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HOORAY ! No More 'anti semitism' BS or ADL threats or 'racism' nonsense

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:17 PM
Now that the jews have come out as racists of the worst kind, it means we no longer have to tolerate the false whining about 'anti semitism'

it means we no longer have to listen to rubbish about how 'good' multiculturalism is

it means our governments will have to RETRACT all the garbage they spewed on us

it means we can stand up and DEMAND our government STOP filling our nations with migrants who downgrade our societies and with whom we have nothing in common

it means people of all shades can come out openly and state they do not like those of other shades and religions

It MEANS that people can say WHAT they choose, WHEN they choose, about whomever they choose

as they have every right to do and always did

It means that government publications pushing jewish/zionist/israeli agenda have to go in the shredder

It means that the world's populations should SACK any of their politicians who from now on attempt to push multicultural BS on the public which pays their wages

Because jews have come out worse than Stormfront

worse than the BNP

worse than the KKK

Jews have gone public

they have described intermarriage between jews and non-jews as so 'BAD' that it's worse than a water crisis

they have described any jew who's married a non-jew as as 'Abducted', as a 'Missing Person'

And jews have come out, publicly, as a matter of policy as AGAINST ANY INTEGRATION between jews and non-jews (that includes all you white, yellow, brown, black, pink non-jews out there. It includes all you Christians, Hindi, Jains, Mormons, pagans. You are formerly regarded by jewry and the israeli government as 'abductors' and 'not to be tolerated')

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:26 PM
One should never make generalizations about a people based upon what the policies their government does.

Over 50% of Jews marry non-Jewish partners. That would tend to show that the majority of Jews are *NOT* racist or elitist.

Just because the Prime Minister's Office of Israel releases a Media Campaign likening those who marry outside of their religion to Missing Persons, doesn't mean that all Jews, or even the majority of Jews feel that way.

To be honest, outside of Israel you'd be hard pressed to find *ANY* Jew that felt that way!

So lest you want to be likened to a Mass-Murdering, Genocidal, Racist who Lies, Cheats, Steals, and is Leg-Less because you have broken every promise and treaty you've ever made just because Elected and Appointed Officials in your Country have done such, then it's best to lay the blame at the door to whom it belongs.

I agree that a very big "BOO!" should be hurled in the general direction of Prime Minister of Israel. However, casting blame before all Jews around the world for what the Prime Minister of Israel has chosen to do is grossly unfair, misguided and directed.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by fraterormus]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I'm going to star your post, because it's a good one and in other circumstances I'd have written it myself

Nevertheless, I'm delighted that jews/zionists/israelis have been outed

we've lived under their de-facto rule for FAR too long, imo

They have their hands on the steering wheel of virtually every nation

They own and control the media, world wide

They comprise most of the foul lobbyists in the US, which in turn influences the policies and living conditions of much of the world

They own and control most of the publishing industry, world wide

They have infiltrated the education systems of virtually every nation

and more

And this has been achieved NOT by the 'israeli government', but by organised jewry

So I am delighted that jewry has been exposed in all its ugliness

I delight in the thought that the ADL no longer has a leg to stand on

It is with much relief that I'll no longer have to tolerate the false whining about 'anti semitism' ... and that I'll be able to pull out the evidence and whack it in their faces any time they TRY to pull the 'anti semitism' card

And when you say:

Just because the Prime Minister's Office of Israel releases a Media Campaign likening those who marry outside of their religion to Missing Persons, doesn't mean that all Jews, or even the majority of Jews feel that way.

I feel you are being disingenuous .. either deliberately or in defence of the indefensible

for as we are all aware, the jews have ALWAYS practised 'anti-everyone else' .. as evidenced by 'jew only' dating sites and agencies, for example and 'jew only' holiday tours. The examples are everywhere and people only need to be reminded to appreciate that this latest Anti-Integration POLICY by the Israeli government (Abducted and Missing Persons thing) is simply the PUBLIC and open face of a situation that's been in operation ALL the way through

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:45 PM
perhaps we should not stoop to the low level that the israeli government has chosen to stoop to?

as my pa, a pretty right on gentleman, always said to me:

'boy, occupy the high ground (or i'll kick your @$$)'

he meant it with love.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Animal]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:55 PM

So I am delighted that jewry has been exposed in all its ugliness

So some Jews are bigots, and you're using this to claim that Jews, as a people, are somehow uniquely racist, simply by virtue of the fact that they're Jewish?

And you don't recognize the irony inherent in making this claim?

