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English Language, hidden codes in the matrix!

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

The language itself is younger than the many cycles of humans. But the roots in the language of course, which come from other languages, are ancient. The ability to code this matrix has been used over and over and its our job to wake up.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

No, it hasn't. Please stop framing your opinion, or the opinion of others, as fact. It's rude, and insulting to the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by davesidious

You really answer oddly. This is my thread, and I'm entitled to maintain what I believe, and in this case the proof of the coding can be examined simply by looking at the words on the list, and applying logic, as with the example I gave of the apple. The problem for me is, the words are so bad, I do not intend to quote them, people have to click that link themselves.

And all you state is your dry, very revealing kinds of opinions and not backed up by anything, statements. There is lot of information online talking about the real history of the planet, and lots about intentions, and statements, which are another programming, and our manifesting this reality, mostly subconsciously. Those ones can be proved by anyone to themselves with a simple journal and a couple weeks practicing such things as parking spaces and cloud work.

So, the truth might have to be dug out of the media lies and manipulations, and some you just have to experiment and try yourself, but its still the truth.

These words on the list speak volumes over your very dry, strangely worded comments.
They are obvious.

And if you follow the trail down this very deep rabbit hole you start to see a long plan, and possibly some of the project camelot interviews might make some sense too.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 02:47 PM
You could do this with any other language. Words find their roots in other words, sometimes in different languages. Deformities happen. For instance, inflamable, in English means "doesn't burn", in French (where the origin of the word is from) inflammable means "burns".

As English is has its origins in German, Danish and, mostly, Normandy French, for your theory to be valid, the reptiles would have had to control how each of these languages interacted with each other as the English language was evolving. It also means that they would have had to control the Danish language and German. And mostly French. Before that, in the case of French, they would have had to influence just how much Latin and Greek the Gauls chose to use in their language, and just how much of the original Gaulish language was retained. It also means they would have had to control how the Gauls came together as an amalagam of Romans, slaves and Celts. It also means that they would have had to control the use of Latin and just how much influence it had from other languages (the Latin language was the "English" equivalent of the time: it was the simplest, most basic language around and the Romans kept borrowing from other languages to keep it current. They even abandoned it completely in favour of Greek, then eventually returned to Latin. Again, things your reptiles would have had to control. They would have had to control the development of the Greek language. Oh, and Arab too; Arabic is the language that French borrows the most from.

But, to make this work, they would also have had to control the development of every single language since humans first began speaking.

So, to resume, your reptilian overlords would have had to control the development of language for... what? 75,000 years? Just to end up with what is probably the most basic language of all time, just to place code in it so that we can say their praises? And for what purpose? Don't forget that over 60% of people in the world can't speak a single word of English.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Please - maintain what you want. Just don't get upset when people call you out for believing in unfounded, baseless assertions made by others. You have no right to have your irrational beliefs shielded from criticism, especially on a site that proclaims to "deny ignorance".

I don't have to show evidence for my point of view, as I'm not the one making strange claims. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". You make the claims, you provide the evidence. Or stop making the claims.

It's clear to me, and I'm sure to anyone who's studied English or linguistics in general, that you are off your rocker on this one. You've gone so far down the rabbit hole you came out in China, and flew straight on to the moon.

It'd be funny if gullible people wouldn't read this and think you knew what you were talking about.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by ajmusicmedia
So, to resume, your reptilian overlords would have had to control the development of language for... what? 75,000 years?

Nope, try over 300,000 years.

However, it does sound like you are waking up to something:

The reptilians have controled EVERYTHING during this time.

They use fourth density technology upon the third density. It is quite easy to manipulate every language when one has these capabilities. Furthermore, everything is quite easy to manipulate when one has the ability to travel back and forth in time infinitely while making it appear in the timeline that things really just "are" this way.

Originally posted by davesidious
It'd be funny if gullible people wouldn't read this and think you knew what you were talking about.

Hope the paycheck leaves you satisfied Dave. Your shtick is over. Nobody believes what you are selling. You are transparent and there's nothing you can do about it. It would really be too easy to poke holes in "what you're doing". What would really be funny is if anyone actually bought into your agenda.

So now that the cat's out of the bag, how about defecting and coming to play for the other team? You know we will all be united in the end brother. I know you know that.


Keep going Unity. I hope you come across some amazing material to share with the whole. If you did, this thread could be quite amazing.


posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Universal Light

You don't have any evidence for ANY of that clap-trap, and yet you phrase it so stubbornly as fact. That is horrific.

The only people who believe what you are selling are the irrational, or those so willing to sell their intellects down the river for some sense of having esoteric knowledge, they don't even bother to check if what you are selling even exists, let alone is any good. My 'schtick' is not over, but your 'schtick' is intellectually dishonest, baseless conjecture.

