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Why is GWB Jr still a free man!?

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posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by MysterE

Originally posted by titorite
In the six years we have been in Iraq we have found no evidence in the form of mushroom clouds no radioactive dirty bombs nada zip zilch.

Uhh, actually we found 550 metric tons of yellow cake uranium
Report: Uranium Stockpile Removed From Iraq in Secret U.S. Mission

P.S. The President of the US is just a puppet for TPTB, reguardless of their party.


[edit on 27-8-2009 by MysterE]

That uranium was never secret and it had nothing to do with The Shrub's war. It had been openly acknowledged, reported to the UN Oversight Commission, cataloged, and locked up years before Bush became President.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by jam321

I have to disagree about congress. We went to war for more than 120 days without congressional approval. And that thing in Iraq is no police action. Thats a war.

I do agree though that the level hand of the law needs to be applied evenly to everyone regardless of party affiliations.

I was just thinking though.... Some time has passed, he is out of office, his war crimes were well known while he was in office and even more stuff is coming to light after he has left office... why is he and his cabal still free?

Why don't you first go after the current problem? Obama. No records - no b/c - no selective service reg. no/ - 33 or more diff. soc sec #'s used - why? There is an imposter in office now who has one goal - to destroy us - and you want to spend your time brooding over past woes which you cannot change - pay attention to the NOW!

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

As for Obama, the media called him the messiah of hope and change, he just jumped on it. Who knows, he might have actually thought he could bring good to this country but once elected he became confronted with reality. He is just the scape goat, a mere puppet with no real power. They tell him to sign it, and he will sign it.

I don't think so.

I think Obama and McCain knew from the start BO would win. He understands his role and is playing his part well IMO. I agree with everything else you said though.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by Strictsum]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

All those Clinton era quotes are all well and good RR.

But do you remember what action was taken as a result of all that?

One, Saddam was forced to accept UN inspection teams to go in and catalog and destroy his WMD programs. AND THEY SUCCEEDED. GWB refused to believe it, but THEY SUCCEEDED. Absolutly nothing was found during or after the war that had not been reported to the UN. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Two, Clinton tried to go after Bin Laden and got close, but not close enough unfortunately. And every step of the way he was hog-tied by the right wingers that wanted to cut and run from Somalia, the same exact individuals who then said Clinton didn't do enough in Somalia. And, by the way, distracted by some perverted, peeping tom, Special Investigator, sleezing around in the private relationships between adults where he doesn't have any business going.

Three, the first thing President "I'm protecting America" Bush did was DISMANTLE the anti-terrorism organization of Richard Clarke that had been built up under Regan, his father, and Clinton. Totally and completely killed it. And then proceeded to blame Clinton for not doing enough.

Read what Clinton had to say about it here.

[edit on 27/8/2009 by rnaa]

[edit on 27/8/2009 by rnaa]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Bringing George W Bush up on criminal charges is a real joke. You can't be serious!!!!!!!

The Bush family IS one of TPTB and have been since they joined Harriman Brothers And Company in 1912.

This bank has been doing the dirty work for the Rockefellers since that time, may have been involved in the attempt to overthrow FDR.

Prior to and during WWII their activities with German/Austrian industrialist Fritz Thyssen (UBC), and Consolidated Silesian Steel Company among many others, supported and financed Hitler's rise to power.

In 1942, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over Bush's assets in the Union Banking Corporation and the Silesian-American Corporation, a company that had been managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker.

I believe Prescott Bush was deeply involved with Operation Paperclip and for his efforts, over 40 years, in behalf of the Rockefellers and others, supported his successful run for Senator of the state of Connecticut in 1952.

Prescott Bush is also responsible for bringing Eisenhower and Nixon into politics and has had 1 son and 1 grandson as POTUS.

To say that the Obama Administration is going to charge George W. only need to be shown these pictures, especially the photo on top taken 11/22/63:

Sorry folks, it's only a diversion. If Obama truly wants 'W", he will be ushered to the White House theater for a "special" showing of the Abraham Zapruder film to drive home TPTB's point.

