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Does this look like America to you?

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posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:28 PM
I believe these are street views of the dorm incident. The students were milling about Forbes Ave. and the riot police wanted to clear it. They formed a line and pushed down the street. You can hear the reaction of the bystanders. Everyone is mostly shocked or confused, as many of them were just going about their nightly activities and are caught off guard by the chaos.

Here is the LRAD message:

"By order of the City of Pittsburgh Chief Police, I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly. I order all those assembled to immediately disperse. You must leave the immediate vicinity. If you remain in this immediate vicinity, you will be in violation of the PA Crimes Code. No matter what your purpose is, you must leave. If you do not disperse, you may be arrested and/or subject to other police action. Other police action may include actual physical removal, the use of riot control agents and/or less lethal munitions which could cause risk of injury to those who remain."

Since when is it a crime to walk down a public street or come and go from a dormitory on a college campus? If you watch the videos closely, you can see the couple that was taken down in the original dorm video as they progress down the street.

I see nothing in these videos which justifies the police action.

[edit on 26/9/2009 by kosmicjack]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:40 PM
The reality is there is no act being perpetrated by the citizen students to justify the overwhelming violent force used by unlawful decree against them in their persons going about their purpose.

This was simply a premeditated effort at ‘Area Denial’ on the part of the authorities to test the effectiveness of equipment and tactics for ‘live’ training purposes and to strike fear and despair into the hearts and minds of the public through ‘Shock and Awe’.

That is was also likely done for ‘Entertainment’ purposes for ‘Officials’ of the G-20 is a more speculative charge that none the less should be thoroughly investigated. Which officials in our government knew of these events prior to and during them happening and how they participated or failed to participate in the chain of command by either ordering them or failing to countermand those orders does need to be investigated.

If it can be proved that the President himself was aware of these events, ordered these events, or failed to countermand the orders given I do believe he should be charged with High Crimes and Misdemeanors and immediately impeached.

If our government can not sponsor a meeting of foreign dignitaries without ensuring their security at the destruction and expense of our own security in our persons then the Government at its head is incompetent and must be held accountable.

I have already drafted several emails to Lawmakers both here in Miami, throughout Florida and Pennsylvania as well demanding hearings and investigations be held at once to hold every official of rank involved in these wanton and recklessly egregious violations of our civil liberties and our Constitution.

My mother went to the University of Pittsburgh and these young people being brutalized and attacked by the agents of our out of control government will one day be mothers and fathers too.

They did not deserve this and we do not deserve to be party to it ourselves through our own inaction so I am urging everyone and anyone the world over to write to U.S. Lawmakers and Pennsylvania Lawmakers demanding inquiries, terminations and prosecution as well as legislation making the Sonic Cannon illegal for deployment by Law Enforcement on U.S. Soil.

Thanks for posting these most shocking and truly disturbing videos KosmicJack!

[edit on 26/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by JWH44

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

Face it, to want to be a Cop in this country, in this century, you pretty much have to be a power-hungry thug who just wants to be with the best equiped street gang. They no longer care if we respect them, only that we fear them.

Traitors. Every one of them.

Your words disgrace those officers who have given their lives to protect those that could not protect themselves.

Totally agree with you.

*bolding mine*

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by ashamedamerican

And they were acquitted because the full video tape, which the media outlets did not show, had the other passengers exit the car peacefully and complied with police orders. Rodney King did not. Rodney King resisted and made the situation worse than it was between the high speed chase, the refusal to obey lawful order and resistance.

Rodney King did not deserve the beat down, but he was a far cry from Rosa Parks.

If anything the media is directly responsible for the riots for irresponsible journalism as they had a complete copy of the tape and edited and worked the story out of it. Bet we never see criminal charges for the media's role in that situation.

But to be on topic: I think 50 some officers in riot gear using shield wall tactics would leave a group of 30 or so 2nd Amendment activists that were lounging in lawn chairs sipping beer alone for fear of facing a picket line of long guns aimed in their direction. They may even look over and say, "You all have a nice night and try not to cause any trouble, okay?"

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:12 PM
This is a good point and I was going to bring it up, as well.

Originally posted by colec156
Yes this looks like America, It also looks like the UK when we had the G20.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:20 PM
It's sad my teachers still thinks America is a freedom loving country

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

I take it your country doesn't have laws, rioters or anarchists?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:23 PM
I cant believe this, I can take a far fetched guess and say that there were at least 40 civilians: 1 police officer. They could have easily been pushed back

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by starwarsisreal

I take it your country doesn't have laws, rioters or anarchists?

Anarchy: "A social state in which there is no governing person or group of people, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder)

Wow this sounds like just a terrible thing. Each person having absolute liberty? No one being able to profit off of governing and making sonic cannons and forcing those being governed to buy them with their collective wealth to use on them for speaking to excessive government and infringements upon liberty and people in government committing crimes utilizing their offices in government would just be an awful thing for the foreign interests you seem to love to represent.

