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Obama won, get over it

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posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

I must be blind as a bat, because I didn't see one single gun at my town hall meeting. But yes its happening, because most of the people protesting against bush were anti-2nd amendment.
It would be this way if McCain won the election as well. The whole system is broke. It doesn't matter who is president anymore. That's what people need to get!

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Beautiful and well said. I'm not a republican or democrat, but what you said holds alot of truth. I don't understand how people can not see the similarities between the two.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Ok Gunderson, I understand your short sited review of our American history for electing A.H.'s for presidents well have you ever stopped to think why we have had all this good luck with our last many presidents? It is because we are being controlled by the news media as a whole and with outside influence in general.
FIRST of all, we the people did not elect Pres. Obama he was elected by default from a lack of proper news reporting. Geo. Sorios had to stick his millions of dollars and influence right into the middle of things. Here is just one small instance of great news for Palin that was never reported. Tell me honestly that you knew since she was the Gov. of Alaska she received timely and regular security briefings because she was -technically the person in charge of our first line of defense, the Alaska Air national guard Missle defense battery this is our first line of defense for stopping any missle attack from Russia. I do admit unfortunately that you are right when it comes to people in the U.S. being divided up to tear everything good down. Some things need torn down some of it needs revising I do not think we can save this country without physically kicking out both Reps & Demo and giving a good independent leader a chance to see if he cannot straighten this mess out. The U.S. has lasted more than 200 years and may have run it's course all the things that have brought down other great nations in the past are present and accounted for and are waiting to spring into action to finish us off.
I am a proud Independent that some times votes Demo and some time Rep.Some times for the Independent. Sr.Bush, Clinton, Bush jr. are all of the same like minded group. Clinton was knighted by Olie North back in the days of Mena Ark, and the whitewater affair which was a red flag diversion to shoot down the Money laundry that Hilliary was doing at the ADFA to hide all the drug money needed to finance the training of the contra pilots. I was born before WW-2 and I have seen many things occur since that time that I did not like to see happen. I am not sure we can make it out of this mess and it troubles me deeply that so few can see the real mess we are in. God help us all..............................KMG

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Walkswithfish
I have a prediction for you...

In 2010 the American people will lose yet again, even more so between now and then.

In 2012, barring some unforeseen war or global killing event, we will lose again as a new puppet will likely be "elected"

By then America will be completely controlled by an ever expanding government, and that government will be dominated completely by national and international corporate interests, manipulated by global agendas etc. The American people will find themselves oppressed by insanely higher taxes, new restrictions on freedom and liberty, fewer jobs and much higher costs of living.

It hardly matters to many of you now, but it will then.

There is your very real doom and gloom 2012 prediction.

I find your thought process interesting. Are you a gambling man? The first thing I want you to do is research.

Research the number of former service members under the age of 65.
Research the number of former service memebers under the age of 65 who are Veterans and Combat Veterans.
Research the number of US Citizens who are gun owners.

When you have the research information on just these people, post your findings to this thread, U2U me, and then bet me a million dollars in cash that your prediction will happen.

I will put my million on you being 100% wrong.

My agravated friend, the American people have had enough and things will soon be back in the hands of the American people, We the People!

Let us know what you find,

Semper Fi,

Eye of Eagle

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:49 PM
No, don't get over it. These politicians are supposed to represent us as citizens. Yet we get no say in what gets done. We get stripped of our rights, and now our country, America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, is being handed over to whomever can cheat the voting system the best, and get away with it.

What I'm really getting sick of, is the idiots who go out and vote on this guy because he's black, or this guy because he's white, or his name is Bush, so don't vote for him. People who make uneducated votes make the whole thing worse, and if they would research their candidates, we might actually have a chance to get away from the Bushes and Obamas and Clintons, and maybe start seeing Perots, and Pauls, or other third party candidates.

We as Americans have a voice, and not all of us voted for Obama, so no, we don't have to get over it, just like you don't have to get over it either. If I wanted to hear your attitude, I'd talk politics with my wife, who also made an uneducated vote.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by EYEOFEAGLE

If I had a million dollars I'd gladly take your bet, without doing any research, because if you would research on your own you will find how the government is preparing for any contingency that could get in the way of their ultimate agenda.

Stopping this would have already been futile at best, long before now.

