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ATS label all Global Warming threads as HOAX

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by js331975
If it gets everyone to actually give a S*** about how they treat the planet around them, then I'm all for the hoax of global warming.

You'll be singing quite a different song when your electric bill goes up by one third overnight.

Keeping your food outside in a hole because you can't afford to run your fridge.

Not to mention how many middle class turn instantly into STARVING BEGGARS BECAUSE THE COST OF EVERYTHING GOES UP!!!
everything, all of your creature comforts.



Global warming, lol brought to you by the same a-holes that DUMP OUR GARBAGE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!

they have run out of things to tax!!!!!!!

wake up!! be mad!! hand out flyers!!!

our decedents will be ashamed of us if this becomes our reallity.

sorry for the caps, im tired of this horse crap

wow, horse crap, i sound like dork, just keepin it clean

peace out

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Label all religious threads as hoaxes then, or all threads on UFOs = ET, because there's no proof of those claims. Fortunately this is not about your own opinion taking precidence.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by endisnighe

Label all religious threads as hoaxes then, or all threads on UFOs = ET, because there's no proof of those claims. Fortunately this is not about your own opinion taking precidence.

So you believe the cru emails are false?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:31 PM
So with all this leaked information, we are now told, what many have known, that global warming isn't really happening...

That doesnt mean who should stop recycling, emit more polution, destroy our ozone, ect ect ect.

We, as humans, should strive to find alternative forms of energy that are efficient, less pollutant, and pretty much free...

We should still work better creating alternate forms of transportation. Weather it's electric, hydrogen, elephant farts, whatever. We should also continue to build more Wind Turbines to increase our electricity production without the use of fossil(if they are fossils) fuels and/or natural gas. The wind is a plenty, it doesn't get used up...

At the end of the day, screw you Al Gore, go place that Nobel on Irena Sendler's grave.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:56 PM
The "PTB", which are not actually powerful at all, are all OIL and power freaks. They don't want global warming to be real because that would mean a decline in oil sales, and taxes on all their refineries and power plants, and that means massive loses.

I think most people are confused. They think the "PTB" are creating the climate change fiasco for control, and that is WRONG. Climate change is a legitimate problem discovered by legitimate scientists with no agenda other than keeping the planet clean and stable.

It is the anti-climate change group that is the real problem. Those are where the "PTB" are hiding. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire "ClimateGate" issue with the hacked e-mails is all caused or created by the "PTB" just to add fuel to the anti-climate change fire.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by trevordbs
So with all this leaked information, we are now told, what many have known, that global warming isn't really happening...

Which file in says so? This doesn't go just for you, but all the deniers. Let's settle this now..

[edit on 2-12-2009 by rhinoceros]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Agree AGW hoax 27 Disagree AGW hoax 13 Undecided 10 Never answered OP 5

A snippet of posts by everyone so far, some on the OP others kind of related.
Ozweatherman undecided

While I agree that man made global warming has not been proven I don’t think it should be labeled a hoax as of yet.

thisguyrighthere agrees

Like the majority of pseudo-facts that shape public opinion and write laws that govern us all the lies get bold face type over the fold and the corrections get a two-line write up on page 9.

Icedash agrees

I agree, it a biggest hoax of all, e cannot let slide under the rug this time,

Shroedingersdog undecided or never answered

Many folks were too quick to establish GW as scientific certainty ... I would suggest that to quickly jumping to the reverse conclusion du jour, for the simple pleasure of the personal gratitude of a quick "I told you so," would seem just as ill advised, no?

Stormdancer777 agrees

Can we trust them to investigate their own?

Emerald the Paradigm agrees

All I got to say regarding Global Warming is that it's only about time people saw it for what it is: One Big BS.

Calstorm agrees

I agree. Climate change exists but man made global warming is a hoax.

Ivycutler undecided

my point is.... i'm not sure...

onlylonely undecided

hmm i think the jury is still out no?

Atlantican agrees

I totally agree that it all, especially manmade, should be labeled a HOAX!

Stardust1955 agrees

When I first started researching "everything" NWO, I stumbled upon this text radio interview that confirmed my gut telling me that global warming wasn't all manmade, it is a conspiracy.

PRS395 agrees

Hoax=$=Control Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax Hoax

DocVelocity agrees

You can bet that the Scientific community won't give up on perpetuating the "manmade global warming" myth, not just yet.

dodadoom disagrees I think

Please look at the charts also!
To think our pollution has no effect on our world is naive, at best.

