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Your Birth Certificate as a $750,000 "bond" or Pledge

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 02:39 AM
I stand (well sit) in awe of this thread, it's something I've known and preached on here for a some time now, but I've never seen it put better. Fantastic job red dawn!
A great thread to which I would add that we Americans in particular are apparently bonded to the crown of England, and basicly ruled by a Judeo-Masonic theocracy which has been a self-perpetuating system of control over the 'profane' masses in western society since G-D knows when. If you have any doubts, it's as easy as studying a little latin and the etymology behind words like Judiciary and Justice, or even Liberty.
When you stand up in court and acknowledge that you are so-and-so, you are in effect stating that you are going to be representing the corporation of so-and-so and you are giving them your legal consent to enter a maritime law judgement on your entity. As a natural person, having done no irreparable harm to another, then it's to my understanding that they have no 'real' authority or jurisdiction over your god given soverignty, but as a legal entity however, they can do as they like as you have been signed on to the deal.
Understanding Legalese is difficult, I don't pretend to grasp it, but it is critical to help you understand that Social Security, for example, Legally means 'People Collateral'.
There's nothing really left to doubt here, the OP has summed up the great underbelly of modern slavery and how they simply hid it in the fine print. And really, this is just scratching the surface of the rabit hole folks, it's time to wake up and this is a great start in that direction.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 02:58 AM
Um interesting.. that's about it though.

Where in the constitution does it expressly state only gold or silver may back a currency? Or be a currency.. Gold is a fiat, just as is Reserve Banking.. Gold being tangible restricts monetery expansion... in some cases... and generally did not allow for massive deficits. That's about the only good thing about a Metal Reserve.

As for BC's being proof of enslavement, I have heard the Corporate America Theory, and its never held any evidence or hell, even logical sense.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 04:32 AM
And now you're seeing the final phase being enacted: bonds issued at death. Born into debt, die into debt. Think about it. I won't bother discussing the details, since ATS is so smart, but we're seeing it happen right before our eyes. Good times....

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 05:48 AM
I must applaud your presentation Red Dawn

I started a couple of threads covering these points you have expanded upon so well...

There are a couple of events that set all this in least here in the US...

The Original Thirteenth Amendment

And the 14th...IMHO anything after the 12th is illegal...

Welcome to The Real Matrix: Time for The Red Pill?

The Matrix high points are covered here...

And for the disbelievers...

"The Truth as I see it."

[edit on 9/8/2009 by Hx3_1963]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
I read through the post but did not see the part where it makes good business sense to kill off 100mm Americans to eliminate the debt?

My question is if each person is valued at 750k or 1mm either way, what is the point of killing them off? If anything you would want more people to stay alive and give birth to more people bc for each person you are granted another 750K in debt allowances.

SO why kill people off, to pay the debt? makes no sense, wouldnt it be better to keep them around to keep slaving away for the paper money you print and manufacture for free?

IMHO...the pledge given is for all your future life energies for maximum gain to the Corporation...

Being as some are born into a life of illness (less future gain to the Corp) it would benefit the Corp to dispose of you, as to not become a burden upon them and require even more energy to care for you...this also applies to the Elderly...

No matter the cause of less gain to their enterprise, you have been bonded out at the set price at dying earlier than the average projected life span you become more valuable (more gain, less loss)...

Sad but true... :shk:

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:12 AM
Excellent post Red...
As someone that has studied and utilized this info for over 20 years, I can honestly say that you have compiled most of all the pertinent info in one place for all to see.
For the skeptics that say you are an alarmist or whatever, they can't seem to grasp that a belief is just a thought that they think over and over and it can be changed easily.
Maybe some of them ought to remember that mankind once "believed" the world was flat...the thought changed and the belief changed...
There is alot more going on out there in the world than people realize and just because they are not aware of a situation, doesn't mean that situation doesn't exist...
Kudos for the time and effort you spent in putting this all together.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:21 AM
This sort of thing has been common knowledge in the UK for quite some time. We have organisations set up to try and highlight the massive fraud that is going on using 'Legalese' and 'Contract Law' in the name of 'Statutes' and their eternal struggle to overrule 'Common Law'.

Good place to start - followed up by -

Good Hunting!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:41 AM

[edit on 8-9-2009 by stmichael]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 07:26 AM
So, if I am worth all this money, what are the step by step instructions on cashing in? Has ANYONE EVER actually got cash in hand for their bond value. I'd like to cash out please. Can someone assist me in this? Lets cash out together!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Red Dawn 09

i tried that whole fidelity thing and it didnt work. i guess i dont exist?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Great effort. The "United States Government" is not a "Government" it is a corporation ultimately in receivership to the Vatican. Keeping the dependency and the illusion of government alive is one of the key reasons for war and crime. Crime and a criminal class is fabricated by facilitating it with "illegal" activity such as the drug war and by promoting degeneracy with pornography. Every state and city is a for profit corporation. They make money by all means from usage taxes to fleecing the people with traffic fines. Traffic fines are contracts and operate under contract law/maritime law. The copy wants you to sign the ticket to engage in the contract. The judge asks you your name to get you to declare your recognition of his "authority". Yet the name he asks about is the name of the strawman the "person". You are not a person, you have a person. The birth certificate name of the fiction. When you stand up in court and say yes, I am "YOUR NAME" you are acknowledging that you, the living person, are willing to be accountable for the strawmans ticket/crime. Most people in jail today (the 80% that are non-violent offenses) are in jail because the volunteered to stand up for the strawman. This is just the perverted way the "legal system" works. The legal system is the Templar Crown Court of the Vatican. All lawyers as prosecurtors, defendents, judges, public servants owe allegiance to the crown court system. All the world is a stage.