Deny ignorance - start with your ludicrous claims, and give us all a break.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by davesidious

Actually, theres quite a few who know about this, and this is giving testimony, you know like the Disclosure Project. Testimony is one side of evidence. Also sharing inner knowledge. Very valuable when you're in a system of lies and manipulations, a matrix. Very valuable to have people find inner truths, and then, because they're broadcasting out a different frequency, as they awake, they find others who share even more knowledge, insiders, and they become even more aware. And then it becomes a journey of finding the diamonds in life. They're the most important thing. Nothing counts more. So, to find your way out of the matrix is not something that can be done with definitive proof.

But I do thank you for your support on this thread. In the duality, even the dark hat responses further things along.

The words speak for themselves on the link. I'm not walking away from this thread either, just that its such a controlled thing, there is only a bit of information on google, but I've found some ebooks I intend to look through when I have time.

This reminds me of two things. One, the subliminal messages in all of the news and media. Even the way a magazine cover is arranged carefully is NLP, with the key words from the title and the carefully placed articles on the cover, in the eyepath circuit, forming a meme, or spell to cast so to speak.

Also, when I was researching subliminal messages, because most people try to say they can't affect you much. They're very wrong, they affect you strongly. On the bach to the future thread, there are 2 binaurals One is called compassion. It has positive subliminal messages. And you can feel it, its so different than all the other, and your whole mood lifts for hours. I was spontaneously envisioning an edenist world full steam and not knowing why.

So I went to research this, got some free nature sounds from project, and pure binaural notes, and plan to add my own subliminal messages, using audacity. Well trying to find out how to do it, my internet was cut off over and over again.

Its a really really deep rabbit hole. Its paramount to their control of this planet. Its why my high IQ father who argues all the conspiracies with me and thinks awake and aware people are crazy, has his eyes glazed over. He has the news on 24/7 on his tv. Every now and then in a topic, his eyes clear and he suddenly is half way to my point, and gets it briefly.

You're all being hypnotised. Well except for the ones incarnated to wake up, and of course the agents of chaos and ones handled to program the matrix, even online.

Really deep rabbit hole. And this brings in many concepts that need to be examined. Methodolgy really interests me. How is it being done.

I've already seen the matrix slip with my own eys, and seen things that we miss due to phasing.

Its time for people to wake up, and even if the words have some code, its time to tackle the positive imagens, the harmonics, the dolphin and whale songs, and really really program ourselves to be wide awake, aware, and remember who we are cosmically, to see through the matrix and dissolve it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Aaah so you are just making things up. Fantastic. Testimony is not hard evidence, as it can easily be faked. The rest of your assertions are simply barmy.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:33 PM
This is a topic that I have herd of before and have often wondered if there is something to it . I have found something that I will post and so that I might hear your thoughts on it .

Most words in the English lAnguage (or En’s Land-gauge) are based on four roots "El","Al" , "An"and "En".
"Al /El" relates to the originAl masculine serpent energy ( Al is the most Ancient king of serpEnts).
"An /En" relates to feminine serpent energy ( An is the original queEn-mother of serpEnts).
In Arabic the word for serpEnt is "El" hayyah; Middle eastern lAnguages have the same source as English in the BabyloniAn/ SumeriAn lAnguage created by the demonic ruling Elite who have beEn in control of our planet and civilization for the last 4000 years.
"El/Al" is the originAl serpEnt And in hebrew meAns ‘power’ & ‘might’. "An/En" rElates to serpEnt Energy/mother of serpEnts (counterpart of El)
‘er’ is the root which is used for creating confusion And er-rors.
"is" is derived from "isis" And represEnts feminine Energy
There’s Also a lot of double s’s in English words ("hiss" as in snake’s hissing). SS Always has a serpEntine connotation ( like the Nazi SS).
One cAn dissect the Entire English lAnguage And see a sinister pattern emerging … here are a few samples to get the bAll rolling … before we jump in the author would like to stress that serpents, serpentine creatures or serpentine energy should NOT be perceived as demonic in themselves. It is a primeval and indispensible universal force responsible for maintaining universal functionings. It just gets manipulated by the demons in a negative way

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

100% pure baseless conjecture. Can you show us some peer-reviewed studies on this subject? Because if you can't your position is indistinguishable from garbage.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by Max_TO

100% pure baseless conjecture. Can you show us some peer-reviewed studies on this subject? Because if you can't your position is indistinguishable from garbage.

Pardon me ????

It's not my " position " . If you notice I had said that this is a topic that I find interesting and I then proceeded to post an excerpt from a site followed by the link .

Now that said there there is some accuracy to the claims made but that said it may just be coincidence .

Here is a good tool

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

Even more conjecture. That first site you linked to was nothing more than new-age nonsense. The second link,, doesn't prove anything you said.

The fact you started to talk about demons (!!!) should light up the warning light, warning people off your rather amusing position.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by davesidious

You keep saying " my position " . You are WRONG . As I said its a topic that I find interesting and as a result I posted a link and some text from the site that I had found .

As I mentioned earlier I have posted the info that I had found for those interested to make up there own mind and to spend as much or as little time as they like to see if there is something to it .