Once again you obviously did not watch the videos that triggered violations of the Constitution by the Government.

Once again you seem to delight in the notion of a police state where conformity not liberty is prized.

Once again there were no riots. There were isolated angry reactions to excessive use of premeditated force by a despotic government.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:04 PM
i have to be honest

people need to be smarter on how they protest

its obvious this is now a police state, anyone not realizing that is ignorant and foolish

protesting at events like these, you should expect police violence, this is no longer the usa we have fought for for centuries

protesting the g20 will never achieve anything

plain and simple

people need to smarten up, i know people want to protest

but they need to do it with intelligence, and this is no longer the way to do it

you fight fire with fire and intelligence with intelligence, and they have the best fire and intelligence money can buy, so people really need to smarten up and beat them with intelligence, not by protest

protesting something as large as the g20 is simply futile

smarten up before more innocent people are killed

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:44 PM
I have a lot I could say but I will keep it brief. So many have said it better than I ever could. I will just post this quote from Orwell's 1984:

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face ... for ever.

Bolding is mine.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 06:53 PM
I have to say these are some of the most shameful videos that I have ever witnessed as an American citizen. This should be a wake up call to any and all who doubted that our corrupt government has run amuck. This footage could have just as easily been shot in Tienaman square or Iran if one didnt know better.

When unarmed, peaceful protestors are stalked down by jackboots beating batons and being assaulted with sound weaponry, this is as much evidence that one should need to know what the PTB have in store for us all.

They are over asserting authority by means of public display of force, intimidating peacefully assembled Americans and basically saying YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS...IF YOU RESIST WE WILL ATTACK YOU.

Sickening, on every level. And if someone doesn't make a real movement to organize against this and fight back in a unified fashion then we are doomed.

This is unacceptible and it should not sit well with any American who values their freedom.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 07:08 PM

good luck america

[edit on 26-9-2009 by 2theC]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:15 PM
my god . . . if those protesters were just a little organized, those shock troopers would have been toast.

Gives me a glimmer of hope.

The baton-on-shield rhythmic beating gave me the heebie-jeebies.

[edit on 9/26/2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:24 PM
This riot vehicle appears to be in a neighborhood.

Nothing going on.

Why use the LRAD?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Some history regarding the Powers that Be and Pittsburgh might shed a little illumination on the subject.

For twelve hours, a fierce battle raged. Outgunned by the Pinkertons' Winchester rifles, Homestead's citizens scoured the town for weapons, pressing into service everything from ancient muzzle loaders to a 20-pound cannon. A local hardware merchant donated his entire stock of ammunition, which workers carried to the mill in wheelbarrows. As workers built barricades on shore, the Pinkertons cut rifle ports in the sides of their barges. Meanwhile, news of the battle had reached nearby Pittsburgh. By 6 am more than 5,000 curious spectators lined the riverbanks.

Just before 8 am, in the face of withering gunfire, the Pinkertons again tried to land. From across the Monongahela, workers blasted the cannon at the Pinkertons' barges, but scored few hits. Workers sent a burning raft and even a burning railroad car to destroy the barges, but both fell short of their targets. Dynamite and flaming oil slicks failed to scuttle the Pinkertons' craft.

The terrified Pinkertons cowered below deck. "The noise that they made on shore was awful, and it made us shake in our boots," one Pinkerton said. "We were penned in like rats and we went at the fighting like desperate wild men.... All of our men were under the beds and bunks, crying and trembling."

"It was a place of torment," said another. "Men were lying around wounded and bleeding and piteously begging for someone to give them a drink of water, but no one dared to get a drop, although water was all around us.... It is a wonder we did not all go crazy or commit suicide."

Four times the Pinkertons raised a white flag. Four times it was shot down by one of the three hundred sharpshooters positioned near Open Hearth Furnace no. 1. At 5 PM the workers finally accepted the Pinkertons' surrender. Three workers and seven Pinkertons were dead.

Horrified reporters watched as men, women, and children beat the surrendering Pinkertons brutally. "We were clubbed at every step," one Pinkerton recalled. "Sticks, stones, and dirt were thrown at us. The women pulled us down, spat in our faces, kicked us, and tore our clothing off while the crowd jeered and cheered." Held in the local jail for their safety, the Pinkertons rode the night train out of town.

The violence appalled Carnegie. "The Works are not worth one drop of human blood," he wrote. "I wish they had sunk." Yet he pressed onward. At Frick's request, the Pennsylvania governor sent 8,500 troops to Homestead. "It means just this," said one worker, "that the entire National Guard of the State of Pennsylvania has been called out to enable the Carnegie company to employ scab labor."

