate interests pay for and write the laws that get passed. Ever wonder why there is a law saying you have to wear a seat-belt in your car? Do you think the politicians in your state capitol care if you live or die? It is because the insurance companies paid for those laws to be passed.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by ldyserenity
They can't bust you for growing 'regular' veggies. I just think it sucks that on the word of the electric company, they can get a warrant to search your home because you use too much or too little electricity! I heard of a guy that had his home searched because he was buying too much fuel oil for his home. Turns out they were right, he was fueling a diesel generator to run grow lights to grow illegal drugs. But how do they get search warrants with info such as this. Our governments, local, state and federal, are out of hand. Our freedoms are GONE! Sorry for getting off topic.

yes you could be growing veggies and not marijuana, however i have read many stories of peoples houses being raided only for the police to find tomatoes

it should be fully illegal to use electrical use as grounds for a warrant to pursue a marijuana grower when they could be growing absolutely anything

in america it is innocent until proven guilty

but sending in swat to raid a persons home who they expect is growing marijuana solely from the amount of electricity they are using is absolutely an abuse of power and it also treats you as guilty before the case was ever heard

i actually remember reading a story where an elderly lady was killed in one of these raids, and no weed was found

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by we drowned
That doesn't even make sense. A house that doesn't have enough to power to sustain LIFE? Is she a computer?

Who needs lightbulbs and blenders to survive????

Poor women. She obviously doesn't have enough money to go into court.

that is a very good overlooked point

this woman could not afford the electric bill, how do people expect her to take on the government or the electric company when she cant even afford to pay the electric bill

on top of that, if she didnt have enough knowledge to know about the ordinance how is she supposed to have enough knowledge to be able to defend herself in court, or even know that she could try to defend herself in court

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:33 PM
You know this makes me sick to my stomach !
aren't we in the land of the free and the home of the brave ?
i really dont wanna get to into detail but i believe that you are allowed to do whatever the heck you want at your home/property that's why is called your HOME! all these government bills and bull # regulations is like this because we let them walk over us we the people have give up pretty much our basic rights our constitution is being burn over and over all because "WE NEED CHANGE"

what change nothing has changed if anything has changed is us we don't really stand for anything anymore what happen to this poor lady can happen to any one. many say as longest is not me im fine well it will be you soon if we don't stand up for our rights !

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by Maslo

City ordinances ONLY apply to corporate entities, you and most people are corporate enitites as a result of birth certificates. AMISH do not have electricity, they do not pay taxes, they own their land outright and why? They are an Ecclesiastical society, protected by the Vatican and are exempt from anything within the State or federal government.

What people don't get here is "Equal protection under the law, IS the Law."

If the Amish are exempt, we all are. That simple. But until you file a UCC-1 and a Common Law lien on your home, YOU do not own it!! And the government can do what they want!!!


Read it an weep or DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!

are amish really associated with the vatican? that is something i never realized, learn something new on ats every day

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Dramey

The Amish are not a part of the Catholic religion . But it could be that the Vatican may have lend them a hand with the lawyers or political clout to remain in their way of life

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi
People should think a little before raging on about the governament.

First of all, don't be sad for her. Anyone that can afford a solar energy system isn't living that bad. My country is one of the leaders in solar panels and even in here those systems are very expensive.

Secondly, laws apply to anyone. If she wanted to use it, she should ask permission to do it. It's not illegal to own those systems, much the opposite. If you are less of a pain to the energy system, the better, they make more profit, even losing some people over natural energy sources.

She didn't ask permission, she got busted. Like it would happen to anyone else. Simple.

Third aspect of it... Her family. Who in here thinks that is correct to subject a child to the risk of eating bad food (malfunctioning stuff), being in the cold or hot weather? why don't people remember this kind of things in the first place?

So yeah, she uses the solar power to "make ends" sad story. Are you willing to give your tax dollars to someone that didn't make things properly?

Will you give away your taxes because someone decided to get loose of the bills to save some money, and you see your taxes going to that person, while you act according to the rulles (don't come now talking about "oh the system, you're sheeps". I'm talking about common sense rulles)?

And what if some bad weather comes along and that crap flips into another house, because she didn't do it with the right permissions and inspections?