We'll just have to come back here in 2012 and see who was right or wrong.

If the internet is still free and ATS hasn't been shut down.

Until then.... Cheers!

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

I agree!
When the warmongers take over again in 2012 civilization will be
brought to it's knees in a world wide nuclear war.
Got your nuke kit yet?
History repeats itself....and so will we.
Enjoy life now.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Try this on for size. If ACORN had 1 million volunteers working the elections across the country, which is spread very thin over 50 states, avg. about 20,000 people per state, and lets say .25% of them cheated and filed false registations and false votes, well, that is well with in the margin of victory that Barack Hussein Obama Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama supposedly won by. That is someting to let your brain think about. If you do not believe this, research for yourself instead of ACORNING!

Eye of Eagle

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

I feel that I am pretty much up to speed on my surroundings and somewhat aware activities going on outside the box out of focus to the avg. Joe. Can you tell me what I may be overlooking here?

Semper Fi,

Eye of Eagle

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

It was a radio publicity stunt. I linked to another article about it in on of my replies.

Some of the MSM evn tried to edit it to make it into a whole other issue. Can be googled

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

don't lose hope just yet. I think there may be one or two good guys left out there. I think the first thing we need to do is try this voting thing again by voting every single congressman and senator out of office and I mean every single one that is sitting in congress in the MidTerms.

Then we will see what happens or what has to happen.

Eye of Eagle

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by WTFover

If you want 'change', then change the way you vote.

If you really believe that your votes count, or that they can 'change' any aspect of the corrupt system that is the republic of special interests and lobbyists which fund every campaign and candidate the American people are forced to choose from, then your ignorance is rather disappointing.

Do you have any idea who is really in control of our nation?

Democracy is an illusion, a means of pacification for the masses, designed to make the people believe that they are in charge, and that they have a voice.

I hope you have enjoyed the show.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Sometimes sleeping is much easier than waking up.

Goodnight America.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 11:38 PM
Oh it's nice when a brainwashed obama youth brigade member comes to the forums to enlighten us.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

[This is a democracy and we vote for a new president every four years. You will all get another chance in 2012. You can vote for some other evil conniving liar. It seems to me that this is how our country works and if you do not like it, you should leave instead of whining and protesting and carrying guns and speaking of Hitler and on and on. I know everyone says it has nothing to do with race so....what is the issue here really? .

wrong little fella,we will take back what is OURS. your memory of the 4 presidents is a fleeting moment in our past.
why don't you walk up to someone who has given their best to retain this country,the vets. people that have lost friends ,as they die in their arms.
see what you get.
i remember eisenhower,kennedy,johnson,nixon, ford,carter,reagan,bush sr.,slick willie,bush w,,and the only one comes close to the garbage we have now,is woodrow wilson.
he tried the same thing then,and it didnt work either.
VENEZUELA COMES TO MIND,THAT WAY YOU WON'T HAVE TO GIVE UP YOUR MESSIAH,SINCE CHAVEZ LIKES HIM SO MUCH..and with marc lloyd,you guys could have a foursomre!!!! ummm slurp slurp.

i really hope your uhaul makes it thru mexico.bye! hasta la vista,baby!

why do i keep arguing with uneducated children,that are sitting in moms basement,reading national geographic,trying to pay attention to the naked natives,while typing about politics?

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Spectre0o0]

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Yes he won fair and square, the electoral college voted in complete accordance with what the people wanted. I know since I watched the results in real-time from beginning to end.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once famously said "STOP WHINING!"

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Lillydale
reply to post by Walkswithfish

How did America lose? America voted him in. America enjoys a democracy. Is there something else you would prefer? Dictatorship? How would you like our government to be selected?

How about returning to our roots and becoming a Constitutional Republic?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by antithesis.
Yes he won fair and square, the electoral college voted in complete accordance with what the people wanted. I know since I watched the results in real-time from beginning to end.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger once famously said "STOP WHINING!"

So we should all just get back to our lives? Even if the decisions made by our "annoited one" have great effect on our day to day lives?

That is not how it works... And the American people are starting to wake up.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:46 AM
I wouldn't shed a tear if obama, biden, pelosi, and most of the leadership in the congress dropped dead today. Same would apply to the bush administration at the time. These people are scum; cockroaches deserve far more respect.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

LOL Hail to the new boss... same as the old boss...

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