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The REAL Swine Flu Conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 02:19 PM


posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by ecoparity
No one your father's age has died from swine flu. It only seems to kill the young and healthy.

Are you sure?

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Abernathy

ask site admins about my location based on IP address.
i am NOT eco.

i just can admit i was wrong. you can't. even in the other bigger thread some are starting to notice that if NWO wants to push the vaccine, then their actions are somehow different from what they would expect. they just can't admit they were wrong.

it's not my problem if you think differently. at the end, i won't die.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 04:01 PM


posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 06:14 PM

The GROG estimate the number of weekly influenza cases in metropolitan France is 380 000 in week 45 and 410 000 days ago (non-consolidated).
Since the beginning of August, 1,980,000 people were infected with influenza pandemic in France.

This assessment probably underestimates somewhat the actual number of cases because, according to doctors lookouts Network GROG, some patients infected with influenza A (H1N1) have atypical clinical features.
this, together with a little bit older link...

...tells us how underreported are cases in other countries.

in poland... total media blackout. NO news at all. the last official report about number of cases is from 17.11, so it's 6 days old already.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by XHellcatX

Elderly people are still not considered a high risk group and should not be taking vaccine away from children. Is that you're point? That it's OK for children not to be vaccinated in favor of the elderly?

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Do Not Discuss Each Other.

Get On Topic Please.

Thank You

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:57 PM

[...]I was the first to take Jane Burgermeister’s adulterated and plagiarized 135-page hodgepodge treatise of nonsense to the San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, who laughed at it before doing nothing.


seems like we're not the only people thinking Jane is doing one big piece of BS-filled hoax.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:59 PM
I kind of like being in the minority on this. I figure one of two things will happen.

Either everyone else will figure out who and what she is (a lot of people following her BS aren't even getting it from her but the people passing her bad info on will probably get a clue eventually).

When that happens maybe I'll get an apology or two (yeah right).

Or, people will finally work it out and still demonize me while acting like they knew the truth the whole time.

Oh well, I'm not in it for the fame and fortune anyway.

Maybe when Alex Jones finally denounces her and stops reprinting her blog people will wake up a little? That is kind of funny about the DA laughing, the "lawyer" she used to draw up the indictments isn't a real lawyer, after all.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by ecoparity]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by jedi_hamster

[...]I was the first to take Jane Burgermeister’s adulterated and plagiarized 135-page hodgepodge treatise of nonsense to the San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, who laughed at it before doing nothing.
seems like we're not the only people thinking Jane is doing one big piece of BS-filled hoax.
[edit on 22-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

Yeah, I'm not a Jane fan. I don't know if I like much either, though. They put things up that are questionable.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:52 AM
in case of labvirus, yeah... but at least they admit when something is a hoax, like they did with the story about navy ship getting infected because of vaccine. on the other hand, i don't trust them either.
about alex jones... i don't have opinion about him. never tried to follow his info too much, but as far as what i saw goes... he may be on the same bandwagon that Jane is. i hope i'm wrong.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:33 AM
The only thing I like about labvirus is the inside story stuff from the people who were formerly working with Jane B.

I don't agree that the virus is man made or that the vaccine is a bioweapon.

Hell, Jedi and I don't even agree on various details but for some reason he found validity in my alternate conspiracy theory. You don't see he and I going after each other over it, I don't expect people to see things my way completely, I just want people to take a very hard look at the popular conspiracy and the attached anti vaccine stuff and find answers for themselves.

I've made some people angry, some because I disagreed with them and presented evidence they were wrong and some think I'm pushing them to go get vaccinated or something and lastly, I annoy the hell out of people.

They don't get it. I'm not attacking them, I'm attacking the lies and bad information. Those bastards had me fooled for a while too and I'm not happy about it.

This thing is not like any other conspiracy we ATS folks enjoy discussing. If we disagree on UFOs or under ground bases or whatever the consequences will not be sickness or death. The conspiracy websites pushing lies are very, very evil, IMO. I don't think all of them are doing so innocently.

Like it or not Jane B was the source for the entire Baxter thing which turns into the entire swine flu is a depopulation scheme thing. I don't like Baxter, they're evil bastards in fact but we cannot research conspiracy by allowing lies to stand in the data.

What if Baxter is distracting us all from the real culprits, for example? What if it's just a cover story meant to steer us away from something else?

Sorry Jedi, I know we have a mutual respect thing going and I didn't mean to throw you under the bus. I think you know how I feel about chemtrails and all that anyway.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by ecoparity

nah, no problem. i have as low tolerance for stupidity as you have i guess. there's always some group of loonies that will attack just for the sake of it.

regarding chemtrails, i know... i wouldn't consider those to be the reason, if not the reports from ukraine and poland and other countries like austria, and if i wouldn't see those by myself in a city i'm living in. and in case of bioweapon, well... it is regular H1N1. they knew it could appear on it's own. but i just don't see a reason why they wouldn't release it on purpose, first mild version in mexico, to create some obvious unneeded hype, pandemic alert level 6 included, to fool some sheeple into 'those evil bastards want us vaccinated, let's oppose it', and then... well. they've released more deadly strain, first in ukraine, now everywhere. it's just too weird for me that even with today's amount of traffic, it would spread that fast to different countries and started killing people at the same time. regarding chemtrails, there were reports from ukraine, poland, austria, UK and i guess other european countries as well. in case of US and canada... those countries were 'chemtrailed' for so many years without paying any attention, that i don't think they would consider it currently anything weird. i may be wrong... but i don't think i am. but well, that's the only subject we don't agree upon i think. and baxter case being a hoax, together with Jane... yeah. that would be pretty painfull, both to the society overall, and to conspiracy theorists especially. when it comes to conspiracy groups, for example in poland, they all believe these vaccines are designed to kill us, and they all believe blindly in Jane's story. if she's wrong... they will loose the trust of all the people they've educated. that will hurt.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Eco, what do you think the end game is? I tend to agree it would be pretty difficult to hide something in the vaccine unless the vaccine being test by all of these universities and the vaccine being administered are two separate things.