The workers welcomed the guardsmen with four brass bands, but failed to engender goodwill. "I don't want any brass-band business while I'm here," said the commanding officer. "I want you to distinctly understand that I am master of this situation." Within twenty minutes, the guardsmen had secured the mill. Homestead was placed under martial law, and by mid-August the mill was in full swing, employing 1700 scab workers.

Public sympathy for the union, eroded by the brutal treatment of the Pinkertons, declined further when anarchist Alexander Berkman, unconnected to the union, attempted to kill Frick. Though seriously wounded, Frick recovered and became even more determined to win: "I will fight this thing to the bitter end. I will never recognize the Union, never, never!" Meanwhile, the mill was being fortified.

Scabs had been assaulted in the street; a non union boarding house dynamited. Many local businesses refused to serve strikebreakers, who included Pennsylvania's first black steelworkers. Barracks, a barber shop and even a saloon were built in the mill yard. Yet even Fort Frick could not provide complete security. In November, tensions exploded into a massive riot against black strikebreakers. Two thousand white workers attacked Homestead's fifty black families. Gunfire was exchanged; many were severely wounded.

In mid-November, the union conceded. Three hundred locked-out men applied for work and were rehired. Many more were blacklisted. "Life worth living again!" Carnegie cabled Frick. "First happy morning since July." With the union crushed, Carnegie slashed wages, imposed twelve-hour workdays, and eliminated 500 jobs. "Oh that Homestead blunder," Carnegie wrote a friend. "But it's fading as all events do & we are at work selling steel one pound for a half penny."

Simply put the Carnegies do not like anarchists!


posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

They are over asserting authority by means of public display of force, intimidating peacefully assembled Americans and basically saying YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS...IF YOU RESIST WE WILL ATTACK YOU.

Sickening, on every level. And if someone doesn't make a real movement to organize against this and fight back in a unified fashion then we are doomed.

In my city there has been a law on the books for quite awhile, some years at least.
It says basically anything you do that the police don't like is interference with the police.

You don't like it? Arrest, tasering, harrassment could follow.
Having been on the wrong end of it makes it very hard for me to like many least in my area.

IMHO, most people prefer to have LEO on their side, UNTIL........
So unless there is an event or some large change, I think most people will silently hope It can't happen here

[edit on 26-9-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:21 PM
I have to admit, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that our military and our law enforcement officers (those who I was taught are here to protect "us" or anyone in trouble) are the "bad guys"... sure, we see examples of bad decisions, police brutality, etc. and I want to presume that's not the "norm" that it's a "bad few" and not representative of the whole... Perhaps because I've not had direct experience on the "wrong side of the fence" so to speak, but I am really struggling with the idea that those who are meant to "protect and serve" our communities may be the "bad guys" down the road...

[edit on 26-9-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:29 PM
This isn't anything new. Look at the protests during Viet Nam. Nothing has changed in America. Well, now they use beanbags and sonic guns, during the University Massacre (yup, massacre) back during Viet Nam.. Why didn't that seem to change things?

Even under Bush things were worse for protesters.

Nothing new here. This is not testament to some end of era scenario.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by lordtyp0

Well there are few major differences back during Vietnam most Americans could actually financially afford to protest, which of course only led to the Powers that Be transferring living wage jobs off shore and overseas and breaking up the unions that ensured living wage jobs and a healthy and robust domestic manufacturing arm.

If you look at the actual small numbers of people who could actually afford to go out and protest its little wonder that the Police who came loaded for bear did the best they could to terrorize, intimidate and brutalize the few protestors that could actually afford to show up.

Obviously that wasn’t enough to feed the beast and the Police went on the prowl and hunt to the University of Pittsburgh Campus determined to find some protestors on their own to try out their new gizmos and toys on!

What we have in fact seen in these videos is a very predatory initiative to find protestors and invent protestors for the sake of police brutality.

The University of Pitt had not been shut down by striking or demonstrating students, none of the common buildings had been burned like at Kent State.

Kent State in many ways was the end of an era, coupled with the Manson Family murders of Tate and Bianca it all but put an end to the legitimacy and popularity of the counter culture revolution.

Clearly looking back today nearly four decades later the youth of that day should have pressed on with the initiative.

We have lost nearly all of our living wage jobs since then, turned to warehousing entire segments of the population in prisons over the War on Drugs and lack of economic opportunity and watched the bulk of our civil liberties disappear steadily and then almost entirely under the Patriot Act and the phony War on Terrorism which in part was used as an excuse to shut down a major portion of a vital U.S. City to it’s citizens and business owners just to play host to a couple dozen foreign dignitaries and their entourages.

No my friend it’s not the end of an era, it’s the start of a whole new one.

[edit on 26/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

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