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by davesidious
reply to post by Unity_99

Aaah so you are just making things up. Fantastic. Testimony is not hard evidence, as it can easily be faked. The rest of your assertions are simply barmy.

Nope the link stands for itself quite nicely. Again logic. An apple should come up with random things in a code. If they're all obviously apple related however, and even some going into spiritual and somehow negative pushing, then its more than a coincidence. The words are pretty revealing. It an obvious conspiracy. Clear, logical and should get people thinking.

Its the methodology I'm really interested in, even imagining how its done busts this matrix open even wider!

But thanks for all the bumps anyway. Maybe you're secretly working for the light without us knowing it.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by davesidious

This is the thing. Some of us see this as a real conspiracy that needs exploring in depth. Primarily due to a lack of information and research, there is some. Hopefully more emerge to really flesh this out.

But you're not the definitive answer to what should be explored, looked at, examined as a conspiracy or mystery, or plot against the people. We're fully entitled to use our own minds, and share our own thoughts, examples, and even insights freely on this.

What I have noticed is the number of "interesting" posts, some who had only recently joined and that gave me a pretty clear answer that yes, there is a conpsiracy, and yes, they don't want it known or talked about much.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
This is a topic that I have herd of before and have often wondered if there is something to it . I have found something that I will post and so that I might hear your thoughts on it .

Most words in the English lAnguage (or En’s Land-gauge) are based on four roots "El","Al" , "An"and "En".
"Al /El" relates to the originAl masculine serpent energy ( Al is the most Ancient king of serpEnts).
"An /En" relates to feminine serpent energy ( An is the original queEn-mother of serpEnts).
In Arabic the word for serpEnt is "El" hayyah; Middle eastern lAnguages have the same source as English in the BabyloniAn/ SumeriAn lAnguage created by the demonic ruling Elite who have beEn in control of our planet and civilization for the last 4000 years.
"El/Al" is the originAl serpEnt And in hebrew meAns ‘power’ & ‘might’. "An/En" rElates to serpEnt Energy/mother of serpEnts (counterpart of El)
‘er’ is the root which is used for creating confusion And er-rors.
"is" is derived from "isis" And represEnts feminine Energy
There’s Also a lot of double s’s in English words ("hiss" as in snake’s hissing). SS Always has a serpEntine connotation ( like the Nazi SS).
One cAn dissect the Entire English lAnguage And see a sinister pattern emerging … here are a few samples to get the bAll rolling … before we jump in the author would like to stress that serpents, serpentine creatures or serpentine energy should NOT be perceived as demonic in themselves. It is a primeval and indispensible universal force responsible for maintaining universal functionings. It just gets manipulated by the demons in a negative way

Thank you so much for this wonderful addition. I really hope many will look into this link, its very revealing and I've bookmarked it.

As to the method in which this has occurred. Of course the time traveling reptilians is one very compelling idea, and I can't quite shake that, I recall Dan Burisch and project camelot interviews, and researching Montaulk experiments, project superman, and its pretty much indicative of what could be happening.

But, theres other ideas. Reconpilot gave a pretty good overview on the planet and its history. It could be a much longer plan, where they just pass the baton onwards, and keep coming back in their own bloodlines and family to carry it out. But considering the long et history on earth and the technology this would imply, I cant see the time travel as erroneous.

Thank you. And I wouldnt waste time arguing with him. His whole argument is that we're not allowed to think for ourselves, he thinks examing a conspiracy unless TPTB and their officials have documented evidence (lol and as if thats ever going to happen) its not a conspiracy. Well that kind of makes a conspiracy forum null and void doesnt it???

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 02:54 PM
I am hesitant to make this post as I need to leave very soon and can't spend the needed time providing supportive links but ....

To assume that words in out language do not have inspiration from deities and old beliefs is wrong .

If we look at the word logos it was the name of a god , a name for Sarasvati , the god of learning . It is also the primeval essence which gave rise to the gods : the mind of god , reason .

From Logos we get the world Lingua which is portuguese for tongue . We also get the word language and the word Logo . All these words from the word Logos which was a name for a esoteric god / demon .

To assume that old belief systems didn't play a part in our language and its formation is wrong .

As to if there is a conspiracy based on these word formations I do not know , but I am very interested in this topic and will follow along and add where I can .

Nice post OP'er S&F

As for the earlier post that I made I will search for collaborating evidence and post when I can .

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

Thank you, and I look forward to any posts you make, and information you might find.. Its really appreciated. There is alot involved in words, in harmonics themselves. There have been et symbols, language found in crashes, that were phoneician related, talked about in an interview here Jim Sparks, and Bob Holden that I found really interesting:

I have had success using positive affirmations and words, symbols, geometry, harmonics seem to have a real strong affect on us. Subconsciously even. Though I believe we can clear it, and wake up and become aware. Also chose words more carefully.

This also ties into subliminal messages and NLP.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:07 PM
If these reptilian magic men can just use some fourth density mumbo jumbo, and alter the timeline as they see fit, in order to further their goals (whatever those would be), why don't they have the power to erase this conversation from the internet?

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