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50 Guantanamo detainees to be held without trial: report

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:16 PM
Hey wasn't Club Gitmo supposed to be closed by today. 1 year ago Barack (CSPAN) Obama promised it would be.

Oh wait......Obama lied again! But sounded good at the time?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Well I don't know professor....

Maybe you can tall me. When was the last time a Gitmo prisoner was shelled or gassed? Oh that's right they haven't been. They are also alive and have their heads. They get 3 meals a day, clean sheets, nice slippers and a copy of the Koran.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by SLAYER69]

OK honey why would America waste its money on these prisoners if they didn't think they could obtain some incite full information from them?

After all they have been bombing those kind of people with drones, killing civilians while they are at it. So once again why would they waste their money on such individuals when there are thousands of easier options of getting rid of them especially when this effects the image of America also?

The easiest would be to send them to Egypt and make an example out of them. Egyptians got pretty cool torture techniques, and let them be in Egyptian prisons till they die.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Styki

I don't know whatever legal causes are there..but to hold some without trial is great injustice. Law should be equal for all, and every act should be proven in court of law else it's miscarriage of justice.

If there is no proof release them. If there is proof punish them.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

Hey he promised to close it in a year and he is trying. He is also pushing hard to stop lobbyists just like he said he would. And he is going to give us free healthcare, lower taxes on the middle class, stop the supreme courts ruling the other day, and give us all free golden tickets into heaven. Oh how I love the messiah. Think I have a shiver going down my leg.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
OK honey why would America waste its money on these prisoners if they didn't think they could obtain some incite full information from them?

Well if they are dangerous they should be locked up. Information? I doubt they really need anything from them as far as that goes. There are many reasons for holding them.

After all they have been bombing those kind of people with drones, killing civilians while they are at it. So once again why would they waste their money on such individuals when there are thousands of easier options of getting rid of them especially when this effects the image of America also?

Well if this WAS NAZI Germany [As mentioned by another poster] they would have met the Fryer a long time ago. Remember they are still here and the ones that have been released were in good physical conditions some have even made YouTube Videos spouting how foolish the Americans were for releasing them and have vowed even more actions, unlike many captured Americans delivered with parts missing. Mainly their heads.

The easiest would be to send them to Egypt and make an example out of them. Egyptians got pretty cool torture techniques, and let them be in Egyptian prisons till they die.

Now look who is advocating Torture

[edit on 23-1-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Styki

Or maybe just maybe these individuals have been held in getmo for so long without trial that they forgot what they were held there for. If they get released due to trials then the American public image internally and externally is screwed. The last thing America needs at this time is internal division. Division is regarded as national security, in that sense they can hold these prisoners and keep them without trial. Hence national security.

Or maybe these individuals do hold important information.

There are many secret CIA prisons around the world which these individuals could have been taken to, if these individuals are worth any value to the US in regards to intelligence.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

If they are dangerous why not prove that they are dangerous? Why the secrecy? How did you come to that conclusion? The problem is that we all are jumping to conclusion by being left at dark, not knowing the actual plot of such a public prison for as you say dangerous prisoners.

Secret CIA prisons actually do exist, why not take them there? Makes no sense, if they don't want to trial them, why keep them in public? Why cause such an outrage?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:46 PM
Well, Somalia might be a good place to dump them off. I say we dump them off where we found them with the promise that if we ever see them again they won't be captured but shot on sight.

Far as I really care they could just let them off in Cuba and let Raul Castro deal with them however he likes. Or we could give them a small sailboat, 3 days of food and water, and say hey, go wherever you like.

[edit on 1/23/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Yeah? Maybe we should just let them go. Then when they mess up again and a unit gets the orders to kill or capture they should just finish the job the right way.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Far as I really care they could just let them off in Cuba and let Raul Castro deal with them however he likes. Or we could give them a small sailboat, 3 days of food and water, and say hey, go wherever you like.

No no no....

With the way the US is screwed up. They'll just sail to the US and apply for and receive political asylum.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

No no no....

With the way the US is screwed up. They'll just sail to the US and apply for and receive political asylum.

Or they will be rejected and deported to some other country, point would be they wouldn't be in Gitmo anymore. Course we could drop them off in any number of countries we don't like, N Korea, Columbia, Russia, etc. Just somewhere where we don't care anymore. Strap a parachute on them and shove them out a plane door. No more problem. If we see them again, just shoot them.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 01:24 AM
Sometime soon, I'm going to start a site of "I toad ewe sew" posts about what the faithful did not see coming.

Here's one from last March:

Meet the New Boss - Obama Administration Policy: "What Bush Said"

This (not entirely unexpected) decision reaffirms the fears of human rights activists and civil rights lawyers who worry that the new administration's review of terrorism policies will lead to changes only in rhetoric.

Remember when Obama signed two executive orders on his second day in office, pledging to close Gitmo's prison within a year and banning torture? All Talk. Just like the rest of his promises and pledges. Sooner than later now, Obama’s supporters will see him for the consummate politician he is at heart, rather than the apostle of Change, angel of Hope.

Unfortunately, it's probably too late, as his radical, socialist and racially- motivated policies take both shape and effect.

Compared to the tone set by Obama during his campaign , supporters should find room for disappointment. It's one thing to say that “we're going to close Guantanamo in a year," but another to say that they’re going to close Guantanamo, but not going to change any policies on holding people without charges and denying them access to courts.

Toad ewe sew.


[edit on 24-1-2010 by jdub297]

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