Zaiger agrees

Oh no!!!
You were not supposed to read those emails that were leaked.

The redneck agrees

Keep the hoax alive, and keep calling the hoaxers on it. Keep the pressure on. Never let us forget what was tried in the first decade of the 21st century!

dragonridr agrees

The problem is even oxygen at those concentrations will trap heat all most any gas will.Thats why gas makes a great insulator. Now back to reality do you know how much co2 is in the atmosphere? The answer approximately 0.04% do you really think thats effecting the environment?

Jinx880101 never answered

I listened to the radio show on this topic, when is this treaty going to be signed, does anyone know?

Eurotrash never answered, but I feel he/she is a negative

I'm not trying to be rude, but I am so over people debating the Global Warming issue. The point is that we are completely trashing this plant. We pollute, waste and fill the atmosphere with crap.

Janky Red undecided or possible agrees

Well my man if we can agree on the second part and let the science do its thing we have a deal.

TheAgentNinteen undecided

I beseech EVERYONE to absolutely abolish the politics from this crucial scientific field, and allow for the true scientists and researchers to finally be granted equal voices and debate opportunities.

mopusvindictus agrees?

I think... we have a major way of looking at the small picture and ignoring the bigger long term problems.

kcfusion agrees

I completely agree with you all except for the fact that even though we don't have enough information to say for sure, WE ARE STILL GOING TO GET TAXED & CONTROLLED by the PTB over something that has yet to be verified and is looking less and less likely to be true.

Foppezao I think disagrees

And i dont hear people about greenhouse effect of Carbon DI-oxide, do you really think that is a hoax? Tell that to the people in the Phillipines, Bangladesh etc.. and this denying that the North pole is melting is just ridiculous..Its not either the sun activity or either global man made warning, it might be both

JohnPhoenix undecided

That is the interesting thing about leaked disinformation. It can be made to look like the good guys found it when it was a plant the whole time. We must be wary and question everything.

Jordan River unknown

Can global warming be the cause of our own pole shifts ? That would make far more sense than our pollution.

nethawk agrees

I agree. Valiant, but premature. The issue is simply too fresh and legal courts worldwide (as well as the media) have yet to tackle the issue. Wait until after Copenhagen. That's when the steam will really start rolling.

Rhinoceros disagrees

*Greenhouse effect warms the planet
*Greenhouse gases contribute to greenhouse effect
*Humans pump huge quantities of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere

Anybody here who does not agree with the above?

Oddesy undecided or unkown

whether or not man made global warming is real or not, and its very debatable, to me its obvious that we are having a negative effect on the planet.

Helmkat undecided

Something is going on, its just not 100% clear what the main generator of the issue is. I say "main" because without a doubt mans continued cesspooling of the enviroment is having some impact.

factbeforefiction agrees

It's all about Copenhagen now. We have just about a week to go. Call Senators, write to newspapers, there isn't allot of time and the MSM will not tell the people so it's up to people like us.

Watcher-In-The-Shadows agrees

Um, it is a hoax if it's not proven and yet it is claimed it is.

Chett agrees

Yup, man made GW is/was a hoax.

whatsup agrees and disagrees WTF lol

Regarding the OP, we could equally label all anti climate change folks as hoaxers (the ATS crowd) because the Bush admin falsified and edited the studies which he had called for, and which supported global warming. It works both ways folks. People will distort facts to hammer home their agenda (and carelessness for the environment is obviously the agenda for 95% of the ATS crowd).

Chance321 agrees

Hey. My votes going into the hoax bin. What were seeing is just the Earth going through a natural cycle. As for the melting ice caps, wasn't reported of volcanic activity at one of our polar regins? The lack of sun spots are also effecting us as well.

mikelee undecided or disagrees labeling as Hoax

I would say that while labeling it in the HOAX catagory might be a little going to far per say, I agree that creating a "Global Warming Theory" section is more appropiate. Eeven though I personally feel it's only a tactic used by those with other agendas, I feel this would be better than simply labeling it as a Hoax in it's entirety.

arivoth agrees

What a load of BS. And the people that support this fear spreading crap, are guilty of infecting the world with stupidity.

superluminal agrees

Global Warming & radical climate change is indeed a fact. The hoax is how special interest say it is caused.

Jim Scott agrees

It appears to be a hoax to me. I think it's a good idea to go back and note the threads as hoaxes.

