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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:22 AM
No problems with gays, everyone is entitled to do what they feel.

Gotta say though i can't stand the camp gays, they are so annoying and i hate the way they are so pushy.

All i know is if we were all gay we could wave goodbye to the human race.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by jeasahtheseer
A lot of you keep saying being gay is wrong and the only reason you have is a religious reason. Do you people not realize everyone is not religious? Everyone does not believe in god. So therefore your views don't apply to them, sorry to say.

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Thus saith the Lord GOD, end of subject..............whether he is your God has no relevance, he IS GOD and will pass final judgement.........

Blind yourself to reality, homosexuality is a deathpenalty offense to GOD.

Repent or die in the lake of fire..............

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Magantice

When it comes to property law there is no better angle than business law. If you are a homosexual in a union make it a business. I say the same to any family. If you are a couple with children the same applies. If you are partners in life be partners in business. It makes the whole probate thing moot. If you want your children to inherit the family business make them partners. If you want your homosexual partner to inherit make them your business partner and watch that problem evaporate. Planning makes all the difference.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:44 AM
Thank you UFOTECH, While we are not in a position to be business partners at this time, its a great suggestion and we will work towards it. We do have power of attorney over each other and wills but they can be contested I suppose. Anyway, thank you again. Magantice

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Who really gives a damn? Do we still have folks that want to beat/kill because something touches a nerve? I love PDA, whoever it is. I don't like to see guy's kiss, but I love to see two girls kiss. That's just me. I dig girls. So I have to take what I like with what I don't. It's fair and it's life. What does that say about me? Gay is ok as long as it turns me on? I love women and always will. They just get me going. I don't need a 5'8" blonde, give me Natalie Merchant or my wife. A guy could never do that for me regardless how "hot" he is. At the same time my wife, can put herself there. We've never done that, not even on my birthday. Natalie is getting a lil old now, so I 've given up we had a chance. I don't get the whole anal thing. That has to hurt, plus it seems a little messy, if you get what I mean. No stinky on my dinky, but to each their own.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Come down off of your pedistal and realize that each soul will be judged according to its works. I doubt there with be a homosexual group judging. Perhaps my faith will save me. In the mean time pray...........

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by OhZone

I agree. There is a segment of our population who are definitely over the top! I have been known to tell them to 'grow a pair', but alas I fear that they will always be there! That is part of why I posted this thread. To let people know that we are not all like that. I would point out that women who dress like three dollar hookers are the equivalent on your side of the fence. We all have the 'lunatic fringe', but none of us should be judged by those types!

Then the solution is simple... Make a public declaration that you want nothing to do with the "fringe elements", and worry no more.

Homosexuality is something I disagree with, but, if you want to do something in the privacy of your own home feel free!

What I really dislike and even feel angry about are the homosexuals that feel the need to have these "gay pride" marches and such forth, just to ram it all down our throats (metaphorically speaking) one more time.

It is time to actually say to yourself that life is life, people are people, and everyone is different. Just accept the fact that people are going to disagree with you sometimes. The best cure for this though is to "kill 'em with kindness".

Last time you had an argument did you try smiling? If not, the next time you get into heated discussion put a big friendly smile on your face and say something off the wall ("I love you" works). Watch the argument melt away (or get worse if your arguing with a real psycho).

The point here is that I disagree with many of my friends about life, love and such forth. They and I are always in discussion, but at the end of the day we know we're all different, we accept that and we all love each other regardless. There is never, ever a nasty comment about our opinions or thoughts... that would only wreck the wonderful relationships we have.


posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:26 AM
I dont understand the whole gay marriage debate in the US.. I really dont. Here in Finland we have a system were we have 1)"marriage" and 2)"registered" relationship" which is meant for same sex couples.

Both institutions are equal legally speaking and gay couples get all the same benefits as straight couples.. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that gay marriage is not called marriage - it's called a "registered relationship". If your conservatives feel so strongly about protecting the sanctity of marriage (whatever that means), then why dont you settle the whole issue with a simple semantic solution like we did?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by heliosprime

Originally posted by jeasahtheseer
A lot of you keep saying being gay is wrong and the only reason you have is a religious reason. Do you people not realize everyone is not religious? Everyone does not believe in god. So therefore your views don't apply to them, sorry to say.

