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Bets on 2012

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Obviously some of you believe that 2012 apocalypse/aliens/etc is going to happen.

I would like to place a bet with you. We will require a signed contract. I will pay you some money now, and if nothing happens by 2013, you will pay me 20x the amount. If what you say does happen, I will get no money back.

What you will need to do is lay out your claims for what you think will happen, and how we can verify it.

What I really want to find out, does anyone really believe all this rubbish about 2012, or is it all talk - I guess this will prove it... is ATS full of faux-believers?

[edit on 17-11-2009 by xelamental]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:45 AM
I would love to make a wager with you but I don't want money. In 2012 on every television set, computer monitor, and practically everything with a screen or radio will have a face on it. The face of Maitreya, The Anti-Christ. He will speak to EVERYONE at the same time through telepathy to them themselves. He will be accompanied by "Space Brothers" in UFOs or the fallen angels that tried to poison humanity in the days of Noah. The world will want to unite as one and build an Atlantis type civilization like the fallen ones did so long ago. The Day of Declaration. Everything points to 2012 because of the Anti-Christ and the fallen ones making a return. Read the Book of Enoch. UFOs are not other world species but fallen angels and their offspring. There are many of them out there in space among the planets and systems. They'll be back for the Tribulation to assist the Anti-Christ and Satan in global control. Armageddon is not going to be simply Jesus Christ vs human armies. It will be against fallen ones, Anti-Christ, and us too. The End Times and Tribulation are on the way and it's seven years of YIKES!!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:03 AM
I'd be absolutely willing to bet every cent and single thing that I own that nothing will happen by 2013.

I'm 100% certain that this would be a safe bet.

That's how certain I am.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Junkheap]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:05 AM
read the 'interview with the man from 2097' nothing will happen in 2012. as for 2013...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

topping a hoax on top of a possible hoax?

and please, betting?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:45 PM
Sorry, I always lose bets and card games. However, I too feel like 2012 is a hoax and so do most of the people here, and I can prove it.

IF you TRULY believe the world is going to end...

why are you still paying all your bills?

If you pay you bills and think the world will end in 2012, you are lying to yourself on many levels.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
I would love to make a wager with you but I don't want money. In 2012 on every television set, computer monitor, and practically everything with a screen or radio will have a face on it. The face of Maitreya, The Anti-Christ. He will speak to EVERYONE at the same time through telepathy to them themselves. He will be accompanied by "Space Brothers" in UFOs or the fallen angels that tried to poison humanity in the days of Noah. The world will want to unite as one and build an Atlantis type civilization like the fallen ones did so long ago. The Day of Declaration. Everything points to 2012 because of the Anti-Christ and the fallen ones making a return. Read the Book of Enoch. UFOs are not other world species but fallen angels and their offspring. There are many of them out there in space among the planets and systems. They'll be back for the Tribulation to assist the Anti-Christ and Satan in global control. Armageddon is not going to be simply Jesus Christ vs human armies. It will be against fallen ones, Anti-Christ, and us too. The End Times and Tribulation are on the way and it's seven years of YIKES!!!!

Not wanting anything is just a way of saying you don't believe it. If you honestly did, you would put something on the line.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:21 PM
Im betting absolutely nothing is going to happen and i do mean nothing, NOT A DAM THING. If anything i think people and the world will continue to change at a normal pace. No ascension on alien invasion no planet x nothing. we might have a new iphone and a some other new cool stuff but apart from incremental changes i dont foresee anything big. 2012 is just Y2k 2.0.

i could be wrong and i hope i am but i know deep down nothing will happen.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by xelamental

What I really want to find out, does anyone really believe all this rubbish about 2012, or is it all talk - I guess this will prove it... is ATS full of faux-believers?

I believe that nothing apocalyptic will happen on 2012. It will turn out to be just as every other world-ending event prediction to date has been... big, fat, zero.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:35 PM
2012 is simply what you make of it.

simple as that, some people buy it some don't.

I however don't believe in the end of the world on that date.

i think it's going to be a start of a new era of civilization.

if ANYTHING. it's going to be an amazing time, so much will be happening in the world. many can't realize it in the moment, but looking back with a historical perspective we live in a absolutely crazy time.

whatever happens in 2012 will hopefully be for the better.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:50 PM
Excellent request xelamental. The 2012 beliefs ARE pure RUBBISH as is every single prediction ever posted here. For you fortune tellers, heres a TRUE prediction--- I predict most everyone whom is so CONFIDENT in their 2012 garbage, will not wager any respectable amount on par with their boasts of this matter.