-to be continued on next post-

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:49 PM
HankMcCoy agrees

Data Manipulation is Scientific Dishonesty.
Purposeful Dishonesty is Deciet.
Decietful Claims to attract attention is a Hoax.
Not sure what part of it isn't worthy of a hoax title.
It is fair to say that a hoax WAS purpetrated. Eh?

ravenshadow13 agrees just kidding vehemently disagrees

And if you think that humans should keep using resources and disregarding the environment like they do, because you think it isn't hurting anything, then you are a freaking idiot.

aspx agrees

what rubbish, it has been proven to be manipulated and proven to be a hoax.
everybody please watch this doc, you can find it online easy !
CH4 the Great Global Warming Swindle
you will thank me later ! have fun exposing these criminales

Snarf disagrees

These scientists lied and took it to the far left extreme
so lets take it to the far right extreme and say it just plainly is not true...that makes a LOT of sense...

fleabit disagrees

I mean.. even though there is really no proof either way, let's just make that leap, and say heck.. it's probably just NATURE doin' it's thing! It's just our planet at stake. Our kids won't mind if we gamble their future on the fact that some politician or company might be benefiting from this. It's much more important to stop them, than worry about the health of our world. Such a no brainer!

js331975 disagrees

Are you really really REALLY surprised that any government is trying to TAX AND CONTROL. It's what they do. They look at something then ask how they can tax and control it. If they cant they make a law against it.

ALLisONE disagrees

Just because there is a group of greedy liars that want to tax and control everything, and make money off of fear, doesn't mean it is not a real threat!

vermonster agrees but keep the trolling down


president I think disagrees because IIII am a disinfo agent?

ok buddy, but how about
Originally posted by endisnighe
all of the recent activity on the net about the FACT, that man made Global Warming is a instituted HOAX and perpetuated by the governments of the world to institute TAX AND CONTROL. With the destruction of the DATA and the manipulation of the existing numbers, not to mention Global Governance.
[edit on 12/1/2009 by endisnighe]
be labeled as disinfo.

A Fortiori disagrees

I will admit that I only read some of the emails. It seemed like there was a little spin, but nothing to show a great conspiracy.

john 124 disagrees

Label all religious threads as hoaxes then, or all threads on UFOs = ET, because there's no proof of those claims. Fortunately this is not about your own opinion taking precidence.

trevordbs agrees

At the end of the day, screw you Al Gore, go place that Nobel on Irena Sendler's grave.

Now if I mistakenly placed you in the wrong place let me know.

I am going to repost my OP here. READ IT AGAIN. Never did I say that I did not believe in Global Warming.

I am calling for the threads that are spouting the MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING to be marked HOAX.

I believe pollution is A HUGE PROBLEM, that is NOT what this is about. Anyway here is my OP AGAIN.

ATS label all Global Warming threads as HOAX

With all of the recent activity on the net about the FACT, that man made Global Warming is a instituted HOAX and perpetuated by the governments of the world to institute TAX AND CONTROL. With the destruction of the DATA and the manipulation of the existing numbers, not to mention Global Governance.
I call for ATS to go back through ALL threads that promote the lie, to be LABELED HOAX

This may take a lot of work on the site's side, but this is a conspiracy site that has a chance to step forward and help stop the madness.

What say you ATS members!

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by john124

John 124

You have to admit, do you not, that the evidence on the manipulation of the BASE data, has made all of the charts and graphs that point to CO2 as the cause of Global Warming and the DESTRUCTION of the BASE data to be compelling evidence?

Furtherance of this is a travisty.

Watch the video I posted earlier. These guys are expecting to make TRILLIONS off of this.

Their will be no debate, their will be no discussion, JUST AS THEIR NEVER HAS BEEN.

This is a global conspiracy of EPIC PROPORTIONS!

And I could care less about any other damn threads, just the ones spouting the HOAX OF MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

You may be right.

But I ask this, who will benefit from this new CO2 stock market hoopla?

Also, what about all of the other pollution that is being done?

Kind of takes all the eyes off of the REAL problems huh?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by rhinoceros

I think people keep miswording their replies rhino, well at least I hope.

Global Climate Change is happening. Hell it has been happening for 4.5 billion years.

But, Man Made global warming due to CO2 emissions is a crock of POO.