22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Thus saith the Lord GOD, end of subject..............whether he is your God has no relevance, he IS GOD and will pass final judgement.........

Blind yourself to reality, homosexuality is a deathpenalty offense to GOD.

Repent or die in the lake of fire..............

Preach all your god crap all you want. I don't buy it and no one I know does. I find it funny how I plainly said in my post all you guys can do is point to religious stuff, and then of course you point to something religious! ahaha. I don't care about your religion. and none of it affects me or anyone I know, sorry to say.

May I ask what was the point of responding to me? All you did was make yourself look like a idiot lol. Because you did EXACTLY what I was talking about in my post.

It looks so hilarious when you guys quote bible text with all this "thou" talk and this and that. You guys are basing your lives on a ANCIENT text. How stupid and uncivilized.

Get off your high horse, you are no body special. And neither am I. But thats the point, we are all equal. No one is better than anyone else, and no one is specially selected to go to heaven or anything. If heaven exists GOOD PEOPLE will be allowed in there, no matter if they gay, black, pink, straight, white, OR WHATEVER. Most likely people like you won't be the ones in heaven, i guarantee that.

Plus I'm not gay so this stuff doesn't apply to me, but it doesn't apply to gay people either. All that crap you guys are quoting is ancient stupid bible babble bull crap. Your little bible and EVIL brainwashing, mind controlling, world destroying, hateful religion will be forgotten about a couple hudnred years from now.

You seriously think someone like you is going to heaven if heaven exists? Hell no, it will be the pure, non hateful, loving people that will go to heaven. You hateful disgusting VILE prejudice and racist people will be burning in hell.

I've seen you in other parts of this board posting all kinda racist crap too. I have a half black daughter, is she unnatural and is she going to burn in hell too? I bet you think she will. You sir, are VILE. You are a disgusting human being. Actually you don't deserve to be called a human, you are a disgusting ANIMAL.

You disgust me. You are TRASH and I'm glad I don't encounter your kind much where I live. I used to when I lived down south (no offense to GOOD southern people), but not anymore, and I'm happy with that.

And for your information I used to be religious but then "god" took my nineteen year old little sisters life in iraq. If god was real he wouldn't have let her die. So therefore I lost ALL faith. And I know people say "it was her time" or some crap like that, but no, she was nineteen years old, just getting life started, it was not "her time". That right there is proof to me that there is no god.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Erastus
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Who really gives a damn? Do we still have folks that want to beat/kill because something touches a nerve? I love PDA, whoever it is. I don't like to see guy's kiss, but I love to see two girls kiss. That's just me. I dig girls. So I have to take what I like with what I don't. It's fair and it's life. What does that say about me? Gay is ok as long as it turns me on? I love women and always will. They just get me going. I don't need a 5'8" blonde, give me Natalie Merchant or my wife. A guy could never do that for me regardless how "hot" he is. At the same time my wife, can put herself there. We've never done that, not even on my birthday. Natalie is getting a lil old now, so I 've given up we had a chance. I don't get the whole anal thing. That has to hurt, plus it seems a little messy, if you get what I mean. No stinky on my dinky, but to each their own.

Yeah well, to bad those girls who are kissing eachother most likely want nothing to do with you because they are lesbians lol. And why are you telling a gay guy what you are attracted to? I doudt he cares lol.

This is the same as what you straight people are complaining about with the gays, you guys say you don't like they are always bragging about their sexuality. But then us straight guys are always constantly talking about hot girls.. No one cares about what you find attractive, no one cares about what i find attractive, no one cares about what gays find attractive, NO ONE CARES!

By the way I'm not attacking your or anything with this post, I am just bored and felt like posting something to be honest lol.

/end rant.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:01 AM

As you said, now you know how it feels to be a woman.
I have this happen to me every single day, whether I got to buy milk, or just stand outside to have a cigarette.

So, I would say that your problem is with men, not just gay men.
Gay men are no more guilty of this than straight men.

