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Robert Dean on UFO Conference in Barcelona Spain

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:20 PM
I watched most of the first day of the 'conference' via livefeed . What really got my interest was the photographs that Robert Dean produced of past Apollo missions and also photographs of ships orbiting Saturn. Apollo photographs are 26 min. into the presentation.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by L.HAMILTON]

[edit on 26-7-2009 by L.HAMILTON]

[edit on 26-7-2009 by L.HAMILTON]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:30 PM
I just watched Deans performance as well. He's clearly in love with himself, although he hasn't quite developed the kind of messiah complex that Greer has, for example.

But when he put up his pictures, and his commentary on them, I had to get nauseous. For example, he puts up a blurry pic of some white streaks and says its a 2000 mile (or whatever) wide artificial craft around Saturn! Its a f$%^ing blurry white spot! How does he know this? Does he give any evidence? no, just his mellifluous testimonial that thats what it is.

Hes got some washed out and over contrasted pic from Mariner (for gods sake - if this pic is from Mariner its from the 60's!) purportedly showing an airport on Mars. Sure, we've got state of the art photos from all kinds of recent spacecraft photographing mars, and hes putting up a 40 year old crappy pic as evidence that "all kinds of things are going on" on mars. None of his other pictures are any better than the most crackpot nonsense that is posted daily here unfortunately.

thats it for Dean, as far as I am concerned. I was on the fence about him until I watched this, now he is firmly in the loony bin.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 04:57 AM
I have 2 eyes.

His photos were very amazing, and the ones NASA erased.

I don't know why above poster is trying to run uphill but most of us are against NASA and their erasing of evidence.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Dean's either a wackjob, a liar or a quality BS merchant. Now some will say "Ahh well...not EVERYTHING he says is BS." It doesn't matter. He's lying. He claims that Nibiru is coming in 2012, twice the size of Earth and that Nasa consult Sitchin for advice. He then claims that HiRise has imaged it.

'Bob's' Nasa images have been discussed on ATS plenty of times. The sum of his 'insider' status is dependent on the same information available to anyone else. Basically, his research amounts to selected ideas and images of ATS and Living Moon.

I wonder why he leaves out his adventures on alien spaceships? The X-Conference attendees would have lapped it up...

If people are interested in UFOs there are genuine researchers out there. Don't encourage these well-versed conmen by giving them the attention they crave. He's actually shameless.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Longchenpa
I just watched Deans performance as well. He's clearly in love with himself, although he hasn't quite developed the kind of messiah complex that Greer has, for example.

But when he put up his pictures, and his commentary on them, I had to get nauseous. For example, he puts up a blurry pic of some white streaks and says its a 2000 mile (or whatever) wide artificial craft around Saturn! Its a f$%^ing blurry white spot! How does he know this? Does he give any evidence? no, just his mellifluous testimonial that thats what it is.

Hes got some washed out and over contrasted pic from Mariner (for gods sake - if this pic is from Mariner its from the 60's!) purportedly showing an airport on Mars. Sure, we've got state of the art photos from all kinds of recent spacecraft photographing mars, and hes putting up a 40 year old crappy pic as evidence that "all kinds of things are going on" on mars. None of his other pictures are any better than the most crackpot nonsense that is posted daily here unfortunately.
What can you say of Russian Space program workings?

thats it for Dean, as far as I am concerned. I was on the fence about him until I watched this, now he is firmly in the loony bin.

It's funny, because this was the very clip which made me convinced there was some truth to his presentation. The pictures in particular were striking for me.

Now, yourself and others are very quick to say no, Bob Dean is a hack. I'm not so sure... but anyway, there is no use to argue, but what about what Buzz Aldrin says about the Monolith on Mars?

And by the way, Russia is currently on the front lines of new photography of Mars, with the approaching Phobos...
edit on 11-12-2011 by Aqualung2012 because: adding a point

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:57 AM
Dean, Hoagland and the likes all make a very nice living with their wild stories. If you don't research and take the time to analyse what there saying you get sucked in. Unfortunately these type of people just damage the credibility of the subject.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by L.HAMILTON
What really got my interest was the photographs that Robert Dean produced of past Apollo missions

there wasn't any AS12-51-8553 on any of the apollo 12 magazines, which was actually the s-ivb...

the image number AS12-50-7346 was also incorrect, that image is probably AS12-51-7552 whereas the incorrect number points back to the rocket stage...

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 04:42 PM
Ahhh Bob The Fraud's at it again. I can't help but laugh at this guy sometimes, and he definately loves the sound of his own voice. Always feels like he's acting. Pretty sure Sir Lord Hill Norton caught him out once as well.

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