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NAVY Space Command Uncovered

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Yes, Zorgon, the real leader and controllers in Space Technology has to be the Navy.

Have an update on the LASER weapons. Accrding to this press released video the NAVY has been working on these lasers for DECADES and testing them at hina Lake and St Nicholas island

Navy Laser Weapon System (LaWS) PR Video

Successful Test Events at China Lake and San Nicholas Island

Laser weapon system shoots down UAV | R&D Mag

Shipborne Raytheon Laser Weapon System (LaWS) Shoots Down Four Drone Aircraft over the Water in U.S. Navy Test (Video!): Can it Protect our Aircraft Carriers from the Latest Above-Water Threats?

LASER WEAPON SYSTEM (LaWS) ENGAGEMENT SUCCESS - Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) file photo of the Laser Weapon System (LaWS) - KTM Prototype used in a May 24 test.

The Naval Sea Systems Command Directed Energy and Electric Weapon Systems Program Office - with support from NSWCDD, the Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems' Close In Weapon System (CIWS) Program Office, and Raytheon Missile Systems - fired a laser through a beam director on a KINETO Tracking Mount controlled by a MK 15 CIWS at San Nicholas Island, Calif., May 24, successfully tracking, engaging, and destroying, for a second time, a threat representative unmanned aerial vehicle in flight in an over-the-water combat representative scenario.

Navy Laser Destroys Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in a Maritime Environment

WASHINGTON — Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), with support from Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren, for the second time successfully tracked, engaged, and destroyed a threat representative Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) while in flight, May 24, at San Nicholas Island, Calif.

This marks the first Detect-Thru-Engage laser shoot-down of a threat representative target in an over-the-water, combat representative scenario.

A total of two UAV targets were engaged and destroyed in a maritime environment during the testing, the second series of successes for the U.S. Navy’s Laser Weapon System (LaWS) Program. Members of NAVSEA's Directed Energy and Electric Weapon Systems (DE&EWS) Program Office (PMS 405), Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS), Raytheon Missile Systems, and NSWC Dahlgren fired a laser through a beam director on a KINETO Tracking Mount, controlled by a MK 15 Close In Weapon System (CIWS). This brings to a total of seven UAVs destroyed by the Surface Navy’s first tactical development for fielding a Directed Energy weapon system.

“The success of this effort validates the military utility of DE&EWS in a maritime environment. Further development and integration of increasingly more powerful lasers into Surface Navy LaWS will increase both the engagement range and target sets that can be successfully engaged and destroyed,” said Program Manager Capt. David Kiel.

NAVSEA's DE&EWS Program Office is responsible for managing the research, development, integration, and acquisition initiation of DE&EWS for the Navy's surface forces. PEO IWS 3BC is the Program Office responsible for all aspects of the CIWS Program with Raytheon serving as the Navy’s prime contractor for CIWS. NSWC Dahlgren, as the LaWS Technical Direction Agent (TDA), focuses on the technology development and test and evaluation for directed energy.

DE&EWS is transitioning technology from the laboratory to prototype system development/test for operational development and use. One of the multiple 'game changing' technologies under development includes laser weapons that provide for speed-of-light engagements at tactically significant ranges with cost savings realized by minimizing the use of defensive missiles and projectiles.

NSWC DAHLGREN DIVISION - Navy Laser Destroys Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Navy Directed Energy Weapon Contract Aids Kratos Defense Restructuring Plan

edit on 13-11-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:20 PM
so babe-snively article

Whatever the reason why congress decided to eliminate the projects, it surely wasn’t due to a lack of progress. In January, FEL researchers successfully tested an important component known as an injector, which is used to produce the type of electrons necessary to generate megawatt laser beams. And tests on the hypersonic railgun consistently shattered records.

1. most problem of FEL isn't to get powerful beams, but to focus'em onto minimal area

2. railgun's projectile has too high aerodynamic drag & most kinetic energy goes to nowhere before hit the target + each shot destructs railgun itself + elevation of muzzle varies kinetic energy at rendezvous point enormously

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by zorgon

That's not good enough. It has to be able to shoot down multiple Mach 3 Antiship Missiles.