Actually, I wouldn't say men are the only guilty party here. We just tend to be more open and honest about that which we find attractive. I have noticed many instances where females have been taking an extra long gaze at certain males. Their reaction when they are "caught" doing this is kind of funny, like "oh, he has a really nice shirt...lovely colours"
It is like they are really embarrassed or something.

You are probably an attractive female and should not look at this in such a negative way (men looking in your direction). Most men who look at you are probably thinking "wow she is pretty, her smile lightens up my day..." not "Wow, I'd love to screw her!" You get these inaccurate generalisations from shows on TV that portray heterosexual males as seflish, inconsiderate, hormone manipulated idiots.

[edit on 12/7/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne
As you said, now you know how it feels to be a woman.
I have this happen to me every single day, whether I got to buy milk, or just stand outside to have a cigarette.

So, I would say that your problem is with men, not just gay men.
Gay men are no more guilty of this than straight men.

Oh, women do it too. I could tell some stories, but I've had women get me drunk and take advantage of me while I was passed out and so forth, and that isn't even the worse of them, that's just one that I can actually say on here.

It just wasn't the topic so I didn't mention it. Although I'm sure it's much worse for women.

As for the topic of gay marriage, I don't think the state should be involved in it anyway. If a church doesn't want to marry you, then tough IMO. If you find a church that will marry you, ok none of my business. I personally honestly think marriage is a sham anyway, it's not like you need to do those things to spend your lives together, and if you are doing it for insurance purposes then it's probably not a good reason for it anyway.

If someone think it somehow harms their marriage, then I'm sorry you have such a superficial relationship.

If someone wants to quote the bible, then you are just a hypocrite hiding behind the bible as a way of covering up your own biases. If it was simply a matter of the bible as those like to claim, then you would be keeping the other things such as killing your disobedient children. But you don't, which only goes to prove you don't actually care that the bible says it or not, you are just using the bible as an excuse to hide your biases, and it's pathetic.

Jesus makes the above point to the pharisees because they were also hypocrites who gave that excuse on why they did what they did, but yet picked and choose which ones they followed.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

this has taken me about 1/2 hour to look this up; my apologies if it has already been addressed:

Couple of quick questions for you, just to establish consistency:

1. Have you purchased any strangers' children lately? Lev 25:44 shows you how.

2. About what time do you generally schedule your burnt offerings? Lev. 16 has pretty specific guidelines.

3. do you ever cut your hair or beard? Naughty, naughty. Lev. 19:27 forbids it.

4. D'you think adulterers should be put to death, or just the married one? Lev. 20:10 condones putting to death both.

5. I hope your altar wasn't made with hewn stones, for that will polute it, at least according to Exodus 20:25. How heavy of a stone can you lift?

(incidentally, this was approximately the time period wherein God spake these words to Moses on the mount....... not to try and secondguess God, however it would've been a swell time to lay down the laws that were important to Him. hmmmmmm. I'm not finding the homosexuality commandment.......)

6. My stupid neighbor down the street insists upon working on Sundays, and he isn't quiet about it either. I'm unclear on exactly who is supposed to put him to death for this. Any idea? Exodus 35:2 does make it clear. I would've thought it was the pastor's duty, except technically, he works on Sundays too, as it is a job for which he has paid to do.

7. When you stone somebody as a group for blaspheming the name of the Lord, are the children of the congregation required to participate? Lev. 24:16 doesn't make this clear.

You know what? I could go on and on and on. Understand this: I am not assailing the Holy Bible, I am lampooning those who choose to cherry-pick from it.

A reasoned person will not follow the entirety of these scriptures, as they were written for another time, another people. People who didn't have refrigeration, who didn't understand about transmitting diseases, people who apparently thought it was fine and dandy and normal to purchase, own and trade in slaves.

In Exodus of the Bible, God lays down His commandments to Moses. These are apparently the mores that He is concerned with.

Still want to hang your hat on those three somewhat unclear sections of Leviticus?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Well...i'm against gay rights, period.

I'm more into HUMAN rights, that apply to everyone, whether they happen to prefer same sex or opposite sex relationships.

Human is human, regardless of who you love.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by argentus

" I would've thought it was the pastor's duty, except technically, he works on Sundays too, as it is a job for which he has paid to do."