EDIT=Minor wording changes.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by pplrnuts]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
I would love to make a wager with you but I don't want money. In 2012 on every television set, computer monitor, and practically everything with a screen or radio will have a face on it. The face of Maitreya, The Anti-Christ. He will speak to EVERYONE at the same time through telepathy to them themselves. He will be accompanied by "Space Brothers" in UFOs or the fallen angels that tried to poison humanity in the days of Noah. The world will want to unite as one and build an Atlantis type civilization like the fallen ones did so long ago. The Day of Declaration. Everything points to 2012 because of the Anti-Christ and the fallen ones making a return. Read the Book of Enoch. UFOs are not other world species but fallen angels and their offspring. There are many of them out there in space among the planets and systems. They'll be back for the Tribulation to assist the Anti-Christ and Satan in global control. Armageddon is not going to be simply Jesus Christ vs human armies. It will be against fallen ones, Anti-Christ, and us too. The End Times and Tribulation are on the way and it's seven years of YIKES!!!!

Wow thanks for the laugh, your post is very hilarious, you sound like an avid follower of George Noory? Just fyi, George Noory is a bs man, he doesn't believe in 90% of the crap he claims to believe in on-air, he's just a guy with a good sounding voice. This monitor stuff, I don't want your money either but I will bet you your own pride that everything you said will not happen during the entire year of 2012 and I'll even extend that bet to 5 years before or after 2012 because of the difference in our calendar and the mayan calendar haha.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Razimus]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by xelamental

I predict a presidential election with pundits on both sides claiming "if we loose this one the world as we know it will end".

An over hyped suberbowl and a disappointing world series.

Global warming experts will explain why 2012 is not the hotest year on record but that does not mean global warming is not the biggest problem ever to face mankind.

Holiday sales numbers will be down and sales start earlier than predicted.

Gold bugs will shill gold.

Old men will claim the youth are going to hell in a handbasket.

Handbasket sales will be down.

Stock prices will fluctuate.

Ditto for 2013...

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 04:51 AM
You know, how about a public shaming of the major 2012 proponents.

We should ask, publically, all those that make claims (e.g. books etc) about 2012, should put their houses/assets on the line, and if their claims don't pan out, they can donate it all to charity.

It would be an absolutely hilarious debunking!

I'm quite amazed - usually the believers are everywhere, and on this thread they are conspicuously absent. Where are all the "i have enough evidence" people!

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 11:16 AM
I don't believe the Mayans, if you were capable of predicting the "end times" then you should have been capable of not disappearing.

If you're looking the end times stuff, look at the kalpa that is coming to a close soon. 2030 or some time around it is when Sheva renews the world. Believe it? No? Well 4.32 billion years are recorded in the chronological units of the Hindu religion. If your ancient sources can record that far back (to which carbon dating on oldest rocks can nearly match) then you are definitely something.

Although personally I think this another case of "reading into it" and if we didn't have this revised calendar of our's, wouldn't it be on a different day in the Gregorian calendar? Anyone care to do the math?


posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 11:46 AM


Assume that the Mayans nor any aliens assisting them could not make prophecy.

Hence, the only way that this cold be true if it were a FORECAST.

There is very little that be forecast that far ahead. Even the weather can only be forecast a few days ahead if we do well.

What is then the only predictable thing in physics that, given advanced enough knowledge of mathematics and physics can be forecast...answer, the atomic processes of the sun.

Cepheid variables are so predictible that astronomers use them to calculate distances. So, with enough advanced physics and mathematics, this might be possiible.

The sun is not out of fuel, so will not nova, but a flare cold be possible and back records in biblcal times talk of the sun being seven times hotter.

Additionally, all the mason and ancinet Egyptian signs and symbols may point to this...ever considered that their "Sunburst" might mean literally what it says? And just why did the Ancient Egyptians worship the Sun and make it so important, yet rain, the giver of life was almost utterly irrelevant? And why did the Ancient Babylonians worship the owl? A creature that is supposed to give protect and is the veritable symbol of night?

Such an event wold devastate civilisation as we know it. Even hotter would fry us.

The film "Knowing" however is incorrect though.

A solar flare is totally survivable, no matter how bad and the Mayans tell us how. You simply go to where the Sun does not shine.

On 21st December, the winter solstice, the Arctic Circle will be in pitch black - the sun does not rise there. Taking into account the height of the land, ones own height of 2 metres and the fact that the rays from the sun might penetrate a few miles of rock, requiring one to have a chrd across the globe to protect one, a solar flare could destroy civilisation, from Fort McPherson to the South Pole, BUT anywhere north of Fort McPherson shold be safe.

So, come come 2012, we'll be taking a hioliday up north of Fort McPherson and to what cold end up being the last corner of human civilisation!

