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Lets Make a List of Bible Prophecies that Have Came True

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:07 PM
OP why are you asking for others to do all the work when it should have been you that started off with at least 10 examples of what you perceive to have been written in the Bible and that have come to pass.

You could be taking the credit for others research and hard work and coming out like roses should this whole thing go south, take responsibility and step up to the plate if you want to make a go of this thread and not just waste peoples time and efforts.

Don't covet your neighbors intelligence and hard work... So let it be written, so let it be done.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Another prophecy is a revived Roman Empire... European Union. Refer to Daniel with the statue of 5 metals or empires. The legs of iron were the east( Constantinople) and west( Rome) regions of Roman rule.
They of course fell, but were to be revived as iron mixed with clay. Symbolism of revived Rome but not very unified. Of course, the ten toes represent the ten primary countries of this union.
In Revelations, the revived Roman empire/E.U. under the Antichrist will form a temporary alliance and treaty with Israel and peace. Look to Germany's pivotal role in the E.U. Britian is bankrupt and leaving a power vacuum in Europe and Germany is filling it. Did you know that the top supplier of arms to Israel over the last 10 years is not the US,... it is Germany. Further, the Defense Minister of Germany is Baron von Guttenberg( if I remember right) and a very potential successor to Pres.Merckel. He is also a devout Catholic and is even now building closer ties to the Roman Catholic Church to console and council German families while their husbands/fathers/sons away on an expanding military role in world conflicts. Reference: The Trumpet Newl Letter..Church of God

In Revelation, the Kings of the East will take a 200,000,000 man army across a dried up Euphrates River and attack Israel...this year for the first time in recorded modern history, the Euphrates is running dry. for the first time in recorded history, Iraqi farmers had to import rice. China...a definite King of the East, figuratively and militarily, has on it's rosters an active and reserve army of... 200,000,000. This is more men than theoretically lived on Earth at the time of John and the writing of Revelation.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by anotherdad
1. There will be a one world gov.

They will attempt this but like Nebuchadnezzar (see Daniel 2 and 3)... will fail...
...he was shown the succession of nations that would follow Babylon...
...but in defiance erected an all gold image...
...he was humbled and the prophect was still fulfilled as predicted.

2. A one world currency.

Common idea but I don't know of any scripture that clearly predicts it.

3. Israel will become a country again(1948) and will not fall.

This is anti-prophecy... is not in the purposes of God but it happened as part of 'the lie' to reveal the "...that man of sin...the son of perdition;" 2 Thess 2:3

4. The temple in Jurueselum will be rebuilt.

Also an anti-prophecy.

5. A rise in wickedness (worshipping the devil)

I agree.

6. We will all be (chipped/bar coaded) on our right hand or forehead.

Common idea but I am yet to be convinced this is a fulfillment of 'the mark'.

7. Israel will posses the west bank but not the Gollan heights.

I am interested to see what scripture you use to support this idea.

8. There will be a rise of false apostle's (Benny Hunn)

I agree there are multiple of these as predicted.

9. Christians will be persecuted. (See above) and i'm sure as the thread go's.

I agree this is happening on a large scale.

[edit on 26/1/10 by troubleshooter]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by anotherdad
Jesus has not returned thus it has not happened yet or before and by the prophecies themselves would not have happened yet. A few more....
1. There will be a one world gov.
2. A one world currency.
3. Israel will become a country again(1948) and will not fall.
4. The temple in Jurueselum will be rebuilt.
5. A rise in wickedness (worshipping the devil)
6. We will all be (chipped/bar coaded) on our right hand or forehead.
7. Israel will posses the west bank but not the Gollan heights.
8. There will be a rise of false apostle's (Benny Hunn)
9. Christians will be persecuted. (See above) and i'm sure as the thread go's.

There's a few to start you off.

1. Its called the UN
2. Its called the USD
3. The Country was always there just that the original Jews never went back.
4. It has been rebuilt, its called The Dome of The Rock and its Muslim
5. Which rise in evil ? Ghengis Khan ? Napolean ? Hitler ? or Nero ?
6. Nothing said about chip....its a mark and that could be anything
7. Don't know were you got that specifics from
8. Couldn't Paul be a false apostle ?
9. You mean like in the Coloseum Rome ?

