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Another spiritual experience... so soon after my spiritual awakening?!

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:18 AM
2 nights ago I had what I would call my spiritual awakening where I had met a spiritual guide, which I posted just yesterday, but I felt the need to make this new thread because I had another experience last night which I felt the need to share because of the true tranquility I am now experiencing.

Before I tell you all about the new experience, I want to say this beforehand, that at 11:11 I happened to look at the clock and since after reading a little about the powers of numbers and 11:11 in particular, I decided what the hell, and made a wish, my wish (at least the part I wanted most to happen) was said before the clocked changed too 11:12, but I continued to finish up what I was saying... then one part of the wish came true soon after. After you read my experience I'll explain the rest...

Last night, just randomly I was thinking about my experience I had I guess, and I just asked for any spiritual guides, one's that I can trust, if possible could come to me; down to my vibrational level. And if not possible, I said I'd try to raise my vibrations to their level. This was with the TV on, and me half paying attention to it. After asking this, out loud, I had for some reason closed my eyes (it was late, but I had a drink in my hand).

I felt a sense of vibrations in my head, spinning (not like a dizziness, but think like a ring within my mind spinning with vibrations). Then quickly after I heard a voice and was told I was being visited by my actual spiritual guides who have been with me for my whole life, and will be there for me the rest of it (I believe there were 5 but I was unable to see them, I just sensed 5 entities but I could be wrong). I wanted to make sure I could trust these spiritual entities, and they quickly proved themselves before I even was able to finish asking the question I was using to see if they were trustworthy. My question I was using to see if I could trust them was what is the truest of all human emotions and most powerful, and as I said before finishing the sentence they told me love, and that is what I know to be true, and I hold true to myself. They are no doubt my spiritual guides and they gave me some knowledge, and explained to me the experience I had the night before was good for me since it opened up my spiritual world, but that I had to be careful when it came to those entities and that they cannot be completely trusted, not to mention if I was vulnerable I may be visited by a not so friendly entity possibly. However I was able to trust these entities completely, and they confirmed some things for me, only one of them gave me their name, however I forget what the name was. I asked about my medical conditions and if I'd ever be able to stop taking medications for them (since I have now learned drugs/alcohol hurt the consciousness from being able to learn and open doors for bad entities to enter and give you false information). They told me that once I was able to understand the consciousness enough I'd be able to control things that I never thought possible, including my medical conditions, but that I was far away from that point and that I should stay on my medications for the time being. Good advice, ha. They told me I could call upon them any time and they would be there for me, anytime, anywhere. They also knew everything about me, mentioning thoughts I've had in the past couple days, bringing up feelings I've had, and memories I've experienced, commenting on them and giving me some more advice. It was pretty cool. Also, this whole time I sort of felt away from my body, but not like I had previously when I was completely out of body, I was still aware of the drink in my hand, but my hand felt like it had shrunk, and the drink felt like it had grown 2-3x bigger than normal which I was aware of the whole time.

After I parted ways with the entities I tried to continuing watching (funny enough) a history channel show on the Universe, this episode was about energy, which now as I type this is I realize is why I thought of my previous experience and decided to ask for the spiritual guides to appear, after they left I started putting a lot of things together, very quickly and it was like it was a chain reaction I just kept putting more and more things together and gaining knowledge. I couldn't stop it, for a moment it started to scare me a bit, since even though I was told I was going to be able to learn things much faster now, I hadn't thought it would be like this, I kind of wanted it to slow down and let me take hold of what was happening, eventually it slowed down though. In fact, if I remember correctly I said out loud to my spiritual guides that I would like to be able to sleep tonight and to please help me out but that they not need to come back down to my vibrational level to speak with me (although the feelings of vibration in my head I explained earlier, make me wonder if they somehow brought me up to their level, or at least one between us that we 'met' at).

The day prior I was told by someone that we all have these guides, and I guess for me it was as simple as asking for them to come to me, and they arrived very quickly.