City/State corporations funnel the scam money into the CAFR stock market investments. States support the IRS because of a co-conspiracy to funnel money to the IMF.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:25 AM
There is only 1 law, the golden rule. Don't harm other people, interfere in their property, inhibit their right of passage or mislead them in agreement. One real natural law that is known as common law. There are something like 60 million statues and regulations. The statutes and regulations do not apply to a living human being. They all, all 60 million apply to the fictional person known as the strawman. Zero statues and regulations apply to living humans. That is why under the fake contract law system we must acknowledge fake authorities and claim the strawman first before we can be held accountable for anything in the legal system. If we refuse to do so, then it would be a violation of common law to prosecute us, because only living beings are subject to the law and only fictions are subject to the corporate fictions. The court system would be violating common law if it claimed the living human is accountable for fictional crime. A fictional entity can't be harmed, interfered with or make an agreement with a living being. So the living being has to volunteer to stand in for the fictional strawman. Stupid, rediculous but this is the sick twisted nature of rationals being used by the "legal system" to enslave humans to fantasy.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:40 AM
When they take you into court, before going throught the gates of the court, claim that you are a Free Man/Woman and also claim common law jurisdiction.
This claim will turn a De Facto(law of water) court into a De Jure(Constitutional) court, and Legal laws such as Statutes and By-Laws/regulations Nullified.

For Example:
Your brought into court for possession of illegal substances. Claim common Law jurisdiction and they have nothing on you and they will have to dismiss the case. If the judge starts reading Statutes, By-Laws or regulations, just simply state "I do not consent".

The constitution states you have the right to "Claim" your rights.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by BugByte]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Has anyone ever asked the .gov about their certificate on file?

3. Did the U.S. Federal Government ever disclose that your Certificate of Live Births were filed at the Bureau of the Census at Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C.?

I read where one man from Cali got his "real" certificate and it had endorsements from foreign countries

BTW - I entered the number on the back of a relative's SS into the Fidelity web page and I got a result. I highly doubt it is a coincidence these numbers are used on the SS cards and in the market.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by ACEMANN

I read where one man from Cali got his "real" certificate and it had endorsements from foreign countries


Originally posted by ACEMANN
BTW - I entered the number on the back of a relative's SS into the Fidelity web page and I got a result. I highly doubt it is a coincidence these numbers are used on the SS cards and in the market.

A picture of the result? I tried the process on several different SS cards and there were no results. I think if this was real, there would be some uniformity and better documentation. Also, if this was a real phenomenon, I think it would go viral in days.

Someone else asked -- has *anyone* cashed out their bond?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:40 AM
I've seen quite a bit of info on this over the last couple of years. I have also read about those people attempting to file the UCC-1 stuff and how all it ever does is give them and their families a hell of a lot of grief.

You take this blue pill, I strongly suspect from the testimonies I have seen that you and your families lives will be in a constant stae of harrassment and flux. If you are prepared to deal with that, then have at it. There is no turning back afterwards. Read READ REAd about this, there is just as much info about why NOT to do this as there is to do it.

edit--THINK about this, do you know anyone personally that you see regularly face to face that has done the UCC-1 thing? I know of no one. NOne nobody.

Personally, thats not a road I'm going down anytime soon.


[edit on 8-9-2009 by pizzaguy]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by praxis

Originally posted by ACEMANN

I read where one man from Cali got his "real" certificate and it had endorsements from foreign countries


Originally posted by ACEMANN
BTW - I entered the number on the back of a relative's SS into the Fidelity web page and I got a result. I highly doubt it is a coincidence these numbers are used on the SS cards and in the market.

A picture of the result? I tried the process on several different SS cards and there were no results. I think if this was real, there would be some uniformity and better documentation. Also, if this was a real phenomenon, I think it would go viral in days.

Someone else asked -- has *anyone* cashed out their bond?

It was in a PDF - had a lot of the same information in the OP's first post and more. The author was a woman's name if I recall. I couldn't find the link fast enough - try googling along the lines of "california man obtains birth certificate endorsed by foreign countries" or something along the lines of that. I'm pretty sure I have a copy of it at home and will post a link or at least the author's name.

I would encourage anyone interested in the RED numbers on the back of the social security card to read this article and ALL the comments. Good stuff!

Interesting Facts About SSN's

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by townio

It's not about money, it's about control and resources, natural resources and the control of them. "They" already have most of the gold and silver, platinum and diamonds, they just want the land now. For their playgrounds. Can't play when others, who hate them, occupy the land.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:17 AM

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:56 AM
i want to see if i have this right. when i bring it to brass tax, it's like
when all the spoiled brats have spent there allowance, they still get all the pop bottles too?
i think we gonna war.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by randyvs]

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