How difficult would it be to contaminant 1 in 1,000 vaccines with something unknown and ensure no one with the capability would be able to test said vaccine?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Finalized
Eco, what do you think the end game is? I tend to agree it would be pretty difficult to hide something in the vaccine unless the vaccine being test by all of these universities and the vaccine being administered are two separate things.

How difficult would it be to contaminant 1 in 1,000 vaccines with something unknown and ensure no one with the capability would be able to test said vaccine?

The vaccine safety testing is completely random. The odds of being able to get something through without detection are very low. Add to that all the safety protocols involved in the production side - the only viable scheme would be to go around and replace all the vaccine in every hospital and Dr's office.

The problem is as soon as there is any kind of adverse reaction that's serious in any way the vaccine lot will be recalled for testing. The plan wouldn't be able to affect very many people.

Then we have the theories of binary agents of some kind where half is hidden in the vaccine and half in the virus, or half in the chemtrails and half in the vaccines - it sounds cool and would make a good movie plot but the reality of it is far from being possible.

That half of an agent would still be detected, things won't just "mix" the way you want or need them to in the wild and we have constant testing of water, air and soil performed by many agencies all over the World.

That's part of why I have such a difficult time with the chemtrail thing. Sooner or later an air, water or soil quality tester is going to find whatever is being sprayed. The same thing goes for these stories about airplanes spraying over pandemic areas - impossible to pull off without being caught.

I just don't see them doing anything without a viable element of "plausible deniability". Why not sit back, let the pandemic occur naturally and use a few resources to encourage people to fear the vaccine?

The swine flu all by itself has every bad component and effect they could want. High kill rate, long term health effects and sterility. If the vaccines also have some of those effects then bonus for the bad guys.

Just about every other conspiracy has a number of experts speaking out. UFOs have pilots, military people, air traffic controllers...

9/11 has pilots, engineers, architects, firemen, police...

There are no expert virologists or biologists speaking out on this one. Maybe one or two have suspicions about where the virus came from but no solid positions yet. That's what I need to see to start believing it's more than just another pandemic being taken advantage of - I need to see some scientists and some science backing it up.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by ecoparity]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by ecoparity

when it comes to chemtrails, at least in poland some people took the samples from cars of what falls from the sky after the sprayings - labs refused to test it, they've refused to return the samples as well. it's just as silent as military not wanting to give any info about those flights - there are quite a few persons in poland tracking every single plane they can see on the sky, and while they are able to identify most of them, some aren't mentioned on any flight plans, and noone wants to give an information who are they. also, as far as i know, at least in poland, air is being tested for obvious things that are expected to be in it - keep in mind that there are only four or five laboratories in poland able to identify H1N1, all run by the government.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:33 PM
I've read OP's assertions on page 1, and they make some sense but I have more reading to do.

Not to rehash the same old thing, but am I correct in understanding that there exists some vaccine right now that is without mercury and/or squalane? Or didn't the CDC change their website to say the vaccine has no mercury, when it used to say it had thimerosol? Or was there a second batch without it?

I think I understood ecoparity as saying that now they will probably add squalane, since the mutation, making it more unsafe, right? (I also understood him as saying it is probably too late, anyway, to be protected against the mutation.)

Just clarifying since things seem to be getting more dangerous.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by invernal

as far as i remember, there is one vaccine in US that doesn't have mercury. all of them don't have squalene... yet.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:43 PM
That's correct, none of them have squalene and there are a few you can get without mercury. They come either in multi dose vials or pre loaded syringes. The multi dose vials always have mercury in them, this is to keep fungus from infecting the vaccine as needles are put into it over and over again.

The FDA tests for the next round show they are testing both types - with and without squalene. I think the government is fully aware that its bad and will cause problems but they need the option to be able to double the vaccines in a hurry if the pandemic goes critical.

If they wait until the wave is underway to push for vaccinations it's basically too late. You need to have people vaccinated before the wave arrives. Thats what keeps it from spreading.

The other possibility is that they plan to make some vaccine available without squalene for the people who know to ask for it or for use in military vaccinations.

I'm not pushing people to take the vaccine but I'm not making up stories to scare people away from it either. I feel its a choice everyone has to make on their own and it should be done with accurate information.

The swine flu vaccine is no different than any other flu vaccine. They make them all the same way, same ingredients, just different dead virus in them. (The nasal spray is a live but crippled virus).

There's a lot of noise about they didn't test it and all that, they tested it as much as they test the seasonal vaccines each year. When they establish an approved formula and process for making it (both have to be tested and approved by each country or the EU in the case of Europe) all they do is put a different strain of virus in it each year. Even so, they still have to perform animal and then human testing on each year's vaccines.

The swine flu vaccines went through the same process and tests as if they had been the seasonal vaccines, they just had to move in a hurry to get them finished in time.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:47 PM
hey Jedi,
Did you lure Jane Burgerbilder over here? I noticed a new poster who just signed up who makes page long posts and doesn't seem like a new person.

I'm not getting into debates in the old threads anymore, especially with brand new accounts. I have a weird feeling some of those new accounts are for old posters anyway. Weird though, one of them writes in a way that I would swear it's Jane B.

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