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by xelamental
I am willing to take that bet,sir. By the end of 2012, a spiritual enlightenment and consciousness awareness evolution will take a leap forward. I have personal knowledge, inner knowing about this aside from tens of highly competent sources, the least of which isn't cosmic awareness that cna be tapped into by anyone through the crown chakra and pineal gland.

So if you can travel to Estonia, where I live, i will gladly make that arrangement,as you want my signature and all that stuff.

And you will be able to verify it by one of several ways, either those who don't make the spiritual ascension this time around,will mostly die(lose the temporary sack of meat aka body) and will know I was right by then, because within spirit it will be obvious.
Second way it can go is that 3d space/time will be flipped into 3d time/space for those not acending, the only difference you will notice is the 7-8second enlightnement and the memory of it- remembering that we are all ONE. that memory and experience will be for ALL.
Third possible way(and more than one of these options can happen btw) is when for 60-70 hours you wotn see the sun nor stars,it will be pitchblack for nearly 3 days.
Fourth option is again, that for you, nothing may happen, for those not ascended, but IF I ascend and many more will, then all those people will simly disappear from this Earth vibration. Quantum physics has my back when it comes to explaining the vibrations etc.

So Im guessing around a billion people(just a guess) will disappear then from this Earth,the bodies will move into a higher vibrational state and not be sensed by those left behind anymore. there wont be any corpses, we will just ascend.

Any of these or a blend may happen, and will happen by the end of 2012. That 7-8 second "bump", that infamous bump all the sources talk about,will indeed be experienced by all and remembered.

I'm ready to make that official deal and besides, If you have extra money on you,I'll only be happy to take it, it will be put into great use by me.
hope to hear back from you.

I for one know what I know and I can easily make that bet with you.

[edit on 11/21/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by xelamental

You stand a fairly good chance at losing some money here. I mean, there doesn't need to be any Planet X or pole flop for this to play out to your expense. All one needs to do is to predict a major war or economic meltdown and they immediately have at least a 50/50 chance of walking away a little richer.

Right now, from this vantage point in time, 2012 looks like the perfect junction for a number of big issues to arrive and join in some ugliness. It doesn't mean that the Myans were right. It doesn't mean that the Book of Revelations is right. All it means is that once again, humanity has managed to muck things up.

I'll give this some thought... I could stand a little extra cash for the holidays.

Hope you got it all to spare

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 07:00 PM
It is hard to predict this event if at all it is true!

I have traveled... I see no danger to the Earth at present - although there is definitely a very real chance of an object hitting Earth in years to come, as shown in it's very recent past Tungska.

Something strange is going on right now out in Space. Earthlings have governments that are in league to hide things from you.


Revealed Nibiru Images :p

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by xelamental
I am willing to take that bet,sir. By the end of 2012, a spiritual enlightenment and consciousness awareness evolution will take a leap forward. I have personal knowledge, inner knowing about this aside from tens of highly competent sources, the least of which isn't cosmic awareness that cna be tapped into by anyone through the crown chakra and pineal gland.

So if you can travel to Estonia, where I live, i will gladly make that arrangement,as you want my signature and all that stuff.

And you will be able to verify it by one of several ways, either those who don't make the spiritual ascension this time around,will mostly die(lose the temporary sack of meat aka body) and will know I was right by then, because within spirit it will be obvious.
Second way it can go is that 3d space/time will be flipped into 3d time/space for those not acending, the only difference you will notice is the 7-8second enlightnement and the memory of it- remembering that we are all ONE. that memory and experience will be for ALL.
Third possible way(and more than one of these options can happen btw) is when for 60-70 hours you wotn see the sun nor stars,it will be pitchblack for nearly 3 days.
Fourth option is again, that for you, nothing may happen, for those not ascended, but IF I ascend and many more will, then all those people will simly disappear from this Earth vibration. Quantum physics has my back when it comes to explaining the vibrations etc.

So Im guessing around a billion people(just a guess) will disappear then from this Earth,the bodies will move into a higher vibrational state and not be sensed by those left behind anymore. there wont be any corpses, we will just ascend.

Any of these or a blend may happen, and will happen by the end of 2012. That 7-8 second "bump", that infamous bump all the sources talk about,will indeed be experienced by all and remembered.

I'm ready to make that official deal and besides, If you have extra money on you,I'll only be happy to take it, it will be put into great use by me.
hope to hear back from you.

I for one know what I know and I can easily make that bet with you.

[edit on 11/21/2009 by Valeri]

I see no need to meet in person. We simply sign a contract and sort out the deal with local authorities. How much do you want to bet?

Firstly though you need to clearly define what it is that is spiritual enlightenment or whatever you think will happen. How do you prove you are enlightened?

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