All of these things mean nothing, could be construed as past events in history.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Most of the so-called prophecies in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures of Jews and Christians were written 'after the fact' or at least coloured and adapted after the supposed events took place, so we cannot ever be sure of a real prophecy ever really being fiulfilled.

The Midrashic Tendenz in the gospel narratives merely take a Hebrew prophecy and make it come true in the story by virtue of making it up as they went along (e.g. the ride of 'Iesous' into Jerusaelm on TWO animals in the 1st canonical Greek Gospel ('according to Matthew', whoever he was) in 'fulfulment' (!!) of a verse that was actually a mis-translation of Zech 9:9 in some Greek translations of some of the poorly copied Hebrew Vorlage texts -

'He shall ride lowly upon an ass, AND upon a Colt, the Foal of an Ass' which is found in some mangled Greek texts of this verse taken over by the author of the 1st canonical Greek gospel) - so we never know if the writers are playing fast and loose with Midrash when they quote any prophecy for their alleged 'fulfilment'.

The same could be said for the Apocalypse of Yohanon the Levite (aka Book of Revelation) where there is an actual warning NOT to tamper with the hand copied texts on pain of the plagues mentioned falling upon the heads of the copyists who engage in such activity---

The fact that there IS such a warning at the end of the Book of Revelation (as with the Book of Deuteronomy who likewise talks about Plagues and Blessings) tells us immediately that there must have been many people in antquity who were 'adding and subtracting' prophecies as they went along, no one can possibly reconstruct the original text of the Greek in this Book of Revelation in any clear concise or accurate form (added to the fact that we only possess 4 full hand written copies of the Greek text and what we possess for the the rest of extant copies of this book is nothing but a jumbled mess of partial fragments that do not match each other very closesly, mainly papyri...)

However there is one weird 'prophecy' of the book that might be worth looking into:


See :

The Scroll of the Book of the Apocalypse of Yohanon the Levite (aka Book of Revelation) :

Chapter 16: verse 12


‘And I looked, and behold, I saw: The 6th Malak ('messenger') poured his Vial (or Bowl) over the Great River Euphrates; and, lo the Waters of the River were immediately dried up !’


[in the margin: now this was done so that the March of the Kings of the East might be unhindered]

HAS THIS DRYING UP OF THE EUPHRATES (something unthinkable in ancient times owing to its massive size) BEEN 'FULFILLED' IN SEMI-MODERN TIMES ?

Since 1971, Turkey and Syria have built THREE DAMS across parts of the Euphrates drying up major portions of the ‘Great’ River

The Keban Dam, near Elaziǧ, was the first for service to western Turkey. The Tabaqa Dam in Syria is mainly an irrigation project. The Atatürk (Karababa) Dam, near Urfa, is the most ambitious of the three. It is intended to spur development in the Turkish southeast irrigating nearly 4.5 million acres (1.7 ha), almost three times the area to be irrigated by the Tabaqa.

Iraq (=Babylon) is receiving only about 1/3 of the water they used to get.

PRETERIST VIEWS ('already happened')

Of course, we cannot be absolutely sure if this a fulfilled prophecy or not: this whole pericope may be a symblic poetical device of the writer c. AD 69 during the 1st failed Jewish War against Rome (AD 66-72) when the Book of Revelation was written/compiled to bolster up the flagging faith of the Jewish Chrstians who believed that Babylon (Rome) would fall into their hands.

And this reference to the Kings of the East may wellreflect the specific period of the much anticipated and dreaded ‘War of the Parthian Invasion of Rome from the East’ who were to march against Rome with Nero ReDivivivus (‘Nero Resurrected’) at their Head (i.e. like scorpions with women’s hair (since the Parthians were supposed to ‘fight with long hair like women’s hair’) ,

i.e. to take place around AD 69 after the Coup against Nero in 68 AD when ‘Nero’ was supposed to have been killed, or was thought to have been dying – linked by Christians see Rev. 13:3 where the ‘Temple’ (AD 69) was occupied for 42 months by Roman Troopsbefore being later ground to powder by Rome:

‘And I looked and behold I saw: ABeast resembling a Leopard, and his feet as that of a Bear, and his mouth as a lion: and the Serpent gave him power, and his Seat, and great Power.