"W" will NEVER be brought up on any charges. Pipe dreams......

Nuff said?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:12 PM

"There is historical proof that SOB knew Pearl Harbor was going to happen.Why do you think the aircraft carriers were not there?"
reply to post by calcoastseeker

I'd like to have any links that you might have regarding this (I"ll use the term) cover-up about the attack on Pearl Harbor. I find your idea very interesting.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Oldnslo

Are you suggesting that tha's Bush Sr. in that picture! You'll have to do better than that. That picture is a lot like a lot of these UFO pictures you see on ATS. Something's there but you just can't make out what it is.....I'll admit that the subject in the picture bears a resemblence to Bush, but you'll need to clean it up to be convincing.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:19 PM
Hey OP.
A waitress tried to argue with me that no WMD was ever found and her frien serving in Iraq supported that.
The NSA can see pretty much everything going on in the world. They watched where everything was buried, stored & transferred (Iran). The US cannot talk about it because the US, Germany, France, Russia ... all sold it to them. You're not going to get your friends? in trouble are you?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

George W. Bush is not a 'junior'. His daddy is George H.W. Bush.

And he's still a free man because he hasn't been put on trial and found guilty of anything.

that's right, and Vincent Bugliosi did everything he could to change that
while g.w. was still in office. my hats off to you Vin.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. great book!

[edit on 27-8-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Strictsum
reply to post by Darth Lumina

As for Obama, the media called him the messiah of hope and change, he just jumped on it. Who knows, he might have actually thought he could bring good to this country but once elected he became confronted with reality. He is just the scape goat, a mere puppet with no real power. They tell him to sign it, and he will sign it.

I don't think so.

I think Obama and McCain knew from the start BO would win. He understands his role and is playing his part well IMO. I agree with everything else you said though.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by Strictsum]

That is actually my belief, it was just too easy. The part you didn't agree with, I just sort of put it out there in slight sarcasm. But anyway, back to the election, McCain didn't even try. Of all running mates that would have been more qualified, he picks a pretty but unknown governor from Alaska named Sarah Palin? I remember when Obama became senator of Illinois, he wasn't popular until he won. He pretty much ran that race unopposed. Soon as he won, he was suddenly the greatest thing the world has ever seen. I don't know how it was seen on a national level but I saw the start of it a few years back.

I knew he would be president. He was connected to Paul Simon, who was a long time senator of Illinois until he died. I haven't heard mention of this since then, so it shows that the chicago poltics machine played its part it getting barry in the right situation. Before and right after he became senator, no one knew who the hell this guy was, in fact everyone thought he was pretty boring. Typical dull politician, nothing special. The right people behind the scenes put their man in the right spot, now it was time to elevate this man to be like Elvis and the gullible people bought it. Hook, line, and sinker.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:54 PM
If all of these posts are true about Bush, Roosevelt, and so on....we would have to put all of these people on trial, probably all the back to the begining of the U.S Presidency. I know we all want a country that is PURE AND INNOCENT OF WRONG DOING, PROTECTORS OF ALL MANKIND, ALL PEOPLE, but in reality I think that somewhere in world realtions lines in the sand have to be crossed. I for one, would hesitate in making statments about how something happened, or should have happened, who should be prosecuted for what. Simple fact is that 99.9% of us were not at these historical events or have been in the White House behind closed door meetings. In this day and age it takes a big/brave person to fill the president's shoes. Imagine being bombarded on a daily basis with information about who we should be watching, fighting, saving.....not to mention the whole dumpster of problems going on right in your own (backyard)....I wouldn't want the job, I can tell you that. I didn't vote for Obama and I don't always agree with the things that he's done, but I'm willing to give the guy a chance to try and fix our countries problems. I can tell you that I scrutinize anything released by the media. Don't believe everything that you read or hear.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

But you could possibly say the same for Bush couldn't you, as far as no one really knowing who he was (excluding Texas) before he took office???