Now, to explain the rest of my wish. I have been feeling some OCD/anxiety related feelings (pretty intense to be honest) about a new girl in my life that I truly wish things to work out with. Without going into what I actually wished for, I want to explain that when I woke up this morning ALL of my OCD/anxiety related to this girl, and actually all my OCD/anxiety (which I'm diagnosed with medically) have disappeared. I think maybe that all my OCD/anxiety lately has mostly been focused on things about this girl (since whenever meeting a new girl there is always some uncertainty regarding some things), so maybe that's why I feel like it's all gone at the current moment, but I feel so calm, so tranquil! I know to some of you this may sound crazy, and you are all entitled to your own opinions, but to me I know things now for fact that I had prior not been sure about what so ever. All doubts in my mind are relieved. I have NEVER felt like this in my life, so I am fully aware of what has been happening to me the last couple days is indeed real - and if any of you want to call bull# on me, well then I'd really like to know how I magically made myself feel the way I have on my own. With all my medical conditions I have, bipolar, OCD, ADD, and GAD, that's saying something.

Hope you enjoy the read, please let me know what you all think - any/all input is welcome.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Very interesting. I liked it a lot. I hope everything with that girl turns out good. (if she's the one)

I too want to contact my guides. Wish me luck.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:59 AM
Great to hear you are getting somewhere, and somewhere fast, it seems!

I enjoyed that rush of information when it first began with me. And at times, I had to ask for it to slow a bit so I could process it! It feels like you can learn anything, Einstein's theories - no problem!, rocket science- sure thing! It was great! These days I kind of miss that brainiac feeling.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by doped00
Very interesting. I liked it a lot. I hope everything with that girl turns out good. (if she's the one)

I too want to contact my guides. Wish me luck.

I seem to know now things will work out with the girl, or at least I know that what is meant to happen will in fact happen (even though that is something people may seem to believe without a spiritual guide, I now feel more like things will work out more positively).

Once you open up the spiritual consciousness within yourself it shouldn't be hard at all to contact your spiritual guides. But I do wish you luck, I'll send some positive vibes your way

And blujay yes it does seem I am getting somewhere fast. I am not only noticing the tranquility I feel which is amazing, but I am starting to see improvements in my cognitive abilities as well - it's as if my mind is doing a major overhaul of itself and I very much like it.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

The clarity is amazing, isn't it?

At one point my daughter was ready to commit me, I couldn't stop reading and meditating, the thirst for the knowledge was unquenchable for a time!

Have fun with it

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by blujay

I will have fun with it thanks
And yes this clarity is unreal, I am feeling like a new person... well in a way I am just opening my mind, my consciousness; my life. So no, I'm not a new person, but I'm a much more enlightened conscious being than I was just 2 days ago! I love it and I wish that everyone were to find this inner peace, and spirituality that we all are able to tap into if you just give it some time, some reading, and some will power!

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

Hey there, and congratulations on your awakening's amazing isn't it ?

You'll find that you probably have a rush of stuff coming through all at once ... then nothing for a while (that's normal), just go with it and enjoy the ride.

When things are happening fast it's a good idea to keep a journal that you can look back through during the quieter times, and get a deeper understanding of your experiences ... you'll also start to see how they fit into your life in general ... to expand it.

Enjoy ! Woody

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by blujay

I miss that too.

I love reading threads like this ... brings it all back.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

I am keeping a journal, which I've typed up, and added information too which I've learned from reading and putting things together, as well as added responses from my threads to even further myself with being able to put my experiences together into some knowledge I am able grasp from it all. But thank you for the advice, I'm sure some will see it and start doing so if they haven't, or at least I hope they do.

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by blujay

I miss that too.

I love reading threads like this ... brings it all back.


You don't have to miss it all, you can pursue more knowledge at anytime, although like you said it slows down, I hope that isn't true for me, I love how this feels (as I'm sure you did). I hope you're able to get back to the point you wish to be at - good luck

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:51 PM
It happened to me a week or so ago too. All of the information that you get is kinda like an update on your minds computer that hadn't been turned on in a while. In another thread someone said it was a "download".
That is a good name for it since you get all new info and the pieces of the puzzle link together verry fast and some times it passes your comprehension level like an overload.
In my short experience now that I know what this is (kinda), I have learned that in order to remember the names and important information, you have to wake up your body and cut the connection and physically writte down all of the info. If you just say, I will remember it later, most of the times you will forget.
I have a few "tips and tricks and I think that we should make a thread for the new people to share only "tips and tricks".

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Elieser
like an overload.

Great way to put it because tonight it all caught up with me and I had an 'overload' and it got scary because I became sort of violent in tone but I calmed myself down and originated the issue, and have dealt with it. I realize now that I need to possibly slow the speed of this knowledge, although I know I don't control it, but I guess the best I can do is learn to integrate it more smoothly. However, my new thought process I woke up with this morning, has completely relieved me of my OCD (well thought process wise, I still have outer issues with OCD i.e. checking doors) which in turn has relieved me of my anxiety, which no drug, even the klonopin and other benzo's I've been on for over 7 years now have been unable to do. It's amazing, truly amazing.