3And, I looked and behold I saw: One of his heads was bleeding to death; but lo, his deadly wound began to heal itself: so that the whole world soon began to marvel at the Beast.

4And they began to worship the Serpent (now this is that which gave power to the Beast) and also they began to worship the Beast, saying, Who is like the beast? who is able to war with him?

5And there was given unto him a mouth speaking marvelous Prophecies and Blasphemies; and power was given unto him to wage war [against the Holy Ones] for a period of forty two months. 6And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against EL, to blaspheme haShem of YHWH and his tabernacle, and against the sons of Heaven.

7And it was given unto him to make war with the Holy Ones and to subdue them’

Most of the Book of Revelation makes more sense in terms of the dates in which it was written/edited (AD 66-AD72) i.e. during the 1st Failed Jewish War against Rome---which unlike the promises in the book, the Jews lost with over 900,000 dead (if one were to believe Josephus' numbers).

But this drying up of the Euphrates does not seem to have an ancient fulfilment, at least literal fulfilment, until modern times, so we COULD possibly add this one to the list of MAYBE's (and there are bound to be a few of them considering the vast number of prophecies placed into the mouths of all those characters in the canonical and extra canonical biblical texts from antiquity !)

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:43 PM
Babylon in Revelation plays a major role.
Symbolic: Babylon is a seat of power, money, and government. It is also a center of sin and treachery and blasphemy. In Strasborg,France is the European Union Parlimant building. It is a post modern interpretation of the painting Tower of Babel by Petier Bruggel of the 16th century Dutch masters. the building follows the shape, form of the tower in the painting, even down to the incomplete upper level of the tower/turret.
Consider a reunited Europe with a rebuilt Tower of Babel. Since the global meltdown financially, Europe is quickly becoming an equal peer to the US, and since we are on the verge of financial ruin ( biggest one day loss of jobs in our history today, housing sales dropped like a rock for Dec,2009) and Europe appears to be recovering, the E.U. could soon fill the void we are leaving in world affairs.
As for treachery, look no futher than their push for global warming, global taxes, a push for a single Natl. Euro currency, global governance, etc.
Look out in front of the EU the fountain. And I beheld a woman riding a beast... stright from the book of Revelation. The woman( Europa) riding Zeus the bull. On the EU currency, Europa is depicted carrying a flag of 12 stars( read the scripture) above her head, riding a red beast. On posters promoting european Unity...she is portrayed as a beautiful and scantilly clad woman with the 12 stars of the EU above her head, riding the back of the red bull or beast.
Hey, it's hard to get more literal than that. How did John know?

Physical babylon: Well, Bagdad is ours and is being rebuilt. Monies are pouring in from all over the world, and commerce is building. Further, as the US starts to pull out, we will see more European Monies go in, and investments, and businesses, and troops. Note: Although Dubai is to the south by a long ways, they have offered to hos the new site for the UN.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter

This is anti-prophecy...

Actually in 1948 in His own words the nation of Israel was restored.

From Apocalypse of Peter:
And ye, take ye the likeness thereof (learn a parable) from the fig-tree: so soon as the shoot thereof is come forth and the twigs grown, the end of the world shall come. And I, Peter, answered and said unto him: Interpret unto me concerning the fig-tree, whereby we shall perceive it; for throughout all its days doth the fig-tree send forth shoots, and every year it bringeth forth its fruit for its master. What then meaneth the parable of the fig-tree? We know it not. And the Master (Lord) answered and said unto me: Understandest thou not that the fig-tree is the house of Israel?

Matthew 24:32 "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near:"

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Sigismundus
Most of the so-called prophecies in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures of Jews and Christians were written 'after the fact' or at least coloured and adapted after the supposed events took place, so we cannot ever be sure of a real prophecy ever really being fiulfilled.

Any first year theology student can refute this.

1. Between OT prophecies being made and fulfilled...
...manuscripts were translated into other languages...
...the date these translations were done is known.

2. You are ignorant about the methods of transmission...
...the way the manuscripts were copied and preserved...
...all minor errors were recorded and faulty copies destroyed.

3. This could have been a viable argument before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scolls...
...that confirmed the reliability between copies.

This is an old tired argument no longer supported by scholarship...
...and is the sort of junk philosophy expressed by the likes of Dawkins and co.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by octotom

The only identification of the severant in Isaiah 52:13-53-12 is that he is the servant of the Lord, which Jesus could most definitely fulfill.

