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Did USA come to Haiti to spy on Cuba?

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
Everyone is looking at Cuba, but why not look at that map again and take note that its not Cuba that is the intended target. It's Venezuela....

Could it be that Venezuela oil is closer to the USA than the oil coming out of the middle east and that we also have covetous eyes on South American Latin countries? Chavez is always barking we are planning an invasion. Who's to say Chavez isn't being factual?

Can't say that I thought of that, but it wouldn't be the first time that the Americans toppled a duly elected Latin-American government in order to make rich folks even richer.

I award you a star for being so cynical...and observant.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:05 PM
If Obama is staging for operations in Venezuela, it could be because the administration is expecting a serious regional war with oil issues coming out of the Middle East and if that happens, it would be smart to already have someone nearby and close enough to have no delivery issues and a country that can be invaded for the oil assets while Obama lies about why he chose to invade. Lucky for the USA that Venezuela has been determined to have oil reserves larger than Saudi Arabia. Could that have anything to do with our interest in Venezuela oil reserves?

I have no doubt that there are those that would like to see Hugo Chavez deposed and replaced with some American puppet. If that is the plan then it only stands to reason we will go after the Venezuela oil reserves and in order to do that before a global war breaks out requires Obama to move assets further south and located strategically geographically to invade Venezuela when the time comes. Presently Obama is positioning military assets in Haiti and we will have to wait to see what happens next in Venezuela .

If this move of massive military action is in anticipation of a regional war in Iran or in the Middle East, then placing an eye on Venezuela oil fields is a typical American motivation for invading countries. While Obama will probably claim drug intervention reasons for invading Venezuela, we can rest assured that the oil is the reason no matter what lies they proclaim when the move on Venezuela begins.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Satellites, informants and spy planes...and Gitmo aren't enough? OP, are you 1% serious? What are they going to do in Haiti, spy on Gitmo? look at a map and you will likely see the flaw in your thinking.

Just sayin'

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Last I checked cuba is the one with 40,000 unemployed doctors.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:30 PM
I apologize to everyone for the OP. I was very drunk last night and paranoia got to me. My friend was telling me that it's a possibility that they could be using this tragedy as an excuse. I watched BBC World News and could see the Navy battleship in the background.

Perhaps they are not there to spy on Cuba but I am sure they are there for nefarious purposes. Why are they so quick to help Haiti and not Katrina victims?

I feel for those Haiti victims. But some people will use this tragedy for their benefits and possibly political posturing.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

they were so quick with haiti for two reasons:

1. the whole world was watching. we looked like the good guys.

2. help was asked for from haiti and we sent it asap. with katrina..there was red tape all over the place.

oh yea..and bush isn't there to hate black people anymore.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
Presently Obama is positioning military assets in Haiti and we will have to wait to see what happens next in Venezuela .

On the other hand...without the slightest hint of irony, Americans are generous people and the military is the only body with the manpower, skills and mobility to be dispatched effectively.

Sometimes the simple answers are the best ones.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:55 PM
I theorize that our massive Naval armada sent to Haiti for earthquake reasons whether or not created by an American super weapon as claimed by Hugo Chavez was for more than just earthquake relief.

I think that the massive military response was to prevent Hugo Chavez from moving into Haiti with troops under the guise of humanitarian relief.

Once in Haiti with military forces, Chavez could then militarily move against Cuba and the Dominican republic while being in the middle of both nations wanted by Chavez as part of a regional land grab.

This show of force in Haiti and even the suspicion that America created the earthquake means that super weapons are being used to fight a war and in this new war, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis are part of the weapons used by those that control the technology set agendas veiled as humanitarian relief.

We may never know, but I think Chavez is so ticked because he was found out and prevented from setting his troops in place to go after Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Chavez is understandable ticked and America is safe from a regional game of chess that will lead to regional war if Chavez is allowed to expand his empire to include Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
I think that the massive military response was to prevent Hugo Chavez from moving into Haiti with troops under the guise of humanitarian relief.

I can't buy that. Cuba has a military sufficient that the US wouldn't walk in...Chavez would not be conquering Cuba. I've seen the MIGs myself. Never mind that the Cubans are hugely patriotic.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:46 PM
In short -- NO --
as a matter of fact we hire Cubans, they work on our base in Cuba. why on earth would we want to spy on Cuba from haiti, haiti is not exactly worth visiting even in good times, which there is little of there.

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