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There is something in the vaccine

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posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:14 AM
They've begun giving it to the health workers in the state-run hospital here, and it was like some kind of initiation or ribbon-cutting event; the governor showed up to witness one of the first doctors to take it either up his nose or in his arm. Can anyone remember when getting a vaccine became such a political and media event? Highly suspicious. The news here is that most of the workers will take the inhaler spray. Eeewww. I've worried and wondered if this vaccine is a fertilizer for the this flu, that whoever accepts it is now a carrier and a spreader of the virus, for reasons most of us fear.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:24 AM
I offer you two scenarios...

If you are the PTB...

I ask you to select one...

1. The vaccine IS tainted. It offers NO protection. It causes sickness or death
in everyone that takes it.


All the people who trust government, believe the MSM, and follow orders....die or get sick.

All dissenters of government, disbelievers in the MSM, conspiracy theorists
and ready armed militia and are healthy

2. The vaccine IS effective. It offers protection. And everyone that takes it


All the people who trust government, believe the MSM, and follow and are healthy.

All dissenters of government, disbelievers in the MSM, conspiracy theorists
and ready armed militia types...die or get sick (and, look very foolish
in the process).

Okay, imagine you are the PTB....which scenario do you like best?

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by pizzaguy

Originally posted by dtice
But I know one thing. DOCTORS are coming out against this thing in a big way. That to me raises a big red flag.

What I'd like to know is what doctors are saying it and are they on recvord for it? I've looked, It's kinda hard to find "lots" of doctors saying that. Any help?


any doctors on msm are saying the vaccine is great for you. they have started to show a little "sympathy" towards those who are thinking ill of it, by saying that "I KNOW YOU MAY HAVE CONCERNS, but we really arent going to disclose any info against what im getting paid to say"

and any real doctor is saying the vaccines are bad (at least one with no testing), and all you need is some vitamin c and stay clean and away from germ ridden people with sloppy noses.

back in the 70s there was a book that came out written by a doctor for doctors at how terrible any vaccine really is.

i lost it, can anyone link it?

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by rival

I offer you two scenarios...

If you are the PTB...

I ask you to select one...

1. The vaccine IS tainted. It offers NO protection. It causes sickness or death
in everyone that takes it.


All the people who trust government, believe the MSM, and follow orders....die or get sick.

All dissenters of government, disbelievers in the MSM, conspiracy theorists
and ready armed militia and are healthy

2. The vaccine IS effective. It offers protection. And everyone that takes it


All the people who trust government, believe the MSM, and follow and are healthy.

All dissenters of government, disbelievers in the MSM, conspiracy theorists
and ready armed militia types...die or get sick (and, look very foolish
in the process).

Okay, imagine you are the PTB....which scenario do you like best?

the scenario where i make a killin off selling death to people, and i have my war so i can test out my new fema camps and merc units

that wasnt an option was it?

im terrible at multiple choice

[edit on 10/6/2009 by mahtoosacks]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:30 AM
Some does smell funny.

Here in Canada, they haven't even been able to get the vaccine through the trail process. They say it won't be until December before they "might" have them available to the public.

Funny how the U.S. just pushed this through overnight and are already injecting people and up here they are looking at it as if it was created in a high school science lab.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:46 AM
For those of you denying that there is anything in "this vaccine", just because some of the early takers of it *seem* to be fine, I must warn you that there are many, MANY different batches by different companies. One of the companies making it is Baxter, the company that is under federal indictment for shipping LIVE avian flu virus to a dozen or so sites earlier this year! Reuters has also announced today that GlaxoSmithKline has now been contracted by the government to produce later phases of the virus, making the total number of pharmaceutical companies on board at least six.

That same article now states that our government has ordered 440 million vaccines for us at a cost of $3.5 BILLION. The numbers are CONSTANTLY changing but I know just last week the MSM was saying that our government was going to order at least 245 million vaccines for Americans, and that number has been increasing. Now, who is going to be getting all those vaccines if only 40% of people say they even want the vaccine? Are they expecting an increase in deaths or more hysteria to trigger the next phase of fence-sitters who are undecided about getting it? Something is still not right, and I'm sure they aren't going to put the bad batches up front that are going to do the most immediate damage, otherwise people would stop getting the vaccine. Remember, right now they are only doing the FluMist version as far as I know, and that one is the one that allegedly contains the live virus. Also, there will be countless batches of injectable vaccine later and some of those may contain a live virus of some sort, not to mention all the debilitating squalene that was NOT present in the trial vaccines that were used on pregnant women.