The operative word here is "could" he could be the servant of the lord, he is also known as "the lord" himself so that's a bit of a catch all make it fit, it "could" be talking about anyone.

We must note that a name is not mentioned which could have been a pretty easy thing to do considering that the inspiration for the prophesy is supposed to coming from yahweh (jesus) himself.

A bookie will not pay you for picking a four legged brown horse my friend, you can tell the kids that your horse one the race and they will believe you but you only get paid up for being "accurate" and names dates etc go a long way.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Babylon in Revelation plays a major role. Symbolic: Babylon is a seat of power, money, and government. It is also a center of sin and treachery and blasphemy. In Strasborg,France is the European Union Parlimant building.

Then if revelation is discussing Babylon and does not mention "Strasbourg" clearly no one is talking about Strasbourg.

This whole prophesy thing is rather silly, here we have men supposedly discussing the future, the information obviously coming from Yahwhe ,. Yet, yahwhe the creator of everything cannot seem to be able to remember names or dates times etc !!!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:32 AM
seems to me prophecy is not consecutive. from my studies, i've noticed layering, and not necessarily in order of occurence. one layer suggests the events leading up to 70 AD. another layer appears to discuss things more related to the calendar of revelation (, constellations and portions of constellations), suggesting timeframe (this part would be very helpful in determining just how much has actually transpired and what hasn't).

next is the subject of the toes of daniel's statue. everything is proportional in years. if the events predicted by daniel's statue have not already come to pass, the toes would be exceedingly disproportionate to the rest of the statue. in fact, the toes depict the final government that was already set in place back when it was originally predicted -- it's the roman empire and that empire still runs the planet, it has never stopped running the planet.

next question is then, if the empires have fallen into line, as predicted in daniel, what does that mean about the passage of some 2000 years of the beast empire? well revelation explains it: when the rest of the prophecies that define the last days of this dispensation occur, the mystery will be complete. we are just waiting for the rest of it to fulfill itself. daniel's weeks have already come and gone.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by moocowman

i think it would be easier for you to criticially examine (same holds true for many other researchers, christian or not) the references to yeshua in the old testament by putting his "title" into its correct position in the backdrop of mesopotamian history. sons of gods were frequently mentioned in mesopotamia, and not just in biblical texts but in sumerian, akkadian, babylonian and assyrian texts as well. also in ugaritic texts, chinese, hindu, and on and on. this appears to be related to the word "elohiym", et. al, the gods. the gods were also called sons of gods. ya see how that works? they could be elohiym and not elohiym at the same time because they have a title AND a more descriptive title.

that is not to say that all elohiym were sons of gods. because clearly some elohiym were the fathers of the others.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by undo]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:06 AM
read this! i mean really read it!

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by undo

I seem to be missing your point here dude, I still can't see (not for want of trying) where these prophesies are "proved" to have come true.

There is nothing specific everything is vague and generalized.

I have been rudely asked in the past "What do you want times dates and names ?" Well er um, yes .

Up until now people are claiming they've won the lottery because they have picked six numbers (metaphorically speaking) and are arguing that as they have six numbers they should get the prize. Any six numbers will not do, the numbers have to be matching precisely. If a required number is 2 presenting 11 is not going to win just because 1+1 happen to be 2.

By the way the link didn't work.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by moocowman

well it all starts in earnest, in the book of daniel, opening chapter.
the statue. it's composed of various metals. as time goes by, the value of the metal degrades. it is explained that each section is representative of the empires in the history of the world, till the end.

first there's the head of gold.
empire 1: babylonian empire.

then there's the arms of silver.
empire 2: media persian empire.

then there's the torso of bronze.
empire 3: grecian empire.

then there's the legs of iron.
empire 4: pagan roman empire.

and finally, there's the toes of iron and clay mixed together.
empire 5: pagan roman empire mingled with christianity (holy roman empire)

skip ahead to revelation, the book that is about the end of this dispensation.
in it we pick up where 5 left off and have 3 more empires. HOWEVER, if daniel's statue represents all the world empires in history, where's this 6, 7 and 8 coming from? it's a mystery that wasn't meant to be understood until enough time had passed to indicate who 6, 7 and 8 were and how they fit into the history of empires. 6, 7 and 8 are all the same thing as 5, but are puppet empires. they look to be controlled by someone else but are in fact, under the control of 5.