Originally posted by Elieser
you have to wake up your body and cut the connection and physically writte down all of the info. If you just say, I will remember it later, most of the times you will forget

I don't fully agree, because I remembered the name of my first spiritual guide I meant, and yes I forgot the name of the one spiritual guide from last nights experience, but I was also drinking alcohol while I had the experience (not a lot) which effected my memory, and I was told by my spiritual guides that I would not remember everything I was told/experienced because of this. This is why I need to try and stop all drug use (which I am doing well with anyway since I don't use many drugs anymore), and alcohol use. As well as smoking, since nicotine is a drug as well, and so is a lot of the other things in our life we don't realize may effect our consciousness. I don't know for sure if all drugs, specifically ones that are made to help heal us, a good example is advil an over the counter drug, are too horrible for us, but excessive use of any drug is not good regardless.

Originally posted by ElieserI have a few "tips and tricks and I think that we should make a thread for the new people to share only "tips and tricks".

Someone recently told me we can't be guided by others, we must be our own guides ultimately. So maybe it wouldn't be in the best interest to create this thread. But that's up to you to do as you wish, create the thread if you want but I would say it's not a good idea. People need to learn on their own - so if you do create the thread be vague and allow people to draw out their own conclusions and grasp what they want from it - don't place things down as fact since people need to learn the facts for themselves, otherwise it isn't fact to them (even if they think it is).

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:37 AM
Interesting experience to say the least!

I wanted to ask you something about the 11.11 / 1.11 numbers (their 'power' (?) etc, because last 2-3 months I've been seeing them everywhere... thanks.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Moraz

Starting about a month ago, I frequently see 11:11, 1:11 sometimes 2:22 or 3:33.
Funny I saw it once when I was feeling really bad, and found it quite uplifting.

I think this could be pure chance, or an internal body clock thing. However it happened enough that I had to research, lots out there on the subject.
Just saw 12:12

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:36 PM
Below is some text taken from a website I found, and it has a good meaning behind it, and I would definitely not say it's improbable. Every since my spiritual awakening I have been seeing 11:11 more often then I used too...

For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten.

The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?

11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.

The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from
duality into Oneness.

The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the postive unknown and beyond.


I think it's all pretty cool, even if you choose not to believe in any of this, you can't help but wonder if something is happening that is invisible to us all, at least in this dimension/plane of existence.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by highlyoriginal]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Many of you here will cry on the day you gain the knowledge of what you have encouranged in the most delusional and desparate among you. We have people here standing on the edge of insanity with a horde of idiots behind them ready to cheer them into the abyss.

we will have talk that you will never forget.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

I'm confused a bit. What exactly are you trying to say here? That people who believe in life after death are delusional? That there is a spiritual soul in which we all have? Because you can believe in whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me, I can't speak for everyone else thought.

If you meant what I think you did then I suggest you are the one with the problems/issues since it seems to make you feel better telling others that their beliefs are wrong. Maybe once you find yourself, your true self, the meaning to a lot of things will come to you.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Im new to meditation and attempting to use the field to talk to others. (when i say new i mean six weeks) Ive had certain little experiences but nothing as profound as some of the things ive read on ATS. Does it take a long time to atune your self or am i doing something wrong?

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Algebra

There really is no way to answer that question. Tomorrow you could have an amazing experience or it could much longer, even years. But if you meditate as often as you can, you will have a much better chance of some sort of spiritual experience. If you're interested in other things like astral projection, or remote viewing and stuff like that you can practice those things as well.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by highlyoriginal
reply to post by Algebra

There really is no way to answer that question. Tomorrow you could have an amazing experience or it could much longer, even years. But if you meditate as often as you can, you will have a much better chance of some sort of spiritual experience. If you're interested in other things like astral projection, or remote viewing and stuff like that you can practice those things as well.

Thanks. so i just need to be patient. I ve got all the time in the world.

or at least up untill 11.36am on september 23rd 2012 when the human race gets wiped out as a result of the mgnetic poles reversing, leading to chaos and all out nuclear war.

could'nt resist.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:31 PM
It's best to trust yourself. With that said, learn from everyone and everything.

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