So to say that "the vaccine" is safe misses the point that there are an unknown amount of different vaccine varieties and batches being included as the "H1N1 vaccine" that most people are unaware even exist. Please beware that the people behind this are relatively smart and probably have most of their bases covered. I believe they want to psychologically convince the most amount of people that "the vaccine" is safe in order to get the most amount of people to "volunteer" for it initially, through various phases of implementation. Later on the damage will become evident but it will be too late. There is a lot of documentation out there that supports this type of a theory. They definitely have some sort of plan with this flu scare other than just making a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies (which is absolutely part of it).

Don't fall into their trap. As I have said on other forums (and I am new to this one), you can fend off any disease or flu with colloidal silver, vitamin D3 in the range of 5,000-10,000 IU daily, vitamin C, elderberry syrup, fresh garlic, lots of CLEAN (non-fluoridated/non-chlorinated) water, and plenty of fresh organic fruits and veggies. Eating a healthy diet, taking the right supplements and vitamins, and avoiding excessive amounts of refined sugar should keep you healthy. I haven't gotten sick in ages because I eat the right nutrients and supplement my diet. The silver and vitamin D are VITAL to fending off the flu, though. I do not get vaccinated and never will - I do not get these "pandemic" diseases. You won't hear this stuff on the news, but it is true and it works. Don't listen to THEIR lies and THEIR fear-mongering that makes you think you need these mercury-laden vaccines in order to be safe. It is all a lie.

[edit on 6-10-2009 by arroyofly]

[edit on 6-10-2009 by arroyofly]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:54 AM
Use the things people used to boost immune system before any vaccines were created.




And read the post before this.

[edit on 6-10-2009 by mysteralex]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by rival

To me its simple. The virus looks engineered. So someone is pulling strings here. I just dont feel like being a puppet.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 12:16 PM
look up information on regular flu vaccines, it might explain some things ....... i'll leave it at that.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 03:32 PM
The vaccine has now been made mandatory in the uk to all council workers, as far as i know.

my mum recieved a letter today, i have a thread on it.

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 11:44 PM
I'm from salt lake city, and it is getting pretty rediculous here. I think its probably because so many families have so many small children but everywhere i go where vaccines are available there are huge lines. I had the swine flu last year, and I think I have it right now and I really don't see the big deal its not really that bad. Granted i'm 23 and in pretty good shape, but to me its just like the regular flu but I get a sore throat and it lasts longer. I would die before being forced to take the vaccine.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:37 AM
Here locally there polled 100 people downtown just to see what people think and 75 out of that 100 said "I won't get it and you can't make me take that" Isn't there an article in the news about how the Government still wants people who have already had the Swine Flu to still get the shots for the "Just encase"? So what is the real motive behind the Swine Flu?

If we don't take the vaccine and get fine $1,000 a day until we do get vaccinated. Do we get a one way ticket to join the new communities at our local FEMA CAMPS?

Why is the Government pushing this Swine Flu pandemic when the Blue Flu has killed more people versus the Swine Flu?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Dr. Mulvihill: "Guillan-Barre is of course a potential side effect, but very rare. And a severe life-threatening allergic reaction and that is why anyone who has had an allergic reaction to eggs should NOT get the vaccine, even if pregnant."

just say you are allergic to eggs!!


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:44 AM
I've been reading posts on this website for about 7 or 8 months and feel it is time for me to chime in regarding H1N1 Vaccine. I enjoy some of the subjects on this site and have to say there are some very educated and well written members.

My very first words typed on ATS.

First and foremost I will not accept the vaccine, nor will my wife or children. I've been a paramedic for 12 years - have never had a flu vaccine and never contracted the flu. Trust me when I tell you that I've been around plenty of flu patients through the years.