5 appeared to be dethroned as it were, during the enlightenment period, but it wasn't. it just appeared that way. it's the beast that was: it was in visible power for about 2000 years if we count pagan roman empire too. the beast that is not: currently everyone thinks america is in charge. the beast that yet is: it's still controlling the planet.

the events in daniel are described along with sign posts to watch for, one of which was the destruction and desecration of the temple at jerusalem which happened in 70 AD under pagan roman empire. that time has passed.

revelation fleshes out more details about the beast empire's latter days. it suggests a time frame (following the apparent overthrow of the holy roman empire), it requires several key events to transpire, such as the opening of the bottomless pit, and so on.

what in particular were you interested in knowing about?

[edit on 27-1-2010 by undo]

[edit on 27-1-2010 by undo]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 08:53 AM
Ok...let's suppose that prophecy is not real. Let's agree that God and jesus never existed, and that salvation is a myth to make us feel good about death. OK
Yet, on this site, we are to realisticlally and rationally consider that aliens run the US Govt, that earthquake weapons ravaged Haiti so the US could occupy it to invade Cuba/venezuala, the leaders of the free world are reptillians that shape shift and eat children, that there are 1427 levels under the denver international airport that hide mutants, aliens, advance black op projects, and Jimmy Hoffa, and on it goes...sounds reasonable to me.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Phlynx
Obama has passed something that allows America to be broken up into ten states each governed by ten people.

What are you talking about here? What is your source for this?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by moocowman

well it all starts in earnest, in the book of daniel, opening chapter.
the statue. it's composed of various metals. as time goes by, the value of the metal degrades. it is explained that each section is representative of the empires in the history of the world, till the end.

first there's the head of gold.
empire 1: babylonian empire.

then there's the arms of silver.
empire 2: media persian empire.

then there's the torso of bronze.
empire 3: grecian empire.

then there's the legs of iron.
empire 4: pagan roman empire.

and finally, there's the toes of iron and clay mixed together.
empire 5: pagan roman empire mingled with christianity (holy roman empire)

skip ahead to revelation, the book that is about the end of this dispensation.
in it we pick up where 5 left off and have 3 more empires. HOWEVER, if daniel's statue represents all the world empires in history, where's this 6, 7 and 8 coming from? it's a mystery that wasn't meant to be understood until enough time had passed to indicate who 6, 7 and 8 were and how they fit into the history of empires. 6, 7 and 8 are all the same thing as 5, but are puppet empires. they look to be controlled by someone else but are in fact, under the control of 5.

5 appeared to be dethroned as it were, during the enlightenment period, but it wasn't. it just appeared that way. it's the beast that was: it was in visible power for about 2000 years if we count pagan roman empire too. the beast that is not: currently everyone thinks america is in charge. the beast that yet is: it's still controlling the planet.

the events in daniel are described along with sign posts to watch for, one of which was the destruction and desecration of the temple at jerusalem which happened in 70 AD under pagan roman empire. that time has passed.

revelation fleshes out more details about the beast empire's latter days. it suggests a time frame (following the apparent overthrow of the holy roman empire), it requires several key events to transpire, such as the opening of the bottomless pit, and so on.

what in particular were you interested in knowing about?

The image lists a series of secular powers that interact with God's people...
...but then you switch from secular to religious powers for the toes...
...this doesn't seem consistent to me.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter

well that's why there are laws about the separation of church and state because at one time, they were the same thing. i had to use the additional descriptions of "pagan roman" and "holy roman" so the division can be seen between the legs and the feet.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by undo]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by antar
OP why are you asking for others to do all the work when it should have been you that started off with at least 10 examples of what you perceive to have been written in the Bible and that have come to pass.

You could be taking the credit for others research and hard work and coming out like roses should this whole thing go south, take responsibility and step up to the plate if you want to make a go of this thread and not just waste peoples time and efforts.

Don't covet your neighbors intelligence and hard work... So let it be written, so let it be done.

I was going to, but I had to leave right when I finished the thread, and din't have time to find anything. This was the only time sense yesterday when I postd this that I have gotten on.

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