Honestly... Analyze a case before making someone look like a victim.

a lot of things in here that i just dont want to take the time to talk about

but many posters have said if she can afford solar power she isnt struggling

no where in the article does it specify whether or not she bought or made the solar cells

just browsing online there are many blueprints for do it yourself kits to make your own

on top of that, parts can be relatively cheap to buy online to make yourself

so now anyone who decides to be truly self sufficient and make their own can be kicked out for not going the commercial route?

i say absurdity

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
how many people have lost their jobs recently??
could it be.....oh, no!!!....that when she had bought those solar panels, she had a decent paying job?? could it also be...oh, no this never happens....some shady contractor (and it seems the more gov't money that is funneled to any one point, the shadier the businesses seem to get!!) conned her into thinking that she'd have plenty of power for everything???

na, nothing like that ever, ever happens...

by the way, if there were kids living there.....I don't think her power would have been cut off.....if dss didn't step in to help, one of the charity groups would have.

just wanted to quote you so more people get a look at what you said

a very good overlooked point that you made

many people have been recently laid off or lost their employment in some way

it is very possible and even probable that she purchased the solar panels previous to losing her job or income

that is if she did purchase them, as far as i know, there is still no information available as to whether she made or purchased them

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Cabaret Voltaire

She was thrown out of her house and your problem is that she looks bitter in her picture? How would you feel if you were in her place?

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Meesterjojo
I don't see that the article (heavily biased) explained how many panels she was using.

I can completely see this woman buying 2-3 panels and claiming it's enough. A person needs (I just checked prices: google is your friend) $10,000 worth of *just* panels in order to generate 1000/kwh of power per month.

Now, if you live in a small house, and you have no one else living there, sure, that's easy to do.

But she also would've required installation, and tying those $10K worth of panels into her home, and she would have to decide to be taken off the grid (and there may have been a law forbidding that in her area- it happens), or allow sell-back/overstocked energy to go back into the grid (Some folks allow their extra energy to go back to their local power companies, many companies do not allow this, however). Additionally she proba...ya know what. Nevermind

She probably didn't have enough power. Right or wrong, she's trying to make payments, the bank owns the house. Her bad.

not only did they not list how many panels, they did not list whether or not she did her it herself

that would have negated a large amount of the price you mentioned

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by TacticalVeritas
Similar event happening in Grass valley Ca. A gentleman I am aquainted with runs a holistic medicine produce farm outside the "Incorporated" township of Grass Valley, he runs his entire infrastructure through remote access applications, those being cellular relay that he himself paid for and the rest of his 8 neighbors benefit from, a satellite dish for the boob-tube, and Soalr panel installation that runs ALL of his pumps to flow irrigate his field, the ones that run the deep wells that he owns, the house that is by far more up to date than the 100yr old place I live in, powering his double door refrigerator and heating his house through thermal aquatic plumbing that insulates his walls. and he built it all himself with the proper building permits procured from the county....GUESS WHAT?!?!?! The city is currently trying to condem the property, why you ask? Because he IS completley off the grid and of no "Civic Benefit" to the county and town of Grass Valley!! this my dear friends is the reward for being self reliant, What the OP said about, this being because she wasnt using grid power, may be exactly the case.

and this is the exact scenario i have been trying to explain could be this ladies situation

they make it out to be about living standards, yet it is solely about greed and control, they dont want you off the grid and will do anything possible to keep you on it

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
reply to post by Tifozi

You touch on a point here, a paradox if you will.

She could afford to solar panels? Those are not cheap...

Also its not unheard of for people to sell back power to the power companies, the meter does run both ways you know, why would she not stay plugged into the grid, cut back her electric usage and get a check from the power company? Maybe shes not so smart?...

So we have someone who could afford solar panels, tampering with her meter and violating a host of local ordinances. Maybe shes not too smart?...

Lets not be so quick to let her off the hook folks. She is as much, if not more so to blame for her current situation as any other factor.

Edit for spelling

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Helmkat]

innocent until proven guilty here in america, and nowhere was she convicted of being the person who tampered with the meter

and off the top of my head, i could name at least 50 people i know who are successful that have no clue about their local ordinances nor the fact they could reverse the meter and sell power back to the company

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Doc Holiday
I don't see anywhere....that can be shown that they did this over solar power!

There are 100's if not 1000's of ppl doing this same thing, not unlike myself.