We need something better.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:43 AM
Did anyone happen to catch the special on NatGeo last night called "When Aliens Attack" ?

They cover a "we're getting our asses kicked" scenario but made mention, by NICK POPE of all people, of many highly advanced "Black" weapons such as the Rail Gun and various laser systems being viable counter-weapons to an advanced-tech threat. They way it was so nonchalantly presented made the viewer think that this stuff has been around for quite some time and is just waiting in some bunker somewhere for a good time to roll it out.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:45 PM

hella love this one
to burn paper dragon out & to $h*t about of that so much after !
Yep, no the least hesitation DEW (directed-energy weapon) is very useful to fry/confuse guidance system or "naked" eyes, but to melt missiles down in so severe manner -- OMG WTF & WTH

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit
Did anyone happen to catch the special on NatGeo last night called "When Aliens Attack" ?

Yeah first time I saw it I made a post here in an old thread that hardly got any attention

Its on Youtube as well the full feature Posted at that link

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Don't forget that what they show the public is about 30 years old

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Don't forget that what they show the public is about 30 years old

Hi, Z; according to my sources, if they let us know about it or demonstrate it, it is already obsolete... kinda makes you roll your eyes at some of the replies...


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Zorgon, The Seeker_713g

Amici, if that ain't so big deal, shed to me some light onto what exactly Their state-of-the-art lasers are capable of ?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Don't forget that what they show the public is about 30 years old

Yes, you are correct.
This laser looks like a lame version of Reagans Star Wars project.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by SarK0Y
Zorgon, The Seeker_713g

Amici, if that ain't so big deal, shed to me some light onto what exactly Their state-of-the-art lasers are capable of ?

Think Star Trek. --- U.S.S. Enterprise D ---
Do not deter aggression with obsolete weapons.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

really Great
my turn: i would like to suggest Them to use USS Enterprise as space taxi for ISS

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by SarK0Y
Amici, if that ain't so big deal, shed to me some light onto what exactly Their state-of-the-art lasers are capable of ?

Well maybe something closer to THIS

Since this was from the 80's perhaps you could run over to the old KBG headquarters and get us some info

Looks a lot like our X-37

At the end of the 1980s, the Russian press revealed that a leading Soviet space designer, Vladimir Chelomei, had worked on a mini-Shuttle, which could be an economical alternative to the heavy US Space Shuttle and Russia's own Buran. However later publications hinted that Chelomei saw his reusable orbiter as the Soviet response to Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars" program. Chelomei's mini-Shuttle, apparently, would be capable of carrying laser weapons and shooting down American ballistic missiles.


So... you first

edit on 16-11-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by zorgon

oh, Amicus, aforementioned, by you, project has the damned dumb & simple idea -- to take electronics of satellites, missiles etc. down. USA has had the same systems, 4 e.g. HAARP to transmit hella heap of energy towards chosen point onto surface

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by SarK0Y

Well you guys had SURA long before we had HAARP

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Heck, i like this Idea

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:31 PM
Just something for Zorgon to think about,there was a good comparison to the space between the earth and the moon being like a sea or an ocean,now just take that analogy a step further and you will see how natural science is the key to our discovering the secrets of unlimited universal power sources.

Think about the requirements for traveling through space to be as those of travelling through water,UNDER,water ,now paralell all the natural conditions and ponder this,the supercavitating torpedo travels through the water in a bubble of gas,this gas creates a sort of transition zone between natural elemental states,a "no mans land"where the normal laws of physics dont apply ,this is exactly how you travel in space,you discover a way to create a "transition zone"between two natural elemental states,and you "slip"through space,or you go the manual or old fashioned way ,eg.underwater--propeller driven torpedo--to supercavitating,in air---propeller driven plane--to jet powered plane.

Space ---Space Shuttle--?????

What is this answer,what method have they chosen to try to "slip'through space??