WOW! How have i never thought this before?!

That is absolutely spot on! They DO get paid, don't they! So, yeah - another case of do as i say and not as i do.

Thanks for that point.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:30 AM
Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by heliosprime

7. When you stone somebody as a group for blaspheming the name of the Lord, are the children of the congregation required to participate? Lev. 24:16 doesn't make this clear.

Well....I suppose it depends on whether or not they bought some fake beards and dressed up to look like men.......

I am lampooning those who choose to cherry-pick from it.

Well done, mate!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Here's an interesting question:

Are there any people that identify themselves as being gay that would take offence to a straight pride march, if it were clearly identified that the purpose of the march were not to put down gay people, but to rather feel united in being straight?

This might shock some people but I think it's a valid question, and I'm not trying to make any kind of point, but rather elicit opinion on it.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by heliosprime

this has taken me about 1/2 hour to look this up; my apologies if it has already been addressed:

Couple of quick questions for you, just to establish consistency:

1. Have you purchased any strangers' children lately? Lev 25:44 shows you how.

2. About what time do you generally schedule your burnt offerings? Lev. 16 has pretty specific guidelines.

3. do you ever cut your hair or beard? Naughty, naughty. Lev. 19:27 forbids it.

4. D'you think adulterers should be put to death, or just the married one? Lev. 20:10 condones putting to death both.

5. I hope your altar wasn't made with hewn stones, for that will polute it, at least according to Exodus 20:25. How heavy of a stone can you lift?

(incidentally, this was approximately the time period wherein God spake these words to Moses on the mount....... not to try and secondguess God, however it would've been a swell time to lay down the laws that were important to Him. hmmmmmm. I'm not finding the homosexuality commandment.......)

6. My stupid neighbor down the street insists upon working on Sundays, and he isn't quiet about it either. I'm unclear on exactly who is supposed to put him to death for this. Any idea? Exodus 35:2 does make it clear. I would've thought it was the pastor's duty, except technically, he works on Sundays too, as it is a job for which he has paid to do.

7. When you stone somebody as a group for blaspheming the name of the Lord, are the children of the congregation required to participate? Lev. 24:16 doesn't make this clear.

You know what? I could go on and on and on. Understand this: I am not assailing the Holy Bible, I am lampooning those who choose to cherry-pick from it.

A reasoned person will not follow the entirety of these scriptures, as they were written for another time, another people. People who didn't have refrigeration, who didn't understand about transmitting diseases, people who apparently thought it was fine and dandy and normal to purchase, own and trade in slaves.

In Exodus of the Bible, God lays down His commandments to Moses. These are apparently the mores that He is concerned with.

Still want to hang your hat on those three somewhat unclear sections of Leviticus?

Wow, GREAT POST! This is kind of what I wanted to put in my post above, but I don't know much about the bible, so I wouldnt have been able to find these quotes.

But yeah, I cannot STAND people who cherry pick and choose what morals and what beliefs in their religion to stand by, and what not to. And I especially can't stand these people if they are preaching to other people, like this Helios dude is doing.

As matter of fact I have no problem with religious people whatsoever, most my family is religious and my wife is VERY religious, I just can't stand the people who preach.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:48 AM
This is ridiculous:

If you seriously have a problem with gay people, I invite you to grow the hell up and stop hiding behind some thousand(s of) year old book.

There is no point making intricate and thought out arguments when all you are going to get from those you are 'trying to convince' is a bunch of ridiculous, nonsensicle and often made up crap.

Oh, and anyone who says "I don't hate the sinner (gays), I hate the sin (being gay)" is in need of a punch in the mouth from the strongest person within arms reach.

I don't know why biggots are called by any other name; biggoted views are the sign of a biggot, regardless of their church attendance.

[edit on 7/12/0909 by spines]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by heliosprime

Case in point: A first class idiot hiding his hate behind words that are over two thousand years old.

Those same versus condone murder for children who disrespect their parents or women who cheat on their husbands. Either you start stoning people in the town square with regularity or you grow the hell up and keep your hate to yourself.

Quoting god doesn't exclude you from the 'Asshole list".

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