It has to be living conditions, or there is more to the story than is being made public.

to me the excuse used is the living condition

however it is documented she had power to run other appliances

if she could power other ones, she had the power to run a fridge

their excuse was that she did not posses enough power

however as far as i know heating is not electric in many cases, and the only electricity the ordinance requires is for the fridge

in my opinion she met the fridge criteria, she just chose not to use it

to me, it seems the story is about greed, and the fact she was beating the system by generating her own power and not selling it to the electric company to buy back from them

[edit on 28-1-2010 by Dramey]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Truthfully If I was a lawyer in the State of AZ I would get in contact with her and take her case for free . Just to throw a monkey wrench into the gears of ever increasing government take over of every thing while giving the common man or woman the shaft

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by dashar
I can not believe again the replys on page 1 wont read the rest i dont know if they are mostley from BRAT adolesent yanks , oh i seen 1 from a french person but people you miss the point i am goin to presume most of the people from usa are rich yuppies with no hearts . ieven if she had kids whats it to anyone except the parents she is down on hard times and lost her house because she used her brain to try and get power or a little .double standards people lived before without power ,and whats that callin her car . i wont miss a beat if if the upper middle class end up broke. and americans you wonder why why why why why and you most 98% never change

PS sorry U xsx a for spelling gramer and maths

you may want to check out the rest of the thread, the consensus seems to be the situation was wrong and those criticizing her are in the small minority

also not all americans are rich yuppies, i know some posts may throw you off from reading the rest but it seems there are many good americans represented here in the posts as well

but i do agree, many americans are rich yuppies that are completely dissociated with the real world

these are the people who will be the 1st to perish when something big goes down, they will not have the intellect to survive in a real world where cash and entitlement are useless

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Maslo

Avondale officials said Stevens was in violation of the city's building codes. The city requires homes to have enough electricity to power a refrigerator, cool a residence to no higher than 88 degrees and heat a residence to at least 68 degrees.

Seems like she has broken this law. Stupid bureaucracy IMHO.

Indeed 'seems' like it, she is suspected to be in violation.. but the law is only broken after a jury says so..

She should fight it and hope an ATS type hangs the jury, or better yet turns the jury in her favor.

Jury nullification' frustrates the court, wastes lots of $$.. and is just a fun loving way to tell "the man" to go fornicate alone in shame for subjecting a decent fellow citizen to such corporate fascism.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Udo Hohnekamp Lux.
From 24 m2 of monocristalline solar panels mounted on a roof you can
harvest about 2,700 kWh per year under medium solar conditions in my
place Luxembourg or in adjacent Germany.
If this energy were fed into the grid, we would be getting 0,60$ per kWh
= 1,620 $, 2 1/2 times as much as we have to pay for our electricity
consumption (0,15 $ per kWh at night, 0,22 $ during the day).
Surfaces up to 220 m2 per home can be installed under these conditions
with a subsidy of about 40% of the total investment cost. The 0,60$ are
guaranteed for the first 15 years. Before then the system is calculated to
be amortized.
Check out your fridge consumption per year.

Here property is protected by the constitution. Nobody could evict you
from your home for not having paid a utility bill. Only courts can expropriate
a home by a ruling in the higher interest of the general public in a settlement.

Everybody can sleep outside in winterly conditions. No institution could force
him into shelter. In extreme cold they are being offered hot tea and blankets.
Our medical system would send ambulances to carry them into hospitals,
when they can no longer decide for themselves or if bodily harm is imminent.

People unwilling to work and bumming around with or without roof over
their heads will get a support of $ 1,540,00, enough to lead a minimally
decent life.

i mean no disrespect to germans or the german government

but back in the 1940s who in the hell wouldve thought america would have more nazi like laws then germany itself?

seems many of the conspiracies about the nazi's infiltrating america are holding up in this story

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
reply to post by Dramey

She should cut down on the booze.I mean it is amazing how people who have plenty of booze always whining about having no money.

no offense but your post is here-say at best, no where in the article did it mention a thing about alcohol and without proof i believe what you are doing is considered libel

for all we know the woman has never had a drop of alcohol in her life

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:05 PM
I invested my own money. Upgraded my attic insulation to R-50. Caulked the windows and air leaks. Lowered my thermostat to 65 degrees. Closed off two rooms. Guess what happened? The electric utility sent someone to replace my meter because they thought I was cheating. The meter guy said it would catch up to me if I was cheating. Did they ask me WHY my meter was reading lower, noooooo.

Apparently many others in our area had also worked on conserving their electric. About one year later the electric company raised our rates because "they were not making enough profit" (actual statement).

So, I have stopped conserving. I will not install wind power or solar. My house temperature is a comfortable 70 degrees. Why should I invest more to raise my electric rates?

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