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by one4all

hmmmmmmm..... if i got your thought in the right way, ye mean something like time-space warps to shorten distance between space points, didn't ya?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:40 PM
this idea has been fermented around for dozen yrs, but, so far, far not clear how to use the conception like that: we have natural warps like Black Holes, but they're too distant from us, to create artificial "short tunnels" needs huge heap of energy. anyway, this question requires long, long R&D's

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by SarK0Y

Maybe a time warp initiated in space could do this.Maybe "time warp"is overthinking the whole idea.If you farted in a pool someone underwater would likely observe that the bubbles of gas rose faster than they themselves do in water,the observation would be there but no theory to back it up,so who says we need theory,why does it have to be so complicated?

For that matter why so long to figure out how to do this in water?New high tech planes have started to do this similar thing,they are covered in materials that deteriorate as the plane flys causing a natural reaction that renders them in some cases invisible or hard to see or find with radar or electronics.

There seems to be some MAJOR basic physics issues that arent adding up here and I am not saying that there is some new physics we are missing either,I am saying that I think we have ALL BEEN LIED to regarding the natural material nature of space itself,imagine what we DONT know because we cant go there,The organisatins who have gone off planet ARE NOT FORTHCOMING AT ALL.

I guess I am saying that we might be able to extrapolate the material nature of space for ourselves sans lies if we observe the natural interactions on the levels we DO know about ,thereby discovering through natural logic how the interactions might want to happen.

eg,we already know about the interactions between our water world and our air world ,now we need to apply these basic lines of natural logic to our transition from our air world to our space world,there is continuity in nature and if we release our vanity we can see the patterns that nature creates a little clearer.The natural interactions between our air world and our space world MUST have natural universal origins and destinations,just like the factors involved when we introduce bubbles of gas to water environments.Are we dealing with an electric?world in space?Are we transitioning from an air world to an energy world as we went from a water world to an air world?We need to re-define our perspectives of the material nature of space because it seems pretty clear to me that we have been told semi-truths.

I say this because I was abducted as a child and taken to the moon base or school or whatever as others have been
and can remember things about the craft and the trip ,and it reminded me of an underwater trip in many ways.The craft was VERY similar to a small plane a prop plane in that it was way to flimsey to make me feel comfortable,I connected the feeling the first time I travelled in a small prop plane.

I guess overall I am trying to encourage those people who seem to have momentum in the field of deciphering the lies we are told by our government and industry controlled scientists.

You guys here at ATS seem to be those people.

I am simply an experiencer who has the ability to accept an alternative reality to the SINGLE one most of us are aware of,this means my mind does not function within the acceptable average or normal boundries.Many people are like this naturally but dont have the confidence and conviction of a real experiencer.It is that tiny little edge that puts us over the top when it comes to discovering new ways to approach our reality.Extreme by normal standards levels of education and learning also bring you to the point I am at from a different direction.Many people I have met here end up here for that very reason ,they "know"they are "smarter than the average chimp"but MAJOR issues in their worlds just dont add up.So they seek answers from others they "know"are also equally smart.They need to step outside of the box to find thinkers who they intrisicly know are equal to them in intellect ,but DID NOT GAIN THAT INTELLECT OR KOWLEDGE IN THE CONVENTIONAL MANNER THEY THEMSELVES LEARNED IT.

I come here for the opposite reason,I have no degree of high learning but have an open mind and an altered perception of reality and possibilities.I kow this is the place to find equalibrium as do the others here.

It is the formally educated people here that are willing to use their perspectives as tools while they themselves open their minds even further than their educaton has to incorporate the ideas and potentials of people like myself that are the key to our future,the balance between cold hard science and cold hard spiritualism is where we meet here on ATS.

I must apologise for going in this direction but,to me this is funny,I was abducted and taken aboard a HUGE military craft during an event,the craft was manned by HUMANS weraing blue one piece uniforms,like spandex.I was able to talk to the soldiers openly,they are already a part of a GALACTIC military force,and we are already involved by proxy in a war,I was given the opportunity ot join them to leave,and the ships are controlled by thought ,I was tol had the ability at seven to operate one

edit on 17-11-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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