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

So we agree

As far as Palin goes. I think she has a role in the future somehow, McCain's job was to get her national attention. She may have made the race to close and they had to make her look like an idiot to draw away some voters. There's no way anyone could be as stupid as they made her look and become Governor of a state. I don't see that happening.

I'm not exactly sure what her part is. The way I'm leaning is a move toward taking Ron Paul voters but time will tell. This seems to be what they're trying to set her up for anyway.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this though

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by skyeyes

I knew who George W Bush was before he was president. He was alot more known that Barack Obama. He may not have had national exposure just like any past president from the start, but at least he was known from somewhere. That is what I'm saying, many modern presidents at least have an area where they were known. Bush part II was a governor and son of a a former president , Clinton was a former governor, Reagan, etc. But Obama literally came from no where. He went from unknown to senator, did the senator "thing" for two days (not really that far from the truth as he pretty much was campaigning for the white house unofficially from the start) and now president. But it isn't that he rose so quickly, but it's the rock star status he recieved. Everyone was acting as though this man cured cancer or something, but what did he do that was so great to give him the support he has recieved? I asked people that throughout the election, all I would get were direct quotes from his campaign posters. "he represents change, Barack is going to save us!" Along the lines of that.

Let's also review the tactics. You had the postive approach to get everyone to love him. Just push the messiah like image, the hip image, and people just ate it up. This was done so well that he has been called an eloquent speaker and people believed that too! Yes, compared to Bush, he is but that's not saying much. At least Bush's speeches were an entertaining to the point-stuttering disaster. Obama is like a robot up there reading from his little teleprompter. But the other tactic was aimed toward those that spoke/speak against him. That's when the race card would come in. You heard a lot of, "oh if Obama doesn't win, blacks will riot!!!" kind of stuff. Not saying this scared white people into voting, because they were more duped by his GQness than anything. So it is pretty amazing how this this guy parallels Adolf Hitler. From no body, to somebody with blind supporters.

lol I realize I replied way beyond what your post about, but I obviously have a lot to say on this subject.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

But anyway, back to the election, McCain didn't even try. Of all running mates that would have been more qualified, he picks a pretty but unknown governor from Alaska named Sarah Palin?

Throw in the fact that Bush asked for 800 Billion dollar bailout and didn't even bother to let his fellow Republican McCain know what was coming down the pipe.

McCain was speechless at the news that the economy was that bad.

Obama was predetermined to win that election. A rigged fight IMO.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Darth Lumina

He was alot more known that Barack Obama
hey darth, just reading along thru your post. had to jump in for a
sec. ya bush family stretches back thru europeon royalty for centuries.
one thing kind of fascinating for me, about Obama. the very first time i ever haerd that name, was the same time i ever saw the man.

i don't know if you happened to catch it, but 2004 dem. national con.
i remember they introduced him. maybe it was just me, but the way
the intro. went down. if it had not been for him being a man of color,
i would have known beyond any dought, he would be the next man in.
the reason the skin thing thru me off is obvious, never been done before.i wonder if anyone else remembers that? i think about how wierd that was, all the time. like " ladies and gentleman a very special guest
tonight, we want you to meet. the next man,to bring the presidency
back to the democratic party in 2008. Barac Obama". (with kerry running at the time).that's how obvious it was. so then ya know, it went out of my head in dismisal. til two yrs down the road when he pops up runninig.
i could not believe, i already knew he was a cynch. all i did thru his whole campaign was shake my head. you remember how bombarded
by that elec. we were? at work conversations ,t.v., whatever came up
about obama. i'd stand there shakin my head in disbelief, of how obvious it was, for some reason he was next in line.
are people supposed to know things like that, as if they have already happened? of course not.
now most of my friends and associates, that asked me what i thought
back then. are shaken thier heads in disbelief. every one of them
thought mccain. almost got in a fight over it one night.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Doctor G

The NSA can see pretty much everything going on in the world. They watched where everything was buried, stored & transferred (Iran).
they watch planes fly into buildings.human beings torchered.
innocent familys bombed. yes quite the voyeurs arn't they?
via the all seeing eye.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by titorite

We went to war with out congressional approval to look for weapons of mass destruction that did not exist.