Sometimes, you don't even have to argue with people, their own statements make it unnecessary

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Can you not see the blatant racism in your own remarks? Should all peoples be lumped into "clearly" defined groups based simply on the action/opinions of their elected leaders? I hardly think so. I wonder, what country are you from, that I may know what groups to lump you into?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:23 PM
Might be off topic but I found it interesting how the symbol of this "Masa Project" is very similar to the masonic symbol:

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:32 PM

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:39 PM
I think that the distinction needs to be made between someone who is Jewish by Faith, someone who who is Jewish by Race, someone who is Jewish by Culture, and someone who is an Israeli Nationalist, because they are all independent things.

There are 13,155,000 Jews by Faith worldwide. There are only 5,400,000 Jews by Faith who live in Israel. That isn't even half! There are about as many Secular Jews (Jewish by Culture) in the world as there are Jews by Faith in Israel!

In Israel alone, while 43% of the Jewish population described itself as non-religious, only 5% of the Jewish population described itself as anti-religious. A majority described themselves as traditional or more (35% traditional, 12% religious, 5% haredi).

Israel is a Secular Nation, although it has a tendency towards Political, and yes, Racial Sectarianism, it is definitely not a Theocracy. Israel is certainly not a Jewish Nation, although it's government sometimes tries really hard to be, but at great cost to their reputation both amongst the Israeli people, as well as their reputation amongst the rest of the world.

Even in regards to Judaism as a Religion it is as varied as Christianity. There are Hasidim who are Followers of the teaching of Israel Ben Eliezer,
Haredim who are Ultra-Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Progressive, Reformed, Liberal, Karaite, and even Secular Humanistic Jews.

Although 1 in 50 people in the Western World are Jewish in some form, and are going to find them in all walks of life from Banking, Finance, Law, Medicine, Science, Social sciences, Psychology, Academia, Industry, Entertainment, Media, and so forth, I don't subscribe to the Zionist fear-mongering ideas of a World-Wide Jewish Conspiracy that have persisted since the Russian Orthodox Church fabricated the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to discredit Rasputin to the Tsarina and the people of Russia. If there were a World-Wide Race or Culture that did secretly control the majority of the world (at least since the 16th century), it would be the Dutch, not the Jews!
But what is there not to like about Windmills and Wooden Clogs, so you can't really hate the Dutch for being the Secret Overlords!

The Nation of Israel has some serious issues, and you'll find that the biggest and most outspoken of opponents of many of their policies are Jewish.

I certainly don't like the fact that Israel is allowed to stockpile the largest Nuclear Weapons Arsenal in the world (larger than the U.S., Russia, and China's combined!) without scrutiny or abiding by International Treaty. I don't like the fact that Israel is provided exceptions universally by other nations, such as no other nation is allowed to have their satellites view Israel. I certainly don't like the fact that those in the Israeli Parliament won't even allow talks about allowing their government be comprised of a number of Palestinians proportional to the population. I certainly am appalled at the manner in which the Israeli government treats Palestinians and hasn't honored the Israel-Egypt Treaty which gave autonomy to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Most of all, I do not like that the United States would treat the government of Israel with the kind of exception that we do not show even towards China, Russia, or other nations which are now our "Allies", especially considering the gross Human Rights Violations that the nation of Israel commits.

I have a lot of issues with the Israeli government personally, but I don't have any issues with Jews of Faith, Race or Culture...nor do I condemn Jewish Nationals for what their government does. That is there issue to resolve just as here in the United States we have a corrupt and failing government that our citizens have to find a way to resolve.

Jews of Faith, regardless of what type of Judaism they follow, don't proselytize their religion, so they don't bother me when they practice their spiritual beliefs in their own way. Those of Jewish Race don't bother me as it really doesn't bother me if their mitochondrial DNA belong to the same haplogroups as their host (non-Jewish) European communities, with only small deviations in frequency. Heck, even Jewish Culture is fine, even if it is not my cup of tea, so long as I'm not forced to eat Gefilte and Galleh, or grow Payot, and wear a Yarmulka or a Shtreimel, and learn Yiddish. And even though I've butted heads with many a Revvi for being a Goy researching and studying certain Jewish manuscripts for being in violation of Talmudic Law, as I neither had children nor was of the appropriate age, even if being a Goy was not enough of a reason to deny me, I'm still okay with that.

However, politics in Israel...well then I'm right there with you on taking issue! Just as two Jews and an Arab in Israel will all be friends and laugh and break bread together as brothers on the subjects of Religion and Culture, the moment you bring up the topic of Politics in Israel, you are going to have three different opinions from three people who are vehemently hostile towards one each others viewpoint...which is why Peace in the Middle-East is not very likely any time soon.

And that's precisely the point...Judaism, whether you are talking about a Religion, Race, Culture or Political entity, is far too fragmented to ever come to an agreement on anything. The more Orthodox a Jew is, the more they love their debate...whether it be over Torah, or Talmud, or Secular Issues and Politics. If you can't find three Jews to agree on something pertaining to Judaism without fiercely debating it, then how could they mastermind a World-Wide Conspiracy? Really!