I recived a letter in the mail yesterday from my home state Dept of Health requesting assistance from ALS providers (paramedics) for administration of H1N1 vaccine at mass vaccination sites beginning in mid to late October. Have not as of yet been mandated to accept vaccine for work, but that could change overnight I'm sure.

I peronally am not convinced of any govt attempt to harm it's citizens with a vaccine, but have to admit that something seems odd about this current vaccine campaign. I've researched as much as I can regarding flu vaccine's and feel that I am making an informed and educated decision in refusing H1N1 vaccine for myself and family.

By the way - I did an informal survey at our local trauma center and found that probably 95% of RN's will be refusing the vaccine. We have a local Dr who is nationaly known for pandemic and biological terrorism studies - he advised anyone interested in the H1N1 vaccine to wait for the 1st round to go through and see what happens. Take that for whats it's worth.

I feel that my positon in Emergency Health Care offers a view of the current flu situation that your average citizen may not not have. I will share anything new I learn and give any insight I can.

Eat healthy - Exercise - Be healthy

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:13 AM
I am also very skeptical of this vaccine and will not allow anyone in my family to get it. Big pharma made this vaccine from cultures of the virus that at the time had a lower fatality rate then the seasonal flu. It is probable that the virus would mutate into a different strain, and we heard all the warnings how it was going to mutate for the worst.

I was listening to a local radio station this morning and they had some "Top" health official on to answer questions about the safety of the vaccine. He declared the vaccine, and I quote "The vaccine is almost as safe as rain water". He urged everyone to get it even though admittedly the strain that is going around now is even milder than before. Even MILDER. He kept saying something to the beat of, why would you want to be sick and stuck at home for a week when there is a vaccine available? Callers were eating this up like candy and asking when they can get theirs.

Well I am not biting on this one, things are not adding up right. Besides, I'm 99% sure I had it last week anyways and am still here... didn't mind the few days off really.

Have a happy vaccination day!!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Grady

Gave you a star for your logic and clarity and also because the words "Eat Healthy,Exercise,Be Healthy" are SO important in SO many way for SO many reasons right now it isn't even funny.

I am thinking this:

People who take the first round of the shot that will trickle in via limited doses will be fine and others will start to "get sick" from SOMETHING...will be a mass-run for the H1N1 vaccine thus resulting in exactly the "mass vaccicine" locations you describe and opening that can of worms for whatever else might be coming along...
They are creating the fear,the uncertainty,and the resulting panic will no doubt create the ideal climate for "change" and or "control..."

I cannot believe this is the world we wake up to everyday.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:39 PM
There are multiple complications with the H1N1 Vaccine
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO in her article,
“FLU SHOTS AND THE NEW ADJUVANTS: BEWARE!”, clearly outline the dangers in the components of the vaccine.
An adjuvant has been approved in Europe and its approval is on the way for use in the U.S. It is an oil-based adjuvant called MF-59, a compound primarily composed of squalene.
According to The Journal of Immunological Methods 286 (2004) 47-67
“There was an increased prevalence of antibodies to squalene ( SQE) in serum from females as compared to males.” The above article is a must read.
The article in the American Journal of Pathology. 2000;156:2057-2065 depict what would happen to a person with arthritis, if they would receive this vaccine.
Additional information on the dangers of the components of the vaccine can be found at U.S. National Institutes of Health
We at ATS have a responsibility to the public to provide a balanced, factual report, so that our readers can make an informed and implied consent.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Decoy

Health professionals are expendible because legislation has been passed in most states ( I don't know if all) legal requirements for administers of vaccine are suspended. That any military member or volunteer is legally qualified to give you your shot. Therefor if health professionals will simply take the damn shot they will conveniently be out of the way.
This corresponds of course with the government takeover of the hospitals, which can then be staffed with Obama's new Healthcore in the absence of our health professionals.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by arroyofly

That will work fine until Jan 1, 2010 when Codex Alimentarius clicks in and all of a sudden nutritious food is outlawed and vitamins are monopolized by big Pharma. Natural foods will not be available then and toxins from food & fertilizer not to mention jettrails will be bombarding our immune systems. Just avoiding the shot is not enough. We need to throw out the FDA and stop Codex Alimentarius.

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