What say you?

I'd say that you've gotten your facts sorely confused.

It would be futile to address every inaccuracy, but the above quote is a good example.

The Congress approved the Iraq invasion after having examined all the evidence that was available to the Bush administration.

Of course, you'd be hard pressed to find a Democrat now who'll admit that, but the record is clear and irrefutable.

[edit on 2009/8/28 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by randyvs

it was the same for me. When he was running for senator he was going against a Republican named Jack Ryan, (he is the husband of Jeri Ryan from Star Trek Voyager for those that are into star trek) and I remember their campaign ads. Both pretty boring and fake like any ad. I remember know one was interested it really, just like any election and this includes myself. The only reason I was following it was because I would read up on it from the newspaper that was left on the breakroom table where i had worked at the time. Plus, coverage of this was on the television in the same breakroom, so I was following it a little more than I normally would have just out of sheer boredom.

If memory serves, Obama was considered "ahead" in the polls, but not overwhelmingly. Obama wasn't getting the rock star treatment at the time. In fact my first impression of him watching one of his ads I thought of him as an uptight, stale, boring but usual politician. No charisma, no emotion, sort of robot-like. Then it got interesting. A scandal involving Jack Ryan surfaced, a sex scandal to be exact. It turned out that he liked visiting sex clubs and would take his wife with him. Exposure of this of course made Ryan drop out, but this is when I noticed people paying attention to the race all of a sudden. They all favored Ryan now because he became interesting and even I would have wanted him to win.

Then the opposition to Obama was vacant. He was the only candidate with exposure, but the rock star status didn't arrive yet. First attention was drawn to who would replace Jack Ryan. The first person that got lots of attention, and I think this went national, for replacing Ryan was Mike Ditka (for those that don't know who he is, he was the head coach for the Chicago Bears that led them to their Super Bowl win, so very popular in the state) But Ditka never announced he was interested, he was getting exposure as if he was. This last for a few weeks, but he insisted he wasn't going to run because he didn't want his past all over the place.

Then as the weeks went by, Obama was still the only one in this race. Here's where the confusion came. Of all the politicians in Illinois, including the ones who didn't win in the primary, why didn't they step up? No one did. I found this to be strange. It was even stranger when they brought in Senator Alan Keyes to run against him. What was strange about it, is that he was from Massachusetts and to my knowledge he never resided in Illinois. They set up a "residence" in Calumet city, which is a suburb south of Chicago and the race went similar to that of McCain/Obama. Keyes didn't really fight, it was as though it was set up for Obama to win. And it was. Obama won overwhelmingly. This is when the rock star status began.

Right when he won, the reporters were asking him if he would run in 2008 and he said he didn't have plans like that and didn't really give a straight answer. I knew he was going to run. But then the media coverage of him was strange. When his first day in the senate was coming, they built it up as though it was a big deal. I doubt that they had ever did this with a senator starting his job. Then as 2008 was approaching, the propaganda for him got progressively bigger. I pointed this out many times throughout the years, and others noticed this as well because know one knows where he came from, why he is suddenly so popular, and what has he done that made him this popular?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by randyvs

i don't know if you happened to catch it, but 2004 dem. national con.
i remember they introduced him. maybe it was just me, but the way
the intro. went down. if it had not been for him being a man of color,
i would have known beyond any dought, he would be the next man in.
the reason the skin thing thru me off is obvious, never been done before.i wonder if anyone else remembers that? i think about how wierd that was, all the time. like " ladies and gentleman a very special guest
tonight, we want you to meet. the next man,to bring the presidency
back to the democratic party in 2008.

Same here, I'd never heard of the guy before that night either. There was something about it that made me feel like he would be President one day. I never thought it would be the next election though.

They moved fast with that one.

Man, this thread is way off topic now.

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