Politics in Israel are indeed messed up something awful and there is plenty to leave a foul taste in just about anyone's mouth, Israeli, Jew, Palestinian, and American alike. However, do not mistake bad Politics and horrific practices of government for being representative of the Jewish people.

It almost makes me wonder what foreigners on ATS think about Americans from the things our government does that are posted here as news on ATS alone! *SHUDDER*

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 12:53 PM


posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:27 PM
I want to point out what you said here...

Now that the jews have come out as racists of the worst kind, it means we no longer have to tolerate the false whining about 'anti semitism'

it means we no longer have to listen to rubbish about how 'good' multiculturalism is

it means our governments will have to RETRACT all the garbage they spewed on us

it means we can stand up and DEMAND our government STOP filling our nations with migrants who downgrade our societies and with whom we have nothing in common

it means people of all shades can come out openly and state they do not like those of other shades and religions

It MEANS that people can say WHAT they choose, WHEN they choose, about whomever they choose

as they have every right to do and always did

Do you not know how horribly racist this sounds?

[edit on 10-9-2009 by Frankidealist35]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by chalino
looks like the jew calvary has just arrived


I guess I'll take that as a compliment even though I'm most definitely goy.

I make no apologies for Anthropology/Archaeology being my major in college and being taught to step into the shoes of every culture.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:57 PM
Reply to post by St Vaast

My someone is taking a whole galaxy wide assumptive leap. And you just outted yourself it should be noted. Having visions of swashtikas eh?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:04 PM

So I am delighted that jewry has been exposed in all its ugliness

This has to be one of the dumbest threads I've seen in a long time.
All I can say is .... those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Reply to post by St Vaast

My someone is taking a whole galaxy wide assumptive leap. And you just outted yourself it should be noted. Having visions of swashtikas eh?

I'm willing to give the OP a break on this one. Although I may vehemently disagree with him on his Anti-Semitic viewpoint, he has proven himself to possess a fine intellect and astute insight in every other subject I've seen him post on.

I have also known my fair share of highly educated people who are Anti-Semitic (including Russian Orthodox Monks, Professors, and Researchers). Anti-Semitism has been around for about 1500 years now. There is a lot of deep-seeded distrust towards Jews in the Western World, it's not going to go away overnight (some of it caused by bad Jews, but most of it caused by fear-mongering). Granted, that doesn't mean that Anti-Semitism should ever be tolerated, just as any form of Racism shouldn't be tolerated, but some people may have been raised with it and not realize they are that way. Intolerance of Intolerance only begets more Intolerance. Sometimes the best way to overcome Intolerance is through Enlightenment and Education.

Compound that with the fact that the Israeli Government does do some highly objectionable things. I totally agree with the OP with his outrage about what the Israeli Prime Minister's Office has done. I also totally agree with the OP that what the Prime Minister has done in condemning Inter-Racial Marriage is indeed a form of Racism. I only diverge with him when it comes to throwing the whole baby out with the bathwater and casting blame on all Jewish peoples. Two out of three ain't bad (or at least that's how the song goes), right?

Just as I'm not willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater in regards to the Prime Minister of Israel in this particular action and how it shouldn't be reflected poorly upon all of Judaism, I'm not willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater in regards to the OP either.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Reply to post by chalino

Only partial Jew thank you very much, along with German, Cherokee and a few others. But my blood does not dictate my mind and heart. Which tells me NO ONE deserves to be herded in cattle cars and murdered in gas chambers if they were lucky. Which was caused by the same rhetoric you people spew.

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:40 PM
The original poster is just another one of the many examples of how ignorance is allowed to flourish here.

If you are going to deny ignorance, you have to deny jew-haters the ability to spread their ignorance.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:44 PM
Where does all this hatred of Jews come from on forums? Is it jealousy, like the America haters? '
There is no Jewish 'race', by the way. Judaism is a religion. Those who practice it are Jews.
Of course Jews want to marry Jews. Most people of faith want to marry one who also practices their faith.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

Jews are also a race. Back in the good ol' days (BC times), the Jews pretty much only bred with themselves, so they became a distinct race.

As someone mentioned previously, like half the Jews in Israel aren't even of Jewish religion.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by TheAmazingLoser
reply to post by stevegmu

Jews are also a race. Back in the good ol' days (BC times), the Jews pretty much only bred with themselves, so they became a distinct race.

As someone mentioned previously, like half the Jews in Israel aren't even of Jewish religion.

There's actually 1 race- the human race. Everyone falls under ethnicities, nationalities or tribes, but all are the same race- human.

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