Only their to further the raping of the world's little people and to make asshats like GORE trillions of greenbacks.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

And at the same time can we label any threads that suggest the Earth isn't flat and wasn't created in 4004BC as hoaxes as well?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Essan
reply to post by endisnighe

And at the same time can we label any threads that suggest the Earth isn't flat and wasn't created in 4004BC as hoaxes as well?

Explain please. I am calling all Man Made Global Warming threads that further this HOAX to be labeled hoaxes.

hoax (hks)
1. An act intended to deceive or trick.
2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.
tr.v. hoaxed, hoax·ing, hoax·es
To deceive or cheat by using a hoax.

Let me see, the science community has deliberately manipulated the data and than destroyed the BASE data. Now they are using their FALSE DATA to further their CO2 tax scam.


Even if you think the science is not done yet, does this still not further the evidence THAT THIS IS A HOAX?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by ALLis0NE

But I ask this, who will benefit from this new CO2 stock market hoopla?

The Earth, and future generations will benefit from it.

Taxing industries that produce excessive amounts of CO2 is a way to get them to reduce their production of CO2.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Also, what about all of the other pollution that is being done?

All of that should be reduced too.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Kind of takes all the eyes off of the REAL problems huh?

What real problems are you talking about?

Our Earth has never had to deal with humans burning fossil fuels before. Humans are changing the equation. Humans are changing Earth. There is no way you can deny that.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by rhinoceros

Find out how much CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and annual global mean temperatures correlate.

Temperature changes lead carbon dioxide levels by a few years. How can temperature changes be caused by carbon dioxide levels if the temperature changes happen first?

Remote viewing?


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Never denied anything.

Can you tell me how, this supposed CO2 stock market is actually going to work and not be used to fleece the people and actually do anything but redistribute the wealth upward?

No you cannot, because not one law has ever been put into action that has the exact opposite effect that they state is their goal.

Their goals are always the same, ALWAYS.

Tax and Control. Not utopian agenda, actually the exact opposite.

Tell me, where is all the data that proves that CO2 is the cause of GW. Oh, it comes from the very places that have been manipulating the data.

Tell me one meeting, one publication, or absolutely anything where THEY sat down and discussed the SCIENCE. They have not, it has ALWAYS been about TAX and CONTROL.

Here is one of their sitdowns on a FAUX channel. Tell me again HOW THEY are not in it for the money.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

The Earth, and future generations will benefit from it.

Do you really believe someone is not making a mint off these new regulations? Cap & Trade establishes a market where items (carbon credits) are bought and sold, just like on a stock market company shares are bought and sold. Tell me there are not rich people manipulating the NYSE... go on, tell me.

How is Cap & Trade any different?

Taxing industries that produce excessive amounts of CO2 is a way to get them to reduce their production of CO2.

It is physically impossible to consume any form of organic matter in a combination with oxygen and not create both carbon dioxide and water.

So yes, the power producers will have to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, which can only be accomplished by dropping power production. You are using that power right now, in the form of transportation, lighting, food preparation, entertainment, and home heating/cooling. Exactly how do you expect to continue using power if it is not available or is too expensive to pay for? Which of these will you give up? All of them?

Think about what you are fighting for. You can stop your own carbon 'footprint' right now... just drain all the gasoline out of your car and pull the mains in your electrical panel. Do that for one week and I'll consider following suit.

Let me know how it works out.... oh, wait, you can't since computers require electrical power...


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Can you tell me how, this supposed CO2 stock market is actually going to work and not be used to fleece the people and actually do anything but redistribute the wealth upward?

No you cannot, because not one law has ever been put into action that has the exact opposite effect that they state is their goal.

Their goals are always the same, ALWAYS.

Tax and Control. Not utopian agenda, actually the exact opposite.

Listen, you have confused yourself, and have mixed two different issues into one. Climate change, and the Carbon Tax are TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES.

Just because there is a group of crooks and liars that want to make money off of our pollution problems, doesn't mean our pollution problems are a HOAX.

In your OP you are asking for all Climate Change topics to be labeled as HOAX and thrown in the HOAX bin just because a few hoaxers have manipulated data to help their Carbon Tax agenda. That's wrong on many levels. They are two different problems, not one.

News Flash: The threat of climate change existed long before any tax ideas were created. There is more data available that has not been modified or discarded.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Tell me, where is all the data that proves that CO2 is the cause of GW. Oh, it comes from the very places that have been manipulating the data.

You can do a science experiment in your own home which proves that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and traps heat. THAT IS THE KEY TO IT ALL. You can't deny that CO2 traps heat, you simply can't.

It is a scientific FACT that producing more CO2 will produce more heat. Humans are producing more and more CO2 every year. That means the Earth will get warmer, and warmer, and warmer....

It's a no brainer... You don't even need to think twice about it.... It's simple logic.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Tell me one meeting, one publication, or absolutely anything where THEY sat down and discussed the SCIENCE. They have not, it has ALWAYS been about TAX and CONTROL.

Here is one of their sitdowns on a FAUX channel. Tell me again HOW THEY are not in it for the money.

The reason they don't talk about the science is because it is a no-brainer, and has already been discussed for many years....

It has been known for a very long time now that our pollution has an effect on our environment, and one of the effects is our weather.

I am not denying that people are turning this into a political issue, and crooks and liars are trying to make money off of this... but that is a totally different issue. That is totally separate from the pollution issue.

You CAN NOT link them together...

[edit on 2-12-2009 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Fair enough, just so we do not end up with a new Global Governance after the Copenhagen Treaty meeting.

We also need to stop the Cap and Tax bill in the senate.

For a while I was worried. I think the danger has passed though. Cap and Trade stand about as much chance of passing as I do of winning the Lottery living in a State that does not even have one.

Truth has a way of finding its way to the surface. The recent damning emails, the fact they can no longer hide the Earth has been cooling for a decade and that the warming is linked to the activity on the Sun has become mainstream.

India and China making it clear they have no interest in participating in any Treaty or venture is the final nail in the coffin of C and T.

Some will sign something. Whatever is brought home to our Congress is dead on arrival. In this case the checks and balances of our system seem to be working. Cap and Trade would be so destructive, I'd be surprised if it garners the vote of even a fourth of Congress irregardless of Party.

We need to turn the discussion to sensible topics like why are we not replacing coal fired plants with nuclear facilities as fast as we can do so? Why are we not utilizing the hundreds of years supply of Natural Gas and using it to run our vehicles while we are waiting for new technology to be perfected? The LNG tech has been in place for decades and yet we still are burning gasoline in our vehicles. Why are we not discussing the phony environmentalism that leads to more problems and no answers. Why are we not discussing how we ALL want a clean environment and coming up with logical, doable set of plans that won't destroy the economy.

The motives of the Cap and Trade crowd are out in the air for all to see now. We know the whole thing is scam. It's time to leave that topic and move on to a real plan.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

In your OP you are asking for all Climate Change topics to be labeled as HOAX and thrown in the HOAX bin just because a few hoaxers have manipulated data to help their Carbon Tax agenda. That's wrong on many levels. They are two different problems, not one.

Incorrect, read it again. I am calling for the Threads that spout the hoax of MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING.

You can do a science experiment in your own home which proves that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and traps heat. THAT IS THE KEY TO IT ALL. You can't deny that CO2 traps heat, you simply can't. It is a scientific FACT that producing more CO2 will produce more heat. Humans are producing more and more CO2 every year. That means the Earth will get warmer, and warmer, and warmer.... It's a no brainer... You don't even need to think twice about it.... It's simple logic.

See, this is EXACTLY what I am saying, this is the HOAX. You are only repeating the LIE. Their is no PROOF of MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING DUE TO CO2.

The science of Global Warming has been exposed to show the lies, but WHERE IS THE SCIENCE on CO2 emissions causing GLOBAL WARMING!

Maybe if we planted some FRACKING TREES and quit cutting down the forests, maybe, just maybe, we can do something about that.

Anyway, see this thread-Let's finish this! Numbers do not lie.

The reason they don't talk about the science is because it is a no-brainer, and has already been discussed for many years.... It has been known for a very long time now that our pollution has an effect on our environment, and one of the effects is our weather.

No it is not a NO BRAINER, see this is the way they argue. It has already been decided. They will not let an open scientific discussion take place, BECAUSE THEY KNOW the CO2 myth will be shot down. Because it makes no fracking SENSE.

How do you offset Global Emissions of CO2, it is really fracking EASY.

Plants take CO2 and create O2, simple as that.

Plant a tree, a bush, or how about this.

Grow enough food for the world's hungry LO AND BEHOLD CO2 is converted to oxygen.

Where as, carbon credits will not stop the emissions, it will only redistribute the wealth.

Because, I know I am not wasting energy.

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